天津市英语高三单元测试:Book9 Module 4《Languages of the World》外研版选修9

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天津市英语高三单元测试:Book9 Module 4《Languages of the World》外研版选修9_第3页
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教学无忧http:/jiaoxue5u.taobao.com/专注中小学 教学事业!Book9 Module 4单元测试题(外研版)Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120)一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. It is obvious that _ population of China is much larger than _ of Japan. A. the; a B. the; the C. a; that D. the; that 2. In recent years studying overseas has become a new _ in middle school students. A. incident B. event C. trend D. movement 3. How about your homework, Lily? It is _ finished, Mom. Give me ten more minutes. A. more or less B. more than C. less than D. more and more 4. Do you know _ the teachers in your school? No, not _. There are still _ I dont know. A. all, all, all B. all, any, some C. all, all, someD. some, all, any5. Which European countries have you been to _ France and Germany? A. for example B. apart from C. as well D. for instance 6. Only when New China was founded in 1949 _ return to his hometown to visit his parents. A. he was able to B. was he able to C. he could be able to D. could he be able to 7. To tell the truth, I would not have succeeded _ my teachers help and encouragement. A. because of B. owing to C. but for D. except for 8. It is very hot here in summer. Yes, the temperature _ be above 40 degrees centigrade in July. A. must B. should C. can D. could 9. _ he is well-known to all, his novels have never _. A. Because, published B. While, seen the light of day C. Now that, read D. Unless, come out 10. Our class _ 50 students of different ages. A. makes up B. consists of C. composes ofD. is consisted of 11. Every day, I have to work till 6 pm, _ everyone else has already gone home. A. at which time B. before which C. by that time D. by which time 12. His farm is near the equator and every year bananas grow very well due to _ sunlight and rain. A. plenty B. sufficient C. fertile D. elusive 13. There was a woman _ in bed, _. A. to lie, wake B. lying, awake C. lay, awoke D. lies, awaking 14. You _ work so hard. Its only Wednesday and there is enough time before the exam. A. neednt B. cant C. may not D. mustnt 15. In the middle of the room _, whom I owe my success _. A. sits the professor, to B. sits the professor, with C. the professor sits, for D. sitting the professor, toward 二、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)“Can I see my baby?” the happy new mother asked. When the baby was placed in her arms, she was 16 . The baby had been born without ears. Time 17 that the babys hearing was perfect. It was only his 18 that was damaged. When he rushed home from school one day and 19 himself into his mothers arms, she sighed, 20 that he would have many heartbreaks in his life.He grew up and became a(n) 21 with his classmates. He might 22 have been class president, but for that. The boys father 23 with the family physician in secret. “Could 24 be done?” the father asked. “I believed I could 25 on a pair of outer ears, if they could be got,” the doctor answered. So the 26 began for a person who would make such a 27 for a young man.Two years went by. Then the father said, “You are going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will give the ears you need. 28 its a secret,”said the father. The operation was very 29 , and a new person appeared. “But I must know!” he urged his father. “Who 30 so much to me? I could never do enough for him.” “I do not believe you could,” said the father. The secret was 31 for years till he stood with his father over his mothers coffin(棺材). Slowly and 32 , his father raised his mothers thick brown hair to 33 that his mother had no outer ears. “Mother said she was 34 she never let her hair be cut,”he whispered gently, “and nobody ever thought she was less 35 , did they?”16 A angryB disappointedC surprisedD curious17 A provedB seemedC toldD saw18 A figureB faceC earD appearance19 A gotB putC sentD took20 A knowingB guessingC doubtingD wondering21 A enemyB strangerC favoriteD friend22 A everB alsoC evenD still23 A askedB spokeC chattedD said24 A somethingB everythingC anythingD nothing25 A transplantB operateC setD fix26 A operationB searchC interviewD examination27 A devotionB effortC sacrificeD contribution28 A ThereforeB ButC ThoughD Otherwise29 A normalB usefulC difficultD successful30 A changedB workedC gaveD did31 A discussedB hiddenC spreadD kept32 A carefullyB sadlyC excitedlyD tenderly33 A see B findC showD tell34 A proudB gladC worriedD regretful35 A beautifulB uglyC respectable D fashionable三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AThe worlds largest fast food company McDonalds Corp. said Tuesday it plans to launch a campaign in the U.K. this spring to get the countrys dictionary houses to change current references to the word “McJob.” The Oxford English Dictionary, considered by many masters of language as the gold standard for the English language, is one of those that will be targeted. It defines the noun as “a low-paid job with few prospects, esp. one created by the expansion of the service sector.”The word first appeared two decades ago in The Washington Post, according to the dictionary. But executives at Oak Brook, Ill.