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.可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式Module1 Unit1 We lived in a small house. 一、教学内容:1、知识目标:知识与技能:(1) 新单词life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady(2)新句型:There be , We livedmany years ago. We livenow.的教学。过程与方法:能根据情境正确使用There be ,We livedmany years ago. We livenow.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物,提出问题并作出解答。情感态度与价值观:培养学生听、说、读、写、做的能力。二、教学重点:新单词和新句型的教学与运用。三、教学难点:如何让学生在课堂上学会There be ,We livedmany years ago. We livenow.句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型。四、课前准备:两幅画有房子和汽车的画(房子一大一小),单词卡片,收录机和磁带,贴纸,课件五、板书设计Unit1 We lived in a small house.新单词、短语、句型。There werent any buses. There are lots of buses and cars. 区分 :There is/are grandmotherThere was/were ladyWe lived in a small house.Television grandmother grandchildrenWe live in a big house.六、教学过程: 第一课时教学目标:新单词life ,different, ago, any, television, grandchildren, us, grandmother, lady教学过程:1:热身复习T:Good afternoon, boys and girls!Ss:Good afternoon, teacher.T:Sit down, please.Ss: Thank you!T: Youre welcome.To you have a good time in your holidays?Ss:YesT:Great! Who can tell us were there any happythings in your holidays?(学生发言,通过这样的师生交流,教师可以帮助学生回顾相关的语言知识,例如:一般过去时的用法、常用词汇等,为后面的教学做铺垫。)2:课文导入T:The New year is past, now you are older ,you had a lot of changes.”教师边说边把新单词“change”板书到黑板上,出示课题。3:单词教学T:I am a teacher,you are students.We are different.(different 要读慢且重读)边说边出示different 的单词卡片.老师师范学跟读.T:OK.Look here! Whats this?(指着电视机问)S:电视机T:Yes,its a television.出示television单词卡片,让学生读.T:Look at the blackbood.出示课件一个祖母和几个外孙女对话.孙女:happy new year grandmother!祖母:thank you my deargrandchildren.教师紧跟出示grandmother和grandchildren的单词卡片.学生跟读.老师出示life的单词卡问:Whats the meaning in chinese?Ss:生活. 学生跟读T:T am a lady(指着自己说)并出示单词卡.学生读.(us和any也如上面教法)4:单词训练游戏把单词卡粘贴在黑板上,让学生竞赛,听老师说出某个单词,学生迅速把该单词卡片取下,快者为胜。5:作业:单词书写。 第二课时教学目标:新句型:There be , We livedmany years ago. We livenow.的教学。能根据情境正确使用There be ,We livedmany years ago. We livenow.句型谈论生活、学习中的事物,提出问题并作出解答。教学过程:1、课文教学听课文录音的同时,请你们找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。让学生以竞赛抢答的形式快速找出课文中出现的新单词与新句型。并给予学生表扬。2:课文训练学生了解了课文内容后,教师播放领读带录音,让学生大声跟读课文。然后分组分角色朗读课文。3:重点句型练习:先让学生熟读课文第二部分:Listen and say问一学生T:Were there computer in your home?Ss:No.T:There were no computer in hue home.Follow me.Ss: There were no computer in hue home.以同样的方式问几个学生.T:They are very clever!Now,We can see a lot ofbuses and cars in the street.Yes?S:Yes!T: There are a lot of buses and cars in the street.T:Are there anythings in our class?S: There are blackboard、book4:结束语T:Today,we learn about the different between pastand now.Now,we live in a happy life,we should love our life.and love our parents.T:Thats all for today,class is over.5、作业布置回家后问问你的爷爷、奶奶、外公或外婆,他们以前的生活与现在的生活有什么不一样。把你的结果在下节课用英语告诉老师。课后反思:Unit2She didnt have television第一课时Function: Comparing past and present life stylesTarget Language: There were / werent There are We lived many yearsago. We livenow.Vocabulary: life, different, ago, any, television, grandmother, us,grandchildren, lady, fire, radio, telephone, field, hopePronunciation: / / / / / / / /Chant: Changes一Warmer:1. Choose one student to come to the front and perform some actions. E.g.walking, jumping, running, playing Note that they should be actions that the Ssare able to name in English.2. Now ask the Ss to say what he/she did or didnt do.Meimei walked. She didnt dance. She ran. She didnt sing. She jumped.3. Now choose anther students to come to the front and do different actions.