高考英语一轮复习 完形填空选练(六)1

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广西上思县2017高考英语一轮完形填空选练(六)完形填空【2013山东省济南市高考模拟】What is it that you love to do but never feel that you get it quite right?Perhaps you dont even try any more because you think what you do is not_1_enough.Discouragement seems to follow us a good part of the time,_2_however hard we work,it seems that there is_3_someone else who can do it much better.I have always enjoyed music and it is_4_to me that every musician has a_5_of their own.My father_6_several instruments and when he played with others,it was not difficult to_7_his sound in a group.Whether it was a guitar or another instrument,he had his own_8_sound.I_9_heard of a music teacher who commented to a discouraged student,“_10_else can make the sound that you make.” The sound that you make may not be the same as anyone elses,but who is to say which is_11_.It is said that_12_is in the eye of the beholder (观看者)Perhaps it could be said that a delightful sound is in the ear of the_13_!Every person has a different tone of voice that_14_only to them,_15_we all know people with an unforgettable laugh or a way of _16_that is unique to them.It might not be the sound of your music or your voice at all.It_17_be the way you whistle or the sound of your footsteps.Each person has a(n)_18_on the world in some way.Someone else can do what you do,but they cannot do it_19_in the same way that you do it.The next time you feel_20_,remember nobody else can make the sound that you make.1.Aeasy BgoodCsimpleDhard2A.because Balthough Cwhen Dif3A.seldom Balways Cnever Dsometimes4A.satisfyingBconvincingCinspiringDinteresting5A.giftBsound Clife Dsong6A.played Bdesigned Ccreated Dchecked7A.turn downBcall up Cpick outDgive off8A.loud Bpowerful Cperfect Dspecial9A.once ByetCevenDstill10A.AnybodyBSomebody CNobody DEverybody11A.bigger BbetterCdeeper Dlower12A.beauty Binterest Cpatience Dhonesty13A.speaker Breceiver Clistener Dlooker14A.devotes Badds Cadapts Dbelongs15A.but Byet Cand Dfor16A.runningBwalkingCjumping Dspeaking17A.must Bmight CwouldDcould18A.choice BopinionCduty Deffect19A.exactly BcarefullyCcautiously Dseriously20A.annoyed BpuzzledCdiscouraged Dbothered语篇解读无论你怎么努力,生活中总有人做得比你好,但你也不要因此而气馁,因为没有人能发出你所发出的声音,你是独一无二的。1解析:或许你甚至不再尝试因为你认为自己做得不够好(good)。文章首句中的“never feel that you get it quite right”是线索提示。答案:B2解析:灰心似乎在很多时候都跟着我们,因为(because)无论我们怎么努力工作,似乎总有人做得更好。答案:A3解析:参见上题解析。always总是。答案:B4解析:在“我”看来,每个音乐家都有自己的声音(sound),这非常有趣(interesting)。答案:D5解析:参见上题解析。下文多次出现的“sound”是线索提示。答案:B6解析:“我”的父亲会弹奏(played)几种乐器。答案:A7解析:从一群人中辨别出(pick out)他所弹奏的声音是不难的。答案:C8解析:无论是吉他还是其他乐器,他都有自己特别的(special)声音。答案:D9解析:“我”曾经(once)听说过一位音乐老师向一个气馁的学生发表意见说,“没有人(Nobody)能发出你所发出的声音。”答案:A10解析:参见上题解析。另外,下文的“nobody else”是线索提示。答案:C11解析:你发出的声音可能和别人的都不一样,但是谁又能说哪个声音更好(better)呢。答案:B12解析:俗话说,情人眼里出西施。beauty美,符合语境。答案:A13解析:根据前文的“in the eye of the beholder(观看者)”和空前的“in the ear of”可知此处应用listener。答案:C14解析:每个人都有只属于(belongs to)自己的音调。答案:D15解析: 根据上下文内容可知,空前后的两个句子是并列关系,故选and。答案:C16解析:我们都认识那些有着令人难忘的笑声或独特的说话(speaking)方式的人。答案:D17解析:空前的“It might not be the sound of your music or your voice at all.”中出现的“might”与本句对应。答案:B18解析:每个人都以某种方式影响着这个世界。have an effect on“对有影响”,是固定搭配。答案:D19解析:别人可以做你能做的事,但他们不能用和你完全相同的方法去做。exactly准确地,确切地,符合语境。答案:A20解析:下次你感到泄气的(discouraged)时候,要记住没有人能发出你所发出的声音。此处与前文的“Discouragement”和“a discouraged student”相呼应。答案:C。完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳答案。