-based McDonalds say the definition is demeaning to its workers and say theyll ask dictionary editors to amend the definition. “Dictionaries are supposed to be models of accuracy. And in this case, they got it completely wrong,” said Walt Riker, a McDonalds spokesman. “Its a harmful action and incredibly demeaning to a terrific workforce and a company thats been a job and opportunity machine for 50 years.”In 2003, editors at the Merriam-Webster Dictionary refused to remove or change their definition of “McJob” after McDonalds balked(妨碍) at its inclusion(包括) in the books 11th edition. Instead, the Springfield, Mass. publisher said the word was accurate and appropriate. Amanda Pierce, a spokeswoman for McDonalds U.K. operations, refused to comment on the details of the companys newest campaign, but said it will kick off in May with the goal of changing what she called an “out-of-date” definition. She said she did not know how long the campaign would last, saying that depended on “how far and wide the campaign goes.”36. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, McJob means _.A. a job with few futuresB. a job with high payC. a job with great rewardsD. a job with great potential37. McDonalds Corp. will launch a campaign in the U.K. with the purpose of _.A. excluding McJob from the dictionary B. changing the definition of McJob C. promoting new productsD. expanding its service sector38. In the opinion of Walt Riker, the current definition of McJob is _. A. ridiculousB. incorrectC. appropriateD. updated 39. Which is the best title of the passage?A. How McJob came into being?B. McJob = a job with few prospects C. McDonalds Corp. seeks to redefine “McJob” D. The Oxford English Dictionary refused to change the definition of McJob 40. What does the underlined word “demeaning” mean in the passage?A. Making people have less respect for.B. Wonderful.C. Horrible.D. Making people pay attention to.BOlympic volunteer hopefuls from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan stand a better chance if they are bilingual(能使用两种语言的).Priority(优先权) will be given to applicants who have “special skills” and can speak languages other than English and Chinese. “We expect those people from above-mentioned areas, who are qualified for being a volunteer, to put in an application,” Liu Jian, office director of Beijing Olympic Games Volunteer Work Coordination Group, said. Liu made the remarks on March 28, 2007 at a press conference to officially launch the volunteer recruitment(招募)drive from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries for the 2008 Games. Volunteer requirements can be found at the official website www.beijing2008.cn, or by calling the hotline on 8610-12308. Recruitment for volunteers in Beijing began on August 28, 2006. In areas outside the capital, it began on January 19 this year. To date, more than 400,000 people have sent in applications, more than 270,000 of them from Beijing. “According to the latest application results, we still need a lot of volunteers with foreign language skills other than English,” Li Binghua, executive vice-president of BOCOG, said. Of course, these applicants must be able to communicate with other people in Chinese Putonghua, he said. Volunteers will mainly be contracted in eight fields depending on their skills including VIP guest liaison and language services, driving, media services, competition organization, medical treatment, and security examination. The application websites are www.hab.gov.hk (Hong Kong), www. sport. gov. mo (Macao), www.bjtx.org (Taiwan), www.bjqb.gov.cn(overseas Chinese), and www.ebeijing.gov.cn (foreigners). Applications in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and foreign countries will conclude by the end of March 2008. BOCOG will finalize the recruitment drive by the end of May 2008.41. Recruitment for overseas volunteers began _.A. on March 28, 2007B. on January 19, 2007C. on August 28, 2006D. on May 26, 200742. What kind of person