南京市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it?单元测试卷A卷

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南京市2019-2020学年英语四年级下册Unit 2 What time is it?单元测试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题选出下列各组单词中不同类的选项。1 . AseasonBsummerCspring2 . AleafBpaintCsnowman3 . AbecauseBbutChot4 . AgreenBtreeCflower选出每组中不同类的一项.5 . AgoBcomeClike6 . AhotBcoldCweather7 . AsummerBwinterCwarm8 . AcoolBbesideCbetween9 . AliveBspringCautumn10 . Listen Miss Li. ( )AinBnowCto11 . Its _today. ( )AwindyBrainyCsunny12 . School _ over. ( )AareBisCam二、情景交际13 . 表达“我的书包丢了”应说:( )AI lost my schoolbag.BI have a new schoolbag.14 . 你想说:“我有一本新语文书。”用英语怎样表达?( )AIhaveabook.BIhaveanewChinesebook.15 . 你想表达我们一起上车吧,你会说:_( )ALets go.BLets get on the bus.16 . 当你想向别人介绍小鸟时,你应该说:_( )AIts a cat.BIts a bird.CIts a panda.17 . 当售货员阿姨想要知道你要多少根香蕉时,她可以说:_ ( )AHow much water do you want?BHow many bananas do you want?CHow much are the bananas?三、填空题请从框中选出下列所给汉语的英语表达形式并抄写在后面的四线三格中。China live cinema station drink high dance family light bear18 . 跳舞19 . 居住20 . 灯21 . 熊22 . 家庭23 . 中国24 . 车站25 . 喝26 . 电影院27 . 高高的四、任务型阅读阅读短文,完成各题。Hello. Im Bill. Its six thirty. Its time to get up. I eat breakfast at seven oclock. I drink some milk. Its nine oclock. Its time for Chinese class. At 12:00, I eat some rice and chicken. Its three oclock in the afternoon. Its time for music class. I can sing and dance. Its four oclock. Its time for PE class. Its six oclock in the afternoon. Its time for dinner. I go to bed at nine oclock in the evening.28 . 根据短文 ,补全表格。_get up7:00 a.m._9:00 a.m._music class4:00 p.m._dinner29 . 根据短文,仿照示例写句子。例:Its 6:30. Its time to get up.(1) _.(2) _.(3) _.(4) _.(5) _.五、判断题30 . Read and tick “T” or cross “F”:I have lunch at home. (_)六、连词成句连词成句31 . come, my, meet, and, family (.)32 . they, drivers, are (?)33 . like, a, nurse, act (.)34 . who, woman, that, is (?)35 . do, a, sister, have, you (?)七、连线题36 . 找一找,根据问句找答语。( ) 1.Lets clean the classroom.A Its a storybook.( ) 2.Where is my book?B Really ?( ) 3.What colour is the fan?C OK.( ) 4.Whats this?D Its on the desk.( ) 5.We have a new classroom.E Its white.37 . 把A栏的英文短语,与B栏对应的汉语意思连起来。A BMy birthday party再见!Goodbye!一个黄色的蛋糕A birthday card当然Sure我的生日聚会A yellow cake谢谢!Thank you!一张生日贺卡第 6 页 共 6 页

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