高三一轮英语选修8 Module 3《Foreign Food》课时作业(陕西外研版)

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高三一轮英语选修8 Module 3《Foreign Food》课时作业(陕西外研版)_第1页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!.单项填空1In my opinion,all Mr White_good to his students in his class at present.He is very strict in their study.Adoes does doesBdoes do doCdoes does do Ddid do does2Brad was Janes brother!_ he reminded me so much of Jane!ANo wonder BAbove allCNo doubt DOf course3_you I owe a thousand apologies_having doubted your ability.AFor;to BTo;forCFor;for DTo;to4Some experts think that language learning is much_for children as their tongues are more flexible.Aeasy BeasierCeasily Dmore easily5Have you ever been here before?This is the second time I_to the Great Wall.Acomes Bhave beenCcame Dhad come6The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to_.Amake it out Bmake it offCmake it up Dmake it over7Do you think everything_was true?Awhat he said Bhe saidCwhich he said Das he said8The movie_on JK.Rowlings Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was put on in theatres on November 18.Abasing BbasedCbeing based Dto be based9The young fellow at last managed to make himself_with his_English.Aunderstand;broken Bunderstand;breakingCunderstood;broken Dunderstood;breaking10_turned to their favourite popular singer.AAll the present girls BAll the girls presentCThe all present girls DThe present all girls11Two_teachers and four_students were praised at the meeting yesterday.Awomen;girl Bwoman;girlCwoman;girls Dwomen;girls12They often_their friends at weekends and they always have a good time.Aenvy BinterestCentertain Dencourage13My parents always let me have my own_of life.Away BmethodCmanner Dfashion14The coming of the railways in the 1830s _our social and economic life.Atransformed BtransportedCtransferred Dtransmitted15Its rude to_on the appearance of other people.Amark BremarkCstate Dpoint.句子翻译16他的儿子迷上了上网,精力不在学习上。(obese)_17总而言之,这本书是我读过的最好的一本。(short)_18郭晶晶被称作“跳水皇后”。(refer)_19严重违反校规的学生将被开除。(go against)_20If this trend continues,the world of the future could be dominated by no more than 10 languages._.完形填空Two teenagers who were lost at sea off the United States for six days were saved yesterday.Driscoll,15,and his best friend,18yearold Josh Long,were_21_on Saturday about 11 km off Cape Fear in North Carolina.That was six days and more than 100 miles (161 km) from where they had_22_from Sullivans Island,South Carolina,on April 24.The boys had_23_a lot of water and were tired,but in pretty_24_shape.They set out_25_on a 4.3metre sailboat on a_26_day when the National Weather Service had warned small boats to stay out of the water.They_27_they were in trouble almost_28_and tried to swim back to the shore,_29_the boat along with them.Within_30_,they were far out at sea.“We lost our fishing equipment on the second day,”Driscoll said.“So we couldnt_31_any fish.” The boys hopes_32_with each day.They stood on their boat_33_they saw another boat,_34_and shouting.One night they were woken up by_35_coming into the boat.A large ship was very close to them.“It was like some huge_36_in the water,”Driscoll said.At one point,the boys thought they had gone across the Atlantic Ocean and were close to Africa._37_,they were 179 km north of their _38_point.A coast guard boat set out to look for them.The boys got up and made some_39_.This time,they were heard.“What we have is a completely surprising story of_40_thats going to be studied for years to come,”said Richard Goerling,Longs uncle.