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专题限时集训(七)情景交际1What do you want to do next?We have half an hour until the basketball game._Whatever you want to do is fine with me.AIt just dependsBIts up to youCAll rightDGlad to hear thatB考查情景交际。句意:你接下来想干什么?直到篮球比赛开始,我们有半个小时的时间。这由你决定,你想干什么事我都可以。It just depends看情况;Its up to you由你决定;All right好的;Glad to hear that听到这件事太令我高兴了。根据后面的回答可知是“这由你决定”,故选B项。2How do you want your eggs?_AThey taste goodBI want them very muchCId like some cakesDFried,pleaseD考查交际用语。句意:你想吃怎么做的鸡蛋?煎鸡蛋吧。根据句意可知选D。3Have you been wasting time on films again?_Ive been working and I need a break.ANo wayBNot reallyCI dont agreeDI couldnt agree moreB考查交际用语。No way没门,Not really不完全是;I dont agree我不同意;I couldnt agree more再同意不过了。句意:你又在电影上浪费时间了?不是这样的,我一直在工作,我需要休息一下。故选B。4Tom,could you give me a hand in the following exam?_Mom wont allow me to do such stupid things.ANo problemBIts a pleasureCForget itDMy pleasureC句意:汤姆,下次考试你帮帮我可以吗?算了吧。妈妈不让我做那样愚蠢的事。Forget it“算了吧”,常用来告诉对方不要讨论某事。No problem“没关系”;Its a pleasure和My pleasure都是用来回答道谢的,意为“不用谢”。5Would you like some more coffee?_AThank you!Its kind of youBGreat!Well doneCWell,it doesnt matterDOK.Its up to youA考查交际用语。句意:你想再来点儿咖啡吗?谢谢!你真好。Its kind of you常与表示感谢的话连用,A项符合语境。Great!Well done太棒了!干得好;Well,it doesnt matter好吧,没关系;OK.Its up to you好吧。由你决定。6Hey,do remember were going to Mr.Smiths tomorrow.Oh,Ive almost forgotten,but _Ano problemBnever mindCnot reallyDno doubtA考查交际用语。句意:嘿,千万记住我们明天要去史密斯先生家。哦,我差点就忘了,但是没问题。从四个选项看,A项“没问题”,符合语境。7Fancy meeting you here._ASo youre going.BThats very kind of you.CHave a nice time!DYes,what a coincidence!D考查交际用语。句意:真没想到在这里碰到了你。是的,真是太巧了。根据“Fancy”可知,这次碰面是原本没有想到的,所以选D项。8Sweetheart.You will never believe this.I just won a car!_!I dont believe it!ACheer upBGood workCGood heavensDThats awfulC考查交际用语。句意:亲爱的。你绝对想不到我赢了一辆车!天哪!我简直不敢相信!Good heavens(表示惊奇或气恼)天啊,我的天。9$100,but that is my last offer._AGood idea!BWhat did you say?COh,its up to you!DOK,its a deal.D考查情景交际。这类题目要求学生理解情景交际发生的场景和说话人的意图、目的,此题情景为购物砍价,最终成交,所以选D项。10Could you help me with the math problem?_You must be barking up the wrong tree.AA pleasure.BHang on a minute.CWhats the point?DAre you kidding?D句意:你可以帮我解出这道数学题吗?你开玩笑吗?你找错人了。bark up the wrong tree打错了主意,找错了目标。A pleasure很高兴;Hang on a minute等会儿;Whats the point?有什么意义呢?Are you kidding?你是在开玩笑吗?根据后句的意思可知应选D项。 【导学号:57732042】11Im terribly sorry that I cant join you for the camp._We can go another time.AGo aheadBThats OKCThats rightDDont mention itB考查情景交际。句意:非常抱歉,我不能参加你们的野营。没关系。我们可以再找时间去。A项意为“去吧,做吧,说吧”,用于回答别人的请求;B项意为“没关系,不客气”,用于回答对方的感谢或歉意;C项意为“正确”,用于同意对方的观点;D项意为“不客气”,用于回答对方的感谢。故选B。12Im very proud of my dad.You know,hes in his sixties and has just got his Doctors degree.Wow!_AIt really mattersBSounds funCThats really somethingDI quite agreeC考查情景交际。句意:我为我的爸爸感到自豪,你知道,他六十多岁了,并刚刚获得了博士学位。哇,那真了不起。