高考英语一轮复习 暑假阅读理解技能演练1

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辽宁盖州市2017高考英语暑假阅读理解技能演练(一)【2016高考训练】阅读理解推理判断题。The word proactivity is fairly common in management literature, but you wont find it in the dictionary. It means that as a human being you take responsibility for your own life. Look at the word responsibility: ability to choose your response, response-ability. Effective people are proactive because they take responsibility. Their behavior is a product of their own decisions, based on values, rather than being a product of their own conditions, based on feelings. For instance, you are planning a picnic with your family. Youre excited. You have all the preparations, Youve decided where to go, and then it becomes stormy, killing your plan. Proactive people carry weather within them. They realize what their purpose really was, and they creatively have a picnic elsewhere even if its in their own basement with some special games, and make the best of that situation. The opposite of being proactive is to be reactive. Reactive people would say, “Whats the use?”We cant do anything.” “Oh this is so upsetting after all of our preparations and arrangements.” They try to persuade the people around them and usually the picnic will be cancelled.Being proactive is really just being true to your human nature. Your basic nature is to act, and not to be acted upon. Thats true, despite widely accepted theories of determinism used to explain human nature. Determinism says that you dont really choose anything and that what you call choices are nothing more than automatic responses to outside conditions.The language of reactive people is lie:”I cant .” “Dont have time.” I have to .” I must.” The whole spirit of that language is the transfer of responsibility. They think things are determined by their environment, or by their conditions, or by their conditioning or their genetic makeup. Psychologically, people who believe they are determined will produce the evidence to support the belief, and they increasingly feel victimized and out of control. Theyre not in charge of their life at all.On the contrary, a proactive person exercises free will, the freedom to choose the response that best applies to his values. In that way, he gains control over the circumstances, rather than being controlled by them.1. According to the passage, a proactive persons behavior can result from .A. The environment B. an inner beliefC. the genetic makeup D. a temporary feeling2. When a picnic plan is threatened by a sudden storm, reactive people will probably . A. have the picnic as planned B. make the best of the picnic C. complain and give up the picnic D. find somewhere else for the picnic3. What does” carry weather within them” in the second paragraph probably mean? A. Manage to improve the weather. B. Give in to the weather passively. C. Stress the influence of the weather. D. Find a solution to the weather problems.4. It can be concluded from the passage that determinists(宿命论者) . A. accept things passively B. are in charge of themselves C. are similar to proactive people D. respond to outside conditions actively语篇解读 本文主要介绍了积极的人和消极的的之间的区别,例如在遇到天气不好野餐计划搁浅的时候,积极的人会想办法进行野餐,而消极的人却由周围的环境左右其决定。1. B 细节理解题。根据第三段Being proactive is really just being true to your human nature. You basic nature is to act, and not to be acted upon. 可知,积极主动是按照天性来做最真正的自己。人的本性是行动,而不是任人摆布。可知一个积极的人,他的行动源于他的内心和本性。故选B。2. C 细节理解题。根据第二段They try to persuade the people around them and usually the picnic will be cancelled. 可知,消极的人会试图说服他们周围的人并最后取消野餐。3. D 推理判断题。根据下文They realize what their purpose really was, and they creatively have a picnic elsewhere even if its in their own basement with some special games 可知,当环境不得于计划的时候,积极的人会创造性的想出解决方法,达到目的。4. A 推理判断题。 根据第四段They think things are determined by their environment, or by their conditions, or by their conditioning or their genetic makeup. 可知,消极的人认为事情是由环境决定的。又根据第二段野餐的例子可知,消极的人在面对计划不得不改变时,他们会抱怨但接受现实,而不会想办法去创造机会实现目标。阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Very often when I go to look at someones garden and they complain that for some reason it does not feel right to them. What I notice is that the design quite complicated. Or, sometimes there is no real design and the layout (布局) just looks messy. Creating a garden without some form of design is like trying to bake a cake without a recipe. With a cake you can add together ingredients (原料) from the cupboard and fridge in the hope that the result will be a perfectly baked cake. Both creating a garden and baking a cake follow outlines for getting a result. Know just when to add something, when to take the mix off the heat or how much oil to use, etc. An experienced garden designer can help you create a garden best suited to you and your lifestyle, rather than impose their own ideas on you. He will listen to and help draw out your ideas. By keeping the garden design simple you and your chosen designer will have created the structure of a garden, similar to the structure of a house together with some details. A golden rule to remember is that garden design is not about choosing the right plants. Dont get caught up in the idea that you have to choose the right plants for the job straight away. Plant choice comes almost at the last minute in many cases, after you and your designer have created style or feeling you are wanting to have in your garden. Design is about creating a constructable (可构造的) image for the garden, including form and shape, sounds, smells, even tastes and often, believe it or not, plants are never used. By keeping the design simple, especially if you are learning about design or taking on the project by yourself, you are increasing your chances of a successful design, one that matches your standard for your life. 1. What is the passage mainly about? A. Designing a garden as simple as possible. B. Comparing garden-designing with cake-making. C. An experienced garden designers importance. D. Choosing plants for the garden. 2. Why does the author use baking a cake in the passage? A. To show the basic steps of baking a cake. B. To imply how simple to design a garden. C. To state baking a cake is very complex. D. To introduce how to design a garden. 3. The underlined word “impose” in the third paragraph means. A. force B. turnC. improve D. imagine4. By keeping the garden design simple, . A. you can get details from the garden designer B. you will be successful one dayC. you can meet your standards in life D. you can match the structure of a house with that of a garden 5. What is the most important for garden design? A. Creating a constructable image for the garden. B. Choosing the right plants for your garden first. C. Inviting an experienced garden designer. D. Not rushing to choose plants for your garden. 