高考英语一轮复习 Unit 4 Earthquakes(测)(含解析)新人教版必修1

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Unit 4 Earthquakes单元检测卷(时间50分钟;满分100分)班级_姓名_考号_得分_I 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 【山东省实验中学2016届高三上学期第三次诊断】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) Several decades of years ago, I ran a service station and roadhouse on the main road between Melbourne and Adelaide. One very cold, wet night at about 330 a.m., there was a1on the front door of our house. A young man, wet from2to toe, explained that he had3out of petrol about 30 km up the road. He had left hispregnant(怀孕的)wife and his two children4at the car and said that he wouldhitchhike(搭便车)back.Once I had5a can with petrol, I took him back to his car where his two-year-old and four-year-old children were both6, saying that they were cold. Once the car had started, I suggested that he7me back.Before leaving, I had turned the heater8in the roadhouse, so that when we went in, it was nice and9.While the little ones played and ran10, I prepared bread and butter for the children, and hot chocolate for the11.It was about 5 a.m. before they12.The young fellow asked me how much he13me and I told him that thepetrol pump(加油泵)had14$15.He offered to pay “call-out fee”, but I wouldnt accept it.About a month later, I received a15from Interstate, a large bus company that we had been trying to16to stop off at our roadhouse for a long time. It17out that the young fellow I had helped was its general manager, the most18person in the company.In his letter, he thanked me again and19me that, from then on, all their buses would stop at my service station. In this20, a little bit of kindness was rewarded with a huge amount of benefits.1. A. kick B. hit C. beat D. knock2. A. finger B. shoulder C. head D. hand3. A. driven B. used C. come D. run4. A. away B. behind C. over D. out5. A. supplied B. poured C. equipped D. filled6. A. sleeping B. crying C. quarrelling D. fighting7. A. allow B. ring C. lead D. follow8. A. on B. off C. in D. over9. A. neat B. hot C. warm D. attractive10. A. around B. inside C. nearby D. along11. A. drivers B. guests C. customers D. adults12. A. left B. arrived C. ate D. disappeared13. A. gave B. paid C. owed D. offered14. A. appeared B. exhibited C. calculated D. shown15. A. call B. letter C. check D. notice16. A. get B. force C. requite D. hope17. A. pointed B. turned C. worked D. found18. A. generous B. successful C. serious D. powerful19. A. praised B. persuaded C. informed D. convinced20. A. lesson B. business C. aspect D. case【答案】1.D2.C3.D4.B5.D6.B7.D8.A9.C10.A11.D12.A13.C14.D15.B16.A17.B18.D19.C20.D考点:故事类短文阅读【学法指导】故事类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件。命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件的之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力。 解这类完形填空时要注意:抓住文章的6个要素:阅读时要学会从事情本身的发展去理解故事情节而不要只看事件在文中出现的先后顺序。因此,无论是顺叙还是倒叙,阅读此类文章时,必须要找到它结构中的5个W(when, where, who, why, what)和1个H(how),不过不是每篇都会完整地交待六个要素。毫无疑问,寻出这些元素是能够正确快速解题的一个先决条件。2、注意作者的议论和抒情:高考英语阅读理解故事类文章常伴随着作者思想情感的流露和表达,因此议论和抒情往往夹杂其中。行文时或按事情发生发展的先后时间进行或按事情发生发展的地点来转换,也可能按事情发展的阶段来布局。在引出话题,讲完一件事情后,作者往往会表达个人感悟或提出建议等。这些体现作者观点或思想的语句在阅读时可以划线,它们往往体现文章中心或者写作意图,属于必考点,所以要仔细体会。3、结合前两点归纳文章中心,把握作者态度:故事类文章是通过记叙一件事来表达中心思想的,它是文章的灵魂。归纳文章中心思想时,尤其要分析文章的结尾,因为很多文章卒章显志,用简短的议论、抒情揭示文章中心;文章中议论抒情的句子往往与中心密切相关;也有的文章需要在结合概括各段大意的基础上归纳中心。另外,叙述一件事必有其目的,或阐明某一观点,或赞美某种品德,或抨击某种陋习,这就要求我们在阅读时,通过对细节(第1点中的六要素)的理解,把握作者的态度。4、有章有据进行解题判断:分析文章,归纳主题,属于分析、概括、综合的表述能力的考查。切忌脱离文章,架空分析,一定让分析在文章中有依据。比如第49小题it was nice and49.,根据上文中的“I had turned the heater on in the roadhouse”可判断出把加热器打开的目的是使房间温暖。选C。比如第58小题the most58person in the company.根据上文中的“the young fellow I had helped was its general manager”可判断出因为这位年轻人是总经理所以在公司里最有权力。故选D。第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 【山东省德州市2016届高三上学期期末统考】It is becoming increasingly hard to avoid watching reality television in China,such as the Voice of China,Chinas Got Talent,or Super BoyIn America,Big Brother 1 (broadcast)five days a weekSurvivor Finale appears on the front page of the New York Post after gaining ratings(收视率)that are much 2 (high)than NBAAmericans seem addicted to reality television programs 3 ordinary people compete in weekslong contests while being filmed 24 hours a dayBut why? One of the most commonly repeated “4 (true)”about reality TV viewers is that they watch in order to talk with friends about the show,but the explanation is quite 5 (correct) In fact fans of the shows have 6 much stronger desire for statusThey are much more likely to agree with statements such as “Reputation is important to me”It represents a means to get attentionAnd more attention increases ones sense of 7 (important)We think we are important if others pay attention to us and unimportant if 8 (ignore)Ordinary people can watch the shows,see people 1ike 9 (them)and imagine that they also could become famous by being on television 10 is the reality TV show that gives them a sense of being a star in crowd【答案】1.is broadcast(ed)2.higher3.where4.truths5.incorrect6.a7.importance8.ignored9.themselves10.ItII阅读 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 阅读理解 (共1小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A【浙江省杭州市五校联盟2016届高三年级上学期第一次诊断】Tens of thousands of ancient pictures carved into the rocks at one of Frances most important tourist sites are being gradually destroyed. Scientists and researchers fear