高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选练1(含解析)11

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高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选练1(含解析)11_第1页
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高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选练1(含解析)11_第3页
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广西浦北县2017高考英语一轮阅读理解选练(2016高考训练)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。体裁:记叙文话题:人与自然词数:675时间:6My story is from my college days.One of my geology professors got me involved in mountain climbing.Since he and I climbed at roughly the same pace, we made perfect companions on the trail.On one trip, we hooked up with the Colorado Mountain Club to climb Mount Massive, the second highest mountain in Colorado and fourth highest in the Lower 48 states.The day started out great.It was a beautiful sunny day.The CMC folks decided they wanted to take an “alternate” route up the mountain rather than the established trail.The alternate route was straight up the west (steep) side.CMC is synonymous with mountain goat.Most of these folks scurried up the mountain like most people climb a set of stairs at the mall.Carl and I were a bit slower, quite a bit slower.We made it to the summit(山顶)around noon, feeling like I was a 70yearold man with emphysema.For those who have experienced the joys of the air(or lack thereof) above 14,000 feet, you know what Im talking about.We sat down and ate lunch admiring the spectacular view along with a half dozen other climbers.By 1:00 we decided it was past time to vacate the top of the mountain.Those familiar with the Rockies know that between 1:00 and 2:00 every afternoon, thunderstorms roll across the mountains.Being 3,000 plus feet above timberline, people are the tallest standing thing and make great lightning rods(避雷针)Every year several people are killed by lightning in the high country.Just the day before, a climber was killed on Mt.Elbert, the next mountain over, so you can imagine our anxiety.We could see the thunderheads building to the west, ready to seek out their hapless prey(猎物)It was time to get the heck off the top of the mountain fast.One climber opted (选择) to boot ski down the snowcovered east cirque.I didnt think it was a great idea but he quickly made it to the bottom some 2,500 feet below in mere seconds.Seemed like a good idea right? Wrong! While my climbing partner Carl opted for the trail, I prepared for my snowy descent.I took three steps into the snow and whoosh, I slipped on the ice layer under the snow and slid under the snow.Now completely soaked with melt water, I could only crawl on my hands and knees to the dry rock above.By the time I made it out, I was out of options.The thunderstorms were approaching fast and all I could do was try and make myself flat against the mountain.Realizing almost too late that being the good geologist that I was, I had a rock hammer, camera, and who knows what other metal objects in my backpack, which sounded like good lightning rod material to me, I quickly took off my pack and threw it as far away as I could.I then lay down on my back and tried to sink into the mountain as far as I could.I could hear the lightning striking the back of the mountain.The frequent loud report of the thunder marched even closer.It started to rain, and soon the rain turned to sleet.Normally this would not be a real big deal except that my nice warm rain jacket was cleverly tucked away in the backpack I just threw some 30 feet away.Already cold from being soaked with ice water, I dared not move.Just then the lightning arrived.Bolt after bolt was striking the mountain around me with instantaneous explosions of the thunder.The storm moved across and the bolts of lightning were striking far below me now.I waited until I was certain the storm was truly past.I looked over and saw what really got me.There about a halfmile down the trail, I could see my climbing partner snug and warm beneath a rock overhang he had found to wait out the storm.I gathered my pack and headed down the trail to catch up with him.We had a few laughs about it and I realized that with age does come great wisdom!【语篇解读】本文为一篇记叙文。作者登上山顶之后,没有及时下山,遇到雷雨,亲身经历了一次被闪电和雷声包围的险情。1According to the first two paragraphs, the author _Apersuaded the professor to go climbing with himBhad planned to climb Mount MassiveCdid not choose the same route as the CMC membersDwas left behind with the professor答案D考查细节理解。根据文章前两段内容可知,作者和他的一个地质学教授的攀爬速度比较慢,因此他们被科罗拉多登山俱乐部的队员们落在了后面。2The underlined word “vacate” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_”Aleave Breach Cadmire Dsee答案A考查词义猜测。由第三段内容可知,作者他们在正午前后到达山顶,在山顶上吃了午饭并欣赏了壮丽的风景。而一点到两点之间,洛基山会有雷雨。所以在一点的时候,作者他们应该是决定要下山。故画线词与leave“离开”意思最相近。3The author was anxious because _Athe day before a climber was killed on this summitBhe was likely to be struck by lightningChe forgot to bring lightning rods with himDhe was the tallest among the travelers答案B考查细节理解。根据文章第三段中的“people are the tallest standing thing and make great lightning rods(避雷针)Every year several people are killed by lightning in the high country”可知,作者担心成为避雷针,被雷电击中。