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山东省2019-2020年度六年级下册期中测试英语试卷(一)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Once upon a time, there was a poor boy _ Ma Liang. ( )AcallBnameCcalled2 . I do my homework before dinner. I do it after dinner.( )Ausually; oftenBusually; sometimesCalways; usuallyDoften; always3 . What _ your friends do _ ? ( )Ado; yesterdayBwill; this afternoonCwill; now4 . 找出每组中不同类的词语。【小题1】AuncleBcarCcousin【小题2】AschoolbagBrulerCsleep【小题3】AshoutBrunCright【小题4】AchairBchickenCblackboard5 . Yesterday, there _two apples on the table. ( )AwasBwereCare二、填空题根据中文提示填空。6 . Susan _ (常常) has some pieces of bread and a bottle of milk for breakfast.7 . I _ (不) think it is good to go to bed late at night.8 . We _ (遇到) John _ (在公园里) last week.9 . I often do my homework in the _ (晚上).10 . Most of us have a _ (手机) now.三、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Su Yang: hello, David. Its a fine day today.David: Yes, it is. In spring, its usually sunny.Su Yang: I like spring. I usually fly kites with Su Hai. How about you?David: I like summer.Su Yang: why?David: Because I can go swimming every day and eat a lot of ice creams. They are nice.11 . Its a sunny day.(_)12 . Su Hai likes autumn.(_)13 . Su Hai and Su Yang usually go climbing in spring.(_)14 . David cant swim(_)15 . David eats many ice creams in summer.(_)四、判断题16 . 判断句子与图片是(T)否 (F)相符:I bought twenty apples yesterday.(_)五、选内容补全对话从方框中选择适当的选项,补全对话。A. Noodles.B. Tea.C. Yes, certainly. D. I often watch TV and read books.E. Youre welcome.Mike: Can I interview (采访) you for our school newspaper?Yao Ming: 17 . Mike: What do you do on the weekend?Yao Ming: 18 . Mike: Whats your favourite food?Yao Ming: 19 . They re healthy.Mike: Whats your favourite drink?Yao Ming: 20 . Mike: Thank you, Mr Yao.YaoMing: 21 . 六、匹配题22 . 选出正确的答语ABecause I have a cold.BShe is cooking at home.CNo, thanks.DAt seven oclock.ESome chocolate.FTwenty-four.GYes, I like running ,too. H. No, there arent.I. Yes, it is. J. By metro.(_)1. Would you like some juice?(_)2. How many crayons can you see?(_)3. Are there any cakes in the fridge?(_)4. Why dont you come to school?(_)5. How do you come to school?(_)6. Is your school near the supermarket?(_)7. Do you like flying kites?(_)8. What would you like as your birthday present?(_)9. Where is your mum?(_)10. When do you watch TV every day?七、书面表达23 . 写作观察图片,编写对话,不少于五句话。提示:dont have, borrow, of course_第 5 页 共 5 页

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