高三一轮英语选修7 Module 1《Basketball》课时作业(陕西外研版)

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高三一轮英语选修7 Module 1《Basketball》课时作业(陕西外研版)_第1页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!.单项填空1Successful people always make_preparations for any potential setbacks.AfinalBurgentCabrupt Dadequate2It has been_that the gold coin was made five hundred years ago from the date marked on it.Aconfirmed BreportedCconsulted Dconcerned3He_any punishment he gets after all of the harm that he has done.Aobtains BadmitsCconfiscates Ddeserves4I think I can fix your car tomorrow afternoon._,you ll have to wait till Friday.AIf necessary BIf soCIf not DIf possible5In the last 15 seconds of the game,the Rockets led_two points,but soon the Bulls scored and the match ended _a tie.Aby;in Bfor;byCwith;with Dby;with6Shall we have a talk with her and try to persuade her not to see a movie tonight?There is no_in talking to her.She never listens.Agood BvalueCpoint Dworth7If the ship is caught in the storm,what shall he do then?Oh,do you still doubt_he will be able to deal with every terrible situation?Awhether BthatCif Dhow8Millions of people watched the_TV broadcast of the NBA.Aliving BliveCalive Dlively9The bridge was named_the hero who lost his life for the cause of the people.Aafter BwithCby Dfrom10Not everyone has realized what_important part the balance of_nature plays in their life.Aan;the B/;theCan;/ Dthe;/11Were just trying to reach a point_both sides will sit down together and talk.Awhere BthatCwhen Dwhich12How many people do you think this car would_?Aoccupy BholdCfit Dload13It seemed that little_had been paid to the girls illness in the last few years.Aawareness BenergyCattention Dobservation14_the temperature might drop,coal was prepared for warming.ATo consider BConsideredCConsidering DTo be considered15The teacher used to stay up deep into the night._,he made himself ill.AHowever BEventuallyCMoreover DAlso.句子翻译16你已工作一上午了我想你该歇歇了。(deserve)_17他的理论是以事实为基础的。(base)_18毫无疑问,今天温室气体对全球气候影响最大。_19你不该总是依赖父母。(rely)_20We reserved two tickets in the name of Brown._.完形填空Aint What I Used to BeIt has been said,“Be contented with what you have,but never too_21_with what you are.”There is a story about a farmer who saw a tigers tail_22_between two large rocks.In a hurry,he seized the tail and_23_.All of a sudden he realized he had an angry tiger by the_24_and only two_25_stood between him and the tigers teeth and claws! So there he remained,_26_to loosen his hold on the_27_animals tail in case he will surely be killed.A monk happened to go by and the farmer called out in_28_,“Come over here and help me._29_this tiger!”The monk said,“Oh,no.I cannot do that.I cannot take the_30_of another.”Then he went on to deliver a long_31_against killing.All the while,the farmer was holding_32_to the tail of the angry tiger.When the monk finally finished his_33_,the farmer asked,“If you wont kill the tiger,then_34_come and hold its tail while I kill it.”The monk thought that perhaps,it would be all right to_35_hold the tigers tail,so he_36_and pulled.The farmer,however,turned and walked away down the road.The monk_37_after him,“Come back here and kill the tiger!”“Oh,no,”the farmer replied.