“I think the boys have a book to write.”21.A.seen BwatchedCnoticed Dfound22A.took off Bset offCbroke off Dcut off23A.drunk BlostCsaved Dgot24A.good BhealthyCpoor Dthin25.A.traveling BracingCfishing Dswimming26A.fine BrainyCwindy Dsnowy27A.realized BrecognizedCconsidered Dconcerned28A.immediately BsoonCeventually Dsimilarly29A.driving BsailingCpushing Dpulling30A.weeks BhoursCminutes Dseconds31A.buy BtakeCcatch Dsell32A.declined BreducedCincreased Dfaded33A.every time Bthe momentCinstantly Dfor the first time34A.screaming BwavingCspreading Dsigning35A.a shark Ba mouseCwater Dsome noise36A.glacier BtowerCcreature Dbuilding37A.Instead BThereforeCOtherwise DFurthermore38A.ending BstartingCchallenging Dendangering39A.fire BnoiseCballoons Dflags40A.voyage BstruggleCsurvival Dsailing.阅读理解We can see how the product life cycle works by looking at the introduction of instant coffee.When it was introduced,most people did not like it as well as “regular” coffee and it took several years to gain general acceptance (introduction stage)At one point,though,instant coffee grew rapidly in popularity and many brands were introduced (stage of rapid growth)After a while people became attached to one brand,sales leveled off (stage of maturity)Sales went into a slight decline (衰退) when freezedried coffees were introduced (stage of decline)The importance of the product life cycle to marketers is this:Different stages in the product life cycle call for different strategies.The goal is to extend product life so that sales and profits do not decline.One strategy is called market modification.It means that marketing managers look for new users and market sections.Did you know,for example,that the backpacks that so many students carry today were originally designed for the military?Market modification also means searching for increased usage among present customers or going for a different market,such as senior citizens.A marketer may reposition the product to appeal to new market sections.Another product extension strategy is called product modification.It involves changing product quality,features,or style to attract new users or more usage from present users.American auto manufacturers are using quality improvement as one way to recapture (夺回) world markets.Note,also,how auto manufacturers once changed styles dramatically from year to year to keep demand from falling.41According to the passage,when people grow fond of one particular brand of a product,its sales will_.Adecrease gradually Bbecome unstableCimprove enormously Dremain at the same level42The first paragraph tells us that a new product is_.Ausually introduced to satisfy different tastesBoften more expensive than old onesCoften inferior to old ones at firstDnot easily accepted by the public43Marketers need to know which of the four stages a product is in so as to_.Awork out marketing policiesBpromote its productionCincrease its popularityDspeed up its life cycle44The author mentions the example of “backpacks” (Line7,Para.2) to show the importance of _.Aincreasing usage among studentsBpleasing the young as well as the oldCexploring new market sectionsDserving both military and civil needs45In order to recover their share of the world market,US auto makers are_.Aimproving product qualityBrepositioning their product in the marketCmodernizing product styleDincreasing product features课时作业答案.单项填空1C句意为:依我来看,怀特先生做的所有事情确实对他的学生有好处,他对他们的学习要求非常严格。