二、Presentation1. Listen and say:A. Write these questions on the board:What did Lingling do last night?What did the old lady talk about on televisin?What didnt the old lady have?How does Lingling feel now?How is Linglings life different from the old ladys?B. Put the Ss in pairs and have them write answers to the questions.1. She watched a television programme about China.2. She talked about her life many years ago.3. She didnt have a television, a radio or a telephone.4. She mosses her grandmother and she misses Daming, too.5. Lingling can read and write. She has a television, a radio and atelephone. She doesnt work in the field.2. Listen and repeat:A. Write the following words on the board:Rain all star warm / / / /Play autumn party quarter / / / /B. Listen and repeat.3. Do, ask and answer:A. days weeks months yearsB. Where were you three weeks ago? I was at home.What did you do there? I watched TV.Homework:Write new words 第二课时Function: Comparing past and present life stylesTarget Language: There were / werent There are We lived many yearsago. We livenow.Vocabulary: life, different, ago, any, television, grandmother, us,grandchildren, lady, fire, radio, telephone, field, hopePronunciation: Chant: Changes一、 review二、 Activity Book:Ask and answer:1. Did Lingling watch a programme about England last night? No, she didnt.2. Did the old lady cook on a fire many years ago? Yes, she did.3. Did the old lady have a television? No, she didnt.4. Did the old lady work in the field? Yes, she did.5. Did the old lady have a telephone? No, she didnt.6. Did the old lady read and write? No, she didnt.7. Does Lingling miss her grandmother? Yes, doesnt.Listen and repeat:1. I like to play in the rain. 2. We had fun all autumn.2. I had a big star at my party. 4. This quarter of the room is warm.四、Homework:1. Read the text. 2. Talking about something with many years ago or nowModule2 Unit1 She learnt English一、教学目标1、学习理解be的过去式was, were的用法,learnt(learn的过去式) 2、基本能理解使用一般过去式。学习“Did you/he/she +verb-ed.?”的语言结构,并会做答“Yes, I/He/Shedid. No, I/He/She didnt.”3、初步感知特殊疑问句的提问与回答。4、初步感知语音元音音标的正确发音。5、运用所学语言结构询问与描述过去的事情并能与现在的事作比较。二、教学重点和难点be的过去式was,were的用法 foreignlanguage的读法 “Did you/he/she+verb-ed.?” “Yes, I/He/Shedid. No, I/He/She didnt.”三、板书设计(Designs):Unit1ShelearntEnglish单词(Words):learntthesedancer句型(Sentences):ShelearntEnglish.Didshelearnanyforeignlanguages.HeislearningEnglishnow.四、教学过程: 第一课时教学目标1、学习理解be的过去式was, were的用法,learnt(learn的过去式) 2、基本能理解使用一般过去式。学习“Did you/he/she +verb-ed.?”的语言结构,并会做答“Yes, I/He/Shedid. No, I/He/She didnt.”1、课程导入Talking about things with pasttense.Ask things with pasttense,beginning with“Did.?”谈论自己的亲友,并运用过去时态讲述。2、教学重点词汇: be的过去式was, were的用法 learnt(learn的过去式) these dancer foreign language句式 “Subject+Verb-ed” “Did you/he/she+verb-ed.?” “Yes, I/He/She did. No, I/He/She didnt.”3、练习T: Do you like watchingTV?S: Yes, I do.T: (do the action) Im watchingTV.4、作业:书写单词。 第二课时教学目标: 1、初步感知特殊疑问句的提问与回答。2、初步感知语音元音音标的正确发音。3、运用所学语言结构询问与描述过去的事情并能与现在的事作比较。教学过程:一、复习现在进行时教学learn这个单词。注意区分一般过去时态。T: We are learning English now. But did your mother learn English?S: Yes, she did. /No, she didnt.T: She learnt English.learnlearntT: Did your father learn English?S: Yes, he did. /No, he didnt. (如果学生肯定回答,可以重复He learnt English.)T: Did he learn any foreign languages?S: Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.