When living in Ireland five years ago,part of my college course was to work in the area of children with disabilities.1._ had no speech and most were in wheelchairs.I was asked to work with a 15yearold girl 2._ had the most severe disabilities in the class.The girl had always wanted to put string through the shaped blocks to make 3._ necklace.For the 5 years she was in the school,the teachers always tried to help her but always ended 4._ doing all the work for her.So they all thought she was 5._.But I had a different idea 6._ her teachers.I knew this smart girl could do more,so I encouraged her.She had a thumb she could not move but I encouraged her to try.She got upset at first and sometimes I wanted to shout at her 7._ I quit.Finally after a week this young girl was able to do 8._ she had been wishing to do by herself for so many years.(四)1. They考查代词。此空指代 children with disabilities,故填they,首字母要大写。2. who/that考查定语从句的引导词。该空引导定语从句修饰girl,且在从句中作主语,故填who/that。 3. a考查冠词。necklace为可数名词单数形式,此处表泛指,故填a。 4. up考查固定搭配。end up doing sth以做某事而告终。5. stupid/foolish考查形容词。根据上一句的内容可判断老师们认为她是愚蠢的。6. from考查介词。different from 与不同。 7. but考查并列连词。有时“我”想冲她发火,但“我”放弃了。根据前后的转折关系可判断填but。8. what考查名词性从句的引导词。该空引导宾语从句且在从句中作do的宾语,故填what。2016高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。You may not realize it, but you are doing much more than just studying when you are at school. School is also the place 21 you socialize and learn to get along with people. But this is 22 easy. What can you do 23 you just dont like one of your classmates?If you discover that you have problems 24 your classmates or friends, the most important thing to learn is tolerance. Tolerance is the 25 to recognize and respect the 26 in others. We cannot change the way that other people act, 27 it is important to learn to live happily with them. Practicing tolerance will allow everyone to form better 28 with each other. Getting to know someone 29 help you understand why they do things 30 from you. It is important to remember that just because something is different does not mean that it is bad. 31 teaches us to keep an even temper and open mind. One thing to 32 is the old saying, “Treat others how you want 33 ”. You would like to be treated kindly by your classmates, so it is 34 to treat them with equal kindness. If you tolerate 35 it does not mean that you have to like it. No one is asking you to 36 who you are or what you believe in. Tolerance just means that you will be 37 of the differences in others and not try to make them change. It is important to 38 tolerance because it will make everyones lives easier. Learn to 39 people for their different abilities and interests. The world is a very 40 place, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can help make a difference. 21. A. which B. wher C. that D. when22. A. very B. no C. not always D. really23. A. unless B. since C. because D. if24. A. getting along with B. making apologies toC. getting away from D. fleeing from25. A. chance B. benefit C. patience D. ability26. A. imaginations B. thoughts C. consequence D. differences27. A. so B. and C. but D. although28. A. moods B. habits C. relationships D. feelings29. A. must B. may C. should D. can30. A. fortunately B. easily C. differently D. attentively31. A. Patience B. Experience C. Tolerance D. kindness32. A. keep in touch B. keep in mind C. keep up with D. keep to yourselves33. A. to treat B. being treated C. to be treated D. to be treating34. A. attractive B. important C. desperate D. fantastic35. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing36. A. change B. remind C. promise D. decide37. A. convenient B. respectful C. negative D. considerable38. A. ignore B. cancel C. prevent D. practice39. A. accept B. receiveC. thankD. remember40. A. diverse B. sameC. individualD. apparent参考答案2125BCDAD 2630DACBC 3135CBCBA 3640ABDAA 【广东省2012届高三考前冲刺卷(八)】完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。I am a team leader in an insurance company.We are going through a lot of changes right now,which is _1_ much stress for all of us.A few weeks ago I was having a day so _2_ that I even doubted if I had the ability to do this challenging work,and was about ready to change to a less stressful job _3_.Something happened that day changed my way of _4_,and I am so appreciative of this young lady.I want to let her know that the small act _5_.On the top of my cubicle (工作隔间) I have a small collection of lighthouses (灯塔) to let people know where I am sitting in case my team members have to find me for emergencies.That day I came into the office and was about to get the day _6_ when Crystal came over.I asked if she needed anything.She said,“I _7_ you something.” I looked at her with a _8_ look and said,“Well,thank you,but why would you buy me anything?” I had never spoke to this young lady before.She said,“Every day I stand up and look across the _9_ and see your lighthouses.Then I feel I am not alone and I encourage myself that there are always _10_ things in life.I saw this on the way to work and thought you would like it.I wish it would have the same _11_ as your lighthouses do.” In her hand she had a small globe with a lighthouse and a ship on it.I gave her a hug and _12_ her.I dont think she knows how much that small act of _13_ changed my day:I remained _14_ the rest of the day.For anyone that reads this,I hope you remember,no matter what the _15_ is,you could change someones day,or even his views on life.1A.preventingBreducingCcausingDsuffering2A.funnyBniceCbadDdull3A.everywhereBelsewhereCanywhereDnowhere4A.workingBbehavingCspeakingDthinking5A.broke my heartBtouched my heartClost my heartDtore my heart6A.endedBstartedCchangedDavoided7A.borrowedBlentCsoldDbought8A.delightedBpuzzledCthankfulDworried9A.dormBofficeCshipDtower10A.brightBchallengingCbadDstressful11A.opinionBcauseCexpectationDeffect12A.praisedBthankedCscoldedDrefused13A.justiceBcourageCkindnessDtolerance14A.carefulBencouragedCtiredDalone15A.presentBworkCgestureDintention1C根据文章第二段第一句的描述可推知,应该是给公司里的人造成很多压力。2C根据“I even doubted if I had the ability to do this challenging work”可知,作者觉得这项工作压力太大,因此这里应选“糟糕的”。3B这里的工作压力太大,所以作者想在别处找一个轻松些的工作。4D联系上下文,这位“年轻的女士”的行为是对作者的鼓励,改变了作者之前的想法和认识。5B根据上文“I am so appreciative of this young lady.”可知B正确。6B根据“I came into the office”及段末的“the rest of the day”,可知作者是“开始”一天的工作,而非“结束”工作。7D根据下文的“.buy me anything?”可知D正确。8B作者不清楚Crystal为什么突然送自己礼物,因此感到很“迷惑”。9B根据该段第一句“That day I came into the office”可知答案。10A根据上文的“see your lighthouses”可知,灯塔让这个女士看到了光明。11D作者的灯塔给了这位女士鼓励;她希望她的礼物也可以对作者产生相同的效果。12B根据上段的“I am so appreciative of this young lady.”及后文的“I dont think she knows how much that small act.”可推知作者对这位女士心怀感激。13C这位女士送给作者礼物以示鼓励,是一种善意的举动。14B第二段提到作者感到沮丧,再根据上文的“changed my day”,可知答案为B。15C该文的主旨是:善良的举动,无论多么微小,都可以对其他人产生影响。这种举动不一定就是送礼物,因此排除A;gesture在这里意为“something that you say or do,often something small,to show how you feel about someone or something”,与上文的act对应。

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