Module 2《Highlights of My Senior Year》Reading and Vocabulary学案2(外研版选修7)

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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业!Period 3FunctionActivity (1-3)1.expressing thoughts and opinions 2. it seems to me that3. I find it (strange/interesting/amusing) that 4. in my opinion 5. as/so far as Im concerned 6. in my view 7. take turns to give an opinion about ( take turns at doing)知识讲解1in ones opinion ( view ) 据.看来 as far as sb. be concerned 就. 而言In my view, school holidays are too long. 在我看来, 学校的假期太长了.In the doctors opinion, I should be well enough to travel by next week. 根据医生的看法,我下周就能恢复健康去旅行了。As far as the host is concerned, that you come to the party is better than anything. 对主人而言,你能来参加聚会是最好不过的了.as far as sth. be concerned 就.而言,用于你想谈论某种特别的事物时As far as traffic is concerned, there are no delays at the moment.就交通而言, 那时没有耽搁.Reading and vocabulary (3)Activity 11. after-school activities2. summer camps 3. In America, the development if social skills is considered as important as the development of intellectual skills.4. offer a large number of after-school activities5. in other words 6. Exam grades are very important, but so are the after-school activities.7. take part in 8. competitive sports 9. be encouraged to do 10. teach you to have the “winning-spirit” 11. academic achievements 12. What these camps offer is an opportunity to take part in many different kinds of outdoor activities. 13. be likely to go camping/backpacking/water skiingActivity 2-31. the ability to get on with people Everyday English1. Lets get going 2. its up to you 3. the usual stuff 4. shes really got something 5. in the end 6. were through 7. Im with you on that.Period 4Reading PracticeActivity 21. the happiest days of your life 2. be sent to a boarding school 3. sew my name tag into woolen sweaters. 4. be shown to the dormitory where I would sleep with five other innocent boys 5. Im ashamed to admit that I sobbed as I fell asleep that night.6. My first task was to multiply seven by three.7. A dynamic English teacher inspired me my life-long love of literature.8. school regulations 9. go for a five-kilometre run 10. on freezing cold November days. 11. attend morning assembly every weekday 12. polish shoes 13. to my great disappointment/joy/sorrow/surprise/astonishment/happiness 14. a sense of liberation Cultural corner1. the American art of cheerleading 2. do gymnastics 3. encourage crowds to cheer their sports teams 4. a cheerleading squad 5. exist in America 6. in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries 5. It was not until the 1920s that pompoms began to play an important part in cheerleading.6. the National Cheerleading Championships 7. at most athletic events 8. Many Americans see cheerleading as rather a stupid activity.9. play a very important part 知识讲解1cheer 1) n. 愉快,欢呼 可数名词 Lets give three cheers for our team- theyve won.He is always full of cheer at Christmas. 2) v. 使快活,对欢呼 Cheer up! The news isnt too bad. The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field.常于on连用,以欢呼声激励,为.加油 The crowd cheered their favourite team on.2 course n. 1)过程,经过The course of the true love never did run smooth. 2)道路,路线 A plane flew off course.3) 一道菜The next dish is the main course.4)课程 Ill take a course in French.