(解释foreign languages的意思,并教读发音。)二、通过板书重点句型,拓展练习。1. Who are they?2. Why is Linglings grandmother wearing these clothes?3. Which language did she learn?4. What was Linglings grandfather?5. Did he learn a foreign language?Student answer those question.三、 作业(Homework):1、 Make sentences with three new words(请用新单词造句).2、熟读课文。能用过去时态简单讲一讲昨天发生的有趣的事。课后反思:Module2 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacher.一、教学目标1、识别词汇:class,study,hard,retired。2、能运用“Ten years ago, Mr Li was a teacher. Hes retired now.”这类语句说明过去和现在状态和行为的区别。3、学习感知字母组合aw, air, ass在单词中的发音,通过朗读含有这些字母组合的单词,让学生感知发音规律。二、教学重难点1、本课的词汇class, study, hard, retired2、句型Ten years ago, Mr Li was a teacher. He taught Chinese. Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li. 3、能够在实际生活中灵活的运用本课的词汇和句型谈论人物过去和现在的情况和活动。4、了解并掌握字母组合单词中的发音规律。三、教学准备:教学光盘四、教学方法:鼓励基础较好的学生自主探究、并使用分组合作交流的教学方法,针对学习有困难的学生使用讲援法五、板书设计:Module2 Unit2 Mr Li was a teacherNew words: class study hard retiredSentences:Ten years ago, Mr. Li was a teacher. Hes retired now.Many years ago, heshe _. Now heshe _.发音: aw air assdraw chair classsaw hair pass六、教学过程:1、课程导入:复习上课所学的一般过去时态,讲讲过去和现在生活的不同,引入新课。2、教学重点:(1)听录音跟读课文,画出本课的重点单词,根据图片猜测词意或结合书后单词表熟悉单词的音、形、意。画出本课的重点句型“Ten years ago, Mr. Li was a teacher.Hes retired now.”(2)小组合作,听录音,体会双元音的发音。注意双元音的正确读音,最后跟录音机读。draw saw aw字母组合的发音chair hair air字母组合的发音class pass ass字母组合的发音让学生自己通过读单词总结发音规律(3)教师板书本课重点内容,学习新单词和句型。New words: class study hard retiredSentences:Ten years ago, Mr. Li was a teacher.Hes retired now.3、课堂练习(1)Listen and answer the question:T: Now, Im a English teacher, we work in the same school. And we all teach you. Its very interesting. Yes?T: This class Chen Hai will tell us a story about himself. Its more interesting. Lets have a look. OK?What does the word “retired”mean?(2))Listen and repeatMy grandpa was a worker. Now he is retired.I was a good student in his class. I studied very hard.(3) 三人一组开展游戏,一人问,一人做动作,一人回答,来复习巩固一般过去时。七、课后作业:了解父母或朋友在过去和现在在学习、工作、生活等各方面的变化,并用英语简单表达。课后反思:、模拟试题计划课时:两课时I. 选择填空。 1. My father _football every week.A. played B. plays C. playing 2. I played basketball in the playground _ weekend.A. last B. next C. this 3. My grandparents _ in the evenings. A. watches B. watch TV C. watched TV 4. Did Rose _ last Sunday? A. went swimming B. read a book C. taking pictures 5. Tom _ very happy last night. A. looks B. is C. was 6. Three days _ , I will be back to Shunde. A. before B. later C. soon 7. _ the second day , I rowed a boat in the river.A. In B. On C. At 8. _ was your last trip? Last weekend.A. When B. Where C. How 9. What _ you _ for the last day of the holiday?A. do, do B. did, do C. do, did 10. It was a long holiday. They_ Shanghai on Mar. 2nd and _ to Harbin on the 3rd.A. leave, got B. left , get C. left, got 11. She _ homework last night. A. doesnt , do B. dont ,did C. didnt ,do 12. He has nothing to do. He is _.A. tired B. angry C. bored 13. What did you do _ your holiday ?A. in B. on C. at 14. He _ in the river last week.A. swam B. swims C. swum 15. Can you _? Yes, I _ last night.A. dance, danced B. dances, dance C. danced ,dancedII. 请用正确动词形式填空。