that the 36,000 drawings on rocks in Mont Bego in the French Alps are being damaged so rapidly that they will not survive for future generations.The mountain, believed to have once been a site for prayer, is scattered (散布) with 4,000-year-old drawings cut into bare rock. They include pictures of cows with horns, cultivated fields (耕地) and various gods and goddesses. But as the popularity of the site increases, the pictures are being ruined by thoughtless graffiti (涂鸦).Jean Clottes is the chairman of the International Committee on Rock Art. He says, “People think that because the pictures have been there so long they will always continue to be there. But if the damage continues at this rate there will be nothing left in 50 years.”He describes seeing tourists stamping on the drawings, wearing away the rock and definition (清晰) of the artwork as they do so. Some visitors, he says, even cut off parts to take home as souvenirs. “When people think they cant take a good enough photograph, they rub the drawings to get a clearer picture,” he said. “The drawings are polished by the weather, and if the sun is shining and the visitors cant see them properly they simply rub them to make them look fresher.” Other researchers describe how people arrive carrying long sticks with sharp ends to scratch (刮) their own drawings, or even their names, in the rocks.But experts are divided over the best way to preserve the drawings. Henry de Lumley, director of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, believes that the only way to save the site is to turn the whole mountain into a “no-go” area, preventing the public from going there except on guided tours. Otherwise, he says, not only will the site be completely destroyed but important research work will be reduced.Clottes disagrees, “The measure suggested by Henry de Lumley is the most severe, and while it is the most effective, it is also certain to bring about protests from people who live there,” he said. “The site was classified as a historic monument years ago by the Ministry of Culture, and we must do as much as possible to save what is there.”David Lavergne, the regional architect, also wants to avoid closing the site. “Henry de Lumleys idea isnt ideal,” he said. “Our department feels that the best solution is to let people look at the site, but because the area is very big it is difficult to prevent visitors from damaging it. I would prefer that everyone was able to look at it, but the main problem is money. We do not have the funds to employ the necessary number of guards. We may have to consider charging a fee. It doesnt seem to be possible to get the government support.”In Nice, Annie Echassoux, who also worked on researching the site, is alarmed that as the mountain becomes easier to reach tourists can now avoid the three-and-a-half-hour walk by hiring vehicles the damage will increase rapidly. She thinks that the only solution is to rope off the area and provide guides. “You cant say the plan cant go ahead because there is no money,” she said. “That is not good enough. Money must be provided because the Ministry of Culture has classified this area as a historic site. If we dont take steps, we will be responsible for losing the drawings for the next generation.”1Jean Clottes says that people who visit the mountain_.A. do not believe the drawings are old. B. believe they are allowed to paint thereC. think the drawings should be left alone D. think the drawings will not disappear2According to Jean Clottes, some of the visitors to the area have_.A. helped to clean the drawings B. taken bits of the rock homeC. been unable to take photographs D. misunderstood what the pictures mean3Henry de Lumley is eager to _.A. set up research projects B. protect public rightsC. keep out individual visitors D. ban traffic in the area4Which word best describes Annie Echassouxs attitude towards saving the historic site?A. Supportive. B. Disappointed. C. Worried. D. Hesitant.5This passage has been written about Mont Bego to _.A. advertise the closing of the site B. warn visitors about the dangers of the siteC. encourage scientists to visit the site D. describe fears for the future of the site【答案】 1.D2.B3.C4.A5.D B【浙江省杭州市五校联盟2016届高三年级上学期第一次诊断】The practice of students endlessly copying letters and sentences from a blackboard is a thing of the past. With the coming of new technologies like computers and smartphone, writing by hand has become something of nostalgic (怀旧的)skill. However, while todays educators are using more and more technology in their teaching, many believe basic handwriting skills are still necessary for students to be successful-both in school and in life.Virginia Berninger, professor of educational psychology at the University of Washington, says its important to continue teaching handwriting and help children acquire the skill of writing by hand.Berninger and her colleagues conducted a study that looked at the ability of students to complete various writing tasks-both on a computer and by hand. The study, published in 2009, found that when writing with a pen and paper, participants wrote longer essays and more complete sentences and had a faster word production rate.In a more recent study, Berninger looked at what role spelling plays in a students writing skills and found that how well children spell is tied to know well they can write. “Spelling makes some of the thinking parts of the brain active which helps us access our vocabulary, word meaning and concepts. It is allowing our written language to connect with ideas.” Berninger said.Spelling helps students translate ideas into words in their mind first and then to transcribe “those words in the mind written symbols on paper or keyboard and screen,” the study said. Seeing the words in the “minds eye” helps children not only to turn their ideas into words, says Berninger, but also to spot spelling mistakes when they write the words down and to correct then over time.