高二英语:《unit3 fashion-listening,speaking and writing》教案(牛津上海版S2A)

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高二英语:《unit3 fashion-listening,speaking and writing》教案(牛津上海版S2A)_第1页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit3. FashionIntegrated skills, Speaking, & Writing教案一、章节分析 (Section Analysis ) (一) 综述 本章节是语言运用部分。通过听,说,读,写方面的训练,提高学生语言词汇方面的能力,加强他们运用语言知识来表达想法的能力。教会学生用英语做问卷调查和信息反馈,训练学生看图作文能力。(二)目标Integrated skills 要求学生通过听一段对话获得关键信息并作简要信息记录,然后根据所作笔记完成一封回信,以此对上述信息进行反馈。(可以结合P35听力练习强化学生记录信息的能力,要求学生补充每一件物品除出现年代以外的其它信息。)Speaking 在轻松的氛围中帮助学生通过互相提问的形式,完成一份已事先设计好的问卷调查。并引导学生发表他们对问卷结果的看法。Writing 1 学会看清各幅图画所要表达的意思以及图画之间的联系。2 学会串词成句,即根据提供的短语组织完整的句子,然后根据图画的含义将这些句子组织成一个完整的故事。3 引导学生使用连词使上下文连贯,故事情节流畅。(三)重点和难点Integrated skills 帮助学生掌握以下词汇:(P24)shrink, Shrinkproof, colorfast (P35)pregnancy, disposable, permanently在写信过程中需注意的语法现象:suggest that(should)Speaking 鼓励并确保小组成员之间互相提问和回答P32的问题,最后对问卷分析进行个人意见反馈。Writing 根据图画和所给单词、词组流畅连贯地叙述故事。二、教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Integratedskills 听力部分:l 材料的整合: 将课本第24页和课本第35页上的听力材料整合。两份材料都是培养学生作简要信息记录的能力。(为确保P24听力和写信练习的连贯性,可先完成P35的听力内容并加以扩展要求学生提供除物品出现年代以外的更多信息。)l Pre-listening 在听之前,创设环境,要求学生明确听力任务(recognize key words),扫清在听力材料中出现的困难词汇(pregnancy, disposable, permanently,shrink, Shrinkproof, colorfast),提高听的效果。 l While-listening激发兴趣,增强听的动力。l Post-listening 要求学生小组活动,比较每个人的记录,是否做到既准确又简洁。听力之后的反馈写信练习:引导学生在所作记录的基础上组织语言,完成信的内容。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1。牛津英语教学参考S2ASpeaking l 将学生分成45人一个小组,任命一位group leader, 小组成员之间互相就问卷上的问题进行提问和回答,并对各自以及他人的回答作出汇总。l 学生汇总分数后参考问卷分析,并讨论对问卷结果的看法。Writing l 看清各幅图画所要表达的意思以及图画之间的联系。l 恰当使用课文提供的短语,完整,连贯地完成一个故事的叙述。l 注意句子之间的连贯,适当使用连词使故事流畅生动。l 建议在写作完成后,进行小组交流,鼓励学生之间互相阅读文章,指出他人的错误之处与出色之处。这样学生可以互相借鉴并取长补短。具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接2链接1说明: Integrated skills 整合了听力,笔记以及写作等能力,是一种综合性的训练,科学设计有助于学生提高综合能力。以下是一份教案。Integrated skills Part one Listening & Note-takingPre-listening1) Get familiar with the new words (P24)shrink, Shrinkproof, colorfast(P35)pregnancy, disposable, permanently2) Introduce the task to the students - to recognize the key words; to learn how to take notes in brief (they should not note down everything the speakers say.)While listening l Task one Exercise on P351. Students listen once, and they are required to match the column of fashion items with the column of their first appearing time.2. Students listen again, and they are required to fill in the following form designed by the teacher as an additional task. The aim is to help students find more detailed information.First appearing timeFashion itemsDetailed info. (if any)Paper clothesShoulder-bags for womenThe wrinkled lookThe first hoop skirtNylon stockingssneakers3. Check the answersl Task Two Exercise on P24 1. Students listen once, and they are required to take down as much information as they hear, and fill in the form.2. Students listen again, and they are required to make sure they dont miss out any important information. Make the notes brief but informative.Purple Jeans Test ResultsNamesortStrong?Shrinkproof?Colorfast?commentsDaisy¥140Cheap but very poor qualityRoseLilyIris3 Check the answersPost-listening Divide students into groups, in which they discuss about the results they have obtained, and try to offer their own opinions on the four brands of jeans. Part Two Completing a letter based on the previous listeningThe students are required to complete a letter, the outline of which has been provided. l To make sure that students write more than one sentence in each blank, the teacher can first organize a group discussion among students before they get down to filling in the blanks.l While they are giving suggestions, students should pay special attention to some grammar. For instance, they may be guided to note that after I suggest that, they should use the subjunctive mood. l They should give reasons why the friend should not buy Daisy or Iris jeans, and reasons why she should buy Rose jeans.链接2说明: 写作部分要求学生看图写故事。通过这一部分的学习,让学生学会看清各幅图画所要表达的意思以及图画之间的联系,能根据课文所给的单词和词组组织完整的句子,最后形成连贯流畅的文章。 以下是一份教案。WritingStep One Pre-writing - to review the rules of writing a story.(由于学生在高一时已经做过根据图片写故事的练习,此次看图写作不是初学,而是复习、巩固写作技巧)l Divide the students into groups and ask them to discuss the basic elements of a story. (They may produce the following: who, what, when, why, where, how, etc.) l Ask them to answer the questions of who, what, when, why, where, and how, according to what they have observed in each picture.l Guide the students to note that the story is required to be told in first person angle and mainly in the simple past tense.Step Two While-writing l Students should write the story with the useful phrases offered on page 33. (but they dont need to use all the phrases provided.)l Students should pay special attention to the connection of each picture. Teachers may guide them to use some connective words. (and, then, after that, several days later, finally, )l Students should also pay attention to the details, e.g. Jacks appearance (which is closely related to the mothers attitude towards him)l Students should have the imaginative thinking. Teachers may encourage them to invent dialogues, especially what the mother says.l Guide the students to use paragraphs.Step Three Post-writingl Several students are invited to present their writings to the whole class, by means of the over-head projector. Other students are invited to comment on these writings. Then the teacher may make some comments on them.l Get the students to think about the story again, and try to work out something meaningful behind the story. (they may well think of the saying Never judge a book by its cover )客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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