Module 2《Highlights of My senior Year》教案2(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业!Module 2 Highlights of My Senior YearI教学内容分析本模块以Highlights of My Senior Year为话题,介绍了美国中学生的学校生活,描述了他们的学校俱乐部以及从事的课外活动,学生通过本模块学习,可了解其他国家中学生的学习生活情况,进行中美学校文化的对比,并学会描写自己高中的生活。Introduction 部分首先通过表格的形式介绍了美国中学的学制、学习年限和学生年龄等情况,然后通过问答的方式引导学生对比中美学生生活的差异,为阅读部分的学习做好知识背景的铺垫。Reading and Vocabulary (1) 部分介绍了一位美国中学生的高中生活,要求学生学习相关的词汇,培养略读和查读的能力。Grammar (1) 部分复习表语从句和主语从句,并通过一系列的练习来巩固和体会如何运用这两种从句。Speaking 部分是阅读文章后所展开的一项活动,要求学生能够运用本课所学的词汇、短语和句子等,假设在20年后的同学会上,回忆自己的高中生活。Reading and Vocabulary (2) 部分通过图片和广告语的形式来介绍一些美国中学的俱乐部,培养学生快速获取信息的能力,并引导学生说出自己最喜欢的课外活动。Listening and Vocabulary 部分让学生听一段校报编辑对报纸主题内容进行的讨论,训练学生对文章整体的理解能力和听后的概括能力。Grammar (2) 部分是Grammar (1) 的延续,主要通过句式转换练习让学生了解形式主语。Function 部分学习使用表示建议和想法的句型,让学生通过相关的听力和口语练习活动掌握这种表达方式。Reading and Vocabulary (3) 部分主要描述了美国中学生的课外活动的情况,让学生在阅读文章中学习词汇;并通过阅读来提高对文章的概括能力。Speaking 部分要求学生就所了解到的美国中学生课外活动的内容和中国中学生的课外活动进行对比和讨论,并鼓励学生用本模块Function部分所学到的句型来表达自己的想法。Everyday English 部分主要通过补全对话的形式使学生熟练掌握日常生活中常见的几个交际用语。Writing 部分训练学生学会如何给报社描述自己理想的高中生活,培养学生对文章结构的把握以及如何表达自己观点的能力。Reading Practice 部分一篇记叙文,作者描述了自己不愉快的高中生活。由于文章涉及的生词较多,建议在教学的过程中,教师要适当地指引学生根据上下文来猜测生词的词义,从而提高学生理解和运用信息的能力。同时通过让学生完成书上的阅读练习,提高学生获取信息和分析问题的能力。Cultural Corner部分是一篇介绍美国拉拉队和拉拉队员的文章,让学生通过阅读了解一些外国文化,体验外国文化的魅力。Task部分是对本模块的一个复习与应用,要求学生运用本模块所学的内容,为校报写一篇关于你高中生活的文章。Module File部分有助于学生对本模块学习内容进行归纳,对自己的学习进行总结和检验。II教学重点和难点1. 教学重点(1) 掌握一些与学校生活相关的词汇。(2) 学习如何表达想法和意见。(3) 学习主语从句和表语从句。2. 教学难点(1) 听懂介绍学校生活和其他资源介绍的相关信息,听懂和辨别表达想法和观点的句子。 (2) 正确表达自己的想法和观点。(3) 学会介绍学校生活,进行评论学校生活和各种活动,并学会写关于高中毕业班的精彩生活的文章。III教学计划本单元分六个课时:第一、二课时:Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary (1)&(2), Function Speaking (Role-play)第三课时:Reading practice, Cultural Corner第四课时:Grammar 1 and 2第五课时:Listening and Vocabulary, Everyday English第六课时:Module File, Reading and Vocabulary 3, Writing (Task)IV教学步骤Period 12 Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary (1) & (2), Function, Speaking (Role-play)Teaching Goals: 1. To get Ss to learn some words to describe the life of senior year.2. To get Ss to know something about American school system and something about American senior high school life.3. To let Ss master how to summarize a passage.4. To get Ss to talk something about the highlights of their school life.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Introduction1. To arouse Ss interest in learning about this period, ask them to look at the chart on page 15 and answer the following questions in pairs. (1) How old is an American student when he or she enters middle school? (2) How many years do they study in middle school? (3) How old is an American students when he or she enters senior high school?(4) How many years do they study in senior high school?(5) What is the final year of senior high school called?Suggested Answers:(1) 11-12. (2) Three. (3) 14-15. (4) Four. (5) Senior year.2. Let Ss work in pairs to draw a chart of the Chinese school system and compare it with the American school system. Get them to try to tell some differences between them.For your reference:(1) American students go to middle school earlier than us.(2) There are four years in American senior high school, while we just have three years.3. Ask Ss something about their school life, such as their courses, after-school activities, teachers and so on. Let them express their lives freely.Step 2. Reading and Vocabulary (2)1. Ask Ss to look at some American senior high clubs and their slogans on page 20 and then work in pairs to answer the questions in Activity 1.2. Ask Ss to use the words in the box to fill in the blanks in order to let them learn some new words.attract concern drama fashionplay photography slogan(1) What _ the tourists most is Danxia Mountain.(2) Danxia Mountain is a major tourist _.(3) I like John but I dont think he is _.(4) I feel _ about the poor children.(5) “One world one dream” is the _of Beijing Olympic Games.(6) _ Club is for photographers only.(7) Hamlet is one of the most famous _ in the world.(8) Loose trousers are the latest _.Suggested Answers:(1) attracts(2) attraction(3) attractive(4) concerned(5) slogan(6) Photography(7) dramas(8) fashionStep 3. Function 1. Let Ss give opinions about the clubs in Reading and Vocabulary (2) and decide which two clubs you would most like to join. Then ask them to try to use the expressions in Activity 1 on page 22.For your reference:A: How is the Concern Band as far as you are concerned?B: It seems to me thatA: What is your view about the Drama Club?B: In my view, it is not attractive. A: Which two clubs would you most like to join? Why? .2. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and answer some questions. on the sports field the high school prom ceremony(1) What is the highlight of your senior year? (2) Do you think sports are an important part of school life?