4When the thunderstorm began to build, the author _Awas admiring the beautiful view from the top of the mountainBdecided to ski down the icecovered routeCwas forced to hide under the snowDtried to ski down but was caught under the snow答案D考查细节理解。根据文章第四段倒数第二句可知D项正确。5What did the author do when the thunderstorms were approaching?AHe slipped under the snow quickly.BHe collected his belongings and put them on his back.CHe lay down with his backpack on his back.DHe lay flat as close to the mountain as possible.答案D考查细节理解。根据文章倒数第三段第二句及最后一句可知,D项正确。2016高考训练-阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。According to a new US study, couples who expect their children to help care for them in old age should hope they have daughters because they are likely to be twice as attentive overall. The research by Angelina Grigoryeva, a sociologist at Princeton University, found that, while women provide as much care for their elderly parents as they can manage, men do as little as they can get away with and often leave it to female family members. Her analysis of the family networks of 26,000 older Americans concluded that gender(性别) is the most important predictor(预示物) of whether or not people will actively care for elderly parents. In a paper being presented at the annual conference of the American Sociological Association in San Francisco, she concludes that simply having a sister makes men statistically likely provide less care. Using data from the University of Michigan Health and Retirement Study, a study which has been tracking a cross-section of over-50s for the last decade, she calculated that women provide an average of 12.3 hours a month of care for elderly parents while men offer only 5.6 hours. “Whereas the amount of elderly parent care daughters provide is associated with limitations they face, such as employment or childcare, sons caregiving is associated only with the presence or absence of other helpers, such as sisters or a parents spouse(配偶),” she explained. “Sons reduce their relative caregiving efforts when they have a sister, while daughters increase theirs when they have a brother.” “This suggests that sons pass on parent caregiving responsibilities to their sisters.” In the UK, the 2011 census(人口普查) showed that there are now around 6.5 million people with caring responsibilities a figure which has risen by a tenth in a decade. But many are doing so at the risk of their own health. The census showed that those who provide 50 hours or more of care a week while trying to hold down a full- time job are three times more likely to be struggling with ill health than their working counterparts(相对应的人) who are not carers.12.Whats the most important factor to predict if people will actively care for the elderly? A. Gender. B. Education. C. Career. D. Family networks.13.The US study finds that _. A. sons are twice likely as daughters to care for parents in old age B. having a sister makes men less likely to do their fair share C. sons and daughters seem to give equal care to their parents D. sons are unwilling to leave caregiving responsibilities to female family members14.What does the author stress in the last paragraph? A. People should give up their jobs to care for the elderly. B. Many care providers work longer hours than others. C. People shouldnt pass on caring responsibilities to others. D. Many care providers have potential health problems.15.The author develops the text by _. A. explaining social networks of careers B. describing peoples experiences C. analyzing various research and data D. comparing different gender behavior参考答案12-15 ABDC阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A.B.C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Most Americans get what money they have from their work; that is, they earn an income from wages or salaries. The richest Americans, however, get most of their money from what they own their stocks, bonds, real estate, and other forms of property, or wealth. Although there are few accurate statistics to go by, wealth in American society appears to be concentrated in very few hands. More than 20 percent of everything that can be privately owned is held by less than one percent of the adult population and more than 75 percent of all wealth is owned by 20 percent of American adults. The plain fact is that most Americans have no wealth at all aside from their homes, automobiles, and a small amount of savings. Income in the United States is not as highly concentrated as wealth. In 1917 the richest 10 percent of American families received 26.1 percent of all income, while the poorest 10 percent received 17 percent, mainly from Social Security and other government payments. The most striking aspect of income distribution is that it has not changed significantly since the end of World War II. Although economic growth has roughly doubled real disposable (可自由使用的) family income (the money left after taxes and adjusted for inflation) over the last generation, the size of the shares given to the rich and the poor is about the same. By any measure economic inequality is great in the United States. The reality behind these statistics is that a large number of Americans are poor. In 1918, 14 percent of the population was living below the federal governments