高中英语 课时作业3 Module 1 Small Talk课时作业 外研版选修6

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课时作业(三)Module 1Small Talk.单词拼写1The_(目的) of the research is to find out more about the causes of the disease.答案:purpose2My recorder differs from yours in_(功能) rather than size.答案:function3You cant_(想象) what a mess the house was in after the party.答案:imagine4We cant deal with the problem until we know all the_(情况)答案:circumstances5She and I both arrived at the same time by pure_(巧合)答案:coincidence6In the_(缺乏) of any evidence,the police had to let Myers go.答案:absence7It is not polite to _(打断) a speaker with frequent questions.答案:interrupt8Would you do me a _(恩惠) and pick up Sam from school today.答案:favor.完成句子1In copying this paper,be careful not to_(漏掉) any words.答案:leave out2He always_(带头) in response to the governments call.答案:takes the lead3Susan loves_(炫耀) her stamp collection to her classmates.答案:showing off4The children_(知道) the danger of taking drugs.答案:are aware of5Well have to finish the job,_(无论花费多长时间)答案:no matter how long it takes6_(据估计) the loss was over one million dollars.答案:It is estimated that7You must keep me informed of whatever happens_(在我不在时)答案:during/in my absence8_(由于) his good English,he was employed by that big foreign company.答案:As a consequence/result of9Anyhow,_(无论什么困难) she would face,she wouldnt give up.答案:no matter what difficulty10_(每次) she saw the old school,she could hardly_ (想象在这样的学校学习)答案:Every time;imagine studying in such a school.单句语法填空1I cant imagine Peter_(live) on the lonely island for such a long time.答案:living2I moved the chairs back from the fire and_(tidy) the living room.答案:tidied3As far as Im concerned,there is no need for you_(buy) me a gift.答案:to buy4Bicycling is good exercise to keep healthy;moreover,it is easy_(learn)答案:to learn5You must apologise_your sister_being so rude.No way!Its her fault.答案:to;for6A terrible drought hit the area.It is estimated_the damage was over one million dollars.答案:that.完形填空Our soil is stained (沾有) with the blood,sweat and tears of so many soldiers.Many _1_men left their families and friends to answer the call of duty.One such man was my_2_.My father joined the army_3_he had only been married for 8 months on April 13,1943.He was first_4_in Ogden,Utah as a new recruit (新兵)He_5_ spent quite a long time in Europe where many houses had been_6_because of the cruel war.My father was an engineer who worked with the Air Force.He was in_7_of setting up the electrical appliances for his army.Part of his job was_8_poles to set up lights.He always carried a_9_with him because there were hidden enemies who would_10_if given the opportunity.He had some severe war wounds in his body,but he was_11_to have survived.He saw several of his comrades_12_ in battle.After the war,he_13_ hometown on December 6,1946.After he came back my father_14_a large family.My sisters and brothers and I were taught the_15_of having love and respect for others.We were taught to be_16_,not selfish.He also raised us to be confident,not cocky (自大的)We were _17_to get good grades in school and be good citizens in_18_.In about 4 months he will reach the age of 90.I know I would not be the person I am today without the_19_of him and my beloved mother.Dad,you have always been my_20_ and always will be.I love you.语篇解读本文介绍了作者心中的英雄父亲。1A.youngBstrongCbraveDclever解析:由文章首句“我们的土地沾满了千千万万士兵的鲜血、汗水和泪水”可知,这里指很多勇敢的(brave)士兵响应号召参军。答案:C2A.sonBbrotherChusbandDfather解析:下段首句即是提示:我父亲(father)便是其中一位。答案:D3A.sinceBafterCbecauseDunless解析:在结婚仅仅八个月后(after),父亲便入伍了。答案:B4A.respectedBrecognizedCtrainedDtaught解析:作为新兵,父亲先是接受训练(trained)。答案:C5A.onlyBthenCjustDstill解析:接受训练与在欧洲作战是时间上的顺接关系,故选then(然后)。答案:B6A.builtBstolenCdestroyedDtransformed解析:根据对战争的常识了解及本空后because of the cruel war可知,很多房屋被毁(destroyed)。答案:C7A.charge BfrontCcase Dsearch解析:由父亲是工程师可知,他负责(charge)为他的部队安装电器设备。答案:A8A.makingBsupportingCclimbingDplacing解析:父亲工作的一部分就是要爬上(climbing)电线杆子装灯。答案:C9A.tool BgunClightDbook答案:B10A.shootBrunCshout Descape解析:父亲总是随身带枪(gun)是因为总有隐藏的敌人,他们一旦有机会就放冷枪(shoot)。答案:A11A.kindBspecialClucky Dsuccessful解析:根据本空前had some severe war wounds可知,尽管受了很严重的伤,但是能在战争中活下来已经是很幸运的(lucky)了。答案:C12A.lostBkilledCcaughtDstarved解析:相比较于父亲的幸运,父亲目睹了很多战友牺牲(killed)。答案:B13A.visitedBmissedCmoved from Dreturned to解析:下文讲的是父亲回到家后的所作所为,所以这里指战争结束后,父亲返回(returned to)家乡了。