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山西省2020年六年级下册期末易错诊断试题英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Its time _ eat. ( )AtoBatCfor2 . I am,because I. ( )Aexcited.failed my Chinese testBexcited.got a new stampCtired.bought a new skirt3 . We have meals in the _.( )AkitchenBgardenCtoilet选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。4 . AtallBheavyCshorter5 . AdinosaurBduckCsmart6 . AlongerBstrongCyoung7 . AsizeBkilogramCmetre8 . AcountrysideBbecomeCshadow9 . 选出不同类的单词:( )ASaturdayBTuesdayCsunnyDFriday根据汉语意思,选择正确的单词。10 . 上一个的 ( )AlastBnextCloud11 . 周末 ( )ASundayBweekCweekend12 . 阅读 ( )AwatchBreadCred13 . 睡觉 ( )AsleepBseeCslow14 . 在之前 ( )AbeforeBbedCbetter选出每组画线部分读音不同的选项。15 . AfridgeBlikeCfish16 . AclassBglassesChave17 . AunderBcuteCexcuse18 . AcolourBopenCcome19 . ApencilBbedCshe20 . -Will you go to the supermarket? ( )-Yes, please _ me.AwaitBwait toCwait for21 . There are _ from Canada. ( )AstampBstampsCa stamp22 . 参观莫高窟 ( )Avisit the MogaocuBvisit the Mogao Caves23 . _ eggs do you have one day? ( )AHowBHow manyCWhat24 . He _for eight hours every day. ( )AworkingBworksCto workDworked25 . 看图选出正确答案( )AlookBbookCdesk26 . Has your son ever had _ toothache? ( ) No, never.AsomeBanCaDthe27 . I from China.AamBcomesCbe二、完形填空完形填空Tomorrow is Teachers Day. The students of Class Three are going to _some presents for their teachers. Now they_a class meeting. Their class teacher, Mr. Li, is talking to them, I hear some of you are going to buy presents for the teachers. They want to show their love for the teachers._teachers dont want to get presents._their students. The best present for the teachers is your_work. But to get good marks, you will have to work hard.28 . AcatchBbuyCtakeDbring29 . AhaveBare haveCare havingDis having30 . AButBBecauseCAndDSo31 . AforBfromCofDby32 . AbadBgoodCwellDbadly三、填空题33 . 用所给的词补全下面的小短文children play festival look for take chocolate basketsEaster is a 1._in Western countries. Children often 2._a game called the Easter egg-hunt. It is an old English game. The children 3._little baskets to a field. They 4._Easter eggs in the grass. They try to fill their 5._with eggs. Most English and American 6._like to play this game. They all love to eat the real eggs and the 7._eggs.四、排序题34 . 为下列句子排序。(_)Theyre my grandparents, my parents, my sister and me.(_)What about your sister?(_)How many people are there in your family?(_)She is a student. I love my family.(_)Who are they?(_)Six.(_)Whats your fathers job?(_)Is your mother a driver, too?(_)My father is a driver, and my grandparents are drivers, too.(_)No, my mother is a teacher.35 . 将下列句子用数字(1-6,6已给出)重新排序,使它们构成一篇完整的对话。(_) My mother is a TV reporter. What about yours, Julia?(_) Yes, she likes dancing very much. Maybe they can dance together.(_) Good idea! How does she go to work every day?(_) Hi, Alice! What does your mother do?( 6 ) She goes to work by bike.(_) She is a dancer. Does your mother like dancing?五、阅读回答问题阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Its Saturday today. I dont go to school. I go to my uncles farm with my father. There are lots of animals on the big farm. Look! Some rabbits are running. They are so cute. Oh, there is a cow. Its eating grass. It likes grass very much. Five ducks are swimming in the river. Some sheep are walking on the farm. Whats that? Its a dog. It is drinking water. Thats funny.36 . Tomorrow is Sunday. (_)37 . I go to a big farm with my friend. (_)38 . There are five ducks on the farm. (_)39 . Some sheep are running on the grass. (_)40 . The dog is drinking water. (_)六、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Mary, Jane and May are good friends. Their mother are also good friends. So they were good friends from a very young age. They are in the same(相同的) school - Qing Lan Primary School and they always go to school together every day. Mary is shorter than May, and May is heavier than Jane. Jane is thinner than Mary. How old are they? Mary is 7 years old. Jane is 12 years old and May is 9 years old. Mary likes English, Jane likes maths and May likes music. They all study hard and like helping others. All of them like each other very much.41 . There are 3 children in the story. (_)42 . Mary is shorter than May. (_)43 . Mary is heavier than Jane. (_)44 . Jane is the youngest. (_)45 . They are all good friends. (_)七、填内容补全对话Read and write(根据短文内容填空,每空一词,首字母已给)Look at my f46 . . He is a doctor in a hospital. He works h47 . for all his patients(病人). He always come home l48 . . He often says to my m49 . , My patients are waiting f50 . me. Because I can make them feel better. He always has lots of w51 . to do. When he comes back f52 . work, he reads some books a53 . his work. He is really a model d54 . . Everyone likes to talk w55 . him.八、选内容补全对话从方框中选择适当的句子将对话补充完整AWhat about you?BWhats your hobby?CReading news is my hobby now.DI usually play basketball with my friends.EDo you want to be a reporter when you grow up?Tony: What do you usually do after school, Mike?Mike: 56 . Tony: 57 . Mike: My hobby is playing basketball. 58 . Tony: I like listening to music best. And that is my hobby. Mike: 59 . Tony: Yes. 60 . 九、匹配题61 . 将下列中英文相匹配pick_A饿的mushroom_B摘;采understand _C蘑菇hungry _D迟的late_E明白;理解62 . 从II栏中找出I栏的答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内I II(_) 1. What does she do?AWe are going to see a film.(_) 2. Does he live in Sydney?BShe is a scientist. (_) 3. How do you come to school?CNo, he doesnt.(_) 4. Where is the post office?DI usually walk.(_) 5. What are you going to do?EIts next to the museum.选择与图片相符的短语。Aseven pencilsBsix booksCnine birdsDred and yellowEtwo pens63 . (_)64 . (_)65 . (_)66 . (_)67 . (_)十、书面表达68 . 书面表达请以“The Mid-Autumn Festival为题,根据图片提示写一写你所知道的中秋节,不少于五句话。_第 9 页 共 9 页

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