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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式初一(上)课文翻译Unit 1 课文(翻译)Anna的博客Annas blogblg 博客大家好,欢迎光临我的博客。关于我Hello everyone. Welcome to my blogAbout me我的名字是Anna,我来自德国,我11岁,我又高又瘦,我有长头发。我家住在一个附近有一些山的房子里。我妈妈是个美术老师,我的爸爸是一名医生,我有一个姐姐和一个哥哥。My name is Anna. Im from Germany dmn 德国. Im 11 years old. Im tall and thin n 薄的;瘦的. I have long hair. I live with my family in a house close to 靠近some mountains. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is a doctor. I have an elder sister and an elder brother.关于我的学校和我的爱好About my school and my hobbies(hobby hb 爱好)每天,我乘校车去上学。我最喜欢的科目有数学,艺术和科学。我喜欢我的学校,因为老师们都非常友好。我的梦想是成为一名工程师。我喜欢很多运动。我擅长游泳和打篮球,这些是我最大的爱好。Every day, I go to school by school bus. My favorite fevrt 最喜欢的subjects sbdekt 科目;主题are Maths ms 数学, Art and Sciencesans 科学. I like my school because the teachers are all very friendlyfren(d)l 友好的. My dreamdrim 梦想;做梦is to be an engineer endn 工程师.I like many sportsspt 运动. Im good at swimming and playing basketball. These are my favorite hobbies.亲爱的安娜,Dear Anna,嗨!我看到了你的博客在互联网上,我想成为你的电子朋友。我名字是杰森,我 12 岁,我很高,长着一头短黑发。我和我的父母一起住在北京。我的爸爸是一名工程师,妈妈是一名英语教师。Hi! I saw your blog on the Internet ntnt 在网上and Id like to be your e-friend网友. My name is Jason. Im 12 years old. Im tall. I have short black hair.I live in a flat flt 平坦的;公寓in Beijing with my parents. My dad is an engineer and my mother is an English teacher.我的学校离我家很远,我乘巴士去上学。我最喜欢的科目是数学。我喜欢我的学校,我有很多朋友在那里。空闲时间我喜欢放风筝。我最喜欢的运动是排球和足球。我希望得到你的回复。送上最良好的祝愿,杰森My school is far away from远离our home. I go to school by bus. My favorite subject is Maths. I like my school and I have lots of friends there.I like flying kites fla kat 放风筝in my free timefri 空闲时间. My favorite sports are volleyball vlbl 排球and football.I hope to hear from收到来信you soon.Best wishes,JasonUnit 2 课文 (翻译)学校的一天 作者:SamA day at schoolBy Sam我是一名初中学生,我喜欢上学。我的学校离我家很近,所以我经常步行上学。上午 8:00 开始上课,我很少迟到。我最喜欢的科目是地理,我喜欢了解世界不同的地方。I am a junior high school dun 初中 student. I love going to school.My school is close to靠近 my home, so I always go to school on foot走路去学校. Classes start at 8 a.m., and I am seldomseldm 很少latelet迟到. My favoritefevrt 最喜欢的subject sbdekt 科目;主题is Geographydgrf 地理. I enjoy learning about了解;学习different places in the world.上午,我们通常学习中文、数学和英语。上午 9:50,我们早休,钟声一响,我就和我最好的朋友 Tom 和 Jack 跑到操场上,我们经常一起做游戏。上午 10:10,短暂的休息结束!午餐从上午 11:50 至下午 12:30。In the morning, we usually study Chinese, Maths and English. We have our morning break brek 打破;休息at 9:50 a.m. When the bell bel 玲;钟ringsr 戒指;按铃;响起, I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack. We often play games. Break ends at 10:10 a.m. How short it is!下午的课程在下午 3:30 结束,接着,Tom、Jack 和我参加了学校的乐队练习,我们一起做很棒的音乐。在学校的时光我总是过得很愉快。Lunch is from 11:50 a.m. to 12:30p.m. Afternoon classes end at 3:30 p.m. Then Tom, Jack and I take part in参加 the school band bnd 乐队practice prkts 练习. We make great music togethertge 一起.I always have a good time过得愉快at school.我妈妈是一名初中教师,她教英语。我妈妈每天早上 6 点钟起床,6:30 吃早餐,她总是在上午 7 点 25 分到达学校。她通常在上午有两节课,下午有一节课。