南宁市2019-2020学年英语五年级下册Module 5单元测试卷1A卷

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南宁市2019-2020学年英语五年级下册Module 5单元测试卷1A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出下列英文短语的正确汉语意思。(_) 1.all the day. A. 整天 B. 一天(_) 2.go back A. 回来 B. 回家(_) 3.the second month A. 第二个月 B. 二月份(_) 4.a sunny day A. 一个晴天 B. 雨天(_) 5. go shoppingA. 去购物 B. 在商场2 . Where is Mr. Brown? I havent met him for a long time. ( ) HeTokyo.Ahas been toBhas been inChas gone toDhas gone for3 . Look! Some children are playing football on _ side of the road and others are on _side. ( )Aone; the otherBeach; the otherCone; otherDeach; other4 . My brother is a _.( )AdoctorBfarmerCdriver5 . Have you_ your homework? ( )AdoBdoneCdid6 . 选出与其它三个单词不同类的一项:( )AeasierBlongCgoodDlight二、填空题7 . Its easy _you. ( )AofBforCto三、单词拼写8 . 根据提示字母和图片完成单词。1. sp_ _ _s s _o_ _2. s_ _ _ _ 3. T-sh _ _ _4. d _ _ k5. d_ _9 . 写出下列单词的过去式。1. do _ 2. go _ 3. wear _4. eat _ 5. learn _ 6. fall _7. see _ 8. buy _ 9. finish _四、任务型阅读根据短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Dear Lingling,Yesterday was Sunday. I went to a park with Amy. We saw lots of plants. We also saw many people. I played football in the park. Amy climbed a hill. Then we ate apples and candies. We had a good time. From, Tom10 . Yesterday was Sunday. (_)11 . Tom went to a park with Amy. (_)12 . They saw lots of pandas and tigers. (_)13 . Tom played football in the park. (_)14 . They didnt have a good time. (_)五、填内容补全对话仔细阅读,补全单词,首字母已给出。Mother: Nana, look at your bag! Its b15 . . You cant take i16 . to China. Ill buy you a n17 . one.Nana: T18 . you.(At the Department Store)Nana: This black bag is n19 . Its big.Mother: But its h20 . . This green o21 . is light. And its got two p22 . .Nana: But its small.Mother: Look at this blue one. Its b23 . and l24 . .Nana: Oh yes!Sales assistant: And its got four w25 . . Itll be e26 . for you.Mother: Great! Well t27 . it, please.Nana: Thank you very much.六、改错28 . 找出下列各句中的错误,将序号填在括号内并在横线上改正。( )1. These arebeautifullyflowers.A B C( )2. Does Jim writecareful? A B C( )3. What lessons do you havein Tuesday?A B C( )4. Sam goes to school byfoot.A B C( )5. Let metelling you a story. _ A B C七、连词成句29 . 连词成句。1.what you do at yesterday did school_2.they at werent school_3.he well he first jumped came and_第 5 页 共 5 页

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