辨析:Course, route1) course表示自然形成的河道,星星运行的轨道,强调所走道路的方向,自然或时间的进程.The stars move in their courses. Wars have influence the course of history.2) Route 旅游,行军等路线,用于比喻成功犯罪之路That postman is in charge of this route.Task1. make note of the things 2. note down WorkbookReading (p99)1. It is well-known that the “prom”, a formal dance held at the end of high school or college, is an important date in every students life.2. What is less well-known is that the word prom” comes from the verb “to promendade”, which means to walk around, beautifully dressed, in order to attract attention.3. be referred to as 4. after all 5. take a part-time job at the weekend 6. It is clear that it is also the cause of a lot of concern for many students.Test.Words.1 好强的;好竞争的2 巨大的,庞大的3 字母表4 机构,团体5 行李6 水壶7 算术8 概念9 使烦躁10 两星期Phrases.1. 在几天的时间里2. 作同伴调解人3. 比赛冲下雪坡很愉快4. 换句话说5. 考虑着成为一名记者6. 与学生们讨论问题7. 参加了学校的落基山短期滑雪8. 在我的期末考试中取得优异成绩9. 获得英国文学的最高奖项10. 被选为学生会成员11. 和几位好朋友坐在一张桌子上12. 讲笑话13. 一种强调某事的方法14. 对某人有吸引力15. 时尚/摄影俱乐部16. 提供大量的课外活动17. 有可能去野营18. 与某人相处的能力19. 使我感到非常失望的是20. 一种解放感21. 参加5公里的跑步22. 参加早晨的例会23. 学校规章制度24. 在19世纪末20世纪初25. 把拉拉队看作是一种相当愚蠢的活动Sentences1 同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己高中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好往事2 我找到一件非常适合我的晚礼服,毕业舞会那天还专门去作了头发。3 通过参加这些活动,学生们展示自己的特殊才能、领导才能和与他人相处的能力。4 直到20世纪20年代,彩线球才在拉拉队队员的表演中发挥重要作用。5 后来,我们到附近旅馆吃了一顿丰盛的早餐-为我们这个完美的学年划上了圆满的句号。6 电影评论家写电影评论7 在很长的暑假里,对于美国孩子花几周在夏令营里度过,是一种传统。8 我很羞愧的承认那天晚上我睡觉的时候哭了。9 考试结束,这是多么好的一件事啊!10 很明显,这种工作确实能帮助人。Function1. in ones opinion ( view ) 据.看来 as far as sb. be concerned 就. 而言In my view, school holidays are too long. 在我看来, 学校的假期太长了.In the doctors opinion, I should be well enough to travel by next week. 根据医生的看法,我下周就能恢复健康去旅行了。As far as the host is concerned, that you come to the party is better than anything. 对主人而言,你能来参加聚会是最好不过的了.as far as sth. be concerned 就.而言,用于你想谈论某种特别的事物时As far as traffic is concerned, there are no delays at the moment.就交通而言, 那时没有耽搁.Reading and vocabulary(2)2. attract . attraction 名词, 吸引,吸引力,具有吸引力的人或事物 attractive 形容词, 有吸引力的,有迷惑力的Attract vt.吸引 attract sb. to sth. The traffic accident attracted a large crowd. 交通事故吸引了一大批人. What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.这份工作最吸引我的是有机会去旅行.vi.吸引,有吸引力Opposite poles attract. 正负极之间相互吸引.His unusual manners were intended to attract.他异乎寻常的举动目的在于引人注意.练习: 用attract 的适当形式填空1) The _ of the moon for the earth causes the tides.2) What _ the tourists most on the island is the beautiful beach.3) Buckingham Palace is a major tourist _ .4) I like John but I dont find him _ .2. settle1) 定居 After years of travel, we decided to settle here.2) 停留 Clouds have settled over the mountaintop.3) 使处于舒适的位置 He settled himself on the sofa to watch TV.4) (使某人/某物)平静,放松 He had been quite anxious, and I managed to settle his mind.5) 解决(分歧等), 结束(争端等) Its time you settled your dispute with him.Settle down 舒适的坐下或躺下,定居I hate travel; I want to get married and settle down.Settle up with sb. 结帐,付清欠帐They settled up with the waiter after the meal.1) Its time you_ with your father.现在你该解决和你父亲之间的争执了.2) The bird _. 那只鸟落在树枝上.3) My son _-.我儿子已在美国愉快的定居了.4) Let me _-. 我来把餐费付给你.Reading and vocabulary(1)4. suit 1) n. 一套衣服 I have ordered a new suit for my wife. 2)v. 尤指服装,颜色等合适 The colour of the skirt doesnt suit your complexion. 3) n. 某活动专用服装 They dived down in special suits to walk on the bed of the sea. 4) v. 对某人方便, 合某人的心愿 The seven oclock train will suit us very well. 5) v. 适宜,有利于 This hot weather doesnt suit me. Exercises: 1) 他穿着宇航服走出太空船. He walked out of the spacecraft _. 2) 这食物不适合我.The food _. 3) 那套新服装很适合她. The new dress_.Reading and vocabulary5. keen1) adj. (1) 热情的,热切的Im not keen to go again.Shes keen that we should go.(2) 灵敏的, 敏锐的Dogs have a keen sense of smell.Keen on sb./sth.热衷于某事物Im not too keen on jazz.Mrs Hill is keen on Toms marrying Susan.2) v. 为死者哀号Keening over her murdered son.6. 辨析: suit, fit, match 1) fit 用做动词, “与.相符, 使适合”.多指衣物等尺寸大小合身合脚. The shoes fit me well. 用做形容词, “合适的,称职的” .