“In our computer age, some people believe that we dont have to teach spelling because we have spell checks,” she said. “But until a child has a functional spelling ability of about a fifth grade level, they wont have the knowledge to choose the correct spelling among the options given by the computer.”6What makes writing by hand a thing of the past?A. The absence of blackboard in classroom B. The use of new technologies in teaching.C. The lack of practice in handwriting. D. The popular use of smartphones.7Berningers study published in 2009 _.A. focused on the difference between writing by hand and on a computer.B. indicated that students prefer to write with a pen and paper.C. found that good essays are made up of long sentences.D. discussed the importance of writing speed.8Which of the following best shows the role of spelling?A. Spelling improves ones memory of words.B. Spelling ability is closely related to writing ability.C. Spelling benefits the translation from words into ideas.D. Spelling slows down finding exact words to express ideas.9What does “minds eye” in paragraph 5 mean?A. Window. B. Soul C. Picture. D. Imagination.10What conclusion could be drawn from the passage?A. Computers can help people with their choice of words.B. Spell checks can take the place of spelling teaching.C. Handwriting still has a place in todays classrooms.D. Functional spelling ability develops fast in the fifth grade. 【答案】 6.B7.A8.B9.D10.C考点:考查科普类短文阅读。第二节 【河南省郑州市2016年高三上学期第一次质量预测】Every scientific field uses the scientific method to conduct experiments. Performing experiments is very important in the field of psychology (心理学). Before beginning a study, however, any scientist who wishes to perform an experiment should be familiar with the steps of the scientific method. 1 Form a hypothesis (假设). It is an educated guess about what will happen during the study. 2 Coming up with a hypothesis before you start can help guide your experiment. Plan out a study. Planning out the experiment is essential because the psychologist needs to know if they have time, materials, and testing area prepared beforehand. This step also helps the scientist to determine if they will be performing descriptive or experimental research. The ideal situation is to always perform experimental research. 3 Descriptive research simply collects data regarding the problem and forms a hypothesis according to the data. Collect data. 4 If the data collected is not recorded and organized, the entire efforts of the study may be wasted. The best way to do this may be to record the proceedings so that no details are lost. Analyze the data. Once all the data has been collected and organized, it must be analyzed. Using previous research or scientific information about the problem, the psychologist must apply the new data gathered. Publish the information learned. The final step of the scientific method in psychology is publishing the results of the study. 5 Most psychological experiments are published in scientific journals.A. It is based on scientific facts, not just opinions.B. Read on to find out how to use the scientific method in psychology.C. Before psychologists start the experiment, they must plan out the steps.D. This helps other psychologists to learn about and use the new information.E. The scientific method has proved to be an effective way to conduct research.F. To fully understand the study, each part of the experiment must be recorded.G. Sometimes, however, this is impossible and descriptive research will have to be used.【答案】1.B2.A3.G4.F5.D考点:考查上下文信息匹配。III 写作 (满分25分)【湖北省武汉市武昌区2016届高三元月调研】昨天我校邀请知名校友李先生为高三学生作报告,请你根据以下要点为我校英文期刊Shoots写一篇100字左右的报道: 1. 校友回忆在我校学习的经历; 2. 校友的成功及对母校的感激; 3. 自己听报告后的感想。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加情节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好。 Yesterday we invited Mr. Li,a famous scholar and schoolmate of our school,to give a speech to us Senior 3 students. 【答案】Yesterday we invited Mr. Li, a famous scholar and schoolmate of our school to give a speech to us Senior 3 students. All of us felt deeply touched by his lecture and proud of our distinguished schoolmate. Mr. Li once studied in this same school many years ago and later he went to a famous university in the North. After graduation, he devoted his life to teaching in the rural areas of our country for more than 30 years. His devotion and selflessness are highly thought of by all his students as well as by the society. Meanwhile, he donated many books to our school and showed deep affection to his former teachers and his high school. As a senior high school student, Im determined to learn from Mr. Li and become a worthwhile schoolmate of our school.

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