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郑州市2019版六年级下册期末模拟测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Taiyuan is _ China. ( )Ain north ofBin the south ofCin the north of2 . Maths is my _ subject. ( )AlikeBfavouriteCbest3 . Amy_a song about Spring Festival yesterday. ( )AsingsBsangCsing4 . _Mr. Black _ Beijing last year? ( )ADid; visitedBDoes; visitCDid; visit5 . Myare big. ( )AfootBfeetCfoots6 . I wanta science teacher one day. ( )AtoBto beCto do7 . Autumn is the _ season of the year. ( )AfirstBsecondCthird8 . Im going to learn _ the violin. ( )AplayBto play Cplaying9 . What _ you _ for breakfast this morning? ( )Adid; hadBdid; haveCdo; had10 . Theyre( )AtigerBelephantCchicks11 . Mike and his family_in the UK now.AisBlivesClive12 . This is a . I like . ( )Amango; mangoesBmangoes; mangoCmango; mango13 . What is he doing? ( )He is _ a toy car.AmakeBto makeCmaking14 . 她在星期一踢足球。( )AShe play football on Monday.BShe plays football on Mondays.15 . We _ a basketball team next week. ( )AhaveBam havingCare going to have二、阅读选择16 . 阅读理解,选择正确答案。Mr Black and Mrs. Black live at 15King Road. They have two children. One is sevenand the other is nine. In the morning Mr Black goes to work by car and the childrengo to school. Their father takes them to school everyday. Mrs. Black stays at home. She does a lot of housework in the morning. And in the afternoon, sometimes she goes to see her friends, sometimes she goes shopping. They have dinner at a 6:15. After that they play games, or take a walk, or watch TV.( )1. There are _ people in the Black family.A. two B. three C. four D. five( )2. Mr. Black takes his children to school every_?A. afternoon B. evening C. day D. week( )3. Mrs. Black sometimes_ in the afternoon.A. takes a walk in the park B. watches TVC. reads a book D. goes to see her friends( )4. How do the children go to school?_A. by car B. by bus C. on foot D. by bike.( )5. What do they often do after dinner?A. stay at home. B. go to schoolC. see their friends D. play game or watch TV.三、填空题填空题。17 . I _ (listen) to music now.18 . Look! A dog _ (run) up the tree.19 . The girl _ (be) doing her homework.20 . In this photo, the sun _. The boys _.21 . The girl is _, but her sister starts _.四、英汉混合22 . 翻译句子1. There is a football game in November._2. When is the English Festival?_3. 儿童节总是在六月份。_4. 一场乒乓球赛在七月份举行。_五、判断题判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。23 . shortdraw_24 . getevery _25 . must hungry _26 . mudpull _27 . bad grass _28 . angrysad _29 . useuniversity _30 . seahear _31 . hobby goal _32 . club hurt _六、句型转换句型转换。33 . Ted goes to work by bike.(将Ted改成They)_34 . What are they doing?(用play basketball回答)_35 . Id like some apples.(划线部分提问)_ like?36 . Please walk on the grass.(改为否定句)Please _ on the _.37 . They are on the sofa.(改成一般疑问句)_七、改错改错。38 . Howcanwegettothere?(_)_A BC D39 . Dontgoatthegreenlight!(_)_A B C D40 . Helikesreadstories.(_)_A BC D41 . Theyreafraidofhis.(_)_AB C D42 . Whereareyougoingtodotoday?(_)_A B C D八、书面表达43 . Write.小写作。 (注意:不能出现真实姓名和学校)Write about your summer fun.夏天是有趣的季节,请你以“Summer Fun”为题,写写你在夏天喜欢做的事。要求:条理清楚,语句通顺,书写工整,至少5句话,50词左右。Summer FunSummer is coming.第 6 页 共 6 页

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