放学后,她与她的学生们一起打排球。到了晚上,她做晚饭。晚饭后,她准备她的课程。她有时会辅导我的家庭作业。她平时晚上 11 点上床睡觉。My mother is a junior high school teacher初中老师. She teaches English.My mother gets up起床 at 6 oclock every day and has breakfast at 6:30 a.m. She always arrives at school at 7:25 a.m. She usually has two lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, she has one lesson. After school, she plays volleyballvlbl 排球with her students.In the evening, she cooks dinner. After dinner, she prepares her lessonsprpe 准备. She sometimes helps me with my homework. She usually goes to bed at 11 p.m.Unit 3 课文(翻译)保护地球Protect prtekt 保护the Earth地球是个美丽的地方。上面有森林、河流、山川和田野。一些地方非常热,有些地方非常冷。(地球上)生长着许多不同的植物,有些大,有的小。所有的植物都需要光和水。地球上也有许多不同的动物,有些生活在陆地上,有的在天空中飞翔,一些生活在水下。The Earth 地球is a beautiful place.There are forestsfrst 森林and rivers, mountains and fieldsfild 田野;领域. Some places are very hot, and some are very cold.There are many different plants. Some are large. Some are small. All plants need light and water. There are different animals on Earth too. Some live on the land. Some fly in the sky. Some live under the water.也有很多人像你和我一样的人们生活在地球上。地球为我们提供了空气、水和食物。这是我们的家园。今天,(地球上)存在着很多的污染。我们为获取能源燃烧东西,污染了空气。我们把垃圾倾倒入海或埋入地下,污染了地球并杀死动植物。我们必须停止做这些事情。对我们来说,为了我们的未来,保护地球是非常重要的。There are also many people like you and me on Earth. The Earth providesprvad 提供us with air, water and food. It is our home.Today, there is a lot of pollution plu()n 污染. We burn bn 燃烧things to make energy. This pollutesplut污染 the air. We put our rubbishrb 垃圾into the sea and under the ground. This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants.We must stop doing these things. It is important for us to protect prtekt 保护the Earth for our futurefjut 未来.空气空气闻不出气味,空气尝不出味道。但是当风吹时,你的脸能感觉得到。看风筝,或在空中的飞机。他们怎么呆在那里?他们飞翔在空气中。如何让一个气球升到空气中,并让人升上去?那是使用热空气。我们需要呼吸空气,我们需要空气才能生存。我们呼吸它,是它维持着我们的生命。AirAir has no smell. smel 闻;气味Air has no taste. test 味道;品尝But when the wind blows, bl 吹You feel it on your face.Look at a kite,Or a plane plen 飞机in the air.How do they stayste 暂住;停留there?They ride on air.How does a balloonblun 气球Rise raz 上升in the air,And lift people uplft 举起;电梯?It uses hot air热空气.We need air to breathe. bri 呼吸We need air to survive. svav 幸存;生还;活下来And when we breathe it,It keeps us alive. lav 活着的十个太阳的故事很久很久以前,天上有十个太阳。天气很热,植物无法生长,动物也活不长。有一个人,名叫后羿,他射掉了九个太阳,最后,天上只剩下一个太阳。天气更加凉快了,植物可以生长了,人们都很开心。A long time ago, there were ten suns in the sky. The weather we 天气was very hot. Plants could not growgr 生长. Animals could not live long. There was a man. His name was Houyi. He shot (shoot ut 射击)nine suns out of the sky. In the end最后, only one sun remainedrmen 保持;留下;剩余. The weather got cooler变得更凉快. Plants could grow. People were happy.Unit 4 课文 (翻译)四季 The four seasonssiz()n 春天 Spring在春季,天气开始变得温暖。风轻轻地吹,经常下雨。植物开始生长,一切变为绿色。春游总是令人兴奋的。In spring, the weather starts to get warm变得温暖. The wind blows bl 吹gentlydentl 轻轻地;温柔地. It often rains. Plants start to grow. Everything turns green. It is exciting to take a trip旅行 in spring.夏天 Summer夏天天气炎热,阳光灿烂。很多人都喜欢去海滩,在大海中游泳。我喜欢在炎热的天气里吃冰激凌。