Module 1《Baskateball》-Introduction教案1(外研版选修7)

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Module 1《Baskateball》-Introduction教案1(外研版选修7)_第1页
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教学无忧http:/专注中小学 教学事业! Module 1 Baskateball Introduction-教案Teaching aims: the students are familiar with the background of basketball, especially about the roles of players and NBA. Teaching important points: knowing some words which is used to describe the basketball match. Teaching difficult points: use their own words to tell the difference between basketball and other sports. Step 1 Presentation The teacher says: As you know, sports play a very important part in our daily life. Sports can build up our body and makes it healthy. What kinds of sports do you like best? (some students may answer it from different aspects. Do you like playing basketball ? Now let us have a view of the pictures . (At the same time , the teacher may show some pictures to them. )Questionsasking 1) What is the picture about? A basketball match 2) How many teams are there in the basketball match? Two teams. 3) How many players does each team have on a basketball court during the match? five players. 4) How many guards are there in a team during the match? two guards How many forwards are there in a team during the match? two And how many centers? 1 centerthe forward - an attacking player, who tries to score points. (power forward 大前锋)small forward 小前锋 center forward (中锋)is a player or position in the middle of the front line of players. guard - a defending player, who tries to stop the forwards scoring. (shooting guard 得分后卫) point guard (控球后卫) center - (basketball) the person who plays center on a basketball team There is only a center in a team. 5) How many referees are there in a match? What does a referee usually? 3 referees . referee- the person who controls the game After these steps, the students may have a clear understanding of the basketball match. Step 2 At first, the teacher may show some information about the organizations of basketball match. And then the teacher present the topic to the students. The teacher may ask some students who has known about NBA. And then let them to introduce NBA. And then ask the students to read the passage silently and answer the questions. Give them several minutes to discuss them with their partner. 1. Are the NBA and BAA the same organization?Yes, they are now. 2. Are all the NBA teams in the same country?No, they arent (USA and Canada). 3. What is the difference between an amateur team and a professional team? The players in a professional team get paid. It is their job to play basketball. professional adj.1)从事专门职业的A lawyer is a professional man. 律师是从事专门职业的人。2)专门职业的professional standards 专业标准 3)以为职业的a professional painter 职业画家4)职业的professional tennis 职业网球For professional footballers, injuries are an occupational hazard. 对于职业足球运动员来说,受伤是职业本身带来的危险。n.专业人员(私人俱乐部等的)专职教练经验丰富又有职业水准的人;内行4. How many teams are there in the NBA ? 29 teams 5. What does NBA stand for? It stands for the National Basketball Association. Step 3 The teacher says: As you know, the basketball activity is popular with the people, which of words would you use to describe basketball ? And give reasons for your choices. They may finish this part by groups of six. boring complicated dangerous exciting fast simple slow Module answer: 1. Fast/exciting/simple Basketball is a fast-moving game, with quick passing and counter-attack playing an important part in scoring. It is exciting , because matches between good teams are always very close, with the score changing regularly. It is simple because it has very few rules and is easy to understand. 2. What is the main difference between basketball and these sports?baseball football(soccer) tennis volleyball Example:In football you pass the ball with your feet. In baseball you pass the ball with your hands. Module answer:A: In football you score by kicking or heading the ball into a goal; in basketball you score by putting the ball through the basket with your hands. B) In baseball you hit the ball with a bat, then run around the diamond to score; in basketball you run with the ball to score. C)In tennis you hit the ball with a racket backward and forwards over a net; in basketball there are no rackets or nets. But both games are played on a court. D) In volleyball you play in teams, but each team is on one side of a high net. You hit the ball with your hands, but you cant catch it like in basketball. 3. Which NBA basketball players do you know? Students own answers. The teacher may ask the students to discuss the famous players. Then ask some basketball fans to list what they have known. 1.乔治迈肯(George Milkan),中锋 2.比尔沃尔顿(Bill Walton),中锋 3.比尔拉塞尔(Bill Russell),中锋 4.威尔特张伯伦(Wilt Chamberlain),中锋 5.戴夫考恩斯(Dave Cowens),中锋 6.威利斯里德(Willis Reed),中锋 7.韦斯昂塞尔德(Wes Unseld),中锋 8.摩西马龙(Moses Malone),中锋 9.卡里姆阿卜杜贾巴尔(Kareem Abdul-Jabbar),中锋 10.奈特瑟蒙德(Nate Thumond),中锋 11.保罗阿里金(Paul Arizin),前锋 12.里克巴里(Rick Barry),前锋 13.埃尔金贝勒(Elgin Baylor),前锋 14.朱利叶斯欧文(Julius Erving),前锋 15.戴夫德布斯切尔(Dave Debusschere),前锋 16.约翰哈夫利切克(John Havlicek),前锋 17.埃尔文海耶斯(Elvin Hayes),前锋 18.杰里卢卡斯(Jerry Lucas),前锋 19.鲍勃佩蒂特(Bob Pettit),前锋 20.多尔夫谢伊斯(Dolph Schayes),前锋 21.詹姆斯沃西(James Worthy),前锋 22.凯文麦克海尔(Kevin Mchale),前锋 23.拉里伯德(Keyon Dooling),前锋 24.奈特阿奇博尔德(Nate Archibald),后卫 25.戴夫宾(Dave Bing),后卫 26.鲍勃库锡(Bob Cousy),后卫 27.比利坎宁安(Billy Cunningham),后卫 28.沃尔特弗雷泽(Walter Frazier),后卫 29.乔治格温(George Gervin),后卫 30.哈尔格瑞尔(Hal Greer),后卫 31.萨姆琼斯(Sam Jones),后卫 32.皮特马拉维奇(Pete Maravich),后卫 33.埃尔门罗(Earl Monroe),后卫 34.奥斯卡罗伯逊(Oscar Robertson),后卫 35.比尔阿尔曼(Bill Sharman),后卫 36.杰里韦斯特(Jerry West),后卫 37.伦尼威尔肯斯(Lenny Wilkens),后卫 38.埃文约翰逊(Earvin Johnson),后卫 39.伊塞亚托马斯(Isiah Thomas),后卫 40.罗伯特帕里什(Robert Parish),中锋 41.帕特里克尤因(Patrick Ewing),中锋(现役) 42.哈基姆奥拉朱旺(Hakeem Olajuwon),中锋(现役) 43.沙奎尔奥尼尔(Shaquille ONeal),中锋(现役) 44.戴维罗宾逊(David Robinson),中锋(现役) 45.查尔斯巴克利(Charles Barkley),前锋 46.卡尔马龙(Karl Malone),前锋(现役) 47.斯科蒂皮蓬(Scottie Pippen),前锋(现役) 48.迈克尔乔丹(Michael Jordan),后卫 49.克莱德德雷克斯勒(Clyde Drexler),后卫 50.约翰斯托克顿(John Stockton),后卫(现役)客服唯一联系qq 1119139686 欢迎跟我们联系

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