合肥市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册Unit 6 shopping Part A练习卷A卷

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合肥市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册Unit 6 shopping Part A练习卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的选项:hear ( )AbearBnear2 . 找出每组中不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里(_) 1. A. shorts B. pants C. clothes(_) 2. A. expensive B. cheap C. long(_) 3. A. shoes B. these C. those(_) 4. A. gloves B. try C. scarves(_) 5. A. pack B. my C. your(_) 6. A. sixty B. forty-five C. nice3 . 请根据下列情景,选择合适的句子。1.当你想询问照片上的女孩是谁时,你应该说:_2.当你向别人介绍你的妈妈时,你应该说:_3.你想知道照片里的男士是不是对方的爸爸,你应该问:_4.你想知道对面的男孩是不是朋友的哥哥时,你应该问:_4 . - Do you like sweet food? ( )- AYes, she does.BYes, I do.CYes, I am.选出每组中不同类的单词。5 . AtallerBshortColder6 . AhorseBgooseChome7 . AtryBoftenCnever8 . AthirdBappleCfirst9 . AscienceBChinaCEnglish10 . AwhenBwindowCwhere11 . AmyBeraserChis12 . ArainyBwindyCbaby13 . ATuesdayBDecemberCFriday14 . AtakeBwashCwhy二、情景交际15 . 如果你想询问对方想不想来颗糖果,可以问:( )AWould you like a sweet?BWhat about a hot dog?CYes, please.16 . 如果你想表达你比李明高3厘米,你应该说:_ ( )AIm 3 cm shorter than Li Ming.BIm 3 cm taller than Li Ming.CIm 3 cm longer than Li Ming.17 . 当你走进商店时,服务员会对你说:_( )AThank you.BCan I help you?18 . 上英语课的时间到了,你这样表达:( )AIts time for PE class.BIts time for English class.19 . 当你想吃些面包时,你应对妈妈说: _ ( )AHave some bread.BCan I have some bread?三、填空题20 . 根据图片和句意填单词:Im not good at _.21 . My grandma is _ to us. 四、任务型阅读22 . 萨拉为家人购买了一些衣物及水果,她都买了些什么?价格分别是多少?写一写。(价格用数字表示) I by a dress for my sister. Its sixtyeight yuan. I buy a pair of shorts for my brother. Theyre thirtyfive yuan. Whose shoes are these? Theyre for my father. Theyre fiftysix yuan. I want to buy some apples for my mother. How much are they? They are thirteen yuan. Theyre delicious.(1)_ yuan(2)_ yuan(3)_ yuan(4)_ yuan 五、选内容补全对话23 . 补全对话。Mum:Mary. 1._Mary:Its very pretty.Assistant: 2. _ Mum:Yes. 3. _Assistant:Its $ 99.Mum:Oh, thats expensive.Assistant:Do you like that blue skirt?Mary:Yes. 4. _Mum:OK. How much is it?Assistant:Its $ 50.Mum:5. _六、匹配题选择配伍。A. Yes, he did.B. Im in the river.C. She went to the beach.D. Yes, she was.E. He played ball games there.F. I was eight years old.G. It was fun.H. Yes, it was.I. I visited my grandparents.J. Sure.24 . Where did Alice go?_25 . What did he do there?_26 . How was your summer holiday?_27 . Can I see your new dress?_28 . Who did you visit?_29 . Was she about six months old?_30 . Where are you?_31 . How old were you last year?_32 . Was her hair short?_33 . Did he go to Beijing?_34 . 看图选择正确的单词。ABCDEFGH. I. J. (_) 1. student(_) 2. milk(_) 3. grandma(_) 4. banana(_) 5. strawberry(_) 6. nineteen(_) 7. map(_)8. chair(_) 9. boat(_) 10. cap七、看图题35 . 看图片,写单词或短语。ABCD1. What can you see? I can see a nice _ room. 2. How do you _? By bike. My school is far. 3. Its _. We cant go outside.4. They will have an _ class this afternoon.5. How happy! Its time to _.八、音标题36 . 选出下列划线部分读音不同的单词。(_) 1. A. beefB. teaC. meetD. bread(_) 2. A. brownB. yellowC. windowD. snow(_) 3. A. crowB. cropC. creamD. clean(_) 4. A. blackB. blowC. browD. block(_) 5. A. happyB. windyC. shyD. sunny第 8 页 共 8 页

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