Thats really something意为“那真了不起”,符合语境。故C项正确。It really matters意为“这真的很重要”;Sounds fun意为“听起来有意思”;I quite agree意为“我非常同意”,均与语境不符。13Its said that Tom has decided to give up teaching._To be a teacher has been his dream since childhood.AI guess so.BForget it.CThats not the point.DThat cant be true.D考查交际用语。根据后面的回答“当老师是汤姆自孩童时期就有的梦想”可知选D(那不可能是真的)。I guess so意为“我想是这样”;Forget it意为“忘了吧,别提了”;Thats not the point意为“问题不在这儿”。14Would you like a cup of tea?_AI wish I couldBYes,Id love oneCJust as I thoughtDPretty well,thanksB考查交际用语。句意:来杯茶怎么样?好的,来一杯。根据句意可知应选B项。15Thank you very much for helping me out of trouble,Bob._AWith pleasureBDont mention itCThats rightDI hope soB句意:非常感谢你帮我摆脱了麻烦,鲍勃。不客气。该处为表示感谢的情景交际。With pleasure.表示客气地接受或同意对方的请求;Dont mention it.“不客气,不用谢”;Thats right.“对啊,没错”;I hope so.“但愿如此”。16Can I come and have a look at your new house?Yes,_!Awith pleasureBI like itCI quite agreeDby all meansD句意:我可以来看看你的新家吗?当然可以。此处by all means意为“当然行,没问题”,符合语境。with pleasure意为“愿意效劳”,为别人要求帮助时的答语;I quite agree意为“我十分同意”,为别人提出意见或看法时的答语。17Theres a new movie on at the weekend.Shall we go on Saturday or Sunday?_Either day is OK for me.AForget itBCome off itCYoure kiddingDI dont mindD考查交际用语。句意:周末有一部新影片要上映。我们是周六还是周日去?我无所谓。对我来说这两天任何一天都可以。根据设空后的句子内容可判断答案为D项。A.算了吧;B.别胡扯;C.你在开玩笑吧。18You gave Mary your dictionary?_She said shed return it to me when she could afford her own.ANot exactlyBMy pleasureCNo doubtDGood ideaA考查交际用语。句意:你把你的词典给了玛丽了?不完全是这样。她说当她可以买得起自己的词典的时候,她就把词典还给我。Not exactly“不完全如此”,符合语境。19How about the performance last night?I stayed there for only a while._,it turned out the best one I have ever seen.ABelieve it or notBGenerally speakingCWhatever the resultDLeave it aloneA考查交际用语。句意:昨晚的表演怎么样?我在那里只待了一小会儿。信不信由你,那是我看过的最精彩的表演。根据下文可判断说话者对表演作出了出乎意料的评价,故答案为A项。B.一般说来;C.不管结果如何;D.别理它。20I thought it would be fun if we all went to see that new movie downtown._,Ive heard that its very boring.ABy all meansBTake it easyCGood ideaDCount me outD考查情景交际。句意:我认为要是我们都去市中心看这部电影会很有意思。不要把我算在内。我听说这部电影很无聊。D项意为“不要把我算在内”,符合语境。故D项正确。A项意为“一定”;B项意为“不要紧张”;C项意为“好主意”,均与语境不符。21(2016南京一模)Jack,how can I turn on this iPad?_AAllow me!BSo what?CHold on.DNothing much.A句意:杰克,我如何才能打开这个iPad?让我试试!So what那又怎么样;Hold on坚持住;Nothing much没什么。Allow me让我试试,符合题意。故选A项。22(2016江苏百校联考)What a bad luck!I have missed a golden chance!Let it be._AA flower blooms more than onceBA fault confessed is half correctedCA loveless life is living deathDA problem shared is a problem halvedA句意:真倒霉!我错过了一个绝佳的机会!随它去吧。好花不止开一次。A fault confessed is half corrected.肯承认错误就是改了一半了;A loveless life is living death.没有爱情,虽生犹死;A problem shared is a problem halved.一个问题被分担了,这个问题就减少了一半。A flower blooms more than once.好花不止开一次。也就是说好的机会还会再出现的,符合语境。故选A项。23(2016苏北四市一模)I dont understand why I have been dismissed._!You are always being late and making mistakes.AYou are asking for itBYou are kiddingCIts up to youDYouve got a point thereA句意:我不能理解我为什么被解雇了。