The weather is hot in summer. The sun shines an 照耀brightly braitli 明亮地;鲜明地. Many people like to go to the beach bit 海滩;湖滨 and swim in the sea. It is nice to eat ice cream in the hot weather.秋天 Autumn在秋天,一切都改变了。叶子变成棕色、红色或黄色,并开始从树上落下。我喜欢在每年的这个时候去野餐,因为这时天气凉爽而干燥。In autumn, everything changes. Leaves turntn转动;转变 brown, red or yellow and start falling from the trees. It is nice to go on a picnic pknk 去野餐at this time of year because the weather is cool and dry dra 干的;干燥的.冬天 Winter冬季往往寒冷多雪。孩子们喜欢冬天,因为他们喜欢在雪地里玩耍。堆雪人是件有趣的事。春节期间人们通常会和他们的亲人在一起。Winter is often cold and snowysn 下雪的. Children love winter because they love to play in the snow. It is interesting to make snowmen. People usually spend time with their relatives reltv亲戚during the Spring Festival festv()l 春节.我最喜欢的季节My favorite season我最喜欢的季节是冬天。冬天非常寒冷,有时候会下雪。在冬天堆雪人很有趣。My favorite season is winter. Winter is very cold and sometimes snowy. It is interesting to make snowmen in winter.春节在冬天,它是我最喜欢的假期。我会拜访我的祖父母并吃很对美味的食物。在春节期间得到红包令人激动。The Spring Festival is in winter and it is my favorite holiday. I visit my grandparents and eat lots of nice food. It is exciting to get red packets pkt 红包during the Spring Festival.中国的天气The weather in China在中国的北方,冬季非常寒冷干燥。有时会有大雪。夏天却不同,它有时在白天很炎热,但通常在晚上很凉爽。春天和秋天是最好的季节。在中国的中部和东部地区的天气是相当不同的。夏季炎热干燥并且冬天寒冷潮湿。In the north of China, it is very cold and dry in winter. There is sometimes heavy snow. Summer is different. It is sometimes very hot during the day, but it is often cool in the evening. Spring and autumn are the nicest seasons.The weather in the middle and east of China is quite kwat 很;相当different. It is hot and dry in summer and very cold and wet in winter.在中国的南方,冬季通常是短暂而凉爽。有时下雨。在夏季,天气往往又热又潮湿。在中国西南地区的天气很特别。生活在那里很舒适,因为夏季凉爽,冬季温暖。In the south of China, winter is usually short and cool. It sometimes rains. In summer, the weather is often hot and wet.The weather in the south-west of China is very special spe()l 特别的. It is comfortable tokmf()tb()l 舒适的live there because summer is cool and winter is warm.Unit 5 课文(翻译)A trip to space太空之旅by Jerry10 October 2053我太高兴了!明天我将成为进入太空的首批学生之一。飞船将在上午 9时离开地球,它会带我们到月球。我等不及了!Im so happy! Tomorrow Ill be one of the first students to travel into space. The spaceshipspesp 宇宙飞船will leave the Earth at 9 a. m. Itll take us to the Moon. I cant wait!月球是离地球有 38 万公里,所以它带着我们(飞行)4 天左右就可以到达。在太空中是没有重力的,所以我们将能够在飞船周围漂浮。我们必须要把自己绑在我们的床上,这样我们就不会在睡梦中漂走!(因为)没有重力,我们的身体会变得虚弱,所以每天我们必须要做运动。The Moon is aroundrand 大约;在周围380,000 kilometers from the Earth, so itll take us about four days to get there. Theres no gravitygrvt 重力;引力in space, so well be able to float flt 浮动;漂浮around the spaceship. Well have to tieta 系;绑ourselves to our beds so that所以 we wont float away flt 飘走in our sleep! Without gravity, our bodies may get weak wik 变得虚弱, so well have to do exercises ekssaz 运动;练习every day.当我们到达后,我将在月球上行走,我得穿太空服以帮助我呼吸,因为在月球上没有空气。