Module 3《The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors》教案(外研版选修9)

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Module 3《The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors》教案(外研版选修9)_第1页
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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业!选修九Module 3The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta WarriorsI教学内容分析 本模块介绍了秦始皇陵墓和兵马俑,对秦始皇在历史上的功过进行剖析,对劳动人民对中国古代文明所做出的贡献进行热情的讴歌。要求学生掌握以上历史的同时,运用本模块所提供的语言知识目标进行听说读写的训练,从而提高学生的语言学习和运用的目的。II教学计划 本模块分为五个课时: 第一课时:Introduction,Presentation skill, Cultural Corner 第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary(1) 第三课时:Reading and Vocabulary(2), 第四课时:Reading practice,第五课时:Task,Module FileIII. Learning strategy: 1. Cognitive strategy (认知策略)2. Monitoring strategy(调控策略)3. communication strategy(交际策略)4. resource strategy (资源策略)Period OneContent: Introduction,Presentation skill, Cultural CornerIntroduction: Step 1: Look at the picture and discuss the questions. Use the words in the box to help battle clay column emperor expression hairstyle soldier tomb underground uniform1. Which emperor of ancient China ordered these terracotta warriors to be made?Emperor Qin Shihuang2. Where were the terracotta warriors discovered?1.5 km away from his tomb.3. What are the warriors doing?Standing like an army ready for battle.4. Are all the warriors identical?No, they are all different from each other.5. Why do you think the Emperor built the terracotta warriors?Step 2: Put the dynasties of ancient China in the correct order.1. Zhou Dynasty2. Han Dynasty3. Three Kingdoms, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties4. Sui Dynasty5. Qin Dynasty6. Tang Dynasty答案: 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 6Step 3: Answer the questions.1. During which dynasties were there many wars?Three Kingdoms, Jim, Southern and Northern Dynasties2. During which dynasty was the Great Wall first built?Qin Dynasty3. During which dynasty did China first become one country?Qin Dynasty4. During which dynasty was the Grand Canal first established?Sui Dynasty5. During which dynasty was China most powerful?Tang DynastyStep 4: Pair workCan you think of more questions about the dynasties of ancient China? Having a talk with your partner.Presentation SkillRead the letter on page 38 and answer the questions.1. Is this a formal or informal letter? How do you know?Formal; We know because the writer addresses the recipient as Mr. Wu (not by the first name), mentions nothing personal, just the business matter, signs it with “Yours sincerely”.2. Why has Li Chen written the letter?Because he needs some students help for the archaeological dig during the summer holidays.3. Who do you think Mr Wu is?A teacher at a school.4. In what way would this job be an interesting experience?The students would have a chance to work in a team at an important archaeological site.Cultural CornerStep1 : Read the passage and answer the questions.)1. Why did Qu Yuan kill himself?Because Qin captured the capital of Chu.2. What else do you know about Qu Yuan and the Dragon Boat Festival?Step 2: Task: Making a presentation about ancient ChinaThink of a period of ancient China that interests you. Choose two or three important people or aspects of the period.(1) A ruler and his achievements(2) Poets or philosophers(3) Building or relics that can still be seen todayPeriod TwoContent: Reading and vocabulary (1)Step1: Fast readingRead the passage. Number the topics in the order you read about them.(a) The discovery of the warriors (b) the men who made the warriors(c) description of what the warriors look like (d) why the writer is at the site (e) Emperor Qin Shi Huang and his tomb (f) how the soldiers were madeAnswer: d, e, a, c, f, b Step2: Read again Answer the question:1. In which part of China is the underground tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang?The northwest Chinas Shanxi Province.2. How and when were the terracotta warriors discovered?By farmers digging a well.3. How many terracotta warriors are there?7,4004. Why were they made?Because Emperor Qin wanted an army to protect him in the next life.Step3: Look at the words from the passage and choose the correct answers.1. archaeology (a) the study of ancient sites and buildings (b) the study of geography 2. unify (a) to change (b) to join together 3. crossbow (a) a weapon (b) an object that lights a fire 4. pit (a) a large hole in the ground (b) a river5. facial (a) on (your) face (b) kind of6. inscribe (a) to paint (b) too write or cut words on or in something7. figure (a) an object (b) a statueStep4 : Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.construct entrance feature glue hairstyle hollow investigate rob solid treasureAnswers:1. entrance 2. construct 3. glue 4. features 5. treasure 6. robbed 7. investigate 8. solid 9. hollow 10. hairstyleStep5 Read Part 1 again and answer the questions.1. The writer is working on the _ of Emperor Qin Shi Huangs tomb. A. area B. site C. province2. If archaeologists succeed in entering Win Shin Huangs Tomb, they _. A. will be robbed B. may be attacked C. will find treasure 3. 6.000 clay warriors were found by _. A. peasants B. archaeologists C. soldiers 4. The site was _ a long time ago. A. visited B. discovered C. buriedStep6 Read Part 2 again and answer the questions.1. The warriors look _. A. strange B. tall C. quite real2. The soldiers _ show their position in the army. A. names B. uniforms C. weapons3. The legs of each figure are _. A. hollow B. glued together C. heavier than any other part4. The name of _ is written on each figure. A. each soldier B. the man who made the soldier C. the EmperorStep7: Answer the questions:1. But Ive never had so much fun in my life. Why is the writer having fun?Because he is very lucky to be an archaeology student working on the terracotta warriors site.2. There are rather worrying ancient descriptions of crossbows hidden at the tombs entrance. Why are the descriptions worrying?Because if anyone tried to enter, they might be killed.3. As the whole world knows, when the archaeologists started digging, they found 6.000 clay warriors How do you think the