“You have_38_me!”If the largest room in the world is“room for improvement”,then it is good to leave_39_of room for change.A life of change ! A life of growth ! And always leaving room for_40_.Its the only way to live.21.A.relaxed BexcitedCcontented Dsurprised22A.waving BdroppingCturning Dtrembling23A.cut BexaminedCpulled Dappreciated24.A.head BearCarm Dtail25A.trees BrocksChills Dfences26A.afraid BreadyCeager Danxious27A.wild BbigCangry Dhungry28A.surprise BfearCperson Dorder29A.feed BsaveCcatch Dkill30A.life BwealthCthing Dheart31A.message BteachingCprayer Dinformation32A.loosely BsecurelyCtightly Dclosely33A.blame BworkCmeal Dlesson34A.at least Bat mostCafter all Dfirst of all35A.basically BsimplyChardly Dmainly36A.refused BhesitatedCagreed Darranged37A.ran BlaughedCcomplained Dshouted38A.frightened BchangedChelped Dcomforted39A.plenty BmuchCless Dmore40A.rest BsleepCimprovement Drelaxation.阅读理解Last month,James Connolly,a junior at the University of Massachusetts,stood in front of a local police station wearing a toga (长袍) as punishment.His crime?He was charged with underage drinking,illegal possession of alcohol and too much noise while holding a party.This shaming punishment has increased in the US in recent years,mostly imposed (强加) by local judges for lessserious crimes,such as drunk driving and theft.They believe shame is the best petty crime deterrent (威慑)For example,in Tennessee,Judge James McKenzie has made shoplifters stand outside WalMart with signs that read,“I am a thief put here by order of Judge McKenzie.”“Alternative punishments like community service and fines dont convey moral condemnation of the criminal,” said Dan Kahan,a University of Chicago Law School professor,in an article published on the universitys website.“They arent shameful enough.”Supporters of shaming punishment argue that public shaming is a good way of expressing community values.Some judges say shamed offenders seldom repeat their crimes.Others arent so sure.“There is little evidence to suggest that shaming punishments are successful in preventing people from committing specific crimes.And a shamed criminal may face a hard battle to regain trust in society,” said Hosmanek.“So,a shaming punishment may force the offender into more crimes to support himself.”41According to the passage,wearing a toga in public is a(n)_Ahonour BshameCduty Dcrime42Connolly was punished for_.Ashoplifting Bdrunk drivingCserious crimes Dpetty crimes43Which of the following is the most effective in preventing petty crimes according to Professor Kahan?AGetting a fine for what one has done.BApologizing to the police for ones wrongdoing.CHolding a sign in public that announces ones own crime.DBeing forced to work for the community without being paid.44According to Hosmanek,shamed criminals are more likely to commit new crimes because_.Aits difficult for them to find a jobBthey no longer have a sense of shameCtheres too much fighting in societyDthey do not want to do any work45This passage is mainly about_.Acrime deterrent Balternative punishmentsCshaming punishment D community values课时作业答案.单项填空1Dadequate足够的,充分的。make adequate preparations做充分准备。final最后的;urgent急迫的,紧急的;abrupt突然的,出其不意的。2A根据句意“人们从刻在金币上的日期确认了它是五百年前制造的”可知应选A,confirm证实,进一步确定,it has been confirmed that已确定。It has been reported that据报道;consult商讨,查阅;concern涉及,与有关。3D句意为:在做了那么多坏事后,对他任何的惩罚都不过分。