答案:D14A.attendedBformedCraised Dloved解析:根据My sisters and brothers and I可知,父亲有一大家子要养(raised)。另外,He also raised us.也是提示。答案:C15A.difficultyBimportanceCsense Dway解析:父亲教育我们爱和尊重他人的重要性(importance)。答案:B16A.careful BgenerousCcalm Dsmart解析:根据本空后的not selfish可知,父亲教育我们要慷慨(generous)。答案:B17A.allowed BencouragedCforced Dpersuaded答案:B18A.neighborhoodBarmyCcompany Dsociety解析:父亲鼓励我们(encouraged)在学校要取得好成绩,在社会(society)上要做好公民。答案:D19A.helpBanswerCopinionDplan解析:父亲教了我很多,所以没有父亲的帮助(help)就没有今天的我。答案:A20A.teacherBheroCparentDleader解析:通读全文不难推断,父亲就是我心中的英雄(hero)。答案:B.阅读理解What is the best way to talk to your kids about their healthy eating?Possibly by avoiding one subject:weight.Weight is a touchy subject no matter how you talk about it.So maybe we just shouldnt,at least when it comes to our kids.A study in JAMA Pediatrics recently showed that not talking about weight could be the best way to protect our kids from obesity and many possible health and emotional difficulties that may come with it.Thats not to say you shouldnt talk to your kids about being healthy;it just means calling them fat or telling them they need to diet isnt the best way to do it.The researchers suggest that instead,parents might want to talk to their children about nutrition,healthy eating habits,and fitness.This study showed that parents who talked to their kids mentioning size or weight were more likely to have kids that chose dangerous methods of weight loss like using pills and having extreme diets.The study looked at 2,300 overweight kids with an average age of 14.4.They found that 60% of the parents of overweight teens had talked to them about the need to lose weight,but only 15% of those parents had done so without mentioning weight.Choosing what words you use for such a discussion may seem like a small issue,but with a third of US children falling into the obesity category (类别),it matters.As with many parenting issues,finding a balance is key.Giving kids a goal that helps them want to be healthy can help,like improving performance on a sports team or going rock climbing with friends.Making it about something fun takes away the possible negativity.If you find it tough to walk the walk when it comes to healthy eating,think how important it is that we model healthy behaviors.Kids are always watching.语篇解读本文是说明文。一项研究发现,跟肥胖的小孩子直接谈肥胖这个话题对他们有害,父母应该从别的角度谈这个话题。1From the study in JAMA Pediatrics,we know that_.Ait is better for parents not to talk about obesity with their overweight kidsBoverweight children usually have a lot of health and emotional difficultiesCparents should avoid talking about being healthy with their overweight kidsDoverweight kids dont want to talk about nutrition and fitness with their parents解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的A study in JAMA Pediatrics recently showed.many possible health and emotional difficulties that may come with it可知这个研究告诉我们,父母最好不要跟肥胖的孩子谈肥胖这个话题。答案:A2When talking about the need to lose weight,_.Aonly about half of the parents wanted their kids to lose weightBmany parents supported the way of using pills to lose weightCmost of the parents of overweight kids mentioned weightD15% of the parents of overweight kids ignored weight解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的They found that 60% of the parents of overweight teens had talked to them about the need to lose weight,but only 15% of those parents had done so without mentioning weight可知大多数肥胖儿童的父母在谈到减肥的问题时都提到了“肥胖”。 答案:C3What should parents do when they are trying to help their overweight children lose weight?ALet them know the disadvantages of obesity.BSet a goal and tell them they must achieve it.CMake them realize that losing weight is just a small issue.DHelp them lose weight through doing something they like.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段的Making it about something fun takes away the possible negativity可知,父母在帮助小孩减肥时,应该让他们参与一些他们感兴趣的活动。 答案:D4What does the author suggest parents do in the last paragraph?ABe a role model for their kids.BKeep an eye on what their kids eat.CHave a walk with their kids every day.DThink carefully when it comes to healthy eating.解析:细节理解题。根据末段的think how important it is that we model healthy behaviors.Kids are always watching可知,作者建议父母要以身作则,给孩子树立好榜样。答案:A

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