whole world discovered this?It was reported in the newspapers and on television.4. It seems that Emperor Qin Shi Huang had ordered the soldiers to be made in order to protect him in the next life.What does this tell us about Emperor Qin Shin Huang?That he was worried about what would happen to him after death.5. I wonder if they were any help?!What does the writer mean by this?He doesnt know what happens to people after death and wonders if the army really did protect the Emperor.6. In the half-light its easy to imagine that they are a real army.Why is it only half-light?Because it is underground, and also if the lighting were too strong it might spoil the figures.7. I too feel so proud to be connected in some small way with Qin Shi Huangs great army.In what way is the writer connected with Qin Shi Huangs army?He is working on the archaeological site where they are.Step 8: Discussion1. What do we learn about Emperor Qin Shi Huang from this passage? What do we learn about his personality?That he unified China over 2.000 years ago; he became king aged 13he was a brilliant ruler, but very cruel2. What do we learn about the writer? What do we learn about his personalityThat he is an archaeology student from London; hes very lucky to have been chosen to work on this site; he seems very enthusiastic and happy.3. Would you like to work on this site for a month or two?What would you enjoy? What would you dislike?Period ThreeContent: Reading and vocabulary (2) Step 1: Fast reading Read the passage. Write a heading for each paragraph. Passage 1 The History of the Great WallPassage 2 A Legend About the Great WallPassage 3 A Walk Along the Great WallStep2 : Read the words in the box, then complete the sentences.admire approximately arrival collapse depart magnificent set off sun lotion take a break wonder1. The building _ because it was very old. 2. The Great Wall is a (n) _ achievement. 3. They need to _. Theyve been working very hard. 4. We arrive at _ eleven oclock. 5. In ancient times, there were said to be Seven _ of the World.6. To _ means to start a journey. 7. I _ him because he knows so much about ancient China. 8. The coach didnt _ until late in the evening. 9. Its very hot so you should put on some_. 10. The _ time back in Beijing is 22:30.Step3 : Answer the questions:1.Can you think of another word to replace the word “itinerary”?Travel Arrangements.2.What information about the Great Wall in Paragraph 1 has already been given in the listening passage about Emperor Qin Shi Huang?That he joined up the different sections of the wall.3. Could the legend about Meng Jiangnu be true? Say why / why not.NO. One womans crying could not make a wall fall down.4. Why is the walk along the wall described as unforgettable?Because the scenery and views are magnificent.5. Does the walk sound tiring? Say why / why not.It will not be too tiring because there is a 20-minute rest every 40 minutes.Step4 discussion1.Does this trip sound well-organised and attractive?2.Do you think this is a good leaflet? Does it make people want to go on the trip?3.Would you change the leaflet in any way? If so, say how.Period FourContent: Reading PracticeStep1: Look at the title of the passage. What do you think the secrets of the terracotta army were?Step2: Read the passage and check your answer.1. He was fully aware of the importance of armed forces and in order to protect him in the afterlife, he had images made of his troops, which were buried near him to guard his soul.(1). Who made the images of his troops?We dont know.(2). What were the troops for?To guard his soul.(3). Where were the troops?They were buried near him.2. The large numbers reflect the centralized authority in Chinas feudal society. Serving as a typical example of different art of sculpture between East and West.(1). What do the words the large numbers refer to?The statues.(2). What kind of sculpture are the large numbers an example of?Human figures.(3). What serves as a typical example of the different art of sculpture?The large numbers of the sculptures.Step 3: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. Before the Emperor came to power, _. a. the capital of China was in Xian c. there were a series of wars in China b. the Qin dynasty ruled the entire county d. China as a single state did not exist2. The Emperor made images of his armed forces in order to _.a. Show how aware he was of their importance b. show that he believed in life after death c. guard his body in the mausoleum after he died d. Protect him in the next world3. 3. The Emperor Qin Shi Huang intended the large number of warriors to show _.a. The power and importance of a unified China b. The size of his army and the mens facial expressionsc. A typical example of the Qin army in ancient Chinad. The difference between art and sculpture in the East and in the West4. To show individual characteristics, the soldiers all _.a. Wear different costumes b. Have different facial expressions c. Show different ranks and positions d. Stand in different positionsstep 4 : consolidation 1. Which dynasty took over after the Qin dynasty?A. the Han dynasty B. the Tang dynasty2. What kind of building is a mausoleum?A. a museum built in the memory of a dead person B. a place where dead people are buried3. How was a feudal society organised?A. according to social position and rank B. everyone was equal4. What is terracotta made from?A. white stone B. reddish-brown clay5. What did the excavation of the Qin warriors involve?A. removing the earth that was covering them B. building a special cave to store them6. A landmark in the historical development of ancient sculpture in China is _.A. a building that is easily recoginsed B. an important stage7. How old do you think a veteran might be?A. 18 - 35 B. More than 35答案: A, B, A, B, A, B, BPeriod Five Content: WritingParagraph 1 Give your reason for writing and some information about yourself:Paragraph 2 Give some more information and explain why you would like the job.Paragraph 3 Explain why you would be good at the job.Paragraph 4 End with a polite phrase.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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