拉萨市2019版英语四年级下册Unit 3 Weather 单元测试卷A卷

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拉萨市2019版英语四年级下册Unit 3 Weather 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Is David going to _ some drinks to the party? ( )No, he _ .Abring; isntBbring; isCtake; is看图选单词。2 . ( )AbagBboxCcousin3 . ( )AeggBmilkChen4 . ( )ApenBwatchCtea5 . ( )AhatBfootCkite6 . ( )AcardBcakeCtiger7 . Its cool in Beijing . ( )A北京的天气是寒冷的。B北京的天气是凉爽的。C北京的天气是温暖的。8 . -How _ Beijing ? ( )-Its sunny.AisBaboutCfor9 . _ make the room mess.( )ADontBDoCWillDAre10 . 请选出不同类的一项。(_) 1. A. snake B. farmer C. writer(_) 2. A. wind B. sun C. ugly11 . What dont Chinese people do on Chinese New Years Day? ( )AVisit relatives and friendsBEat mooncakes.CWear new clothes.12 . Is it sunny in Changsha?( )_AYes, it is.BYes, it isnt.CNo, it is.13 . Its snowy in Shanghai. _ Jinan? ( )AHow inBHow aboutCHow are14 . 判断出每组发音不同的一项。1. A. capB. hatC. car2. A. pilotB. noseC. joke3. A. cakeB. canC. snake4. A. bikeB. milkC. nine5. A. sheepB. legC. desk15 . -Is this Aunt Bookys watch? ( )-_, it is.AYesBNo16 . -The sweater is very nice. Ill take it. ( )-But youd better _ first. I think it is a little large for you.Apay for itBput it onCput it offDtry it on17 . How many pears do you have?A还要吃吗?B你有多少个梨?C你有多少个苹果?二、阅读选择任务型阅读。按要求完成下列任务。Good morning. This is the weather report. Its rainy in Shanghai. You must take your raincoat(雨衣). Its cold in Beijing. Please put on your boots(靴子). Its snowy in Harbin. We can make a snowman. Its sunny and warm in Hong Kong. You can play football. Thats all. Goodbye.18 . 根据短文内容,将城市与对应的天气连线。a. snowy b. sunny and warm c. rainy d. cold19 . 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。1. Whats the weather like in Shanghai? (_)A. Its rainy. B. Its snowy. C. Its sunny and warm.2. Is it cold in Beijing? (_)A. Yes, you can. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it is.3. You can _ in Hong Kong. (_)A. play basketball B. play football C. make a snowman三、填空题20 . 根据图片提示选择单词完成句子。ball car card wallThe is in the.2.The is near the .看图完成下面的句子。21 . I have four _. 22 . This is my _. 23 . The _ is white. 24 . I see a _. 25 . 选出同类的单词。(1)clever polite_(2)Monday Saturday_(3)above behind_(4)forest hill_(5)fresh hot_(6)cook swim_Ain front ofBhard-workingCTuesdayDsweetEplay basketballFmountain四、判断题26 . 下列图片与句子一致.Orange orange Sit down.五、匹配题27 . 给下列句子选择合适的答语。(_) 1. Are you going to the museum?AHe goes to work by bike.(_) 2. What should Kim do?BYes, he is.(_) 3. Whats wrong?CYes, we are.(_) 4. How does your uncle go to work?DI cant find my maths book.(_) 5. Is your father a postman?EHe should see a doctor.六、连词成句连词成句。28 . is, this, brother, my(.)_29 . books, at, these, look,(.)_30 . picture, taking, Tom, is(.)_31 . is, cat, she, toy, with, playing, a (.)_第 7 页 共 7 页

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