后接for和动词不定式 He is fit for the job. 2) suit “适合” 多指衣服的颜色,款式,质地上适合.合乎需要, 口味,性格, 条件,地点等A green dress wont suit her.Which date suits best? 3) “使相称, 使相配,使一致” The color of the shirt doesnt match that of the coat. He matches words and deeds. 7. elect 1)v. 选举某人,选择或决定 They elected a new president. She elected to become a layer. 2) adj.当选而尚未就职的 The president elect 候任总统辨析: Choose, select, elect, pick out, pick1) Choose 通常指在所提供的对象中,经过考虑,凭个人的判断力进行选择,名词 choiceHe chose his words carefully, hoping to avoid a quarrel.2) Select 有目的的,仔细认真的选择,有精选的含义,名词 selectionPlease select a few nice apples for my mother.3) Elect 遵照一定的规章,规则来挑选,用投票或举手来选举The chairman was elected by secret ballot.4) pick out 比较通俗,按个人喜爱或希望进行挑选,多用于有形的东西I want to pick out a tie to wear with my coat.5) pick 相当于choose,比choose更通俗 Please pick a good book for me.8.辨析: attend, join, join in, take part in, go in for. 1) attend 出席,参加会议,讲座,婚礼,听报告How many people will attend the meeting?2) join 参加某一团体,并成为其中一员,如入党,参军,入团,后接人则表示参加某人的活动 She joined the army last year.Will you join us?3) join in 参加比赛或活动,参加竞赛,娱乐,游戏,谈话等具体活动,常用于口语 I first watch the game, then was invited to join in.4) take part in 参加会议或群众性活动,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动, 在活动中发生作用 We will take part in social activities during the summer vocation.5) go in for 参加某项比赛,考试,还有爱好的意思 Which events is he going in for at the Olympics?Cultural corner9.cheer 1) n. 愉快,欢呼 可数名词 Lets give three cheers for our team- theyve won.He is always full of cheer at Christmas. 2) v. 使快活,对欢呼 Cheer up! The news isnt too bad. The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field.常于on连用,以欢呼声激励,为.加油 The crowd cheered their favourite team on.10. course n. 1)过程,经过The course of the true love never did run smooth. 2)道路,路线 A plane flew off course.3) 一道菜The next dish is the main course.4)课程 Ill take a course in French.辨析:Course, route3) course表示自然形成的河道,星星运行的轨道,强调所走道路的方向,自然或时间的进程.The stars move in their courses. Wars have influence the course of history.4) Route 旅游,行军等路线,用于比喻成功犯罪之路That postman is in charge of this route.Homework One1. 很遗憾,不允许记者参加这次会议._that journalists _ take part in the meeting.2. 与别人分享快乐可以让自己更快乐._ others can make you happier.3. 我永远不会忘记我在毕业舞会上被选为舞会皇后这件事.I will never forgot _ in the graduation prom.4. 在我看来,爬泰山是我们这次旅行最愉快的时光._, climbing Mount Tai is the highlight of our trip.5. 周杰伦要来这里举办个人演唱会,作为一个记者你会问他什么问题?很普通的话题,如他从艺已经多少年了.Jay will come to _. As a journalist, what kind of questions do you want to ask him?The usual stuff, _, how long has he been singing.Homework Two1._我们需要的_is to get more after-school activities.2. _, 无论发生什么dont be discouraged.3. With _, 问题解决了they went home happily.4. _很可能 he knew the reason why she was sad.5. It doesnt matter _.她是否要来6. I think that is _.我们的问题所在Homework Three1. Three m_ by five is 15.2. I shall remember that happy day f_.3. She is always p_, but her friend is always late.4. She was a_ by interesting advertisement.5. The _托儿所 teacher made the children sit straight.6. I bought the novel the day after its _.发行自由完形填空 Good morning, dear friends. (1) to our school. Now please (2) me to introduce some of our school rules (3) you. (4) high school students, firstly, we are expected to be neatly (5) when at school. Secondly, never be late for class or leave school before it is (6). Our school is known for its gorgeous surroundings, so we must (7) it clean and tidy. Most important of all, we should (8) along well with each other. The Chinese students are warm-hearted and always (9) to help. Therefore, dont (10) to ask when you are in trouble.客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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