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合肥市2019-2020学年五年级上册期末测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Danny is good at _ English. ( )AsayingBto speakCspeakingDtalking2 . I dont have _e-friends. ( )AsomeBaCany3 . 选出与其他两项不同的一项:( )ApictureBtakeCphoto4 . Im _ a kite. ( )AflyBflyingCflingDflew5 . 选出所给英文句子的正确汉语翻译。 ( )(1) I cant wear it.A. 我不喜欢穿它。 B.我不能穿它。( )(2) It took us to the earth.A. 它带我们到地球去。 B.它和我们一起去地球上。( )(3) He lived to be seventy-two.A. 他八十二岁了。 B. 他活到了八十二岁。( )(4) Whats in my bag?A. 什么在我的包里? B.我的包在什么里面?( )(5) Why are you crying?A. 你为什么哭? B.你在哭什么?6 . I had wonderful summer holiday.( )I had a wonderful summer holiday too. I went to Guangzhou.AWhat did you like?BWhat about your summer holiday?CWhere did you go?DHow is your holiday?7 . -Do you like pears? ( )-AThank you.BYes, I do.CIm hungry.8 . Can he help? ( )Yes, he _.AdoBisCcan9 . We usually go to school _. ( )Aby a busBby busCin bus10 . My family often goes to the beach _ Sundays. ( )AinBonCat11 . No,_ Li Ming.( )AtalkBtalksCsayDsays12 . They are going to stay there _ five days. ( )AinBonCfor13 . Its10oclock.Ben_TVinthebedroom. ( )AiswatchingBwatchCwatchesDarewatching14 . -_ do you often read English?- Every day.AWhatBWhenCWhere15 . -How do you go to school? ( )- .ABy footBOn footCOn busDIn the train16 . My friend and I enjoy _ trees. ( )AplantingBplantCwater二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的选项完成信息卡。Hello, boys and girls! Im your new friend, Jack. Im a boy. Im ten years old. My eyes are big and my mouth is small. Im from the USA. My favourite(最喜欢的)animal is cats. Sandy is my cat. Its funny.17 . Name: _ ( )AMikeBJack18 . Age (年龄): _ ( )A9B1019 . Nationality (国籍): _ ( )AB20 . Favourite animal: _ ( )AB三、判断题21 . 判断题,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(_) 1. I have a e-friend.(_) 2. She is in Grade Six.(_) 3. think和tooth中的字母组合“th”发音相同。四、选内容补全对话选择适当的选项补全对话。AYes, there is.BIs this a picture of the zoo?CAre there many animals in it?DWhere are the monkeys?EWhere are the birds?A: Look at this picture.22 . B: Yes, its a picture of the zoo.A: 23 . B: Yes, there are some monkeys, a panda, a pig and some birds in it.A: 24 . B: The monkeys are in the trees.A: Is there a pig in front of the house?B: 25 . Its playing with the panda.A: Look at the birds.They can sing well.B: 26 . A: They are in the trees.B: Oh, the animals are very happy.27 . 根据课文内容选择合适的句子补全对话。AWould you like to come to my room?BYes, wed love to.CWelcome to my house!DThank you!五、连词成句连词成句。28 . likes he listening music to (. )_29 . did you there how go (?)_30 . do you whenBeijingtogo(?)_31 . twoyearsImthanyouyounger(. )_32 . Icomputerlastweekendplayed(. )_六、书面表达33 . 书面表达请你写一段话,描述一个你喜欢的城市,要求句子正确,内容充实,表达连贯,语言得体,书写工整,注意使用正确的标点符号,最少6句话。_第 6 页 共 6 页


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