成都市2019版英语六年级上册Unit 5 What does he do 单元测试卷A卷

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成都市2019版英语六年级上册Unit 5 What does he do 单元测试卷A卷_第1页
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成都市2019版英语六年级上册Unit 5 What does he do 单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . He _ math. ( )AteachBteachesCteaching2 . My friends _ very clever. ( )AamBisCare3 . This is a tomato. ( )AB4 . _ can you play table tennis? ( )In the gym.AWhereBWhenCWhat5 . Does your father go to work by bike?ANo, he doesnt.BYes, he doesnt.CNo, he does.6 . _does your mother work?She works in a school.AWhatBWhereCWhen7 . Janet comes back England _ plane. ( )AtakeBbyCon8 . She is _Aa engineerBengineerCan engineer9 . 下面哪一项既是一种水果又是一种颜色? ( )AbananaBorange10 . Iwantto _asecretary. ( )AbeB/Cdo11 . I want _ a taxi driver one day.AamBto beCto is二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Today is a happy day for me. I get a letter from my good friend, Bruce. Bruce is a Chinese, but now he lives in Australia with his parents. He is ten years old. He enjoys taking a trip around the world. He often sends some gifts to me. For example, he gave me a story book as my birthday present last year. book is in English. He also gave many beautiful stamps to me last month. Those stamps come from five different countries. I like them very much.12 . Bruce is my. ( )AclassmateBgood friendCpen pal13 . Why am I happy today? ( )ABecause I get some books from Bruce.BBecause I can get some stamps from Bruce.CBecause I get a letter from Bruce.14 . Bruce lives in. ( )AChinaBAmericaCAustralia15 . What did Bruce give me last year? ( )ASome stampsBA story book.CA math book16 . Why do I like the stamps? ( )ABecause they are very beautiful.B.Because they come from different countries.BBoth A and B.三、填空题选出一个不同类的词17 . hand, hair , foot, house_18 . fox, knee, cat, dog_19 . grape apple boat banana _20 . eagle bird mouse cake_四、选内容补全对话根据上下文,选择正确的句子补全对话(有一个多余选项)。 A: Where does your mother work?B: 21 . A: 22 . A teacher or a head teacher?B: She is a head teacher.A: Cool! How does she go to work every day?B: 23 . A: What do you want to be? A head teacher?B: 24 . What about you?A: 25 . B: Great!A. What does your mother do?B. Im going to be a scientist.C. She goes to work on foot.D. She works in a schoolE. No. I want to be a pilot.F. How does your mother do?A. What does your mother do?B. Im going to be a scientist.C. She goes to work on foot.D. She works in a schoolE. No. I want to be a pilot.F. How does your mother do?五、匹配题选择正确的译文。A.可以给我一个吗?B.你有多少个菠萝?C.你有什么?D.看我的机器人。E.你有一些贴画吗?26 . Look at my robots.(_)27 . How many pineapples do you have?(_)28 . What do you have?(_)29 . Can I have one?(_)30 . Do you have any stickers?(_)六、书面表达31 . 我们学习了如何询问和描述人物整体外貌、想做的职业、将要工作的地点以及联系方式。下面就来试着写一写吧。My brotherMy brother is very tall and thin. He_第 5 页 共 5 页

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