1. I _ (have) an exciting party last weekend.2. _ she _(practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she _.3. What _ Tom often _ (do) on Saturday evening?He _(watch) TV and _(read) an interesting book.4. They all _(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.5. She _(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She _ (stay) at home and _(do) some cleaning.6. When _ you _(write) this song? I _(write) it last year.7. My friend, Carol, _(study) for the math test and _(practice) English last night.8. _ Mr. Li _(do) the project on Monday morning?Yes, he _.9. How _(be) Jims weekend? It _(be not) bad.10. _ (be) your mother a sales assistant last year? No. she _【试题答案】I. 选择填空。15 B A B B C 610 B B A B C 1115 C C A A AII. 请用正确动词形式填空。1. I had (have) an exciting party last weekend.2. Did she practice(practice) her guitar yesterday? No, she didnt.3. What does Tom often do (do) on Saturday evening?He watches(watch) TV and reads(read) an interesting book.4. They all went(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.5. She didnt visit(not visit) her aunt last weekend. She stayed (stay) at home and did(do) some cleaning.6. When did you write(write) this song? I wrote(write) it last year.7. My friend, Carol, studied(study) for the math test and practiced(practice) English last night.8. Did Mr. Li do(do) the project on Monday morning?Yes, he did.9. How was(be) Jims weekend? It wasnt(be not) bad.10. Was (be) your mother a sales assistant last year? No. she wasnt . Module3 unit1 she had eggs and sausages教材分析:She had eggs and sausages.是外语教学与研究出版社三年级起点第六册第三模块第一单元的内容。本模块主要是围绕英国的用餐习惯展开,让我们初步接触和了解英国的饮食文化。在Unit 1中,通过Daming收到的一封电子邮件,提出了英国人的用餐习惯,以及向别人询问昨天一日三餐吃过什么的具体表达方法。如:What did she/he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?She/He had教学目标: 1、掌握单词delicious sandwich egg email traditional并能正确使用句型What did you/he/she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?2、掌握不规则动词的过去式had.3、提高学生的口语和听力水平。4、初步了解英语国家的饮食习惯及中西方饮食文化的不同。教学重难点:delicious sandwich egg email traditionalWhat did you/he/she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?教具准备:多媒体课件、录音机、单词卡片教学过程: 第一课时教学目标:1、掌握单词delicious sandwich egg email traditional并能正确使用句型What did you/he/she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?2、掌握不规则动词的过去式had.教学过程:Step :Warm-up(预热)1、Say a chantT:Hello,boys and girls.Lets say a chant. (出示多媒体课件,学生可以看着韵诗自由表演) Noodles and rice, are very very nice.Mm,mm,mm, very very nice.Ginger and spils,are not very nice.No,no,no, not very nice.(师生边做动作边唱)教师评价全体学生:Good job.Perform very well.2、复习一般过去式1)T:What did you do yesterday?S:T:What did you do last Sunday? S:T:What did you do at the weekend? S:T:What did heshe do at the weekend? (教师指向该同学)S:T:What did you eat yesterday? S:2)T:Is it delicious?(引出生词delicious,板书)教师出示单词卡片,同时问:Whats meaning?卡片背面展示汉语意思,齐读、分组读、个人读。3、举行食品汇总比赛1)教师出示食物图片。(出示多媒体课件,课件上的食物可以降低难度,同时调动学生的积极性)T:Look!I have lots of delicious food.Now,lets play a game.You are Breakfast Team.You are Dinner Team.I give you fifteen seconds every team.Please say the food as much as you can.(在同样都是15秒的时间内,让早餐组和晚餐组尽量多的说出食物名称,调动学生的积极性。)T:You did very well.2)Do you know whats this?教师出示三明治单词卡片:sandwich,板书并展示汉语意思,齐读、分组读、个人读。3)T:Look at the blackboard.(复习delicious和sandwich)Step :New sentences1、T:I like sandwich.But I didnt eat it.Yesterday I had eggs and noodles.(简单教学egg)T:What did you have for breakfast? S:I hadT:What did you have for lunch? S:I hadT:What did you have for dinner? S:I had2、Practice with your deskmate.(小组内练习)3、教师提问:What did you have for breakfast? S:I had 教师指向该同学向全班提问:What did heshe have for breakfast? S: HeShe had用同样方法教学What did heshe have forlunch? S: HeShe hadWhat did heshe have for dinner? S: HeShe had4、Look at the pictures,practice with your deskmate.