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辽宁省凤城市2017年高考英语一轮阅读理解课外训练三(2016高考英语阅读理解精练)阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案。If the earths population is in growth at this rate , there will not be enough resources. By the middle of the 21st century, if present trends continue, we will have used up all the oil that drives our cars, for example. Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race, the crowded conditions on the earth will make it necessary for us to look for open space somewhere else. But none of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem, however, has recently been suggested by American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan.Sagan believes that before the earths resources are completely exhausted it will be possible to change the atmosphere of Venus and so create a new world almost as large as the earth itself. The difficult is that Venus is much hotter than the earth and there is only a tiny amount of water there.Sagan proposes that algae organisms(海藻有机体) that can live in extremely hot or cold atmospheres and at the same time produce oxygen, should be bred in condition similar to those on Venus. As soon as this has been done, the algae will be placed in small rockets. Spaceship will then fly to Venus and fire the rockets into the atmosphere .In a fairly short time, the algae will break down the carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon.When the algae have done their work, the atmosphere will become cooler, but before man can set foot on Venus it will be necessary for the oxygen to produce rain. The surface of the planet will still be too hot for man to land on it but the rain will eventually fall and in a few years something like earth will be reproduced on Venus.1.In the long run, the most difficult problem caused by population growth on the earth will probably be the lack of _.A. oil B. food C. resources D. space2.Carl Sagan believes that Venus might be a living place because _A. the days on Venus are long enoughB. it might be possible to change its atmosphereC. there is a good supply of water on VenusD. its atmosphere is the same as the earths3.Algae are plants that can_.A. live in very hot temperature B. live in very cold temperatureC. produce oxygen D. all of the above4. Man can land on Venus only when_.A. it rains there B. there is oxygen C. the atmosphere becomes cooler D. the algae have done their work【参考答案】1-4 DBDA【河北省衡水中学2016届高三上学期七调】While I will explain a bit about the science of stress and relaxation a little later simple way to think about it is that our body s stress response works like a car alarm. Keep ussafeby warning us of the presence of danger in our immediate environment.But instead of warning us with a loud and annoying sound,our body alarm system lets us know that something is wrong by creating changes in our neurochemistry (神经化学).If youve ever experienced painin your stomach,periodsof extreme anger, inability tofocus or eveninsomnia(失眠),chances are your body was paying the price in those moments for the brain chemistry of stress.So if its so uncomfortable,why not just get rid of stress altogether?This is not only impractical,it would be dangerous. Lets go back to the metaphor (比喻说法)of the car alarm. If the alarm is turned off altogether,the car is exposed to continual danger without there being any way of your knowing about it until it is too late. It would be like walking through the jungle without any fear signal in the presence of a poisonous snake or other dangerous animals while it might feel “nice” to be so relaxed,your body actually needs the stress response not only to remind you of danger but also to offer extra adrenaline (肾上腺素) for your heart and extra blood and oxygen for your arms and legs.However,if the car alarm goes off at any time,someone just looks at the car with a bit of an attitude,and it becomes equally useless. Not only do we stop paying attention to it,but it begins to drive us and everyone around us becomes a little bit crazy. In the case of our bodies,walking around in a constant state of alarm also has some pretty alarming health