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南昌市2020版五年级上册期末测试英语试卷(二)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Nancy has a bad habit. She _. ( )Asings wellBeats many sweetsCruns fastDdrinks lots of water2 . _ any men in the room? ( )AIs thereBAre thereCThere arentDThere isnt3 . Go and _ the doctor, please. ( )AwatchBseeChave4 . _you ready for your English exam? ( )Of course.AAreBDoCHave5 . Is he your father?( ).ANo, he isntBYes, he isntCNo, he is二、匹配题找出相应的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。AYes, I am.BGood morning.CGoodbye.DNo, Im not. Im Liu Tao.EHello, Bobby.6 . Good morning.(_)7 . Hello, Im Bobby.(_)8 . Are you Wang Bing? (_)9 . Goodbye, class,(_)10 . Are you Su Hai?(_)读一读,选一选。A. It has long ears.It has red eyes. It has a short tail.B. It has big eyes.It has big tail.It lives(生存)in the water.C. It has a small mouth.It has small eyes. It has a small nose.D. It has a long body. It has no legs.11 . (_)12 . (_)13 . (_)14 . (_)三、抄写题15 . Copy.(抄写):lunch firefighter China painting16 . 抄写单词、词组和句子firefighter matches start in forests rainbow primary schoolchildren can you tell me about fire safety We mustnt play with matches _Read and copy.下面的句子缺少大小写和标点。用正确的大小写和标点符号抄写句子。17 . the cinema is next to the bookstore_18 . how did you go to Sydney_19 . we are going to draw some pictures in a nature park_20 . Copy.(抄写):yours show well scary21 . Copy.(抄写):I went to Amy and Sams school.22 . Copy.(抄写练习)1. interested race forest railway station_2. Is there a shopping centre near your home? Yes, there is._第 4 页 共 4 页

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