(3) Do you have a school dance or party in your final year at school? If so, describe what you wear and what happens. If not, would you like to have one? Say why / why not.Step 4. Reading and Vocabulary (1)1. Fast redingAsk Ss to read the passage quickly and try to find out the highlights of the writers senior year. Then present a chart in order to let Ss know clearly what they should do now. Underline the new words and phrases in order to let Ss pay more attention to them.WriterGradeHighlightsFor your reference:WriterGradeHighlightsJoanna Sykes12th (senior year)(1) Working as an arts editor for the newspaper;(2) Working as a peer mediator;(3) Having fun in a skiing trip;(4) Getting good grades in her final exams;(5) Receiving the senior prize for English Literature;(6) Being elected to the student council;(7) Being elected prom queen. 2. Intensive reading (1) Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and choose the best answers. The writer met the teachers and told them about Ss feelings and suggestions because she _.A. was a top studentB. enjoyed doing thatC. was a peer mediatorD. was on the student council Which of the following is the reason why the writer wrote two long paragraphs about the prom?A. It was both exciting and instructive.B. There were many teachers and students attending the prom.C. It is strange that she was elected prom queen.D. It was the most wonderful event for her in the senior year.Suggested Answers: D D(2) Ask Ss to read again and answer the following questions: Whats her first planning after leaving school? What kind of training was given to students when school began? Why did she have fun racing each other down the ski slopes? Before going to the prom, what preparations did she make? Why did Joanna enjoy the prom so much?Suggested Answer: Shes going to take a long vacation. They were given training in how to be a peer mediator. She is competitive. So she did enjoy it whenever she won the race. Because she went with Daniel, looked elegant, had a good time with her friends and was elected prom queen. She found a dress that suited her perfectly and had her hair specially done. ( It took 2 hours but it was worth it. )3. Post-readingAsk Ss to discuss the following question:What kind of person is Joanna? Describe her.For your reference:Joanna is an outgoing person who likes to be involved in student life. She enjoys positions of responsibility. She is also competitive. She likes to have a good time with her friends, too.Step 5. Language Points1. Ask Ss to discuss the important and difficult language points in groups. Then give them some explanation.(1) It seems strange to think that in a few days time Ill be walking out of the school gates forever. 想想过几天我就要永远走出校门了,似乎有一种别样的感觉。 It seems + that-clause结构中, it 是形式主语,代替后面真正的主语that主语从句。 in a few days time = in a few days / a few days away(2) Meanwhile, I find myself looking back at my senior year.同时我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年时光. find oneself突然发现自己处于某种处境或在做某事。如:If you find yourself worrying about things, call me. look back at / to / on / upon 回顾, 回想Eg I like to look back on my high school days.(3) Ive decided to write them down so that one day, years from now, when I reread them, the memories will come back. 我决定把他们写下来,多年以后的某一天再次阅读时,往事就会涌上心头。so that: 引导目的或者结果状语从句(4) At the start of the school year, we were given training in how to do this. 新学期开始,我们就接受了培训,学习怎样做这种工作。不定式前可以加一个疑问词做动词/介词的宾语。Eg He often teaches us how to tell jokes. Have you got an idea of where to get help?(5) Ive greatly enjoyed working as a peer mediator, someone who helps students to settle problems that they have with other students. 我非常乐意做同伴调解人,就是帮助学生们解决同学之间的问题。have problems with sb 和之间有问题, 出现了麻烦Eg What problems do you really have with him?(6) I am competitive. 我喜欢争强好胜。 compete的词形变化:compete (v), competition (n), competitor (n), competitive (adj) compete的常用搭配compete with / against sb 和某人竞争 compete for sth 为某事竞争compete with sb in sth 为某事和某人竞争【例题】 She and her sister are always _ attention.A. competing withB. competing forC. competing in D. competing against (Key: B)(7) I had great fun racing each other down the ski slopes. 我们比赛着冲下雪坡,实在痛快。have fun doing sth / have fun with 做某事有乐趣Eg They have fun taking part in different kinds of outdoor activities. The little girl is having fun with the doll.(8) It took two hours but is was worth it. 这花了我两小时,不过很值得。此句也可表达为:It was worthy of two hours.Eg It was hard work, but it was worth it at last. The dinner jacket costs $200, which is worth it for attending the senior prom.2. Present the phrases written just now in order to let Ss master them well. (Translate the Chinese phrases into English.)