高二英语外研版选修7同步练习《Module 1 Basketball》Section Ⅱ 语言点二 应用落实

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高二英语外研版选修7同步练习《Module 1 Basketball》Section Ⅱ 语言点二 应用落实_第1页
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高二英语外研版选修7同步练习《Module 1 Basketball》Section Ⅱ 语言点二 应用落实_第2页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!.选词填空1. Mr. Smith felt lonely, because his children have all grown_up and left home now.2The earthquake is the worst one in_the_history_of China.3At_one_point I think she is going to refuse, but in the end she agrees.4Liu Xiang held_the_record of 12.88 seconds for 110hurdle for almost 2 years.5The new bridge in our city was_named_after the designer. 6Liu Qian is_known_as a magician. .单项填空1Tom_ in a big family while his twin brother, David, was _ in a small village by his grandmother.Agrew up; brought upBgrew up; grown up Cwas grown up; brought upDbrought up; grew up解析:选A。考查短语辨析。句意:汤姆在大家庭中长大,而他的孪生兄弟大卫是由奶奶在一个小村庄抚养长大的。grow up 表示“成长”,无被动语态,故排除C项;bring up“抚养;培养”,故A项正确。2The lifeboat was sent out to _ the sailors from the sinking ship.AshelterBrescueCescape Dtrap解析:选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意:救生艇被派出以把海员从要沉的船上救出来。rescue“营救”,符合句意。shelter“庇护”;escape“逃跑”;trap“使陷入困境”。3. Lu Xun is one of the most important characters _ of Chinese literature.Ain history Bin the historyCwith history Dwith a history 解析:选B。考查短语辨析。句意: 鲁迅是中国文学史上最重要的人物之一。in the history of 为固定搭配,意为“在的历史上”,符合句意。 in history “在历史上”; with a history of “有的历史”。4. Yang Yuying was considered as sweet song queen _.Aat one point Bto the pointCon the point Doff the point 解析:选A。考查短语辨析。 句意: 杨钰莹曾经一度被封为甜歌皇后。at one point“曾经;一度”,符合句意。to the point“切题”;on the point与of连用,“正要(去做某事)”;off the point“不切题”。5 It seems that you quite like your English teacher. She is _ a teacher to us. She is both our elder sister and best friend.Anot more than Bmore thanCless than Dno more than解析:选B。考查短语辨析。句意:“好像你很喜欢你们的英语老师。”“她不仅仅是我们的老师,而且还是我们的姐姐和最好的朋友。”more than“不仅仅”,符合句意。not more than“不超过,至多;不比更”;less than“少于”;no more than“至多,不超过,仅仅;同一样不”。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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