你自找的!你总是迟到,总是犯错误。You are kidding.你在开玩笑;Its up to you.这取决于你;Youve got a point there.你说得有道理。You are asking for it.你自找的,符合题意。故选A项。24(2016苏锡常镇二模)Do you understand the film The Hobbit,the most amazing USmade one last year?_,but I am confused at many scenes.ANot a littleBNot a bitCJust a bitDNo problemC句意:你看懂了去年美国最令人惊异的电影霍比特人了吗?有点懂了,但是很多场景我还是感到很迷惑。Not a little很多;Not a bit完全不,相当于Not at all;No problem没问题,都与I am confused at many scenes不符。Just a bit有一点儿,此处表示有点懂,符合题意。故选C项。25(2016徐州三模)Jane looked beautiful at the wedding.Huh!Too much makeup,_Aas I must disagreeBwhen I dare sayCunless you mindDif you ask meD句意:简在婚礼上看起来很漂亮。哈!依我看,是化的妆太浓了。if you ask me 表示“依我看;我认为”,符合题意。26(2016南通第二次调研)_?You look so excited!Ive been chosen to attend the nationalcompetition on behalf of our school.AWhats coming upBSo whatCHow are things goingDHow comeA句意:发生什么事了?你看上去如此兴奋!我已经被选为我们学校参加全国比赛的参赛人选了。So what?那又怎么样?How are things going?事情进展如何?How come?怎么会呢?Whats coming up?发生什么事了?是Whats up?的完整形式,符合题意。故选A项。27(2016苏锡常镇二模)I will appreciate it if you can forgive Lucy and be friendly to her as you used to._,only if she gives me a sincere apology.ABy all meansBBy no meansCMy pleasureDIts a pleasureA句意:如果你能原谅露西并对她跟原来一样友好,我将不胜感激。当然可以,只要她给我一个真诚的道歉。By no means绝不;Its a pleasure和My pleasure都表示“不客气”,回答Thank you。By all means当然可以,符合语境。故选A项。28(2016南京三模)Maria,the summer vacation is approaching.How shall I do my travel?Its your moneyspend it how you want._ASo what?BCount me out.CWho cares?DIt all depends.C句意:玛丽亚,暑假来临了。我该如何去旅行啊?这是你的钱,你想怎么花就怎么花吧。谁在意啊?So what?那又怎么样?Count me out.别把我算在内。It all depends.看情况而定。根据语境,尤其是spend it how you want“你想怎么花就怎么花”,言外之意为其他人是不会在意的,Who cares?谁在意啊?符合题意。故选C项。29(2014南京、盐城二模)The scarf is nice,but the price is a little bit high._,but if you want good quality,you have to pay more.ANo wonderBNo doubtCNo offenceDNo problemB句意:这条围巾很漂亮,但是价格有点高。毫无疑问,但是如果你想要好的质量,你就得多付钱。No wonder难怪;No offence无意冒犯;No problem没问题。根据语境可知第二个人对第一个所说内容完全认同,No doubt毫无疑问,符合语境。故选B项。30(2016镇江一模)Jane was late again for work this morning._Does she still want the job?AIll sayBSay that againCI dont get itDThats quite the caseC句意:简今天上午上班又迟到了。我真不明白。她还想要这份工作吗?Ill say.非正式英语,表示同意;Say that again.再说一遍;Thats quite the case.情况就是这样的。I dont get it.我真不明白,符合题意。故选C项。31Look!Here comes the bus and I have to go now.Thank you for seeing me off.Goodbye,and _!Aall rightBcheer upCall the bestDgo aheadC句意:看!公交车来了,我得走了。谢谢你来送我。再见,一切顺利!根据语境,对话发生在分手道别的时候,因此用all the best“一切顺利”,表示祝愿。all right行,好吧;cheer up振作起来,用于鼓励他人;go ahead着手做某事,尽管去做。32Ive studied your program,Peter.Could I make some suggestions?_I am all ears.ABy no meansBTake it easyCGo right aheadDWith pleasureC句意:彼得,我研究过你的项目了。我能提些建议吗?提吧,我洗耳恭听。根据I am all ears“我洗耳恭听”,可以看出彼得很赞成对方提建议,Go right ahead提吧,说吧,符合语境。By on means绝不;Take it easy别紧张;With pleasure很乐意。