山西省2020年(春秋版)英语三年级下册Unit3 After School Activities 单元测试卷A卷

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山西省2020年(春秋版)英语三年级下册Unit3 After School Activities 单元测试卷A卷_第1页
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山西省2020年(春秋版)英语三年级下册Unit3 After School Activities 单元测试卷A卷_第2页
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山西省2020年(春秋版)英语三年级下册Unit3 After School Activities 单元测试卷A卷_第3页
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山西省2020年(春秋版)英语三年级下册Unit3 After School Activities 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Be quiet, please. David _ his homework now. ( )AdoBdoingCis doing2 . We should bring our own shopping bags and stop using_ when shopping. ( )Aplastic bagsBhandbagsCschoolbags3 . Let _ tell you _ my community. ( )AI; ofBme; ofCI; aboutDme; about读一读,选出划线单词的正确意思。4 . It has a long tail. ( )A腿B尾巴C脖子5 . Nice to see you again. ( )A好的B一会C又,再6 . How many animals do you know? ( )A多少B什么C怎么样7 . The panda is black and white. ( )A黑白色B白色C黑色8 . Welcome back to school( ). A欢迎B回来C学校9 . What do you want? ( )_ALet me go.BI want a magazine.10 . Were going to _ basketball. ( )AplayBplayingCplay the给下列单词/词组搭配恰当的图片。11 . play football ( )AB12 . sing songs ( )AB13 . bat ( )AB14 . dancing shoes ( )AB15 . paper-cutting ( )AB16 . He isfootball. ( )AplaysBplayingCplay17 . Its time for lunch. Lets . ( )Adrink some milkBeat some riceCgo to bed.二、阅读选择阅读理解。Dear Mum,How are you? I am fine at school. Tomorrow is Sunday. We dont have to go to school. I am going to take a trip with my friends in the morning. I am going to the park. I am going there by bike. Its near our school. In the afternoon, I am going to the bookstore and buy some new books. In the evening, I am going to watch TV.What are you going to do tomorrow? Can you tell me? Love,Tom18 . Tomorrow is_. ( )ASundayBSaturdayCsunny19 . Where is Tom going tomorrow morning? ( )Hes going to_.Athe cinemaBthe parkCschool20 . How is Tom going there? ( )Hes going there_.Aby bikeBon footCby bus21 . Is the park far from Toms school? ( )AYes, it is.BNo, it isnt.CI dont know.22 . What is Tom going to do in the bookstore? ( )Hes going to_.Aread booksBtake a tripCbuy some new books三、判断题下列各项画线处发音相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。23 . what wherewho (_)24 . picnictripstill (_)25 . else nextbest (_)26 . last plantwalk (_)27 . usually busy summer (_)四、匹配题28 . 找出问题的答语。AYes, I am.BYes, I will.CYes, it can .DIll read books.EIts a ball.1. Whats that? (_)2. What will you do on Monday? (_)3. Will you take your kite? (_)4. Can the robot walk? (_)5. Are you naughty? (_)五、看图题29 . 看图补全单词。1. 2. 3. 4.h_t sk_t d_ss p_ts六、连词成句30 . 连词成句。1. colour, it, what, is(?)_2. and, black, red, is, it(.)_3. is, it, in, what (?)_4. is, it, here (!)_.七、连线题31 . 把相搭配的内容用线连起来。1. goAhomework2. playBswimming3. doCwith4. readDthe park5. go toEbooks6. onFSaturday第 6 页 共 6 页

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