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郑州市2020版六年级下册小升初模测试英语试卷(七)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题读一读,选出下列每组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。1 . AballBappleClittle2 . AclothesBsockCshop3 . AuncleBworldCtable4 . AhatBpackCart5 . AshirtBnurseChorse选出划线部分发音不同的单词。6 . AparkBcardCwarmDstart7 . AdearBbearChearDnear8 . AwhyBfamilyCpartyDhappy9 . AnameBhaveCdateDmake10 . AplayedBshowedCjumpedDlived11 . _ is April Fools Day?( )Its on April 1st.AHowBWhatCWhen12 . Is that _ ruler? ( )AyourByouCI13 . There _lots of snow. ( )Aare BisCbe14 . - How many _ are there? ( )- Six.AcatsBdog15 . We shouldnt eat _ sugar. ( )Atoo manyBtoo muchCmany16 . Mymomis_teacher.( )AaBanCtheDone17 . ( )ALingling likes apples.BLingling likes tomatoes.选出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的单词。18 . room ( )AlookBwhoCgood19 . where ( )AhereBnearCpear20 . bend ( )AreadBtreeChead21 . sister ( )AdoctorBworkerCnurse22 . cow ( )AgoatBhouseCold23 . make ( )AeightBfamilyChappy24 . 选出下列单词画线部分发音不同的一项:( )AcakeBplaneCmatter25 . Dogs like _children . ( )Aplaying withBplayingCplay26 . A: Close your eyes, please. B: _ApleaseBYes, Mr GreenCNo27 . You _ read _ bed. ( )Ashouldnt; inBshould; onCshouldnt; onDshould; in28 . Wouldyoulike_fish? ( )AanyBsomeCmany二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Kitty is a lovely girl. Today she goes to Shiiazhuang to visit her aunt. There are so many hotels and restaurants in Shijiazhuang. She cant find the way to her aunts house. She is lost. There are too many buses and cars. She feels afraid. A policeman tells (告诉) Kitty how to get to her aunts house. Kitty says “thank you” and then she gets there safely (安全地). Both(两者都) Kitty and her aunt are happy.29 . Kitty goes to visit her _. ( )AauntBgrandmaCsister30 . Kitty is lost. She feels _. ( )AafraidBhappyCexcited31 . Who helps Kitty get to her aunts house? ( )AA cat.BA policeman.CHer aunt.32 . Does Kitty get to her aunts house safely? ( )ANo, she doesnt.BWe dont know.CYes, she does.33 . Are Kitty and her aunt happy? ( )AYes, they are.BWe dont know.CNo, they arent.三、完形填空完型填空。One day, an ant_ drinking at a river. Suddenly she slipped, and fell into the_. The ant was_. She shouted, “Help! Help!” An eagle_ pity on her. He threw a leaf into the river. The ant climbed up the leaf. And she was saved. A_ days later, the ant saw a strong man aiming a gun at the eagle. She_ the man. The man felt bad. He missed the shot, and the_ life was saved. The eagle_ very grateful. He_ good friends with the_.34 . AisBwereCwas35 . AwaterBsoupCjuice36 . AloudBsharpCweak37 . AtakeBtookCtakes38 . AfewBlittleClot39 . AbitBbiteCbites40 . AeagleBeaglesCeagles41 . AfeelingBfeelCfelt42 . AwentBplayedCmade43 . AeagleBantCman四、填空题44 . 选词填空。here menu like noodles what1. _ do you like, Mocky?2. I cant read the _.3. _is the restaurant.4. What do you _?5.I like _.45 . 用be 动词填空【小题1】I_ Daming and they _ my parents.【小题2】My mother _ a teacher and my father _ a doctor.【小题3】You _ in Class 4, Grade 6 and we _in Class 3.【小题4】Li Ming and Simon _ in the same class.【小题5】Tony _ in a blue T-shirt.【小题6】My brothers _ in America. And my cousins _ in Japan.五、排序题46 . 用下列句子组成对话。A Mum, look at this cat and her babies. What lovely little cats! Theyre playing together.B Sure. Can I buy one?C OK. How much is it?D Yes. Do you like them?E. Mum, here is a pet shop. Can we look at the pets in it?F. It says“100 yuan”. I like the white one.G. Certainly.正确顺序是:_六、句型转换47 . 按要求写句子。1. He likes playing football.(改为一般疑问句)2. We skipped with Amy.(改为否定句)3. They went into the classroom.(就划线部分提问)4. 我昨天去了艾米的学校。(翻译)5. I go to school every day.(就划线部分提问)七、选内容补全对话48 . 选句填空,将其序号填在横线上。A: This is my family photo?B: 1. _A: Nine. B: 2. _A: Hes my father.B: Whats your father?A: 3. _B: 4. _A: Yes, she is. She is a teacher.B: 5. _A: They are my grandpa and grandma.B: They look young.八、匹配题给下列句子选择相对应的图片。A. B. C. D. E. 49 . This is my grandmother. (_)50 . I like mangoes. (_)51 . Its a kangaroo. (_)52 . This is my sweater. (_)53 . Its eight oclock. (_)九、连词成句54 . 连词成句。1. how , your , about , mother ?2. free , you , are , now _ ?3. for , we , school , are , late_ .4. he , my , English , is , teacher_.5. some , then , have , juice_.第 8 页 共 8 页

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