我将尽可能多地拍些照片,我是说,如果我的相机在那里仍能正常工作的话When we arrive, Im going to walk on the Moon. Ill have to wear a spacesuitspessut; -sjut 航天服to help me breathe bri 呼吸because theres no air on the Moon. Im going to take as many photos as I can, that is也就是说, if my camera km()r 相机still works up there在那上头工作有效月球酒店Hotels on the Moon你想过在月球洒店里度过你的假期吗?目前,月球上还没有酒店。不过,一切都在发生变化,如果我们能够解决一些问题,我们未来将能够在那里建起酒店。Do you want to spend your holidays 度假in hotels on the Moon?At the moment此时, there are no hotels on the Moon. But all this will changeten(d) 改变. If we can solveslv 解决some problems, we will be able to能够 build hotels there in the future在未来. 月亮是非常寒冷的,所以酒店将建得很温暖。他们还需要大量空气,以使那里的人能够呼吸。月球上的酒店将配备大窗户,让你可以观赏地球。你可以在酒店的游泳池游泳,并观看你周围所有的星星。但你不应该高兴得太早。一趟月球之旅将耗资不少呢!The Moon is very cold, so the hotels will have to be warm. They will also need a large amount of 大量的air so that 所以people there那里的人 can breathebri呼吸.The hotels on the Moon will have rooms with big windows so that you can see the Earth. You will be able to swim in the hotel swimming pool pul 游泳池and see all the stars around you. But you should not get too excitedksatd 变得激动. A trip to the Moon月球之旅 will cost a lot of money!Unit 6 课文(翻译)参观上海 Visiting Shanghai上海是世界上最大的城市之一。如果你喜欢旅游观光,你会爱上它的!Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. If you like sightseeingsatsi 观光, you will love it!人民广场 Peoples Squareskwe人民广场在上海的市中心。它是一个绿草如茵,并拥有喷泉和很多鸟的大型公共广场。如果你参观人民广场,你也可以看到它周围的著名建筑,如上海大剧院和上海博物馆。Peoples Square is in the center of Shanghai. It is a large publicpblk 公众的areaer 区域;地区with green grass, fountains fantn 喷泉,泉水;源泉and birds. If you visit Peoples Square, you can also see famous buildings around it, such as the Shanghai Grand grnd 宏伟的;豪华的Theaterit, i:- 剧院and the Shanghai Museum.The Bund bnd 外滩;码头外滩就是老上海与新上海的交汇。如果你沿着外滩走走,你会看到许许多多的古老建筑。The Bund is where old Shanghai meets new Shanghai. If you walk along the Bund, you will see many old buildings. 浦东新区,就在黄浦江的对面,它拥有众多的现代建筑。到了晚上,这些高楼大厦的灯光照亮了每一片天空。The Pudong New Area浦东新区, just across the Huangpu River黄浦江对岸, has many modern buildings. At night, these tall buildings light up照亮 the sky in every directiondrek()n; da-在每个方向.Yu Garden豫园豫园是一个传统的花园。如果你喜欢历史和自然美景,你一定会喜欢这个花园。这里有许多美丽的建筑、桥梁和池塘。就在花园外面,你还可以购买到各种不同风味的小吃。Yu Garden is a traditional trd()n()l 传统的garden. If you enjoy history and natural nt()r()l beautybjut自然美;自然界的美景, you will love this garden. There are many beautiful buildings, bridgesbrd 桥and ponds pnd 池塘. You can also buy different snacks snk 小吃just outside the garden.香港 - 一个奇妙的游览地Hong Kong a wonderful place to visit如果你喜欢购物,你一定会喜欢香港。这里有一些昂贵的奢侈品店,也有一些便宜的。在香港,可以满足每个人。海洋公园是香港最有趣的地方之一。您可以到湿地公园观赏动物,或乘坐缆车鸟瞰整个公园。If you like shopping, you will love Hong Kong. There are some expensive shops and also some cheap ones. There is something for everyone in Hong Kong.One of the most interesting places in Hong Kong is Ocean Park ()n 海洋公园. You can visit the Lowlandllnd 低地Gardens to see some animals, or get a birds-eye viewvju 鸟瞰 of the whole park by riding in a cable carkeb()l缆车. 在海洋剧场,你可以观看到海豚表演。每年,从世界各地来香港的游客,都在这里度过了一段美好时光。At the Ocean()n海洋 Theatert 电影院,戏院,剧场, you can watch a dolphindlfn 海豚show表演.Visitors from all over the world come to Hong Kong every year and have a wonderful time.