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南京市2020版六年级下册期中测试英语试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . Do you know him?_A Yes, I do.B Yes, I am.C No, we do.2 . Please find _ information from the Internet. ( )AsomeBaCan3 . I dont like grapes. _ sour. ( )Athey areBItsCTheyreAroom 301BRoom 301 C301 Room5 . _ is your brother? ( )He is 1.80 metres.AHow oldBHow tallCHow heavy读句子,选择与句子相符的图片。6 . My schoolbag is heavy. ( )AB7 . -What colour is your English book? -Its orange. ( )AB8 . My friend is tall and strong. ( )AB9 . Put your ball under the chair. ( )AB10 . The picture is on the wall. ( )AB11 . 读句子,选择含有句中单词画线部分读音的词。(_) 1. There is much food in the fridge. A. foot B. cool(_) 2. I like my new coat. Its nice. A. boat B. book(_) 3. Dont cry. Let me help you.A. fly B. baby12 . ( )When _ he born?AwereBwasCdid13 . my books? ( )They are on the desk.AWhereBWheresCWhere are14 . I _kites in the park_ my friends last Sunday. ( )Afly, withBam flying, andCflew, with15 . _ head hurts. ( )AIBMy16 . _ she going to play the piano at the party tomorrow? ( )No, she _.ADoes; doesntBWill; wontCIs; isnt二、阅读选择阅读理解。Im Oliver. Our weekend at the hotel was bad. Our room was big but everything was very old. Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair. My mother wanted to read a book but the lamp was too small. My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen, but they were cold and tasted bad. I wanted to watch TV but the TV didnt work. The people in Room 301 listened to loud music. I didnt sleep all night. Im sorry but we didnt enjoy our stay very much.17 . Who cleaned the room and fixed a chair? ( )AOliver.BRobin.COlivers father.18 . What did his mother want to do at the hotel? ( )AWatch TV.Blisten to the musicCRead a book.19 . How was the hamburger from the hotel kitchen? ( )ACold.BGood.CDelicious.20 . Did they enjoy their stay? ( )AYes, they did.BNo, they didnt.CNot mentioned.21 . Which one is not true(正确的)? ( )AOur room was big but everything was very old.BWe didnt enjoy our stay very much.COliver listened to loud music and he didnt sleep all night.22 . Mimis store is having a sale on many things.根据海报内容,选择最佳答案。【小题1】How much are a jacket and two socks?A¥112.B¥124.C¥80.D¥98.【小题2】How much do a pair of shoes and two cokes cost?A¥120.B¥160.C¥122.D¥106.【小题3】You have ¥100. What can you buy?AA mug and a jacket.BA mug and a pair of shoes.CA jacket and two Cokes.DA pair of shoes and a pair of socks.【小题4】You buy a clock, a mug and two Cokes. You pay ¥150. How much can you get get back?A¥32.B¥68.C¥18.D¥132.三、填空题23 . We should have more_ (water).写出动词的过去式。24 . go _25 . buy _26 . eat _27 . take _28 . ride _29 . 上周你去了哪儿?Where _ you _ last week?30 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)His foot is _( big ) than yours.(2)I will _(play) basketball with my friends tomorrow.(3)How much _(be) the bananas? 32 yuan.(4)They want _(eat) apples.(5)Did you _(wash) your clothes yesterday?四、阅读回答问题阅读对话,回答问题。My name is Lily. I have a happy family. We share the housework. My father can cook the meals. My mother can wash the clothes. I can clean the rooms.My sister can do the dishes. My brother can make the bed.31 . What can Lily do?_32 . What can her mother do?_33 . What can her sister do?_五、任务型阅读根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Dear Lisa, How are you? I am very glad to write to you. My school isnt very big. There are about 800 students in it. Im in Class Four, Grade Three. There are nineteen boys and twenty girls in my class. Miss Liu is our English teacher. She is a good teacher. I like her and I like English.We go to school from Monday to Saturday. We have an English class and a Chinese class every day. I have two friends in my class, Jenny and Tom. Jenny comes from Toronto. Tom is from Washington. They speak English very well. They can speak a little Chinese. They are my good friends. What about you and your new school?Please write soon!Yours, Rose34 . Roses school is very big. (_)35 . Rose doesnt like her English teacher. (_)36 . Jenny comes from Canada. (_)37 . Tom is American. (_)38 . Jenny and Tom are in Grade 3. (_)六、句型转换39 . Rewritethefollowingsentences(按要求改写句子):1.Therearesomestarbiscuitsinthebag.(改为否定句)_2.Hisrobotisarectangle.(划线部分提问)_3.ThereisaglassinClareshand.(划线部分提问)_4.Mymotherlikesheryellowdress.(改为否定句)_5.Hisauntisanurse.(划线部分提问)_hisaunt?_hisaunt_?6.Aliceshoopisacircle.(改成意思相同的句子)_,and_七、匹配题40 . 给问句选择正确的答句。(_)1. Are you naughty?ANo, they arent.(_)2. Is Amy shy?BYes, he is.(_)3. Are they going to go to school?CYes, it is.(_)4. Is Tom naughty?DNo, she isnt.(_)5. Is her homework good?ENo, Im not.八、书面表达41 . 圣诞节就要到了,你会在圣诞节期间做哪些事呢?请根据提示写一段话,标题已给出。提示:first, next, than, finally等。At ChristmasChristmas comes. I always have a lot of fun at Christmas. First, I _第 8 页 共 8 页

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