高中英语《Unit 3 A healthy life》阅读专练 新人教版选修61

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A Healthy LifeA本文词数:274参考时间:157Whats the secret of those who survive into the 100s? It might be that they are keen on keeping up with the latest trends, including iPods, current events and even MTV, a new survey finds.Evercare, a health insurance plan that specializes in older people, carried out a survey which polled 100 people who are over 100 about their secrets to successful aging.One of the old people, George Reed, aged 103, owes his health and long life to luck. But he has also spent much of his life being active, and remains so today. Once an avid* baseball player and cyclist, Reed still practices Tai Chi daily and keeps up with news and current events. Among the main findings of the survey were the tendencies of people who are over 100 years old to tune into trends and current events, lead healthy lifestyles and hold faith in high regard. The survey found that nearly a third of the respondents have watched a reality TV show, and 27 percent have watched MTV or music videos. So, what do experts call the keys to successful aging?While good genes can help you live a longer, healthier life, balancing your genes with a healthy lifestyle is also important, doctors say. Maintaining good health behaviors throughout ones life may lead to longer survival and better health, said Dr. Dellara Terry. While you cannot have complete control over how long you will live, having good health habits, following your health care providers advice and staying socially and mentally engaged will go a long way in improving the quality and perhaps the quantity of your life, the experts said.Note:avid adj.殷切的;酷爱的词数:108处理时间:210Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.1. The main reason why George Reed lives a long life is that _.A. he is lucky enough to have a healthy lifeB. he remains to be active and enthusiasticC. he listens to lots of news and current eventsD. he used to be a baseball player and cyclist2. Which of the following are keys that help people to survive into the 100s?keep up with trends and current eventsspend most time on social activitieshave faith in health care providersadvicebalance genes with a healthy lifestylemaintain mental healthbe engaged in music videos or TV showsA. B. C. D. B本文词数:295参考时间:212With schools cutting back on physical education classes and some eliminating them altogether the prospects for getting exercise during the day arent great for many kids heading back to school this fall.So whats a parent to do to make sure their children get the exercise they need? For starters, dont rely too much on gym class, experts say. While some schools are updating PE to include in-line skating, wall climbing and other popular activities, more schools are reducing or ending their PE programs.Unfortunately, physical education is one of the first things that get cut when theres a budget crunch1,says Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist at the American Council on Exercise in San Diego. And even when gym class is offered regularly, its almost never enough to meet the new federal guidelines that children get at least an hour of physical activity on most days of the week. Only 8 percent of elementary schools, for example, and about 6 percent of middle schools and high schools offer daily physical education classes, according to the National Education Association. For kids not involved in after-school sports, this could spell a very sedentary day. Meanwhile, the rate of obesity among youth is increasing. Among children ages 6 to 11, 16 percent were overweight in 2002, compared with 7 percent in 1980, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Among kids 12 to 19, 16 percent were overweight in 2002, three times more than in 1980.Even at young ages, obesity is not just a cosmetic2 issue. Almost two-thirds of over-weight youth have at least one additional risk factor for heart disease, including high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Over-weight kids also may suffer sleep apnea3 or bone and joint problems, according to the CDC. Notes:1. crunch n.经济收缩;短缺2. cosmetic adj.表面的3. apnea n.呼吸暂停词数:150处理时间:300Read the passage and choose the best answer for each question.1. Why do more schools reduce or end their PE classes, according to the passage?A. They may face financial difficulties or have not enough time.B. Pupils are not fond of traditional PE classes anymore.C. Good diet makes physical exercise unnecessary.D. The governments policy disrupts schoolsplans.2. The government set guidelines that schools should _.A. update PE to some popular activitiesB. cut down on gym exercise rather than stop itC. have starters rely much on gym classD. ensure children spend enough time on physical activities3. What was the percentage of overweight kids among 12 to 19 in 1980?A. About 4%.B. About 7%.C. About 8%.D. About 16%.4. Obesity at young ages may cause some diseases according to the passage EXCEPT _.A. heart diseaseB. high blood pressureC. lack of sleepD. bone and joint problems阅读新题型本文词数:329参考时间:232Just as a car runs best with a full tank of gas, your body needs the right kind of nutritional fuel for peak performance. Eating well can be very simple and you do not need special foods or supplements! It is important to fuel your body with a balance of carbohydrates1, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. Carbohydrates are especially important for athletes because they supply the body with glucose (blood sugar) for energy. If you dont have enough glycogen2 (the form in which glucose is stored in the body) you can feel very tired, which will affect your athletic performance. Fat is an important source of energy used to fuel longer exercise and endurance activities, such as hiking, cycling, and long-distance running. Eating a diet that is too low in dietary fat may decrease athletic performance and cause other health problems.Protein is necessary to build and repair muscles. Small amounts of protein may also be used for energy. Vitamins and minerals are not sources of energy, but they have many important functions in the body. For instance, vitamin D and calcium are needed for strong bones. Athletes should _ with a variety of foods to make sure they get enough vitamins and minerals. Water is essential to keep you hydrated (when your body has enough fluids). Dehydration (when you dont have enough fluids) can cause muscle cramps3 and keep you from performing your best. Eat a variety of foods. Because different foods have different nutrients, you must eat a variety to get all the nutrients you need to keep your body in peak condition. For example, oranges provide vitamin C and carbohydrates, but not iron or protein. Beef provides iron and protein, but not vitamin C or carbohydrates. Drink plenty of fluids. Athletes need more fluids than non-athletes. Do not wait until you are thirsty to start drinking water, because thirst means that you are already dehydrated. Remember to drink even more in hot and humid4 weather.Notes:1. carbohydrate n.碳水化合物2. glycogen n.糖原质3. cramp n.抽筋4. humid adj.潮湿的词数:106处理时间:530Read the passage and answer the following questions.1. Whats the best title of this passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)_2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the followingone?If you dont get enough dietary fat youre your daily diet, the quality of your athletic performance will be not so good as usual, and you will also tend to have other health problems._3. Please fill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words.)_4. What have you learned from the passage? (Please answer within 30 words.)_ _5. Please translate the underlined sentences into Chinese._参考答案A) 1-2 B AB) 1-4 A D A C阅读新题型1. Eating Well for Your Sport2. Eating a diet that is too low in dietary fat may decrease athletic performance and cause other health problems.3. eat a balanced diet4. People, especially athletes, need to get a balanced diet before they do physical exercise so that they can perform their best in sports activities.5. 要广泛摄取食物,因为不同种食物含有不同营养,只有广泛摄取食物,你才能得到均衡的营养,才能时刻保持最好的身体状态。


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