deserve和obtain都有“获得”之意,但deserve指“得到奖励、惩罚等”,而obtain则指“(通过努力)获得、赢得(自己想要的)”。 admit承认;confiscate没收。4C根据句意,如果明天下午不能修好的话,你得等到星期五。if not是if it is not fixed的简略形式;而if necessary如果必要的话;if so如果这样的话;if possible如有可能,在逻辑上均与题意不符。5Alead by.points领先分;end in a tie平局结束。6C句意为“我们要不要跟她说说劝她今晚别去看电影?”“没用的,她总是不听别人的劝告。”point表示“意义”,正合题意;good好处;value价值;worth形容词,意为“值得”。7Bdoubt用于疑问句时,后接由that引导的宾语从句。8Blive现场直播的。9Aname after为固定短语,“以命名”。10C本题考查冠词的用法。本题包含固定短语play an important part。nature自然界,不可数。11Apoint在该句中为先行词,且在从句中作状语,故用where引导定语从句。12B句意为“你认为这辆车能容纳多少人?”hold容纳。occupy占据,居住;fit适合(大小、尺寸);load 装货于。13C考查短语pay attention to的用法。14C此处应填连词considering,意为“就而论;照来看”。15Beventually相当于finally;however然而;moreover况且;also也。.句子翻译16You have been working all the morning and deserve a rest.17His theory is based on facts.18There is no doubt that today greenhouse gases are the largest human influence on global climate.19You arent supposed to rely on your parents all the time.20我们用布朗的名字预订了两张票。.完形填空21C考查上下文照应。结合前面的“Be contented with what you have”可知,此处用contented。relaxed 放松的;excited 激动的;surprised 惊奇的。22A考查动词的词义辨析。根据语境和常识可知,此处是指老虎的尾巴在摇晃。drop 落下;turn 转动;tremble 颤抖。23C考查动词的词义辨析。结合下文的“so he(agreed) and pulled”可知,此处是指农夫抓住老虎的尾巴往后拽。cut 切,割;examine 检查;appreciate 欣赏。24D考查上下文照应。根据上文的“he seized the tail”可知,此处应用tail。25B考查上下文照应。从第二段第一句话的“.a farmer who saw a tigers tail(waving) between two large rocks.”可知,此处应用rocks。hill 小山;fence 篱笆;tree 树。26A考查形容词的词义辨析。从后面的“in case he will surely be killed”可知,此处他是害怕松手。ready 准备好;eager 渴望的;anxious 焦虑,渴望。27C考查具体语境中的形容词辨析。根据前文的“.he realized he had an angry tiger.”可知,此处应用angry。wild 野的;hungry 饥饿的;big 大的。28B考查短语辨析。结合上文的“.in case he will surely be killed.”可知,他害怕被吃掉,所以此处是指他恐惧地呼救。in surprise 惊讶地;in person 亲自;in order 妥当。29D考查动词。根据下文的“I cannot take the(life)of another.”可知,此处应用kill。feed 喂养;save 拯救;catch 逮住。30A考查常识。由常识可知,和尚是不能杀生的,所以此处用life。wealth 财富;thing 东西;heart 心脏。31B考查名词的词义辨析。根据下文的“When the monk finally finished his(lesson).”可知,和尚是向这个人说教,讲不能杀生的道理。message 消息;prayer 祈祷;information 信息。32C考查副词的词义辨析。此处表示农夫在听和尚讲道理的过程中一直紧紧地抓住老虎的尾巴。loosely 松地;securely 安全地;closely 密切地。33D考查名词的用法。根据上文可知,此处应用lesson。blame 责备;work 工作;meal 一顿饭。34A考查词组的意义辨析。此处意思是“如果你不能杀生,至少你可以帮忙拽住老虎的尾巴,让我自己来杀它”。at most 至多;after all 毕竟;first of all 首先。35B考查副词的词义辨析。和尚认为只是拽住老虎的尾巴还是可以的。basically 基本上;hardly 几乎不;mainly 主要地。 36C考查动词的词义辨析。结合上文“The monk thought that perhaps it would be all right.”可知,此处应用agreed。refuse 拒绝;hesitate 犹豫;arrange 安排。37D考查具体语境中动词的用法。当那个农夫走的时候,和尚还拽着老虎的尾巴,所以他只能在农夫后面大喊。complain 抱怨;run 跑;laugh 笑。38B考查动词的用法。此处农夫说,刚才和尚的说教使他改变了,他现在不杀生了。frighten 使惊恐;help 帮助;comfort 安慰。39A考查具体语境的词义辨析。此处表示我们每个人都要给自己留下足够的空间来提高自己。40C考查上下文照应。从前面的“If the largest room in the world isroom for improvement”可知,此处选C。rest 休息;sleep 睡眠;relaxation 放松。.阅读理解【语篇解读】对于那些犯罪很轻的罪犯来说,什么处罚最有效呢?罚钱?罚做社工服务?美国新兴了一种新处罚方式让罪犯当众出丑使之感到羞愧。这种做法好不好呢?当然不同人也是看法不一。41B细节理解题。根据第三段“This shaming punishment”承前指代wearing a toga这种处罚。42D细节理解题。根据第二段可得A、B、C三项错误。第四段“They believe shame is the best petty crime deterrent”可知。43C推理判断题。根据第五段“.they arent shameful enough”可知Professor Kahan赞同新做法。44A推理判断题。根据最后一段“.face a hard battle to regain trust in society.more crimes to support himself”可知这些罪犯犯罪虽小,但是因为失去了社会的信任,难找工作,所以不得不通过继续犯罪来谋生。45C主旨大意题。全文都是围绕羞辱惩罚罪犯来展开论述的,故C项正确。www.gkxx.com客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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