根据时态可排除D;all Mr White does为主语,does do中do为实义动词,构成do good to结构,does表示强调。2Ano wonder 难怪,符合句意。above all 最重要的是;no doubt 毫无疑问;of course 当然,均不合题意。3B句意为:由于怀疑过你的能力,我向你表示一千个道歉。此题考查owe的用法owe sb.sth.for doing sth.或owe sth.to sb.for doing sth.。4B根据“as their tongues are more flexible”可知这里应该是孩子与大人之间的比较,比较的对象省略了。5B在It/This is the first/second time that.句型之后的从句需要用现在完成时。6A考查动词短语辨析。句意为:这个主意使我感到迷惑,以至于我停了几秒钟想尽力把它弄清楚。make out 弄清楚;弄明白,符合句意。7B考查定语从句。everything后为定语从句,故排除A,因为what不能引导定语从句;先行词为不定代词,故排除C;引导词在定语从句中作宾语,可省略。8B考查非谓语动词作定语。be based on 以为基础,此处应用过去分词作定语,相当于定语从句which was based。9C句意为:最后那名年轻的小伙子成功地用结结巴巴的英语说清楚了他的意思。make oneself done 使自己被;broken English意为“支离破碎的英语”。10B考查定语的位置。all应位于冠词the的前面,故排除C、D;present若在名词之前,意为“现在的”,故A不合句意;present 出席的;在场的,应置于名词之后。11A考查名词作定语。名词作定语时,无论所修饰的名词是单数还是复数,一般作定语的名词用单数;但man,woman修饰名词时应与所修饰的词在数上保持一致。12C考查动词辨析。句意为:他们常在周末招待朋友,而且总是过得很愉快。entertain 款待;招待,符合句意。envy 嫉妒;interest 使感兴趣;encourage 鼓励,均与句意不符。13A考查固定搭配。way of life 生活方式。句意为:我的父母总是让我有自己的生活方式。14A考查动词辨析。句意为:十九世纪三十年代铁路的到来彻底改变了我们的社会和经济生活。transform 彻底改变,符合句意。transport 运输;transfer 移交;transmit 传播;传送,均与句意不符。15B考查动词辨析。句意为:对别人的外貌评头论足是粗鲁的。remark on 谈论;评论,符合句意。mark on 在上做记号;state 陈述;表明,为及物动词,不与on连用;point 指向;强调,不与on连用。.句子翻译16Their son was obesed with the Internet and couldnt pay attention to his study.17This book is in short the best Ive read.18Guo Jingjing is referred to as the Diving Queen of China.19The students going against the school rules seriously will be dismissed.20如果这种趋势继续下去,那么未来的世界将会由仅仅十种语言支配。.完形填空【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。讲述的是两个美国少年出海偶遇暴风天气而迷失在大海的故事。最终,他们以顽强的意志一直坚持到获救。21D根据首句提供的信息Two teenagers.were saved yesterday.,这两个孩子是被找到即被“发现”(find)的。22B他们是在海上被发现的,Sullivans Island应是他们出发的地方。set off “出发”符合文意。23B海水本身不适合饮用,因此他们不可能是喝了很多水,而是失了很多水。24A句中shape表示“情况,状况”,意即:虽然他们脱水了且很疲劳,但“身体状况良好”(无性命之忧)。25C根据下文fishing equipment判断他们应是出海捕鱼的。26C根据上下文当天应是风天,故国家气象局警告小型船只不要出海。27A因为刮着大风,他们马上意识到自己身陷困境。realized“意识到”正合文意。28A结合上文理解,应用immediately表示“立刻,马上”。29D根据上文tried to swim back和下文的the boat along with them可知他们是边游边拉着船。30B也许因为风很大,不能很好地控制方向, 因此最有可能在几个小时内,就失踪在茫茫大海里。31C根据语境,他们丢了渔具,所以无法“捕鱼”(catch any fish)了。32D因为一连几天没有见到救援的人,可知他们想得救的希望应该是逐渐消失,使用fade“逐渐消失”最符合文意。33Aevery time“每次”,他们每次一看见有船来就呼救。34B呼救自然是一边挥舞着手臂一边呼喊。35C此处coming into the boat是指后文提到的大船由于靠得很近,将海水溅进船里了。36D巨大的海轮就像一栋巨大的水上建筑,应用building最合逻辑。37A根据文意和前后逻辑关系,此处应用instead,表示转折。38B根据上下文不难推出此处应指他们是在距出发地179公里处被发现的,故选择starting。39B因下文提到船上的人听见了,故他们应是发出声音,用noise。40Csurvival 幸存,此处指孩子们经过一个星期的漂泊还能活下来。.阅读理解【语篇解读】产品生命周期一般可以分为四个阶段:引入期、成长期、成熟期、衰退期。那么,商人们该如何把握住该周期的各个阶段,采取策略,以尽力延长产品的寿命呢?41D细节理解题。从第一段“After a while people became attached to one brand,sales leveled off (stage of maturity)过一段时间后,人们钟爱于该种品牌,它的销量由此进入平衡状态(成熟期)。”可判断,D选项正确。42D细节理解题。A、B、C在文中均没有涉及。而从第一段的“When it was introduced,most people did not like it as well as regular coffee and it took several years to gain general acceptance (introduction stage)”引进它(速溶咖啡)后,很多人不像喜欢普通口味咖啡那般喜欢它。历经数年之后,它才获得了大众认可(引入期)。”可知,新产品不容易被公众接受。D选项正确。43A推断理解题。从第二段第一句话“The importance of the product life cycle to marketers is this:Different stages in the product life cycle call for different strategies.”产品生命周期对于商人的重要性在于,市场策略因阶段不同而不同。”可知,商人要熟知某产品的四个阶段以便制定市场策略。A选项正确。44C细节推断题。第二段讲述了两种策略之一的市场改良(market modification),即市场经理需要挖掘新的消费者和市场空白区。接着作者举了背包一例。背包本为军队设计,现如今已成为学生必不可少的伴侣,由此证明发掘市场新区域及新消费者的重要性。45B细节推断题。最后一段讲述了策略之一的产品改良(product modification),涉及产品质量、特色或风格改进。接着举了美国汽车制造厂一例:它改进产品质量,重新抢占全球市场;年年变换产品风格,保持其需求量。因此可知,美国汽车制造厂是在重新定位其产品的市场坐标,B正确。A项片面。客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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