poverty line, which at that time was an annual income of $ 9 287 for a nonfarm family of two adults and two children. In other words, about one out of seven Americans over 31 million people was officially considered unable to buy the basic necessities of food, clothes, and shelter. The suggested poverty line in 1981 would have been an income of about $11, 200 for a family of four. By this relative definition, about 20 percent of the population or more than 45 million Americans are poor. 11What does the majority of the Americans have in terms of wealth? ATheir income and savings. BTheir house, cars and small amounts of savings. CEverything they own in their homes. DActually, they have no wealth at all.12What is the percentage of wealth that is in the hands of most Americans? ALess than 25%. BMore than 25%. CMore than 75%. DLess than 20%. 13Why is economic inequality still great in the US in spite of the economic growth? ABecause the economic growth has widened the gap of the family income between the rich and the poor. BBecause income in the US is still concentrated in the hands of the richest 10% of American families.CBecause the proportion of income received by the rich and the poor remains almost the same as in 1917. DBecause some Americans made great fortunes during the Second World War. 14What can we learn from comparison of the two poverty lines in the last paragraph? A. The poverty line of 1918 is more favorable to the poor than that of 1981. B. The 1981 line didnt leave much to the poor. C. There were more Americans who were officially poor by the 1918 line. D. There were more Americans who were officially poor by the 1981 line. 15From the last two sentences we can see that 1981 governments poverty line _. Awas of no good for the poor Bwas officially approved Cwas not helpful to the poor Dwas not put into operation then 【参考答案】1115、BACDD 【2014高考英语南京市、盐城市一模】请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Parents all struggle to get children to understand that money doesnt grow on trees, wanting them to be responsible, work hard and learn to save a few bucks. But these lessons are among the most difficult to teach.Enter KidZania, an internationally praised and truly unique childrens theme park, that makes life a little easier for parents.KidZania is not a traditional theme park in almost any sense of the word there are no roller coasters or merry-go-rounds in sight. There are, however, plenty of attractions and activities that will keep children busy, active, engaged and excited all day.What makes it so much fun is that its a kid-sized city complete with restaurants, banks, grocery stores and hospitals where the kids get to be adults, doing the things most of us do on any normal day.They start by picking one of nearly 100 “careers” and learning about it. Then, they put on their uniform and are ready to work and earn KidZania dollars (“Kidzos”).Most activities are universal but some are localized to reflect the distinct flavors and personality of the country and region where the park is located and to keep it real for the kids.Kids get paid for every job they do, which helps them explore the mysteries of managing money. Kidzos in hand, they can spend it or save it. If they run short of money, theyll have to find a way to earn some.Each KidZania city is planned in amazing detail, even including real world brands that help sponsor the city and keep it running. I was a littlewaryof all the popular corporate logos, but the brands werent pushed at all. They are there to reinforce the “real city” feeling by mixing it with things kids recognize.KidZania employs senior citizens who give the park a homey feel and help put children at ease. Management also employs the disabled, whether blind, deaf or wheelchair-bound. Besides making for a more realistic city, this teaches children about those with different abilities and gives them an opportunity to spend time with people they might otherwise have stared at or treated less than kindly.Socialization is an important part of KidZania, just as it is throughout childhood. The KidZania experience empowers kids, giving them the confidence to be their best selves, and the inspiration to be great global citizens. And its part of what makes KidZania such an amazing place for families and children.59. KidZania is unique in that _.A. it has no entertainment facilitiesB. it includes lots of localized activitiesC. it offers kids chances to learn through workingD. it employs many seniors and disabled people60. The underlined word “wary” in Paragraph 8 is similar in meaning to _.A. astonishedB. cautiousC. delightedD. conscious61. Childrens theme park KidZania is set up to _.A. prepare them to be good citizens in the futureB. provide them with a place to have a good timeC. make them aware of their parents hardshipD. assist them in building a good relationship with parents62. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. Children do part-time jobs at a theme parkB. A theme park pushes kids to be grown-upsC. KidZania theme park makes adults life easierD. Kids get to be adults at KidZania theme park【参考答案】59. C60. B61. A62. D

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