consequences,which we will explore in greater depth in the next chapter.25. Our bodys stress response is compared to a car alarm in that .A. they work all the time B. they both give a signalC. they work in the same way D. they both produce a sound26. When our body alarm system works, .A. we feel calm B.we feel excitedB. some changes happen in our brain D.some changes happen in our heart27. What would happen if stress were got rid of completely?A. We11 be free of worries.B. We11 achieve a sense of safety.C. We11 reach a perfect state of mind.D. We11 fail to realize the possible danger.28. Whats thepurpose of giving the example of walking through the Jungle inParagraph 4?A. To show the harm of stress.B. To show the effect of stress.C. To explain the function of stress response.D. To explain the necessity of stress response.【答案】25.B26.C27.D28.D26. C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段最后一句If youve ever experienced pain in your stomach,periods of extreme anger, inability to focus or even insomnia (失眠),chances are your body was paying the price in those moments for the brain chemistry of stress.如果你感觉到胃部疼痛,一段时期的极其愤怒,难以集中注意力,或者失眠,那么你的身体就是在为大脑化学的压力付出代价。由此句可知,身体报警系统工作时,身体是有变化的,如胃部疼痛,极其愤怒, 失眠等。因此C 为正确选项。27. D 细节理解题。从第四段 If the alarm is turned off altogether,the car is exposed to continual danger without there being any way of your knowing about it until it is too late. 可知,如果发动机的报警系统被关掉,车辆就完全暴露在不断的危险中,而没有任何迹象让你知道, 直到太晚。 也就是D 选项的说法,我们不能意识到可能存在的危险。 28 . D 推理判断题。文章第四段末while it might feel “nice” to be so relaxed, your body actually needs the stress response not only to remind you of danger but also to offer extra adrenaline for your heart and extra blood and oxygen for your arms and legs.句意,就象放松的时候感觉很好一样,你的身体真的需要压力反应,不仅为为了提醒你危险的存在, 也是为了给你的心脏提供肾上腺,为你的胳膊,腿提供额外的血液和氧气。由此可知,如果完全失去压力, 我们就不能意识到潜在危险的存在,就象人走在丛林中而不知毒蛇,猛兽的存在,这样 很容易引起读者共鸣, 以此来说明压力反映存在的必要性, 所以选D。考点:考查说明文阅读理解【河北省衡水中学2016届高三上学期七调】 At the Magazine we welcome your contributions! We love to publicize authors,bloggers and businesses. And there are several spots available for writers. Author Spot This is a regular page devoted tonewandexperienced authors. Click here tosee the questions and you simply reply as you wish. To appear on Author Spot,your book must be already published. Please enclose a color photo of yourself plus a color photo of your book cover. Top Tips Are you an expert in your field? We welcome “Top Tips” on any subjects such as working from home,building up a business,writing please contact us if you have an idea and look at the top tips posts on thissite to see how to craft your own. Press ReleasesDo you have some news about your business,company or charity? We are always on the look out for great press releases to publish on our site. Simply submit your press release here or email it to ali- son feature world. co.uk.Opinion pieces and ReviewsGot a subject you feel strongly about? Or would you like to review a book for us? We are happy to look at all other opinion pieces or reviews as long as they fit with the general ethos (思想信仰)of the site.General Submission GuidelinesDue to the number of submissions receivedwe cannot guarantee that your submission will be published. There might be a wait of a few weeks before your submission goes live.We reserve the right to edit submissions although as they are personal to the writer,we endeavor not to do this.Any questions? Contact us here.29. Which is a necessary requirement to contribute a book?A. One photo of you and your book.B. A book never published.C. Answering some questions.D. An expert in your field.30. What doesthe underlined part “we endeavor not to do this”in the sentence mean?A. We try not to be personal.B. We try not to change your writing.C. We try not to reserve the right.D. We try not to delay the publication.31. Where does the passage come from?A. A magazine.B. A textbook.C. A website.D. A newspaper.【答案】 29. C30. B31. C【解析】试题分析:这是一篇网络上的征稿启示,详细列举了需要的稿件类型,以及需要注意的事项。29. C 细节理解题。根据文章第二段Click here to see the questions and you simply reply as you wish. 可知,点击此处,看问题,如你所愿的,简单地回答。因此,C 为正确选项。