世界遗产地World Heritagehertd Sites在世界各地有超过 900 个世界遗产。它们是或天然,或人造的地方。我们保护这些地方,因为它们是非常特殊和重要的国际文化。There are over 900 World Heritage Sites 世界遗产地around the world. They are natural nt()r()l 自然的or man-made mnmed人造的 places. We protectprtekt 保护these places because they are very special and important to world culture klt 文化.中国是继意大利和西班牙之后,世界上第三大拥有世界遗产的国家。有超过 40 个(世界遗产)在中国,例如,长城和西湖。你可以通过互联网找到网站上的(世界遗产)列表。China has the third most heritage sites in the world after Italyitli 意大利and Spainspein 西班牙. There are more than 40 sites 遗址;地点in China, for example, the Great Wall 长城and West Lake西湖. You can find a list of清单;列表the sites on the Internet.Unit 7 课文(翻译)俱乐部展The Clubs klb Fairfe 展览会Linda 和 Leo 是 Rosie Bridge 学校的新生。上个月,他们参加了俱乐部展。首先,Linda 和 Leo 了解了火箭俱乐部。 “我们俱乐部将会教会你如何制造火箭。然后您可以将它发射到天上。”一个男孩说。“看!”他拿出一枚火箭发射了它。火箭消失在天空里。Linda 和 Leo 感到很惊奇。Linda and Leo are new students at Rosie Bridge School. Last month, they attended tend 出席;参加the Clubs Fair.First, Linda and Leo learnt about 了解;学习the Rocket rkt 火箭Club.“Our club will teach you how to build rockets. Then you can launch ln t 发射;下水them into the sky,” a boy said. “Watch!”He took a rocket and launched it. The rocket disappeareddsp 消失into the sky. Linda and Leo were very surprised.“它会一路飞到太空吗?”Linda 问。 “它当然不会,”另一家俱乐部的一个女孩嚷道。 “我们的俱乐部更好了,过来加入太阳能俱乐部吧。” “那你们是做什么的?”Leo 问。 “我们制造很棒的机器,并且它们只利用太阳能。来看!”“Will it go all the way into space一直升入太空?” Linda asked.“Of course it wont,” a girl from another club shouted. “Our club is better. Come and join the Solarsl 太阳的Power pa 力量;能量Club.”“What do you do?” asked Leo.“We make wonderful machinesmin 机器. They only use solar power太阳能. Look!”她从桌子上拿了一辆玩具车,然后用遥控器控制着它绕着操场到处跑。 “它用的是太阳能,”Linda 说:“这太令人惊叹了!”Linda 和 Leo 了解许多俱乐部。展会之后,他们感到非常兴奋。“我想要参加所有的俱乐部”,Linda 说。 “我也要!”,Leo 说。She took a toy car t玩具汽车from the table and then used a remotermt 遥远的;偏僻的control kntrl 控制to drive it all around the playground plegrand 操场.“It uses power from the Sun,” said Linda. “Thats amazingmez 令人惊异的!”Linda and Leo learnt about many clubs. After the fair, they felt very excited ksatd 感到激动.“I want to join dn 参加;加入all the clubs,” said Linda.“Me too!” said Leo.幸运岛之旅A trip trp 旅行to Luckylk 幸运的Islandalnd 岛屿上周日,我和我的朋友们去参加徒步旅行俱乐部的冒险活动。头一天晚上,我兴奋得睡不着!星期日的早上我起得相当早。早餐后,我打包好我的午餐就匆匆地离开了家。我匆忙赶到学校,去与其他的学生,李先生-我们的领队会合。人到齐后,我们就向幸运岛出发了。Last Sunday, my friends and I went on an adventure dvent去冒险with the Hiking hak远足 Club. The night before前一天晚上, I was so excited that I could not sleep! I got up really early on Sunday morning. After breakfast, I packed pk 包装;打包my lunch and left home quickly. I hurried to school hr 匆忙赶到学校and met other students and Mr. Li, our trip leader. When we were all there, we left for 动身去Lucky Island. 在幸运岛划船真是精彩!我们看到许多鱼和五颜六色的鸟。当我们到了幸运岛,我们步行了很长一段路,看到一些漂亮的花。远足之后,我们很饿!我们坐在沙滩上吃我们的午餐。后来,我们又是玩游戏又是拍照。我们真的玩得很开心。The boat ride to Lucky Island was really excitingksat; ek-令人兴奋的;使人激动的! We saw a lot of fish and colorful klfl 华美的;富有色彩的birds. When we got to Lucky Island, we went on a long walk and saw some pretty prt 漂亮的;可爱的flowers. After the hikehak远足, we were very hungry! We sat on the beachbit海滩;湖滨 and ate our lunch. After that, we played games and took pictures. We really enjoyed ourselves过得愉快. 