(1) 感a sense of(2) 参加;与有关be involved in(3) 学生会student council(4) 以身份做某种工作work as(5) 文艺编辑arts editor(6) 解决问题settle / solve problem(7) 值(钱)be worth(8) 很值得干Its well worth doing .(9) 度假take a vacation(10) 选做elect sb (as) 3. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and filling the missing words.Highlights of My Senior Year (1) , but my school life is almost over. Prom night has come and gone, and Ive received my high school diploma (2) . Its a good thing that the exams are finished. I feel too excited to think clearly! It seems strange to think that (3) . Ill be walking out of the school gates forever. The first thing Im going to do is (4) ! (5) , I find myself (6) my senior year, and thinking about all the wonderful things that have happened. Ive decided to write them down so that one day, (7) , when I reread them, the memories will come back.Theres so much to remember. One of the best things about this year has been working as an arts editor of this newspaper. Ive so enjoyed it! I love writing, and (8) is my first step towards becoming a journalist, so this has been a real success for me.Something else Ive greatly enjoyed is working as a peer mediator, someone who helps students to settle problems (9) with other students. At the start of the school year, we were training in how to do this, and its clear that this kind of work can really help people. I think Ill continue to work as a mediator when I go to college.During the Easter vacation, I went on a short school skiing trip to the Rocky Mountains. Ive been skiing quite a few times, but never with the school, and since two good friends came on the trip, we (10) each other down the ski slopes. Its well-known that Americans are competitive, and I did enjoy it (11) !Other things Im pleased about getting good grades on my final exams, and receiving the senior prize for English Literature. I was given a car by my parents so Ive been able to drive to school, which is brilliant. And of course, Ill never forget (12) the student council. I really enjoyed meeting the teachers and telling them how we, Ss, feel about things, and what we think should happen in the school!All these things have been wonderful. But I have to say, the highlight of the year was the senior prom. For an American girl, its so important that you have a good time at the prom. Well, I did! Daniel, a boy in my English class, asked me to go to the prom with him, and I was so pleased Id been hoping he would ask me. I found a dress that suited me perfectly, and (13) on the day of the prom. It took two hours but it was worth it, as everyone told me I looked very elegant! A group of us rented a nice car to take us to the prom. The food was delicious and I ate so much that I had to stop dancing for a while! We (14) , and laughed and told jokes all evening. Its a great pity that its probably the last time this will happen.Daniel and I danced most of the dances together. But the big surprise of the evening was (15) ! This was so unexpected, and I cant tell you how good this made me feel! After the prom, a group of us drove down to the coast, and sat on the beach in our long dresses and dinner jackets. I shall never forget watching the sunrise over the sea it was unforgettable! Afterwards, we went and had an enormous breakfast in a nearby hotel it was a perfect ending to a perfect school year.Suggested Answers:(1) I can hardly believe it (2) at last (3) in a few days time (4) to take a long vacation(5) Meanwhile(6) looking back at(7) years from now(8) working on this paper(9) that they have(10) had great fun racing(11) whenever I won our races (12) being elected to (13) had my hair specially done (14) shared a table with some good friends(15) when I was elected prom queen Step 6. Speaking (Role-play)Ask Ss to imagine that it is twenty years from now and let them talk about the highlights of their senior year. Try to use the phrases or sentences we learnt in reading to express their opinions.Step 7. Homework1. Ask Ss to try to find out the useful phrases in the passage.2. Ask Ss to finish Reading Exercises in the Workbook on pages 99100.3. Ask Ss to prepare for the Reading Practice and Cultural Corner.Period 3 Cultural Corner, Reading PracticeTeaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to realize school life includes not only happy but also sad moments.2. To learn about some unhappy things about school life.3. To help Ss learn about the American art of cheerleading and the prom.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionCheck the answers to the Reading exercises in the Workbook.Step 2. Cultural Corner1. Use the pictures to introduce some new words to Ss:routinecheerleading squadpompomcheerleader2. Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and answer the following questions.(1) What is the cheerleader?(2) What happened in the 1920s, 1950s, and 1978?(3) How do Americans feel about cheerleading?Suggested Answers:(1) A cheerleader is a member of a team that dances and does gymnastics before and during competitive games to encourage crowds to cheer their sports teams.(2) In was not until the 1920s that pompoms began to play an important part in cheerleading. (=Pompoms didnt begin to play an important part in cheerleading until the 1920s. / =Not until the 1920s did pompoms begin to play an important part in cheerleading.) By the 1950s, most American high schools had cheerleading squads. In 1978, the National Cheerleading Championship were shown on television, and universities began offering courses in cheerleading.(3) Some Americans are amused by it and see it as rather a stupid activity. In fact, cheerleading is considered so important in America that several movies have been made about it.3. Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks with the words theyve just learnt.I like (1) which can (2) crowds to cheer their sports teams during (3) games. Everyone will feel excited and cant help roaring. In the past, cheerleading only (4) in America. As time passed, more and more counties started cheerleading. Now it (5) games (6) , and many universities offer (7) in cheerleading. In fact, cheerleading is (8) so important (9) several movies have been made about it.Suggested Answers:(1) Cheerleading(2) encourage (3) competitive(4) existed(5) Plays an important part in (6) worldwide(7) courses(8) considered(9) thatStep 3. Reading PracticePurpose: To learn about some unhappy things about school life.1. Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and try to finish Activity 3 on page 26.2. Ask Ss to try to guess the meaning of the following underlined words according to the passage (In this reading material there are so many new words, teachers must pay more attention to the vocabulary. Teacher may teach Ss how to understand the new words when they meet in the passage. For example, teacher can tell Ss how to guess the words according to the passage, especially the sentences before and the next sentence) .(1) In fact, the only preparation I had for this adventure was watching as my mother sewed my name tag into my shirts, trousers and woolen sweater.(2) I was shown to the dormitory where I would sleep .(3) The bedding was a pillow, a sheet and a thin quilt.(4) an electric kettle to heat water for tea(5) Sport was compulsory, and every week we had to go for a five-kilometers run, .Suggested Answers:(1) sew: to make, repair or attach sth using a needle and thread(2) dormitory: a place where people can sleep(3) bedding: something related to bed, such as pillows, sheets, quilts and so on.(4) kettle: a container which can heat water(5) compulsory: necessary3. Ask Ss to read the passage carefully and finish Activity 4 and 5 on page 26.4. Ask Ss to look at the following sentences and try to translate them into Chinese. Check whether they have understood the passage well. (1) They say that schooldays are the happiest days of your life, but not for me!他们说学生时代是一生中最美好的时光,但对我来说,不是!(2) In fact, the only preparation I had for this adventure was watching as my mother sewed my name tag into my shirts, trousers and woolen sweaters.实际上,为这次冒险我做好的唯一准备就是看着我的母亲把我的名字缝在我的衬衣,裤子和羊毛衫上。(3) Im ashamed to admit that I sobbed as I fell asleep that night.惭愧地承认的是那晚入睡之前我开始啜泣。(4) We had a dynamic English teacher, a bachelor who had plenty of time for us boys and inspired my life-long love of literature.我们有一位精力充沛的英语老师,一个可以把大把时间用来照顾我们这些男孩子并鼓励我走上文学之路的单身汉。(5) There was also a teacher of botanical science, who introduced me to my passion for flowers and plants.还有一位植物学老师,激发了我们对花草植物的热情。(6) We all had to attend morning assembly every weekday, except for boys of other faiths.每个工作日,我们都要参加早晨的集会,除非是有别的信仰的男孩子。(7) Many people talk about their happiness at school, but for me, at eighteen, all I felt was a sense of liberation.许多人都谈论他们在学校的幸福时光,但是对我来说,18岁,我有一种解放的感觉。5. Check whether Ss have understood the idea of tha passage. After reading, ask Ss a question: “Do you think the writers schooldays were happy or sad?”.For your reference:It was sad because he cried at night, he didnt know why he had to do a maths problem, it was misty and cold and he felt liberated when he left school at 18.Step 4. Homework1. Ask Ss to review what they have learnt today.2. Ask Ss to preview Grammar (1) and (2).Period 4 Grammar (1) and (2)Teaching Goals: 1. To learn the grammar predicative clauses and subject clauses.2. To enable Ss to use predicative clauses and sub


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