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河北省2019-2020年度五年级下册期中测试英语试卷2A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . These books are very _. I cant carry(搬)them. ( )AeasyBinterestingCheavy2 . We all _.( )AlaughBlaughsClaughing3 . - How was your weekend? ( )- _. I hurt my foot.AIt was great.BIt was fine.CIt was bad.4 . _ do you like reading? ( )Because I love stories.AWhyBWhatCWhere5 . She _ the dishes. ( )AwashBwashsCwashes6 . 读单词,选出不同类的一项:( )AdeskBstandCsit7 . bus( )AB选出下列单词中属于不同类的。8 . AhouseBforestCbuilding9 . AplantBflowerCgrass10 . AfrontBaboveCof11 . AdanceBsingCcartoon12 . AsportBhamburgerCsandwich选出下列单词中不同类的一项。13 . AshortBlongCtail14 . AtallBgiraffeCbig15 . AnoseBhasCear16 . AmonkeyBsmallCcat17 . ApandaBwhiteCblack18 . 那是一个书包吗?不,它不是。应该说:AIs that a schoolbag?No, it isnt.BIs this a schoolbag? No, it isnt.CIs that a schoolbag? Yes, it is.19 . 选出不同类的一项。【小题1】AtoldBworeCsoon【小题2】AeveningBmorningCafter【小题3】AroomBfunnyCbed【小题4】AteacherBreadCtell【小题5】AactorBbringCask二、填空题根据句意补全句子。maths English music Chinese PE art20 . We learn ABC in _ class.21 . We play football in _ class.22 . We sing songs in _ class.23 . We draw pictures in _ class.24 . We study Chinese in _ class.25 . We learn numbers in _ class.三、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断句子正误。正确的用表示,错误的用表示。Linda: Hi, Lucy.Lucy: Hi, Linda.Linda: Whats that in your hand?Lucy: Its a picture. Mothers Day is coming. I paint it for my mum.Linda: Wow. Its a picture of a beautiful woman. Is she your mum?Lucy: Yes.Linda: You can paint very well.Lucy: Thank you. What will you do for your mum?Linda: I want to write a letter (信) to her.Lucy: Thats a good idea.26 . Linda and Lucy are sisters. (_)27 . Lucy paints a picture for her mum. (_)28 . Lucy cant paint very well. (_)29 . Lucys mum is young and beautiful. (_)30 . Linda wants to write a letter to her mum. (_)四、选内容补全对话31 . 从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。ADid you have a good time?BWe visited New York.CHow are you?DYes, we are home.ENo, we came back last Sunday.Amy: Hello, Mike. _Mike: Fine, thank you. Youre back from America.Amy: _Mike: Did you come back yesterday?Amy: _Mike: What did you do in America?Amy: _Mike: _Amy: Yes, we all had a good time.五、匹配题32 . 根据问句找答语。(_)1. What are you going to do ?AI go to school on foot.(_)2. When are you going ?BYou can go by the No. 15 bus.(_)3. Does Zhang Peng go to school on foot?CIm going to take a trip.(_)4. How do you go to the schoolDThis afternoon.(_)5. How can I get to Zhongshan park?ENo, he doesnt.六、连词成句33 . 根据下列各题所给的单词和标点,将它们组成意思通顺,标点正确的句子,填写在横线上,并注意字母的大小写。【小题1】is, my, mother, she ( . ) _【小题2】colour, what, is, now, it ( ? )_【小题3】like, an, would, ice cream, you ( ? ) _【小题4】my, at, nice, look, jacket ( ! ) _34 . 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(1)you,some,have,can,biscuits,fruits,and(.)(2)I,can,some,please,bread,have(?)(3)on,light,turn,the,please(.)(4)draw,tiger,you,can,a(?)(5)Mum,I,have,can,some,sweets(?)35 . 连词成句。1. boy, is, This, tall (.)_2. is, handsome, He (.)_3. friend, a, have, I (.)_4. What, she, does, like, look (?)_36 . 连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写:wont, lions, I, there, see(.)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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