Module 5《Ethnic Culture》Grammar语法学案2(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业!班级:_ 组别:_ 姓名:_ 组内评价:_ 教师评价:_Learning aims:To help Ss learn and master V-ed form as adverbials.Module 5Ethnic CultureGrammar Self-study 动词的过去分词作状语Grammar (动词的过去分词作状语)过去分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、方式或伴随情况等。表示时间、原因、条件、让步的过去分词相当于相对应的状语从句。其逻辑主语一般应与句子的主语一致,过去分词与逻辑主语一般是被动关系。1.作时间状语.When heated, water can be changed into steam.水加热后可以变成蒸汽.注意:作时间状语时,过去分词如果同时表被动和动作完成,常可换用现在分词的被动完成式;过去分词如果只表被动,不表完成,则不可与现在分词的被动完成式换用.如:Discussed(Having been discussed) many times, the problems were settled at last.在讨论了多次之后,问题终于解决了. (过去分词既表被动又表完成)Seen from the hill, the park looks very beautiful.从山上看这个公园非常漂亮. (过去分词只表被动) 相当于when引导的状语从句.如果两个动作同时发生,可在分词前用when, while等使其时间意义更明确2.作原因状语:Given advice by the famous detective, the young lady was no longer afraid. (Since/ As she was given by the famous detective.)有了著名的侦探的指点,姑娘不再害怕了.Frightened by the noise in the night, the girl didnt dare to sleep in her room. (Because she was frightened by the noise.)姑娘被夜里的响声吓坏了,不敢在自己的屋里睡觉了.Done in a hurry, his homework was full of mistakes.他匆忙做的作业错误百出. 相当于as, since, because引导的从句,这类状语多放在句子前半部分 3.作条件和假设状语.Given more attention(If they had been given more attention), the cabbages could have grown better.如果再精心一些,这些大白菜还可以长得更好.Compared with you, we still have a long way to go.和你相比,我们还有很大的差距. 相当于if, unless引导的从句.4. 作让步状语:Beaten by the opposite team, the players were not discouraged.(Though they were beaten by the opposite team, the players were not discouraged.)相当于though, although引导的从句5.作方式或伴随情况状语.The hunter left his house , followed by his dog.猎人离开了屋子,后面跟着他的狗.She sat by the window, lost in thought.她坐在窗前,陷于沉思.作状语表示方式或伴随情况时,过去分词可用并列句代替.如:The hunter left his house, followed by his dog. (= He was followed by the dog. )注意:1. 过去分词作状语表示被动的和完成的动作. (1) Written in a hurry, this article was not so good! 因为写得匆忙,这篇文章不是很好. 【注意】written 为过去分词作状语,表示这篇文章是被写的,而且已经被写. 值得注意的是,有些过去分词因来源于系表结构,作状语时不表被动而表主动.这样的过去分词及短语常见的有: lost (迷路); seated (坐); hidden (躲); stationed (驻扎); lost / absorbed in (沉溺于); born (出身于); dressed in (穿着); tired of (厌烦). (2) Lost / Absorbed in deep thought, he didnt hear the sound.因为沉溺于思考之中,所以他没听到那个声音. 2. 过去分词作状语时其逻辑主语为主句的主语,此时应注意人称一致. (1) Given another hour, I can also work out this problem. 再给我一个小时,我也能解这道题.(given 为过去分词作状语,它的逻辑主语为主句主语 I ,即 I 被再给一个小时.) (2) Seen from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful to us. 从山顶看城市,城市显得更漂亮.(seen 为过去分词作状语,表被看,由语境可知,它的逻辑主语必须是城市,而不是我们,因为我们应主动看城市.) 【注意】如果过去分词作状语时,前面再加逻辑主语,主句的主语就不再是分词的逻辑主语,这种带逻辑主语的过去分词结构实际上属于独立主格结构. (1) The signal given, the bus started. 信号一发出,汽车就开动了.(the signal 是 given 的逻辑主语,因此主句主语 the bus 就不是given 的逻辑主语. )(2) Her head held high, she went by. 她把头昂得高高地从这儿走了过去.(her head 是 held high 的逻辑主语,因此主句主语 she 就不再是held high 的逻辑主语.)3. 过去分词作状语来源于状语从句. (1) Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet. 因为淋了一场大雨,所以他全身湿透了. (caught in a heavy rain 为过去分词短语作原因状语,它来源于原因状语从句 (2)Grown in rich soil, these seeds can grow fast. 如果种在肥沃的土壤里,这些种子能长得很快.( grown in rich soil 为过去分词作条件状语,它来源于条件状语从句【注意】状语从句改成过去分词作状语时有时还可保留连词,构成连词+过去分词结构作状语. When given a medical examination, you should keep calm. 当你做体格检查时要保持镇定. 4. 过去分词作状语的位置过去分词可放在主句前作句首状语,后面有逗号与主句隔开;也可放在主句后面,前面有逗号与主句隔开. He stood there silently, moved to tears. = Moved to tears, he stood there silently. 他静静地站在那里,被感动得热泪盈眶.Self-testExercises for V-ed form1.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year. A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out 2. The research is so designed that once _, nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun 3. The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written 4. The Olympic Games, _ in 776 BC, did not include women players until 1912. A. first holding B. to be first held C. first held D. to be first holding 5. Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than store prices. A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying 6. Dont use words, expressions or phrases _ only to people with specific A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. known 7. _ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. LosingB. Having lostC. LostD. To lose8. If _ the same treatment again, hes sure to get well. A. giving B. give C. givenD. being given9. _ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Being foundedB. It was foundedC. FoundedD. Founding 10. _ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all. A. Compare B. When comparingC. ComparingD. When compared11. _ time, hell make a first-class tennis player. A. Having givenB. To giveC. GivingD. Given12. _ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. A. DressedB. To dressC. DressingD. Having dressed13. Unless _ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited14. When _, the museum will be open to the public next year. A. completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed 15. The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun Crazy EnglishIt is impossible to defeat a person who never gives up!打败一个永不放弃的人是不可能的!I sincerely hope that our friendship will last forever.我真诚地希望我们的友谊天行地久。I was impressed by his inspiring words, and I decided to cooperate with him.他令人鼓舞的话打动了我,我决定跟他合作。I never dreamed of meeting you here. What a coincidence!我从未想过会在这里见到你。真是太巧了!I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.我宁愿呆在家里而不愿出去。Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.直到我开始工作,我才意识到我已蹉跎了很多岁月。短文改错:(1)College students have a little ways to pay their college fees. Many students have their parents to pay the fees. Some students may apply to a bank loan and others will try to find part-time jobs in and out of the campus. Apart from this, many good student can win a scholarship. By this way they can pay at least part of the fees. As to me, I will let my parents pay half of their fees because they are rich enough. Beside my study, I will take up a part-time job by teach some high school students math, physics, chemistry and English, as Im very good at these important subjects. Of course I will also work very hard at my lessons in order to I can easily win a scholarship. 客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系


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