最后该是回家的时间了。我对与李先生、徒步旅行俱乐部一起的下一个冒险已急不可待了!Finally it was time to go home. I cannot wait for my next adventuredvent冒险 with Mr. Li and the Hiking Club!Summer campskmp 夏令营在美国和加拿大有很多孩子去夏令营。大多夏令营扎营在乡村。年幼的儿童通常加入日营。他们在营地度过几小时后返回家里。大一点的孩子可能会离开家几个晚上。他们可以在营地结交新的朋友,学到有用的新技能。Many children in the USA and Canada go to summer camps参加夏令营. Many summer camps take place发生 in the countryside kntrsad 农村;乡下. Young children usually join day camps日间夏令营. They go back home 回家after spending a few hours at camp在营地. Older children may spend a few nights away from home. They can make new friends and learn useful jusfl; -f()l skills skl 学习有用的技能at camp.在中国也有夏令营。一些夏令营针对国外学生举办,他们中的许多人喜欢了解中国文化。There are also summer camps in China. Some summer camps are for international studentsntn()n()l国际学生;留学生. Many of them like to learn about Chinese cultureklt 文化.Unit 8 课文(翻译)不寻常的收藏Unusual njul collections klek()n Sam和 Helen 的爷爷奶奶几乎啥都收藏。他们前门挂有 8 个门铃! “这银门铃是我最喜欢的。”Helen 说。她按下它,不一会,爷爷给她开了门。Sam and Helens grandparents rnd,prnt (外)祖父母collect klekt 收集almost everything. There are eight doorbells dbel 门铃on their front door!“This silver slv 银doorbell is my favorite feivrit 最喜爱的,” said Helen. She pushed p 推动it and soon Grandpa opened the door.“进来吧,我亲爱的孙子和孙女!”他说。 “谁开始收集门铃了,爷爷?”Sam 问。 “你奶奶,”他回答说,“她喜欢门铃。” “那你喜欢收集什么,爷爷?”Helen 问。 “我喜欢收集报纸。”“Come in, my dear grandson grn(d)sn 孙子;外孙and granddaughtergrndt 孙女;外孙女!” he said.“Who started collecting doorbells, Grandpa?” asked Sam.“Your grandma,” he answered. “She loves doorbells.”“What do you like collecting, Grandpa?” asked Helen.“I like collecting newspapers.”他们走了进去,看到(屋里)到处都是报纸。 “你们好啊,孩子们!”奶奶说,“来喝点茶吧。”孩子们跟着她走进客厅,看见有许多玩具。几乎都没有没地方落脚了。They went inside nsad 里面;内部and saw newspapers everywhere.“Hello children!” called Grandma. “Lets have some tea.”The children followed her into the living room客厅;起居室and saw lots of toyst 玩具there. There was hardly hdl 几乎不any space spes 空间;太空for the children to sit down.“这些玩具是谁的?”Helen 问。 “是我们的,”奶奶说,“我们都喜欢收集玩具。” “不过要记住,”爷爷说, “我们是有大把的空闲时间!你们在学校里有很多功课要做,所以你们不应该花太多时间来收集东西!”“Whose toys are these?” asked Helen.“They are ours,” said Grandma. “We both like collecting toys.”“But remember,” said Grandpa, “we have a lot of free time空闲时间! You have your school work to do, so you shouldnt spend too much 太多time collecting things!”集邮是教育!Collecting stamps is educational edken()l 教育的!昨天是 Daniel 学校的展示与演讲日。Daniel 是第一个演讲的学生。他向他的同学们展示了一枚老邮票。Yesterday was Show展示 and Tell Day at Daniels school.Daniel was the first student to speak. He showed his classmatesklsmet 同班同学an old stampstmp邮票.“我的父亲给我了这第一枚邮票,” Daniel 说。 “上面是一个古老的中国石桥。是它让我对中国文化更加地感兴趣。于是,我开始寻找更多含有有趣图片的邮票。”“My father gave me this first stamp,” said Daniel. “It has a picture of an old Chinese stone bridgestn brd 石桥on it. This made me more interested in Chinese culture. Soon I started t

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