33Well,Toby,I remember that you had a very.how should I say.relaxed attitude toward work at the book store._!I was a model worker!ANo wayBNo doubtCNo wonderDNo problemA句意:好的,Toby,我记得你对待书店的工作有一个非常我该怎么说呢非常松懈的态度。不可能!我是个劳动模范!根据语境可知Toby对于对方的说法完全不认同,他并不是态度松懈,而是一个劳动模范,因此用No way“不可能”,符合题意。No doubt毫无疑问;No wonder难怪;No problem没问题。34We are planning a hike for this weekend._I am always an outdoor sports lover.AGive me a breakBYou can make itCIt really takes timeDCount me inD句意:我们正在计划这个周末远足。算上我。我一直是一个户外运动爱好者。Give me a break让我休息一下;You can make it你能行;It really takes time它真的花费时间;Count me in算上我。故选D。35(2016南通第一次调研)Helen is going to Manchester for further education next month.Im _ because I have to stay at home and work.Agreen with envyBwhite as a sheetCtickled pinkDblack and blueA考查习语。句意:海伦将于下个月去曼彻斯特深造。真让人嫉妒,我还得待在家里工作。green with envy意为“非常嫉妒”;white as a sheet意为“脸色苍白,苍白如纸”;tickled pink意为“非常高兴,高兴极了”;black and blue意为“青一块紫一块;遍体鳞伤的”。故选A。36(2016南通第一次调研)Ouch,mum!A fish bone has stuck in my teeth!_,Lucy.I am coming.ATake your timeBHelp yourselfCDont botherDTake it easyD考查情景交际。句意:哎哟,妈妈!一根鱼刺卡在我的牙齿里了。别着急,露西。我来了。Take it easy意为“别着急,放轻松”;Take your time意为“不匆忙,慢慢来”;Help yourself意为“随便吃,为自己取用”;Dont bother意为“不必麻烦”。故选D。37(2016苏州第一学期期末考试)Journalists are evenly split on whether or not they should interview their personal heroes:some say you shouldnt because youll find your idol has _,while others argue the opportunity is too good to miss.Abutterflies in his stomachBa green fingerCfeet of clayDa wet blanketC考查习语。句意:记者们在是否应该采访他们的个人英雄问题上观点不同:有些人说你不应该采访,因为你会发现你的偶像有不为人知的弱点;而其他人却认为这是一个不容错过的绝佳机会。feet of clay意为“隐藏的缺点,不为人知的弱点”;butterflies in his stomach意为“紧张,不安”;a green finger意为“新手”;a wet blanket意为“扫兴的人”。故选C。38(2016苏州第一学期期末考试)_?Your dog can get jealous when you pay attention to other dogs,other people or even other things.AGuess whatBHow comeCWhats upDWhy notA考查情景交际。句意:猜猜怎么着?当你关注其他狗、其他人或者甚至其他东西时,你的狗也可能会嫉妒的。Guess what意为“猜猜看,猜猜怎么着”;How come意为“怎么搞的,怎么回事”;Whats up意为“怎么了,发生什么事了”;Why not意为“为什么不,好的”。故选A。39(2016无锡第一学期期末考试)One night in 1905,Frank accidentally left his drink outside on the overnight._?It was absolutely delicious.AWhat forBSo whatCGuess whatDHow comeC考查情景交际。句意:1905年的一天晚上,弗兰克意外地将饮料留在了外面的阳台上,于是一夜之间它就冻住了。你猜怎么着?它是绝对地美味。Guess what意为“猜猜看,你猜怎么着”;What for意为“为何,为什么”;So what意为“那又怎样”;How come意为“怎么回事,怎么搞的”。故选C。 【导学号:57732043】40(2016无锡第一学期期末考试)I cant believe you took my phone!Give it back!_!It was Tony.AYou are killing the fatted calfBYou are barking at the wrong treeCYou are the pot calling kettle blackDYou are making a mountain out of a molehillB考查习语。句意:我无法相信是你拿了我的手机!还给我!你错怪我了!是托尼拿的。bark at the wrong tree意为“错怪了人,攻击错了对象”;kill the fatted calf意为“设宴款待”;the pot calls kettle black意为“以五十步笑百步”;make a mountain out of a molehill意为“小题大做,言过其实,大惊小怪”。故选B。