由 (2013山东临沂高三一模)改编Children will find it more difficult to buy cigarettes as vending machines(自动售货机)selling tobacco will be officially banned in England today.According to the British Heart Foundation(BHF),around 200,000 young people start smoking regularly in England each year and 11 percent of 11-to-15-year-old regular smokers in England and Wales get their cigarettes from vending machines.Betty McBride, Director of Policy and Communications at the British Heart Foundation,said,“Thousands of children who are at risk of addiction regularly get tobacco from these machines,which of course,dont ask them to prove their age.With the tobacco industry increasingly depending on young smokers to keep their profits,theyre fighting tooth and nail to stop any changes that might hit their bottom line.”The ban, which makes it illegal to sell tobacco from vending machines and requires shopkeepers to ensure all tobacco advertising on the machines is removed,comes into force in England today.It is the first ban in Europe to prohibit selling cigarettes from vending machines,which shows the determination of England to fight against smoking.Other measures to protect young people from the dangers of smoking are also on the way.In April 2013 large retailers(零售商)in England and Scotland will have to get rid of all tobacco displays and small shops will be expected to do that from April 2015.Wales and Northern Ireland also plan to make similar regulations.The UK Government is due to begin a public consultation before the end of the year on whether to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes which would reduce their marketing appeal to young people,help to make health warnings more effective and,alongside other measures,help to reduce the number of smokers in the long term.9.According to the text,vending machines selling cigarettes.A.offer cheaper productsB.have more varieties of productsC.dont check buyers personal informationD.keep a record of every purchase10.The tobacco industry may be against the new regulation because.A.more children will be at risk of tobacco addictionB.it will bring inconvenience to its consumersC.young smokers will be discouragedD.many vending machines will be left unused11.Small stores in Scotland.A.will be banned from selling tobacco next yearB.can still present cigarettes for around 2 yearsC.must get rid of all tobacco advertisementsD.must show warnings about cigarettes in 201312.It can be inferred from the text that.A.plain packaging is a must for cigarettesB.the number of tobacco companies will be limitedC.tobaccos harm to health will be put down on packagesD.opinions will be asked for plans of tobacco controlling13.What is the best title for the text?()A.Cigarette vending machines banned.B.The youths addiction to tobacco.C.UKs efforts to improve peoples health.D.Strong opposition from tobacco industry.语篇解读:为了减少青少年吸烟者的数量,英国政府颁发了自动售货卖烟机的禁令,充分显示了政府同吸烟作斗争的决心。答案及剖析:9.C细节理解题。由第二段的.from these machines,which of course,dont ask them to prove their age可知,售烟机不会询问买烟者的年龄,故选C项。10.C推理判断题。由第二段的最后一句话With the tobacco industry increasingly depending on young smokers to keep their profits,.可知,烟草商为了获得利益更加依赖年轻的吸烟者的消费,政府的这种禁令会大大减少青少年买烟者的数量而损害烟草业的利益,故选C项。11.B细节理解题。由倒数第二段的In April 2013 large retailers(零售商)in England and Scotland will have to get rid of all tobacco displays and small shops will be expected to do that from April 2015可知,小商店到2015年的4月就不可以再在商店里陈列烟了,故B项正确。12.D推理判断题。由最后一段的第一句话The UK Government is due to begin a public consultation.on whether to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes.可知,英国政府将举行公开磋商,询问对烟草控制计划的问题,故选D项。由最后一段的第一句话.on whether to introduce plain packaging for cigarettes可排除A项;由文章内容可知,英国政府只是对自动售烟机,销售店和包装采取措施,没有提到关闭生产厂家,故排除B项;由最后一段的.make health warnings more effective.可知,烟包装盒上已经有了“吸烟有害”警示语,故排除C项。13.A主旨大意题。由文章的首句Children will find it more difficult to buy cigarettes as vending machines(自动售货机)selling tobacco will be officially banned in England today.为本文的主题句,故A项作为标题最合适。【疑难词汇解读】1.prohibit v.禁止,防止Smoking is prohibited in the library.图书馆里禁止吸烟。2.consultation n.磋商,商议;会诊She said the public wanted a longer consultation period.她表示市民希望延长咨询期【长难句子分析】 禁止从自动售货机上卖烟是欧洲的第一个禁令,这显示了英国同吸烟作斗争的决心。

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