高中英语 典题精讲(Module4 Music Born in America)教学素材(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!典题精讲【例1】 (2006,上海春季高考)Both sides have accused of breaking the contract of _. A. anotherB. the otherC. neitherD. each思路解析:“the other+单数名词”表示“两个中的另一个”,根据上文中的both sides可判断出双方相互指责对方违约。another是“另一个”的意思,指多个东西中的另一个,具有名词或形容词性质。neither(两者)都不;each每一个,表示多于两个。答案:B黑色陷阱误选其他选项是没有掌握各个代词所适用的范围,没有注意题干所暗含的条件。绿色通道区分other, the other, others, the others和another用法的要点是:在other前使用定冠词(the other, the others)时,表示“剩余的”,不用冠词时表示“其他的”;other 后接复数名词,而the other既可后接复数名词,也可单独使用,表示“剩余的一个”。others后不能接名词。another表示“许多个事物中的一个”,但如果复数名词前有数词时,可以用another修饰,表示“另外多少”。【例2】(2006,上海春季高考)Doris success lies in the fact _ she is co-operative and eagers to learn from others. A. whichB. thatC. whenD. why思路解析:同位语从句放在某些抽象名词如fact, news, belief, conclusion等词后,表示名词的内容,对其加以解释。同位语从句通常用that引导,但随着与其同位的名词不同,也可由whether, when, which, who, how, what, why等引导。答案:B黑色陷阱易把此题错误分析为考查定语从句而选择其他选项。绿色通道要注意同位语从句和定语从句的区别。同位语从句说明、修饰先行词,又等同于先行词,若用连词that引导时,that不作从句的成分,一般也不能省略。定语从句全句修饰、限制先行词,并由关系代词代替先行词在句中充当成分。当先行词是物时,既可以用that, 也可以用which引导。因此,做题时要分析从句是否缺少成分,如果缺少某种成分如主语、宾语、表语,就是定语从句;不缺少成分就是同位语从句。【例3】 John is very lazy. He falls _ behind in his studies. A. veryB. farC. moreD. still思路解析:fall far behind远远落后。very只修饰形容词或副词。more放在形容词或副词前构成比较级。still表示“仍然”,或修饰形容词或副词的比较级,表示“更甚,还要,愈发”。答案:B绿色通道far作副词既可以修饰形容词或副词,也可修饰动词或动词短语,意思是“很,极,大,”。相关词组还有:far ahead远在前面;far away/off 远隔,在老远处。【例4】 They wanted to charge $5000 for the car, _ we managed to bring the price down. A. butB. soC. whenD. since思路解析:前后两句话是转折关系,要选择but作为正确答案。so作并列连词的意思是“于是”。when引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候”;since引导原因状语从句意思是“因为”。答案:A黑色陷阱误选其他选项原因是没有搞清楚前后句之间的关系。绿色通道做有关连词的题目时,要根据两个句子的关系来确定答案。做此类题目时,要搞清楚它们之间的关系,如时间、因果、转折等。【例5】 Wed like you to start work tomorrow if possible. Im sorry, but I cant possibly start until Monday. _?A. Do you agree with meB. Is that a good ideaC. Do you think Im rightD. Will that be all right思路解析:Will that be all right?表示“这行吗?”,用于征得对方的同意。因为无法按对方的意见去做,所以问这样行不行。答案:D绿色通道在做交际用语的题目时要搞清问语和答语的意思。如题中,Do you agree with me? 表示“你同意我说的话吗?”常用于征求对方是否同意自己的意见。Is that a good idea? 表示“那是个好主意吗?”用于了解对方对自己的意见的看法。Do you think Im right? 表示“你认为我对吗?”用于征求对方对自己的所作所为的意见。【例6】 I have many friends, _ some are businessmen. A. of themB. from whichC. who ofD. of whom思路解析:of whom 引导定语从句,表示“其中的”。先行词friends是表示人的名词,要用whom。答案:D绿色通道“介词+引导词”是高考的热点试题,介词的选用必须根据句意或定语从句中的动词、形容词等进行决定。当先行词是表示时间、地点或原因的名词时,则需根据先行词选择正确的介词。. 【例7】阅读短文,完成表格:The world of music never be the same since the formation of a band in Liverpool, England in 1956. the Beatles were formed by George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul Mc-Cartney, and John Lennon. Their first hit song Love Me Do was recorded in 1962. The Beatles quickly became the worlds best-known pop music group and many people today still regard them as the finest band in the history of pop music. Lennon and Mc-Cartney were the authors of most of the songs the group recorded. Harrison also wrote songs, often using ideas from Indian music. The drummer of the group was the famous Ringo Starr and he occasionally sang. For six years the Beatles had hit after hit songs. Twenty-eight of their songs were on the Top Twenty record charts and seventeen of these songs reached number one on the charts. The group also had a successful movie career. The comedies A Hard Days Night and Yellow Submarine became very successful movies. People imitated their long hairstyles, clothing, and humor. Almost all later pop hands learned from the Beatles. Beatlemania is the word used to describe how strong and loyal the fans were. The BeatlesThe Beatles were formed in Liverpool in 1956 by 1 people.Music careerFirst hit song was recorded in 2Became the worlds best-known pop music group.Harrison used ideas from 3 music.Twenty-eight songs were on the Top. Twenty record charts and 4 reached Number One.Movie careerTwo comedies became very famousPeople imitated their 5 , clothing and humor.答案:1. 42. 19623. Indian4. 175. hairstyles巧学园地巧记lie和lay躺 lie, lay, lain, lie in bed again; 撒谎 lie, lied, lied, dont be a liar; 产蛋 lay, laid, laid, a hen laid an egg; 放置 A boy picked it up, and laid it in the bag. 客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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