【参考答案】15、ABADD 【2014高考英语广东省中山市华侨中学二模试题】BIn my living room, there is a plaque (匾) that advises me to “Bloom (开花) where you are planted.” It reminds me of Dorothy. I got to know Dorothy in the early 1980s, when I was teaching Early Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville, Kentucky. The job responsibilities required occasional visits to the classroom of each teacher in the program. Dorothy stands out in my memory as one who “bloomed” in her remote area.Dorothy taught in a school in Harlan County, Kentucky, Appalachian Mountain area. To get to her school from the town of Harlan, I followed a road winding around the mountain. In the eight-mile journey, I crossed the same railroad track five times, giving the possibility of getting caught by the same train five times. Rather than feeling excited by this drive through the mountains, I found it depressing. The poverty level was shocking and the small shabby houses gave me the greatest feeling of hopelessness.From the moment of my arrival at the little school, all gloom (忧郁) disappeared. Upon arriving at Dorothys classroom, I was greeted with smiling faces and treated like a queen. The children had been prepared to show me their latest projects. Dorothy told me with a big smile that they were serving poke greens salad and cornbread for “dinner” (lunch). In case you dont know, poke greens are a weed-type plant that grows wild, especially on poor ground.Dorothy never ran out of reports of exciting activities of her students. Her enthusiasm never cooled down. When it came time to sit for the testing and interviewing required to receive her Child Development Associate Certification, Dorothy was ready. She came to the assessment and passed in all areas. Afterward, she invited me to the one-and-only steak house in the area to celebrate her victory, as if she had received her Ph. D. degree. After the meal, she placed a little box containing an old pen in my hand. She said it was a family heirloom (传家宝), but to me it is a treasured symbol of appreciation and pride that cannot be matched with things. 31. “Early Childhood Development” in Paragraph 1 refers to _. A. a program directed by DorothyB. a course given by the author C. an activity held by the studentsD. an organization sponsored by Union college32. In the journey, the author was most disappointed at seeing _. A. the long trackB. the same train C. the poor housesD. the winding road33. Upon arriving at the classroom, the author was cheered up by _. A. a warm welcomeB. the sight of poke greens C. Dorothys latest projectsD. a big dinner made for her34. What can we know about Dorothy from the last paragraph? A. She was invited to a celebration at a restaurant. B. She got a pen as a gift from the author. C. She passed the required assessment. D. She received her Ph. D. degree.35. What does the author mainly intend to tell us? A. Whatever you do, you must do it carefully. B. Whoever you are, you deserve equal treatment. C. However poor you are, you have the right to education, D. Wherever you are, you can accomplish your achievement.【参考答案】31-35. BCACD 【2014高考英语广东省中山市华侨中学二模试题】CDoes Fame Drive You Crazy?Although being famous might sound like a dream come true, todays stars, feeling like zoo animals, face pressures that few of us can imagine. They are at the center of much of the worlds attention. Paparazzi (狗仔队) camp outside their homes, cameras ready. Tabloids (小报) publish thrilling stories about their personal lives. Just imagine not being able to do anything without being photographed or interrupted for a signature.According to psychologist Christina Villareal, celebrities - famous people - worry constantly about their public appearance. Eventually, they start to lose track of who they really are, seeing themselves the way their fans imagine them, not as the people they were before everyone knew their names. “Over time,” Villareal says, “they feel separated and alone.”The phenomenon of tracking celebrities has been around for ages. In the 4th century B.C., painters followed Alexander the Great into battle, hoping to picture his victories for his admirers. When Charles Dickens visited America in the 19th century, his sold-out readings attracted thousands of fans, leading him to complain (抱怨) about his lack of privacy. Tabloids of the 1920s and 1930s ran articles about film-stars in much the same way that modern tabloids and websites do.Being a public figure today, however, is a lot more difficult than it used to be. Superstars cannot move about without worrying about photographers with modern cameras. When they say something silly or do something ridiculous, there is always the Internet to spread the news in minutes and keep their “story” alive forever.If fame is so troublesome, why arent all celebrities running away from it? The answer is there are still ways to deal with it. Some stars stay calm by surrounding themselves with trusted friends and family or by escaping to remote places away from big cities. They focus not on how famous they are but on what they love to do or whatever made them famous in the first place.Sometimes a few celebrities can get a little justice. Still, even stars who enjoy full justice often complain about how hard their lives are. They are tired of being famous already.36. It can be learned from the passage that stars today_.A. can no longer have their privacy protected B. are often misunderstood by the publicC. spend too much on their public appearanceD. care little about how they have come into fame37. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A. Great heroes of the past were generally admired.B. The problem faced by celebrities has a long history. C. Well-known actors are usually targets of tabloids.D. Works of popular writers often have a lot of readers.38. What makes it much harder to be a celebrity today?A. Availability of modern media. B. Inadequate social recognition. C. Lack of favorable chances.D. Huge population of fans.39. The reasons why there are still so many celebrities might not be _. A. that a few stars stay calm with their family B. that some stars just avoid public appearance C. that everyone in society runs after fame D. that they fix their attention on what they do40. What is the authors attitude toward modern celebrity?A. Sincere.B. Sceptical.C. Disapproving.D. Sympathetic.【参考答案】36-40. ABACD

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