(同桌看图练习,多媒体课件为学生创造似乎真实的语境,提高学生的语言运用能力。)5、Perform (至少展示两组)6、homework: Write words 第二课时教学目标:1、提高学生的口语和听力水平。2、初步了解英语国家的饮食习惯及中西方饮食文化的不同。教学过程Step I:TextDo you know whats this? (多媒体课件出示邮箱地址,学生能够更好的理解email的意思。)Its my email.(板书) Lingling sent an email to Daming,she told Daming what she had yesterday.This class,well learn Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggd and sausages.1、Listen to the tape and answer these questions.(多媒体课件出示问题,学生能够清楚的记住问题。课件出示课本图片能够降低学生听的难度。)Q1:Whats it about? Q2: What did Lingling have for breakfast? Q3: What did she have for lunch? Q4: What did she have for dinner?(多媒体课件出示问题的正确答案)学生回答问题的同时补充fish and chips 的相关知识和解决生词traditional.(多媒体课件出示fish and chips的图片和解释,更能激发学生的学习兴趣,同时渗透了一定的西方文化知识。)2、Listen and repeat ,circle the food.3、Repeat again.4、Read by themselves.5、Perform.(至少两组)Step II:Extend 1、Make a survey.(多媒体课件出示调查表,更利于教师的讲解和小学生的理解。)What did he/ she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?调查你周围的同学(23名)昨天的三餐都吃了哪些食物,完成下面的表格。NameBreakfastLunchDinner2、Perform.Step III:Homework(多媒体课件能够使学生更好的记住作业内容。)请同学们通过查找资料、请教专家等途径了解最有益身体健康、最科学的饮食结构,根据得到的信息完成如下健康饮食表:HEALTHY MENUBreakfastLunchDinnerStep IV:板书设计:Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages. egg you breakfastdelicious What did he for lunch ? sandwich she dinnertraditional I He had She课后反思: Module3Unit2Samatefourhamburgers教学目标:1、 认知目标:Words:atehamburgergavetonightSentence: Whatdidyoueat/drinklastnight?Iate/drankWhatareyougoingtoeat/drinktonight?Iamgoingtoeat/drink2、能力目标:通过两个不同时间的单词(lastnight,tonight)的比较,使学生根据不同时间选择不同的时态,同时注意动词适当形式的变化。3、情感目标:让学生了解中西方饮食的差异,并表达好自己的喜好,提高与其他同学的交流。教学重点难点:掌握单词:atehamburgergavetonight掌握句型:Whatdidyoueat/drinklastnight?Iate/drankWhatareyougoingtoeat/drinktonight?Iamgoingtoeat/drink.课时安排:一课时教学过程:Step1、warmr1)Sayachant:Ilikecoffee,Iliketea.Ilikesandwiches,andtheylikeme.Ilikecoffee,Iliketea.Idontlikehamburgers,andtheydontlikeme.2)Revise:T:Whatdidyouhaveforbreakfastthismorning?Ss:IhadT:Whatdidshe/hehaveforbreakfast/lunch/dinneryesterday?Ss:She/Hehad.Step2、Presentation:1)leadinTakeoutapictureofhamburgerandaskthestudentsWhatsthis?Whatarethey?Ss:fishsandwich,noodles,cakes,rice,milk2)learnwordsandsentencesLookatpicturesandsayhamburger-eathamburgermilk-drinkmilkapple-givemeanapple3)T:Iamfullnow,becauseIhadsomuchfoodlastnightWhatdidyoueat/drinklastnight?4)Learnwords(eat-ate:drinkdrank)eatatelatedrinkdrankthankbank5)ActivityandpracticeWhatdidyoueat/drinklastnight?Iate/drankWhatdidshe/heeat/drinklastnight?Iate/drank让学生分组训练本课的重点句式,6)MakeadialogueDoyoulikeChinesefood.Yes,IlikeChinesefood,too.MumisgoingtocookChinesefoodtonight.Teachwords:tonight,lastnight,today,tonightT:Areyouhungry?Whatareyougoingtoeat/drinktonight.Ss:Iamgoingtoeat/drink.7)Studentworkinpair8)ChantIlikericeandIlikemilk,lastnight,lastnight.IeatfishandIdrankmilk,IlikechipandIlikejuice.Tonight,tonight.IamgoingtoeatchipsIamgoingtodrinkjuice.Mmm,Mmm,Mmm.Theyareallverynice.Step3Text1.Listenandsay:A.TelltheSsthatyouaregoingtoreadouttheletterB.TheSshavetofollowthetextintheirbooksandcalloutthewordthatyousaidincorrectly.C.Listentotheletterandanswerthequestions:1)Whoatesixhamburgers?2)DoesSamlikehamburgerverymuch?3)WhatdidLinglinghave?4)DoesLinglinglikehamburgersverymuch?5)WhatisMumgoingtocooktonight?6)Whowrotethisletterto


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