高中英语 unit5 technology all around单元测试 牛津上海版S2A

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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Unit5 Technology all around单元测试单项填空1. The Internet has brought _ big changes in the way we work. A. about B. outC. back D. up2. How about eight oclock outside the cinema? That _ me fine. A. fits B. meetsC. satisfies D. suits3. Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. should have had arrived D. should be arriving4. I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! _. A. Nor am I B. Neither would IC. Same with me D. So do I5. I do every single bit of housework _ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. A.since B. whileC. when D. as6. Im going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything _ ? A. to be buying B. to buyC. for buying D. bought7. David has made great progress recently. _ and _. A.So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have8. _, she could hardly have any time to play with her little daughter.A. Busy as she was B. As was she busy C. was busy she D. As she was busy 9. No matter how much money you have, it cant _ a healthy body.A.match B. fitC. defeat D. compare10. Its important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the _ in language studies.A.situation B. expressionC. condition D. translation11. If you _ finished, Ill start clearing up. A. more or less have B. more and less haveC. have more or less D. have more and less12. Jack, how did it _ that you made so many mistakes in your homework? I myself havent figured it out yet!A.bring about B. come aboutC. occur to D. get down13. She looks sad. Could you please tell me _ that prevents her from being as happy as before?A.it is what B. it is howC. what it is D. how it is14. Have you forgotten _ a ruler from Wang Ling? Oh, yes. But Ill remember_ it to her tomorrow.A.borrowing; to return B. borrowing; returning C. to borrow; to return D. to borrow; returning15. You have promised to go, then why havent you got ready? I _ you want to go at once. A. havent realized B. didnt realizeC. dont realize D. wont realize 完形填空If you were to begin a new job tomorrow, you would bring with you some basic strengths and weaknesses. Success or 16 in your work would depend, to 17 great extent, 18 your ability to use your strengths and weaknesses to the best advantage. _19 the utmost importance is your attitude. A person _20 begins a job convinced that he isnt going to like it or is _21 that he is going to ail is exhibiting a weakness which can only hinder his success. On the other hand, a person who is secure _22_ his belief that he is probably as capable _23 doing the work as anyone else and who is willing to make a cheerful attempt _24 it possesses a certain strength of purpose. The chances are that he will do well. _25 the prerequisite skills for a particular job is strength. Lacking those skills is obviously a weakness. A bookkeeper who cant add or a carpenter who cant cut a straight line with a saw _26 hopeless cases. This book has been designed to help you capitalize _27 the strength and overcome the _28 that you bring to the job of learning. But in groups to measure your development, you must first _29 stock of somewhere you stand now. _30 we get further along in the book, well be _31 in some detail with specific processes for developing and strengthening _32 skills. However, _33 begin with, you should pause _34 examine your present strengths and weaknesses in three areas that are critical to your success or failure in school: your _35 , your reading and communication skills, and your study habits.16. A. improvement B. victory C. failure D. achievement17. A. a B. the C. some D. certain18. A. in B. on C. of D. to19. A. Out of B. Of C. To D. Into20. A. who B. what C. that D. which21. A. ensure B. certain C. sure D. surely22. A. onto B. on C. off D. in23. A. to B. at C. of D. for24. A. near B. on C. by D. at25. A. Have B. Had C. Having D. Had been26. A. being B. been C. are D. is27. A. except B. but C. for D. on28. A. idea B. weakness C. strength D. advantage29. A. make B. take C. do D. give30. A. as B. till C. over D. out31. A. deal B. dealt C. be dealt D. dealing32. A. learnt B. learned C. learning D. learn33. A. around B. to C. from D. beside34. A. to B. onto C. into D. with35. A. intelligence B. work C. attitude D. weakness阅读理解 (A)Have you ever lied to your parents that you came back late from school because you stayed to finish some homework when actually you went to play computer games or have fun with your friends? If students in Taiyuan Yuying High School in Shanxi Province lied in the past, they will not be able to do so in the future.A smart card, Electronic Identity Card, will be introduced this week at the school. The