41Mary works really hard and she does well in her tests.Well, _Ayou reap what you sowBthats her feet of clayCshe is the apple of our eyesDthats her cup of teaA句意:玛丽学习确实很认真,她考试考得非常好。是啊,一分耕耘,一分收获。You reap what you sow.一分耕耘,一分收获。Thats her feet of clay.那是她的不足之处。She is the apple of our eyes.她是我们的掌上明珠。Thats her cup of tea.那是她的所爱。A项符合题意。42Why are you moving out?_,but I just dont like the atmosphere here.ANo offenceBNo worriesCNo problemDNo doubtA句意:你为什么打算搬出去呢?我没有冒犯的意思,我只是不喜欢这里的氛围。No offence没有冒犯的意思,符合题意。No worries别担心;No problem没问题;No doubt难怪。故选A。43Did you have butterflies in your stomach at the interview?_That was my first job interview.AIt dependsBNot reallyCYou betDI mean itC句意:在面试的时候你心里七上八下吗?当然。那是我第一次工作面试。根据语境,尤其是后者说这是他第一次工作面试,说明他当时是紧张的,用You bet表示“当然,肯定”。It depends看情况;Not really不完全是,不见得;I mean it我是认真的。故选C。44Sorry,its already 6 oclock.I have to be off for an appointment.OK._AIt couldnt be betterBYou really have me thereCLets call it a dayDTake your timeC句意:对不起,现在已经六点了。我得去赴约了。好的。今天到此为止吧。根据对话可知,此时双方正在分手道别。Lets call it a day.今天到此为止吧。It couldnt be better.不能更好了。You really have me there.你真的需要我。Take your time.不着急,慢慢来。C符合语境。45Do you think I should join the singing group,Mary?_ If I were in your shoes,I certainly would.ANone of your business.BIt depends.CWhy not?DI dont think so.C考查情景交际。句意:玛丽,你认为我应该参加歌唱小组吗?为什么不参加?如果我处于你的位置,我当然会参加。None of your business不关你的事;It depends看情况而定;Why not为什么不呢;I dont think so我不认为是这样。题干中“in your shoes”意思是“处于你的位置,经历你的艰难”。根据题意可知选C。46Lets go to Tianjin Music Hall.The soft music makes me relaxed._It makes me sleepy.ABless meBMe,tooCNot meDLet me seeC考查情景交际。句意:我们去天津音乐厅吧。轻音乐让我很放松。我不行。它让我昏昏欲睡。Bless me保佑我;Me,too我也一样;Not me我不行;Let me see让我想想。根据下文语境判断选C。47You seem to be fond of classical music._As a matter of fact,I like jazz music better.AI dont agreeBNot reallyCI couldnt agree moreDNo doubtB考查情景交际。句意:你似乎很喜欢古典音乐。不怎么喜欢,实际上我更喜欢爵士乐。I dont agree我不赞同;Not really不完全是;I couldnt agree more我很赞同;No doubt毫无疑问。由后面的回答可知,他并非喜欢古典音乐,故选B。48Do you know anything about British history?_ I have no interest in it.ATake it easy!BPlease dont bother.CIts up to you.DNo.Its beyond me.D考查情景交际。句意:你知道关于英国历史的一些事吗?不。这太难了,我不感兴趣。Take it easy放松;Please dont bother请不要打扰;Its up to you这取决于你;No.Its beyond me不。这太难了。由语境可知选D。49The music is too loud.Could you please turn down the radio a bit?_ASorry,I didnt know you were reading.BDont trouble.I like music.CDont you think the music is beautiful?DOh,its an honor for me to do so.A考查情景交际。句意:音乐声太大了,你能把收音机音量调小一点吗?对不起,我不知道你在看书。第一句是给对方提意见,A项回答符合要求,故选A。50Oh,goodness.How can I use the webchat software?_I know nothing about it.AThat suits me fineBYou are welcomeCTake your timeDYouve got me thereD考查情景交际。句意:噢,天哪,我如何使用这款网络聊天软件呢?你难住我了。我对此一无所知。Youve got me there你难住我了,符合题意。That suits me fine那正适合我;You are welcome不用谢;Take your time别着急,慢慢来。故选D。13


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