高考英语一轮复习 完形填空选练(4)1

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安徽五河县2017高考英语完形填空一轮选练(4)【由上海市黄浦区2014模拟改编】Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.In India, almost all marriages are arranged. Even among the educated middle classes in modern urban India, marriage is as much a concern of the families as it is of the _1_. So customary is the practice of arranged marriage that there is a special name for a marriage which is not _2_: It is called a “love match”.On my first trip to India, I met many young men and women whose parents were in the process of “getting them married”. In many cases, the bride and groom would not meet each other before the marriage. _3_ they might meet for a brief conversation, and this meeting would take place only after their parents had decided that the match was _4_. Parents do not force their children to marry a person who either marriage partner finds unacceptable. But only after one match is refused will another be sought.As a young American woman in India for the first time, I found this custom of arranged marriage _5_. How could any intelligent young person _6_ to such a marriage without great reluctance? It was _7_ to everything I believed about the importance of romantic love as the only basis of a happy marriage. It was also in conflict with my strongly held beliefs that the choice of such a close and permanent relationship could be made only by individuals _8_. If anyone had tried to arrange my marriage, I would have been _9_!Sita, one of my young friends, was a college graduate with a degree in political science. She had been _10_ for over a year while her parents were arranging a match for her. I found it difficult to accept the obedient(顺从的) manner in which this well-educated young woman awaited the outcome of a process that would _11_ her spending the rest of her life with a man she hardly knew, a total stranger, _12_ by her parents.In frustration and distress, I asked her, “Dont you care who you _13_?” “Of course I care,” she answered. “This is why I must let my parents choose a boy for me. My marriage is too important to be arranged by such a(n) _14_ person as myself. In such matters, it is better to have my parents _15_”.1.A. classesB. individualsC. societyD. country2. A. matchedB. decidedC. concernedD. arranged3. A. After allB. In additionC. At mostD. On average4. A. comfortableB. imperfectC. suitableD. dissatisfying5.A. acceptableB. amazingC. depressingD. strange6.A. agreeB. turnC. exchange D. devote7. A. customary B. remarkableC. similarD. contrary8. A. involvedB. presentC. informedD. available9. A. ambitiousB. proudC. rebellious D. puzzled10. A. fightingB. protestingC. waitingD. dreaming11. A. profit fromB. hold backC. act outD. result in12. A. picked outB. picked upC. taken upD. taken out13. A. encounterB. favorC. marry D. join14. A. intelligentB. unfortunateC. inexperiencedD. careless15. A. blessingB. guidanceC. fortuneD. promise【参考答案】1 5BDCCD 6 10 ADACC 11 15 DACCB【2015届浙江省重点中学协作体高考摸底测试】 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1分, 满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。Flood damage cleanupis anunforgettableexperienceforme. I have seen a number of news reports on television showing houses that have been 21 by natural flooding and how the different 22 there are coping and starting their flood damage cleanup. I have always felt 23 for the families that have become victims of flooding however I couldnt imagine what they were 24 because I have never experienced flooding or flood damage cleanup at first 25 until two years back. My 26 experience happened when I woke up early one morning because of the 27 of water. As I started to get out of bed to turn on the light, I felt cold muddy water at my 28 . I then realized that the power was 29 . This probably happened due to the heavy 30 and strong wind that were brought by a hurricane during the 31 .As the rains stopped, I decided to do my flood damage cleanup 32 . Because I had only moved in the house and had only 33 a few belongings, the amount of damage was 34 . It involved only washing shoes and bags 35 soap and water. It was a good thing that most of my things were 36 inside plastic buckets and most of the furniture that I bought was made of 37 and plastic. This made my flood damage cleanup a lot easier. My cleanup work only 38 the removal of mud from the apartment floors. It was also a good thing that the 39 had hardwood floors. Had the apartment been covered with carpet, I would have had to 40 a lot having the carpet cleaned if not replaced with a new one.21. A. drownedB. washedC. affectedD. removed22. A. citizensB. householdersC. ownersD. residents23. A. sorryB. worriedC. excitedD. glad24. A. feelingB. doingC. speakingD. thinking25. A. viewB. handC. thoughtD. sight26. A. cleanupB. floodingC. earthquakeD. landslide27. A. smellB. shapeC. tasteD. sound28. A. headB. neckC. feetD. breast29. A. out B. inC. onD. down30. A. rainB. snowC. frostD. fog31. A. morningB. afternoonC.eveningD. night 32. A. slowlyB. graduallyC. quicklyD. frequently33. A. unfoldedB. unpackedC. uncoveredD. unloaded34. A. greatB. bigC. smallD. tiny35. A. withB. byC. throughD. in36. A. thrownB. dippedC. displayedD. stored 37. A. woodB. metalC. paperD. leather38. A. undertookB. beganC. involvedD. engaged39. A. bedroomB. kitchenC. buildingD. apartment40. A. spendB. costC. payD. Take【答案】21C A溺水的;B冲洗的;C影响的;D移除的。句意:我看到电视上许多关于受到洪水影响的房子。故选C。22D A市民;B家长,户主;C主人;D居民。故D项正确。23A A遗憾的,伤心的;B担心的;C兴奋的;D高兴的。句意:我总是为那些成为洪水受害者的家庭感到很伤心。故选A。24A句意:无论如何我都想象不到他们的感受,因为直到两年前我从未直接地经历过洪水或是洪水过后的清理工作。故选A25B at first hand 直接地,第一手地。故选B26B因为第一段一直在说洪水,所以这里作者说的是自己的第一次洪水经历。故选B。27D根据常识可知作者被洪水的声响惊醒了。所以这里选sound。故选D。28C作者从床上下来才感觉到水,说明水并不深,所以选择feet较合适。故选C。29A作者下床去开灯然后发现断电了,the power is out意为“没电了;断电了”。故选A。30A句意:这(断电)可能是由于晚上的飓风导致的暴雨和强风造成的。故选A。31D洪水发生的时候是在晚上,所以应该是晚上刮了飓风,故选D。32C句意:雨一停,我就决定迅速进行洪水损害的清扫。A缓慢地;B逐渐地;C迅速地;D经常地。故选C。33B句意:由于我刚搬进这个房子而且只打开了一部分东西,受到损害的东西数量较小。A展开;B从(包裹等)中取出(所装的东西);C揭开;D卸货。故选B。34C根据前文可知损失不大,故选C。35A句意:清理过程只包括用肥皂和水洗一下鞋子和包裹。故选D。36D句意:我的大多数东西都存放在塑料桶里是件好事。A扔;B蘸;C战士;D存放。故选D。37B 句意:而且我买的大多数家具都是木制的或是塑料制的。A木头;B金属;C纸;D皮革。故选B。38C句意:我的清洗过程只包括除去地板上的泥。A承担,从事;B开始;C包括;D约定,从事。故选C。39D根据前面的apartment floor可知这里也是apartment,故选D。40A句意:如果我不换张新地毯的话,我会在清洁地毯上花一大笔钱。spend sth. doing。故选A。2016高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Last week we received a call from a dear friend, Karen. Karen is the mother of three childrena pair of 1-year-old twin boys and one 21 three- year-old “big sister” named Amanda.It seems that Amanda has been a good girl all year and all she wanted for 22 was the Barney Banjo (班卓琴). Her mother had called all the stores in their area, but no 23 . Her mother had also visited dozens of Internet sites 24 the magic banjo, but still couldnt find any. Karen then began asking all her friends to 25 .A local store flyer (传单)was advertising them, so we 26 it. After we entered the store, I looked up and down the toy shelves. Although the Barney Banjo had been 27 in the flyer, I could not find any. Then, a clerk came holding a Barney Banjo and 28 it directly to me without saying a word. I 29 her name tag (标签) said, “Karen”.My wife Susan and I went up to 30 it and all the clerks looked at us with 31 , asking us where we found the Barney Banjo. They said the Barney Banjo had been out of 32 for days.Then things became very 33 . Not only did the clerks claim they had run out of the product, but they also looked 34 when we mentioned “Karen”, who gave me the Banjo. The clerks didnt have the 35 idea who that lady was.We 36 called our friend Karen and told her the good news 37 she would not have to tell her daughter that Santa could not 38 her a banjo this year. Karen was so happy. We could 39 her smile through the phone lines. When we told her the story about the clerk named Karen that no one