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南宁市2019版英语五年级上册专项训练:高频高分题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . The school _ at half past five. ( )AfinishesBfinishCis finish2 . We can have dinner in the new _. ( )AmuseumBclassroomCrestaurant3 . Im making a plan. Is there _ next month? ( )Asomething elseBanything elseCelse anything4 . There _ a clock here before. ( )AisBwasCwere5 . _ eggs do you have one day? ( )AHowBHow manyCWhat二、阅读选择Mr Smith is a doctor. His wife teaches English in middle school. They have two children. One is a son called Mike and the other is a daughter. She is only three months old. Mike loves the baby very much. He often shows her to the guests. He is young and doesnt go to school. He stays at home to help his mother look after the baby. One day Mikes aunt comes to see the baby. She works in another city and sees the baby for the first time. Mike shows the baby to his aunt.“Look at the baby, Aunt,” says Mike. “Shes beautiful. I think she looks like me.”“Does she like playing with you?” asks his aunt.“I dont know,” answers the boy. She cant speak.”根据短文内容选择正确答案。6 . Mr Smith works in(on)a _.( )AschoolBhospitalCfarm7 . Mrs Smith teaches _ in a school. ( )AartBmathsCEnglish8 . There are _ people in Mr Smiths family. ( )AthreeBfourCfive9 . The baby is Mikes _.( )AcousinBsisterCbrother10 . This is the first time that Mikes aunt sees _.( )AMikeBthe babyCMr Smith三、单词拼写11 . It could _ (讲) English.12 . I _(经常)visit my grandpa at weekends.13 . They _(得到)seventy points yesterday.14 . 看图,写单词:_15 . I watched TV last _(晚上).四、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断下列句子对(T)错(F)。Father Christmas is an imaginary (虛构的) old man, but almost (几乎) all little children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man. He has long white beard and a long red robe.On the night of December 24th every year, Father Christmas comes down from the chimney (烟囱) and puts presents by the childrens beds or into their stockings. Parents warn (警告) them to be good and not to try to look at Father Christmas, or he will not leave them presents. Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus.16 . Father Christmas is an old woman. (_)17 . Father Christmas has a long red robe. (_)18 . Father Christmas always puts the presents into the chimney. (_)19 . Parents warn children not to try to look at Father Christmas. (_)20 . Father Christmas is also called Santa Claus. (_)五、英译汉21 . 翻译画线词组:He likes to buy beautiful clothes._六、匹配题22 . 根据问句内容,选择合适的答句,将其代号填到题前括号内。( )1.Can you help me?( )2.How can I get to Linyi Park?( )3.Where does the boy want to go?( )4.Where is the museum shop?( )5.How do you go to school?ABeijing.BIts near the library.CSure.DUsually I go to school on foot.EYou can go by the No.1 bus.七、连词成句23 . 连词成句,注意大小写和标点1.the,have,take,good,a,medicine,and,rest_.2.to,Zhongshan,Park,get,I,can,how_?3.help,me,my,could,lessons,you,with _?4.yesterday,where,they,did,go _?5.came,at,to,we,last,school,night,nine _.连词成句。24 . how/ circles/ are/ many/ there (?) _25 . is/ that/ what (?) _26 . is/ a/ he/ boy (.)_27 . is/ a/ it/ square (.) _28 . is/ this/ Dino (.)_29 . 连词成句:in two China were years you for(.)_30 . 连词成句:am Nohoti. ._Read and write.连词成句。31 . it, cold, is(?)_32 . is, snowy, it, and, windy(?)_33 . is, it, warm, and, sunny(.)_34 . the, whats, like, weather, Sydney, in(?)_八、连线题35 . 请同学们将下面的句子与相应的图片连线。(1) Its an orange orange.A(2) Its a yellow pineapple.B(3) Its a yellow lemon.C(4) The watermelon is green.D(5) The apple is red.E第 6 页 共 6 页

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