Module 1《Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion》教案1(外研版选修9)

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Book 9 Module 1 Bernard Shaws PygmalionI教学内容分析本模块内容为英国著名作家萧伯纳的戏剧及萧伯纳生平的介绍.通过本模块的学习,使学生了解上述内容并掌握有关的词汇,培养有关的语言技能;了解英语戏剧的特点,帮助学生认识到课文所蕴含的深刻的思想内涵培养学生的语篇意识和对英语文学的兴趣。同时发展学生的语言能力、交际能力和文学欣赏能力。 Introduction该部分含有三个活动。这些活动引入了与文学有关的词汇,简单介绍了英国近代著名的作家萧伯纳的生平,为后来的阅读提供了背景知识.通过这些活动,学生可以初步熟悉有关文学的词汇,为后续的阅读做好准备。Reading and Vocabulary(1)该部分的阅读材料有两部分构成:介绍萧伯纳的著名戏剧卖花女的一篇短文和节选。围绕着短文和戏剧节选,我们设计了六个与内容和词汇有关的练习。通过这些练习,学生可以熟悉课文的内容,学会使用与课文内容有关的词汇,并就课文的内容发表自己的见解,从而提高对课文内容内涵的了解。Language in use (1) 该部分介绍了英语中最活跃的三个词:who, be 和 say, 通过这三个词在不同句型中的运用,对它们的句法进行归纳, 并设计有关的活动.Vocabulary and listen 该部分选自卖花女片段,引入了七个生词和短语,配有四个相关的活动。通过听的练习,可以提高学生听的技能,促进某些词的了解和运用。Speaking 该部分以两个活动的形式进行,针对听力材料的内容展开讨论,进一步健身对听力材料的理解, 并提高分析,综合和归纳能力。Language in use (2) 该部分继续介绍了英语中最活跃的三个词:a / an, you 和good,通过这三个词在不同句型中的运用,对它们的句法进行归纳.Reading and vocabulary (2) 该部分阅读材料主要介绍买花女中的两个人物以及她们的外貌和性格特征变化。通过课文所提供的一系列的活动来加深对课文的理解,并为后续的阅读练习做好铺垫。Reading practice 该部分的活动内容为:Eliza在一天之内出席了一个花园宴会、一个正式的晚宴和一个晚间招待会,回到Higgins的家中以后,筋疲力尽。她在那些活动中变现完美,没有露出一点破绽,为他打赢了他的赌,为此她付出了巨大的努力并且承受了极大的心理压力。通过阅读人物的一系列变化,更加深入的了解课文,并对进一步掌握本单元的生词有巨大的帮助。Cultural Corner 该部分节选萧伯纳的最后一幕。读后可以帮助学生加深对该戏剧的理解,并能使学生对英语戏剧的特点有了更多的了解。II教学计划 本模块分为五个课时: 第一课时:Introduction,Presentation skill, Cultural Corner 第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary(1) 第三课时:Language in use(1) &(2) 第四课时:Reading and Vocabulary(2), 第五课时:Reading practice,Task,Module FileIII. Learning strategy: 1. Cognitive strategy (认知策略)2. Monitoring strategy(调控策略)3. communication strategy(交际策略)4. resource strategy (资源策略)IV教学步骤Period OneContent: Introduction,SpeakingCultural CornerProcedure: introduction Step 1 : 引领学生熟悉Activity 1中的单词,注意发音和意思.Complete the quotations with the words in the boxbadly creating done joke language laugh like mouth1. The English have no respect for the language, and will not teach their children to speak it. They spell it so badly that no man can teach himself what it sounds like. It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making another Englishman hate him.2. Life isnt about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself3. If you are going to tell people the truth, youd better make the laugh. Otherwise, they will kill you.4. My way of joking is to tell the truth. Its the funniest joke in the word.5. Nothing is ever done in this world until men are prepare to kill one another if it is not done.6. Take care to get what you like or you will have to like what you get.Step 2 了解词汇之后,给出学生几分钟时间来编个小故事,尽量用上与上述有关的单词.Step 3 首先找学生阅读Activity 3中的单词,并让学生了解词的意思.阅读下面文章了解萧伯纳,并回答下面的问题。1. What does a dramatist do?2. What kind of things does a socialist believe?3. What kind of play did Show write?Presentation skill-Giving a presentationStep 1: 做Activity 1,使学生掌握描述人物外貌的词语: (1) 个别活动,阅读文章,完成Activity 1中的表格 (2) 全班活动,请几名同学说出答案,然后大家给出意见.Step 2 :完成 Activity 2, 使学生掌握描述人物性格和外貌的词语.Step 3: Pair work. 四个学生一组,在老师的指导下来描述自己所熟悉的人物性格,把讨论的结果记录下来.学生们可以借鉴如下表达方式:Sb. be familiar with/ sth. be familiar to sb. / Id like to present my friend_ to you. / Ive known him/her for _years. / she / he is quite.Cultural Corner:Purpose:揭示上层社会用金钱来衡量人的标准.1SkimmingAsk Ss to go through the passage quickly,and then try to find out the answers to the following questions?(1) Why doesnt Doolittle enjoy having money?(2) Do you agree that ordinary people live for others and not for themselves in China?Suggested Answer:(1). Because everybody wants him to give them money, or use their paid service.(2). Students own answers.2DiscussionAsk students to discuss the personality of Doolittle. Try your best to use the sentence pattern in this module.Suggested Answers: Various answers are acceptablePeriod Two Content: Reading and Vocabulary(1)Teaching Goals:1. To get Ss to master the reading skills of scanning and skimming2. Know the playMy Fair LadyTeaching Procedures:Step 1. Leading-in 播放的录像,导入本模块的课文.Step 2. Read the part 1 and part 2 of the passage quickly and answer the questions.