card, which contains a tiny chip, includes a students name, photo and their student number on the face of the card . With this ID, parents will know exactly when their kids arrive and leave the school via(通过) a mobile phone message or an email. “Theres a card reader equipped in each classroom. The system will send the information to students parents if they have applied for this service,” explained Kang Jinfeng, a technician in the school. The school hopes the card will make the students safer and better organized. “The environment around the campus has become busier with lots of things to distract (使分心) students. Some students go to the Internet cafes nearby instead of going home immediately after school. Also, many parents worry about their childrens safety on the way home as there have been lots of student accidents recently,” said Fu Hongyan, headmaster of the school. Parents and students are eager to see how the new smart card works, for the school is the first one in the province to start the program. “Although I hope my child can manage his time well, this card will help me know more about him,” said Wang Liping, a Senior 3 students mother. Apart from information on attendance (出勤), parents will also be informed of their childrens performance, homework comments and examination results. Although parents welcome the move, some students think it will affect their freedom and privacy. “It seems that I am being watched over everywhere and every second. I used to play basketball after school, but now I may have to explain to my parents every day why I get home late. I want to be more independent to deal with my own things,” said Liu Jida, a Senior 3 student . “I would rather that my parents did not know my bad exam results, but the card will tell them everything about my studies,” complained Zhang Xu, a 17-year-old boy.36. If the parents _, they can use the information in the card reader. A. have a mobile B. have a computerC. have a TV set D. have applied for the service 37. The school will use Electronic Identify card for the sake of _. A. money B. the safety of the school C. the management of the school D. the safety of the students and better organization 38. According to the article , _ dont like the new ID. A. the leaders of the school B. the teachers of the school C. the parents of the students D. some students 39. We can conclude from the text that there will be _ students going to the Internet cafes nearby after school . A. more B. fewerC. no D. many (B)Why you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, including some of the greatest enemies of the human race. Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour (吞食) all our crops and kill our cattle, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals. We owe a lot to the birds and beast who eat insects, but all of them put together kill only a very small amount of the number destroyed by spiders. Moreover, unlike some of the insect eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongings. Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six. How many spiders are engaged in the work on our behalf (利益)? One authority(权威人士)on spiders made a research on spiders and found that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre (英亩); that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football field. Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects. It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day. It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by the spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all human beings in the country.40. Spiders should be our friends, because _. A. they only eat harmful insects B. they are great insect-eating animals C. they destroy large numbers of insects which do harm to the human race D. their harmfulness is the least 41. One authority on spiders estimated _. A. that there were more than 2,250,000 insects in a grass field in the south of England B. that every football field in England had 6,000,000 spiders. C. the quantity of different spiders in England was very big D. that there were 6,000,000 kinds of spiders on a football field 42. What does the underlined word “content ” mean in the article? It means _. A. fed B. suppliedC. disappointed D. satisfied 43. Which one of the following statements is the main idea? A. Spiders, the greatest insects-eating animals, protect us from being destroyed by harmful insects and they should be our friends B. Spiders are not insects but in fact animals. C. There are great numbers of spiders engaged in destroying harmful insects on behalf of the human race. D. The weight of the insects eaten by spiders in one year is greater than the weight of all people in England对话填空Z: I suppose the class size