has a better chance of being overseas volunteers?A. A person living in Hong Kong who can speak English and Chinese Putonghua.B. A person living in Taiwan who can speak French and Chinese Putonghua.C. A person living in Macao who can speak German but can not speak Chinese.D. A person living in the USA who can speak French and English but can not speak Chinese.43. If an African American is qualified for being a volunteer, he can put in his application on _.A. www.hab.gov.hkB. www.sport.gov.moC. www.bjqb.gov.cnD. www.ebeijing.gov.cn44. We can infer that _.A. many Chinese applicants can speak EnglishB. most applicants are Beijing nativesC. at present most of the applicants are from BeijingD. the applicant must pass the driving test45. Which of the following skills is necessary for volunteers?A. They must know medical treatment and how to drive.B. They must be able to speak Putonghua.C. They must be able to speak a foreign language other than English.D. They must be bilingual.CNeither of us got much sleep, because the flight seemed to go quickly. We landed at Gatwick at 7:45. At this point, I think our tiredness was blocked out by our excitement as we quickly made our way through the customs (海关)line. In no time we were rolling along towards downtown London and Victoria Station. It was fascinating when we are listening to all of the different languages and accents (口音) of the other travelers on the train. We were pleased to see how nice the hotel and our room were. We were starting to feel the effects of getting no sleep, so we each took a shower. We were determined to stay awake all day so we could get on our new sleep schedule.We hiked up to the street and wandered around Leichester Square, finally ending up at a nice little pub. We got cheese and salad filled with pork and apples. They were messy, but delicious. We decided to keep moving to avoid getting more sleepy. We noticed that the London Eye was right across the riverThames, so we crossed the bridge and walked under this enormous Ferris wheel (大转轮). Its much larger than it appears in pictures or on television. We had somehow lost our London guide book. Back in our room, we were dangerously close to falling asleep, so we decided to get coffee outside our hotel. The coffee revived us, so we walked down to Hyde Park to enjoy the nice weather and watch the sun begin to set. At last we headed back to the hotel. We were worn out, but very happy to be in London.46. After they got off the plane, they didnt feel tired because .A. they didnt need to worry about their safetyB. a porter carried the luggage for themC. they got through the customs easilyD. they were excited being in London47. Listening to the different languages and accents, the author must have felt .A. familiar B. curious C. puzzled D. noisy 48. The two people tried to stay awake all day to .A. get on their new sleep scheduleB. visit more places in LondonC. save the cost of the hotelD. prevent sleeplessness at night49. The London Eye lies .A. around Leichester SquareB. on the river ThamesC. right across the river ThamesD. close to the Victoria Station50. The underlined word “revive” probably means “ ”.A. start being used againB. become energetic againC. perform a play againD. become healthy againDIn the African city of Mwinda, floating farms are quite common. The citys residents live in hydrogen-powered hover (盘旋) vehicles, and renewable energy resources provide the citys power. Thats how Jake Bowers, 12, Emily Ponti, 14, and Krisha Sherburne, 12, envisioned their future city. The students took first place for their design last week in the 2007 National Engineer Week Future City Competition held in Washington, D.C. The students won a trip to the U.S. Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama. Kids from 35 middle schools across the country made it to Washington. They had teamed up with teachers and volunteer engineers to develop cities. Each team began by creating a fictional city on SimCity 3000, a computer game that allows players to construct towns. The students then built a tabletop (桌面) model of the city, wrote an essay and presented their creation to a panel (小组) of judges. This years theme asked students to design fuel cell powered communities. Fuel cell technology works by using hydrogen and oxygen to produce power. The process is environmentally friendly. Organizers hope the competition provides a funny and educational way to arose young peoples interest in engineering. “As the number of graduates in engineering decreases (减少), its even more important to encourage students to build these skills at an early age,” says John Hofmeister, President