(目的是让学生学会速读,并从中获取更多的信息) 1. Why is the play called Pygmalion? 2. What does Higgins wan to do with Eliza? 3. How does Eliza change? 4. Does Higgins believe that coming from a high social class gives you a better character? Why? 5. How does Higgins treat Eliza? 6. How does Eliza win his respect?Step 3: After your reading, Maybe you should pay more attention to these new words1. a king. carves a statue. makes2. The statue comes to life. become alive3. .tries to make a lady out of an girl a woman who belongs to a higher society4. to believe in a refined way in a polite and educated way5. Higgins introduces Eliza to a polite society people in the highest classes of society6. I wont give more than a shilling a small amount of moneyStep 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the boxappearance base bet charming domineering myth professor prove rebel statue1. He bet a lot of money that he would win.2. A myth is an ancient traditional story about gods, magic and heroes.3. Statues are often made of stone.4. She is charming that everyone wants to be her friend.5. Young people sometimes rebel against their parents.6. The professor has written a brilliant book about Bernard Show.7. Being extremely tall and thin, his appearance was rather strange.8. Higgins wants to prove that he is events.9. Plays and novels are often based on real events.10. A domineering person wants other people to do what they say.Step 5 Read part 1 again. Choose the correct answers.1. In the Greek story, the king Pygmalion falls in love with _.A. a statue B. a woman C. a myth2. Higgins is _ than Eliza.A. of a higher social class B. a better human being C. nicer3. The professor believes he can change Elizas _.A. voice B. character C. behaviour4. Eliza _ in ways that Higgins does not expect.A. speaks B. changes C. helps5. Eliza leaves Higgins because _.A. he treats her badly B. he sees her as a servant C. he doesnt love her6. In the end, Eliza makes Higgins _ her.A. teach B. help C. respectStep 6. Read the part 2 again and answer the questions1.Eliza wants lessons in order to _.A. work in a flower shop B. buy a flower shop C. buy flowers in a flower shop2. How much does Eliza tell Higgins she will pay for lessons?A. less than a shilling B. exactly one shilling C. more than a shilling3. Higgins agrees to teacher Eliza because _.A. he likes her B. he sees it as a challenge C. she is so dirty4. Pickering believes that Higgins_.A. can make Eliza a lady B. should make Eliza a lady C. cant make Eliza ladyStep 7 DiscussionDo you think the “bet” is a good idea? Why or why not?Period ThreeContent: Language in use (1) &(2)Teaching Goals:1. Know the active words: who / to be / say / a(an) / you / good2. the use of the words and phrasesTeaching Procedures:Language in use (1)WhoRead the sentences and answer the questions1. Who is Pickering?2. Who offers Higgins money for lessons?3. Who does Eliza ask for lesson?4. Do you know who will win the bet?5. Eliza marries a young man who really cares for her.6. Eliza marries a young man who she likes a lot.7. Higgins, who is a professor of English, is not very interested in people.8. Ive already decided who will win the bet.Which sentences.(a) asks about the person who is the object of a verb?(b) asks about the identity of someone?(c) identify the exact person you are talking about?(d) gives extra information about the person you are talking about?(e) asks which person does something?(f) have a verb before the word who?(g) asks an indirect question, perhaps in order to be polite?答案: (a)-3 (b)-1 (c)-5,6 (d)-7 (e)-2 (f)-4,8 (g)-4具体用法:用 法用 法 举 例常用句型Who+ 动词What phoned?