is bigger?M: Thats for sure, but the students in China are well (44) b_ and listen carefully, so its not a problem. The biggest thing is (45) t_ the teachers have a different approach in China here the classes are a mixture of (46) b_ “students-centred learning” and the more traditional “teacher-centred learning”.Z: In what (47) w_?M: Well, some of my lessons are like in America: Mr. Dong asks a question or gives us a problem, then we talk about it and (48) t_ to discover an answer ourselvesZ: Mm, thats student-centred learning, (49) r_?M: Yeah, and other lessons are quite different; more. Well, for example, in some classes the teacher (50) o_ us the information and goes through the question step by step. Then we do a similar exercise by (51) o_ for homework.Z: How do you feel about that?M: (52) A_ I like those lessons because I can make sure I really understand everything.Z: Yes, providing learners with a strong (53) b_ is one of the strengths of Chinese education.(44)_(45)_(46)_(47)_(48)_(49)_(50)_(51)_(52)_(53)_书面表达假定你是李华。在最近的一次班会上,你班同学们就“高三学生是否需要吃补品来保持健康”展开了讨论。请根据下表提供的信息用英语写一篇短文,并谈一些你自己的看法,给某英语杂志投稿。60%的同学认为40%的同学认为1坚持锻炼,无需吃任何补品(tonic)。1高三阶段课业繁重,很多同学经常感到疲劳2过多摄入补品会增加体重,对健康不利。2补品可以帮助恢复精力。3价格比较贵。3没时间锻炼身体。你的看法:_【答案解析】【单项填空】1. A。bring about:引起、带来;bring out: 拿出、取出; bring up:抚养大;bring back:拿回。2. D。fit:sth. fit sb. / sth.:穿得; suit:sth suit sb.:合意、称心。3. A。should have done:本该,表示一个过去应该发生而没有发生的动作。4. B。第一句是否定句,且用了助动词would。5. B。while在这里作“而”解释,表示前后两者对比。6. B。to buy在这里作后制定语,修饰anything,但最好用:to be bought。7. B。So sb. do / have / be:某人的确如此;So do / have / be sb.:某人也如此。8. D。选择原因。A. Busy as she was:虽然她忙,主从句矛盾。9. A。match sb. / sth.:与相比; compare:compare A with / to B。10. A。situation:情景; expression:(表达的)词句; condition:情况、条件; translation:翻译。11. C。more or less:差不多、几乎,是副词,放于助动词之后。12. B。come about:发生,= happen; bring about:引起、带来;Sth. occur to sb. = Sth. happen to sb. get down:下来。13. C。强调句作宾语从句。14. A。remember / forget doing:记得/忘记做过的事;remember / forget to do:记得/忘记要做。15. B。didnt realize:没料到、没想到、不知道,讲过去的情况。【完形填空】16. C。本句的意思是:成功或失败在很大程度上取决于你是否能扬长避短。improvement改进;victory胜利;achievement成果,成就。这三个词都不合题意,只有选项C最合适。17. A。to a great extent是固定短语,意思是“很大程度上”,符合题意。类似的说法还有:to a large extent, to some extent, to an extent, to a certain extent, to that extent, to the extent of。the, some, certain都不能与great extent搭配。18. B。on与前面的depend构成本句谓语。19. B。of与名词连用,表示具有某种性质,状态,做表语。置于句首,表示强调。正常语序为:Your attitude is of the utmost importance.20. A。A person后应当是定语从句,“开始工作的那个人”。21. C。本句的意思是“如果一个刚刚开始工作的人就深信自己不会喜欢或肯定不适应这项工作,那么阻碍他成功的缺点就暴露出来了。”or后面省略了主语he。ensure保证;certain肯定的,只能用于It做主语的句子里;surely确实地;sure肯定的。22. D。in ones belief:相信。其它选项都不能与belief搭配。23. C。capable of doing是固定搭配,意为“能够干什么”。24. D。attempt用做名词,后接介词at,意为“试图,努力”;如果后面接介词on,表示攻击的意思。其他两项都不能与attempt搭配。25. C。本句的意思是“具有某一工作的必要技能是一个优势”此处应填句子的主语,故选动名词having。26. D。本句主语是A bookkeeper or carpenter。根据主谓一致原则,其谓语应当用单数is,而不是复数are。being, been都是分词,应该排除。27. D。on与前面的capitalize搭配,表示“利用”。做不定式help的补语。其它选项不能与capitalize搭配。28. B。本句的意思是“克服缺点”,应选weakness(缺点,弱点)。idea观点;strength优点;advantage优势。29. B。固定短语take stock of,意为“对估价,对作出判断”。30. A。本句的意思是:“随着更深入的阅读”,从语法角度,此处应填关联词。四个选项中,只有as能用做关联词。31. D。选项A, B, C分别是deal(处理,论述,涉及)的原形,过去分词及被动语态。根据语法和语义,此处应填将来进行时,意思是“随着书中内容的进一步深入,我们将详细论述发展和加强学习技能的具体过程。”32. C。根据上下文,这里应当指“学习技能”。33. B。固定短语to begin with,意为“首先,第一”,常用做插入语。34. A。谓语动词pause后,examine又是动词原形,所以这里应当选to,可构成动词不定式,做目的状语。其余选项都是介词,不合题意。35. C。本句对全文进行总结概括,与文章的开头相呼应,Of the utmost importance is your attitude故选attitude。【阅读理解】36. D。从文章第二节第四行和地五行可知。37. D。文章第二节最后一句。38. D。第四节第五行some students think it will affect their freedom and privacy可知答案。39. B。第三节中可推出答案。40. C。文章第一节中:We owe a lot to the birds and beast who eat insects, but all of them put together kill only a very small amount of the number destroyed by spiders.41. C。文章第三节。42. D。从they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day可知答案。43. A。综合全文可知。【对话填空】44. behave 45. that 46. both 47. way 48. try49. right 50. offers 51. ourselves 52. Actually 53. basis【书面表达】Im writing to tell about the discussion weve had in the recent class meeting about whether Senior 3 students should take a lot of tonics to keep fit.Opinions are divided on the topic. Sixty percent of the students think it unnecessary to take any tonics. They hold the opinion that taking tonics will cause them to put on weight, which is bad for their health. Whats more, the price of tonics is rather high. However, forty percent of the students point out that Senior 3 students have a lot more homework to do every day. So many students get tired and tonics can help to refresh themselves. In addition, they cant afford time to have sports.Personally, having right food is more important. The best way to stay healthy is to take exercise regularly.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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