高考英语外研版选修7《Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage》SectionⅢ速效提能演练

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高考英语外研版选修7《Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage》SectionⅢ速效提能演练_第1页
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高考英语外研版选修7《Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage》SectionⅢ速效提能演练_第2页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!.词汇知识1_a book of list of names or facts,usually arranged in alphabetical order2_ to cause to grow larger or wider3_ treating different things or people in different ways4_ to speak in favour of another person5_ to settle an argument or differences of opinion by taking a middle course acceptable to all sides6_ a list of the business or subjects to be dealt with at a meeting7_ complete in every way8_ the condition of selfgovernment,esp.of a state or group within a country答案:1.directory 2.enlarge3.discrimination4.advocate5compromise6.agenda7.thorough8.autonomy.重点短语1more.than. _2go through _3remind sb.of. _4at the mercy of. _5take off _6in return _7spread to _8hold together _9be honoured for. _答案:1.与其不如2.获准;经过程序3.使某人想起4.受支配5.起飞;脱衣6.反过来7.蔓延到;传到,波及8.使结合;团结一致9.因而受到尊敬.必背句型1With more than 50 million Chinese living and working overseas,the MidAutumn Festival _them _ their Chinese origins and would help to unite Chinese people all over the world.包括在海外生活和工作的五千万中国人,中秋节勾起了他们对中华渊源的回忆并能团结全世界的中国人。答案:reminds;of2The living treasures _their achievements in many different areas of life.这些古稀老人因为在生活的不同领域取得成就而受到尊敬。答案:are honoured for3_,UNESCO recognises the autonomy of provincial,federal and state cultural organisations,but offers support and guidance when requested. 反过来说,联合国教科文组织认可各省、联邦政府及州文化组织的自治权,但是在接到请求时会提供支持和引导。答案:In return4UNESCO _ to take sites off the World Heritage list if their present state is threatened by _ of protection. 联合国教科文组织已经着手把一些遗址从世界遗产名录中划去,如果它们现在的状态受到缺乏保护威胁的话。答案:undertakes;an absence5UNESCOs agenda for the worlds tangible and intangible heritage is also to act as a warning system,for sites which are _ redevelopment,pollution or even the effects of tourism,and cultural activities which are in danger.联合国教科文组织对有形和无形的文化遗产的议事日程也起到警示的作用,即警示那些因恢复经济发展、污染甚至是旅游和文化活动影响而处于危险中的景点。答案:at the mercy of6While the bid is _,the state government _funds for each items protection.在申请的同时,由政府出资对申请项目进行保护。答案:going through;allocates7Which items will be included in a _ to be added to the UNESCO list?哪些项目会被包括在联合国教科文组织的世界文化遗产列表的申请中呢?答案:bid温馨提示:巩固学习效果,检验教学成果。请进入“课时训练12”,指导学生每课一练,成功提升成绩。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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