of Shell Oil Company. Shell is a sponsor (赞助商) of the annual Future City contest. Judging by this years competition, plenty of kids are getting the message. Some 30,000 students from more than 1,000 schools took part in the 2006-2007 Future City Competition.51. The underlined word “envisioned” means “ ”.A. built B. imagined C. described D. predicted52. What is TRUE of Future City Competition ?A. Parents and teachers are allowed to join the contest.B. It chooses 35 schools to take part in the final.C. It is supported by an oil company.D. It is held in Washington, D.C.53. Which of the following correctly shows the process of the competition?a. formed a team. b. designed a city on a computer. c. create a city model. d. gave a written explanation.A. a-b-c-d. B. a-d-b-c. C. b-a-c-d. D. b-a-d-c.54. One of the purposes of the competition is to .A. make students interested in fuel cell technologyB. make students interested in engineering scienceC. find solutions to the problem of city developmentD. find solutions to the problem of energy demands55. What is the passage mainly about?A. The winners of an engineering competition.B. The construction of cities of tomorrow.C. The design of cities of tomorrow.D. The report of an engineering competition.四、书面表达 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)Many people believe that Americans love their cars almost more than anything else. It may be true. From the time youngsters(小孩)become fourteen years old, they are likely to dream of having their own cars. Many young people work after school during their last year of high school in order to buy a car learning to drive and getting a drivers license may be one of the most exciting times of a young persons life. People who almost never go to a doctor when they are sick will take their cars to a repairman at the first sign of a problem. Those who do not like to work around the home on Saturdays may devote most of that day to washing and waxing(打蜡) their cars. For some families it is not enough to have one car. They often have two or three-one for work and one for recreation(娱乐)。 Many men and women in the United States need to have a car. Many need a car to go to work. Housewives need a car to go shopping or to take the children to school or other activities. In most states young people learn to drive in high school, where driver training is one of the most popular courses. At the end of the course the student must take a driving test to get a license. For many, the piece of paper is an important symbol(象征) that they are now grown-ups.(共245字)Answer the following questions:56. What does the passage mainly tell us? _.57. What does one have to do if he wants to drive?_.58.What they are used for if people have more than one car?_.59. Why do housewives in the USA use the car for?_.60.What does the piece of license mean?_.第二节 写作(满分30分)假如你叫李平,你的英国朋友Clement来信询问你们学校开展“读名著”的情况。请你根据下表内容给Clement写一封回信。大多数同学的意见少部分同学的意见1.帮助我们了解异域风情;2.陶冶情操;3.有借鉴作用。1.语言与今天大不相同,很难读懂;2.读名著过时了,也很乏味。你的观点 注意: 1. 语言连贯,符合逻辑; 2. 合理添加你的观点; 3. 回信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 4. 词数:120-150。参考词汇: classic n. 名著 cultivate v. 陶冶Dear Clement, I received your letter two days ago. Thank you for your letter. Now I will tell you something about reading classics in our school. _Best wishes,Yours,Li Ping参考答案:1-15 DCACB BCCBB DBBAA 16-35 CADBA CCBDA BCBDC DDCBA 36-55 ABBCA ABDCB DBACB BCABD56Americans are believed to love their cars most.57. First, you should attend driver training course.Second, at the end of the course you must take a driving test to get a license.58.One for work and one for recreation.59. They use the car to go shopping or to take the children to school or other activities.60. It is an important symbol that they are now grown-ups.One possible version:Dear Clement,I received your letter two days ago . Thank you for your letter. Now I will tell you something about reading classics in our school. The majority of students in our school think reading classics can help us know about some cultures and customs all over the world. And it can also cultivate our minds and improve our characters. Besides, we can learn something from classics because they have something to do with life today. However, some students think the language used in them is quite different from that used today, which makes them difficult to read. They also think classics are old-fashioned and boring.Personally, it is necessary to read classics in our spare time. Because we can enrich our knowledge we cant get in our daily life. At the same time, we can care about nature and so

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