疑问句/ 陈述句+who +动词常用于本句型的动词: know, decide, mention, say, ask, wonder, care, remember, tell, see 等Do you know who won?I dont know who won.名词/代词+who +动词常用于本句型的名词或代词有:those, people, someone, anyone, man, woman, person(1) I dont like that man who reads the news.(2) The person who is in charge is not her today.Who 代替传统语法中的whom的功能Who do you prefer?名词+ who + 动词James, who died in a car crash, was a singer.固定用法Who know? = No one knowsn who is John?n Who knows? She could be anywhere.Who cars? = I dont caren Youll break the chair.n Who cars? It is old anywhereTo be Match the sentences with the grammar patterns1. Dont be so rude to Eliza!2. Higgins may be successful in his plan3. I want to be lady in a flower shop4. Elizas clothes will be cleaned by Mrs Pearce.5. “Mrs Higgins, Eliza will be staying with us for some months,” said Higgins.(a) modal verb (e.g. must, can, should, will)(b) be + adj. or none phrase(c) modal verb+ being+V-ing(d) verb + to be(e)modal verb + be +V-ed答案:a- 2 b-1 c- 5 d-3 e-4具体用法用 法 用法举例常用句型Be + 形容词/ 名词Be careful. Youll fallDont be silly情态动词+ (not) be John must (not) be in his forties情态动词+ (not) beV-ng / V-edIt may be raining outsideThese glasses should be washed动词+ to be常用于本句型的动词有:want, like, intend, prefer, refuseWhen she grows up, she wants to be an architect.固定用法Letbe 建议某人不要改变原状I would just let them beAsas. can / could be = as much as possible Now that she has her own home, shes as happy as can beSayMatch the sentences with the expressions1. Mrs Perce doesnt say very much2. Eliza said that she wanted to be a lady in a flower shop3. Does Eliza say why she wants lesson?4. Pickering says,”Youre not exactly polite to her.”5. “Will you accept the challenge?” “ yes, Ive already said so.”6. It is often said that the way you speak is important.7. Pygmalion is said to be Shows most popular play.Say is;a. used to report statements or opinions indirectlyb. used to refer back to what someone has expressedc. used to report what is said, without saying who said itd. the same as(c), but more formale. use to report exactly what is spoken or writtenf. used to talk about speaking, without saying exactly what is saidg. use of a question word to ask about what is said, or to say what is not said答案: 1-f 2-a 3- g 4-e 5-b 6-d 7-cStep 2 : Finish the exercise 4 page 6Suggested answers: 1. who 2. who is 3. who know 4. know who 5. said to 6. be7. may be 8. to be 9. who has got 10. be making 11. says 12. said so13. to be 14. said 15. know 16. saidLanguage in use (2) A / An 用 法用法举例常用句型名词 + be + a/an + 名词My friend is Tom There+ be + a/an +名词There is a shop near the hospitala/an + 形容词 名词Johns got a nice smile.Such a/an 名词Tom is such a hard worker习惯搭配Have a . Take a Have a drink, have a laugh, have a lookTake a work, take a restA kilo/ a meter 表单位A coffee/ a fruit 表一份Would you like a coffee?Petrol costs $ 3 a liter.You 用 法用法举例常用句型(dont) + you +动词Dont you touch the heater, do you hear?祈使句+will + you Come this way, will you?固定用法Same to you 用于回答别人的问候-happy New Year.- Same to youYou too 用于回答别人的愿望或希望n Take care of yourself.n You tooYou bet用于表示坚定的同意n Are you coming?n You bet!汉语说我和你,但英语要说you and I / me Good用 法用法举例常用句型名词+be等 + good名词+be等 + good +名词1. The film was very good. Much better than his last one.2. Tom is a good swimmer. He swims well.It + be等+good + that 从句It + be等+ a good thing + that 从句1. its good that you phoned2. it was a good thing someone had remembered to bring a torch.It + be等+no +good +V-ingIts no good complaining: no ones going to pay any attention.习惯搭配常用在be, feel, look, seem, smell,等词的后面That smells good. What is it?Good常跟动词do 和make 构成短语A holiday in the sun will do you good.It will cost a lot of money to make good the damage caused by the stormGood 常跟介词at, for, to 和with 等词连用1. The neighbours were very good to me when I was ill.2. He is a brilliant teacher: he is so good with children. 