else 40 , she started to cry. She believed it very well might be a Christmas angel.21. A. busy B. curious C. careful D. delightful22. A. Easter B. HalloweenC. Thanksgiving D. Christmas23. A. problem B. luck C. time D. fun24. A. in search ofB. in need ofC. in honor ofD. in support of25. A. follow B. help C. come D. buy26. A. thought of B. talked about C. came across D. headed for27. A. chosen B. sold C. advertisedD. described28. A. presentedB. recommendedC. returnedD. connected29. A. admittedB. believed C. realizedD. noticed30. A. mail B. purchase C. checkD. wrap31. A. disbeliefB. anger C. fearD. embarrassment32. A. date B. control C. stockD. sight33. A. simple B. dangerous C. mysteriousD. ridiculous34. A. ashamedB. puzzled C. annoyedD. discouraged35. A. slightestB. best C. wildestD. strangest36. A. patientlyB. hopefully C. nervouslyD. excitedly37. A. even if B. as if C. so thatD. now that38. A. get B. make C. lendD. promise39. A. enjoy B. feel C. seeD. remember40. A. expectedB. welcomed C. forgotD. knew参考答案21-25 DDBAB 26-30 DCADB 31-35 ACCBA 36-40 DCABD完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。【夹叙夹议型完形填空】 I hadnt even got a chance to enter the store before an African American woman approached me and asked if I would help her return an item.The item she had _1_ was intended for her daughter,but she had already received a similar one.The lady _2_ to exchange the item for something else in the store but she was told she needed an ID or the deal could not take place.I went to the _3_ with the woman so we could use my ID. The sales associate immediately started _4_ her of asking the first random person she saw to help her.Although that was _5_ ,I didnt understand why it mattered.After all,not everyone is given the opportunity to _6_ an ID in this country.Then,we asked to speak with a manager,who explained that there was no way to return the item without a receipt and then went on to say the woman could not _7_ she purchased the item.“If I,a young white female,were to enter the store and request you to make an exchange without a receipt,I would not be _8_ the privilegeas I have proof from the past.” I said.He must have realized at that moment what he had done,because he _9_ to exchange the item.There are many valuable lessons in the story.The first is to help a stranger in need.I hesitated when the woman asked for my help,but _10_ in my head I asked myself,“Why not? What valid reasons do I actually have?” I had none,so I helped her.The second lesson is not to judge a book by its _11_The woman looked poor,but she _12_ the same treatment as anyone else does.1A. purchased B. shown C. lost D. mended 2A. managed B. wanted C. refused D. promised 3A. counter B. department C. market D. window 4A. warning B. informing C. reminding D. accusing 5A. wrong B. true C. reasonable D. meaningful 6A. leave B. pay C. find D. obtain 7A. answer B. prove C. support D. admit 8A. ordered B. asked C. denied D. given 9A. agreed B. prepared C. failed D. remembered 10A. totally B. gradually C. hardly D. quickly 11A. design B. cover C. content D. price 12A. deserved B. required C. received D. appreciated (二)【要点综述】 作者通过在商店帮助一位顾客的故事,说明了两个道理:第一,做人应该有一副热心肠,帮助需要帮助的人;第二,不要以貌取人。人无论贫富,都是平等的,都应该享受同等的待遇。1. A根据第三段中“she purchased the item.”可知,这件商品她本来是为女儿买的。2. B因为女儿有了类似的东西,所以这位女士想换一件另外的商品。manage to do sth 意为“成功做成某事”,由后面的but 可以排除A项。3. A作者决定帮助这位女士,于是和她一起走到商店的柜台处。4. D根据全文语境可以看出,这位黑人女士在商店受到了不公平的待遇,被拒绝调换商品。售货员看到她找到作者帮助,十分不礼貌地指责她不应该随便找个人来帮忙。5. B这位妇女并不认识作者,找到她属于随机行为。因此售货员的话符合事实。 6. D毕竟不是所有的人都有机会获得(obtain)ID卡的。 7. B接着上面的话,经理顺水推舟地说这位妇女不能证明该商品是在他这里买的。 8. C经理这种无赖的行为激怒了作者,于是作者以自己的经历为例来进行反驳:如果我,一位白人女性,到这里要求换货,没有收据,照样我是不会被(你们)拒绝的。因为我有过去的经历为证。9. A从语境可知,经理意识到自己的言行失当,因此同意换商品。 10. D 但“我”很快(quickly)调整心态,扪心自问:“为什么不帮她呢?我有不帮她的正当理由吗?” 11. B 从下文可知,这位女士看起来非常穷。售货员和经理的无礼行为可能与此有关。作者想要表达的是,我们不应该以貌取人(不能通过书的封皮来评价一本书)。 12. A那位女士虽然穷,但有资格和别人享受同等的待遇。

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