固定用法For good=for everThe days of cheap oysters have gone for good.any good?=of any value?of any interest?- was the party any good?- it was a bit boring, actually.Thats no good- I will phone you at work.- thats no good. Im in a meeting all day.A good deal= a lotThat swimming pool must have cost them a good deal.Do sb. goodYou need a rest. A holiday will do you good.Step 2:Finish the exercise1, 2 3 on Page 7 . Period FourContent: Reading and Vocabulary(2)Step 1: Read the passage an choose the best title A. Shaws Heroes and Heroines B. Eliza Doolittle and Professor Higgins C. Lovely Eliza, Unkind HigginsD. Eliza and HigginsThe way they changeStep 2: During your reading, you should pay more attention to the wordsbeard complexion confident creation dramatist insensitive sophisticatedwell-built1. If someone is sophisticated they have a lot of style, knowledge of the world and culture.2. A beard is the hair which grows on a mans cheeks and chin.3. A well-built man is not thin or fat but has a strong shaped body.4. Your complexion is the natural colour and quality of your skin.5. If you are confident, you are sure of your abilities and opinions.6. Someones creation is a new thing that they have invented or made.7. When someone is insensitive, they do not show that they care about other peoples feelings.8. A dramatist is someone who writes plays for the theatre.Step 3 Compare the passage on Page 8 with the passage in READING AND VOCABULARY (1). Answer the questions.1. in what way are the passages the same?2. in what way are they different?Suggested answers: students own answerPeriod FiveContents: Reading practice,Task,Module FileProcedure:Step 1 : PredictionRead the descriptions of the opening of each act. Decide in which act the event in Part2 on Page 3 happen. Act 1: In Convent Garden Market, London, its raining, and people are running for shelter. Act 2: Next morning. Hingginss laboratory in Wimpole Street, London Act 3: Mrs Higgins, Professor Higginss mother is at home in Chelsea, waiting for guests toarrive. Act 4: Eliza and Higgins at home after the party. Act 5: Next day, at Mrs Higginss home. Higgins is calling the police.Step 2 : Read the passage. Decide which act it comes from.Suggested answer: Act 4Step 3 : careful-reading Answer the questions1. How does Higgins find out if he has been successful in turning Eliza into a lady?2. What has happened during the afternoon before this scene?3. How successful was Higinss experiment with Eliza?4. Why does Eliza feel so unhappy after the garden party?5. What plans does Higgins have for Eliza now?6. What is Elizas reaction to his plans?7. What do you think is going to happen next?Suggested answers:1. He takes her to the party in his mothers house to see if she can pass as a lady.2. Higgins has taken Eliza to the party.3. Very successful.4. Because she doesnt know what she will do in the future.5. None, but then he suggests she could get married quite easily.6. She feels cheap and usedthat she is selling herself.7. Students own answer.Step 4 Choose the best answer1. Look at the stage directions which describe Higginss attitude and behaviour. They suggest someone who is _.a. kind and sincereb. self-centred and unaware of Elizas feelingsc. rude and angryd. moody2. How would you describe Elizas mood?a. upset and pessimistic about her futureb. afraid of Higginsc. defiant and ready to leaved. depressed and ignorant3. Why have you begun going on like this? this means_a. Have you forgotten what I taught you about grammarb. what are you talking aboutc. are you going to let me speakd. why have you started to complain and worry客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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