高中英语 模块综合测评(二)北师大版选修7

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模块综合测评(二).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分;满分30分)ATwo days ago I was woken up at I am. My roommate stood at the door (she was returning from a club) along with a huge middleaged man with long hair. “Please let him in,” she told me, “He has been locked out of his apartment.” She had seen him, cold and shivering (it had snowed the previous night)and immediately asked him to sleep at our place. He was a law student in his fifties who had been doing his homework at the Laundromat (自助洗衣店) when he found he had left his keys in his house.I have never had a strange man sleep in my house before.My roommate and I are both less than 5 feet and we have been asked not to speak to strangers since we were kids. Not to mention that were in a new city that we have lived in for less than a month. He accepted our kindness with hesitation and as soon as dawn broke he left.The next day he came to our house, saying he owed us big time for not being frozen out in the cold. He left us a beautiful card saying“Thank you so much. Your actions are so sincere.”Later he cooked us a wonderful simple “thank you” dinner over which he told us about his life (a coach, a guide, a law student)He told us how he was completely touched by our concern for a total stranger. I learnt a lot that evening. As he talked about how once he brought a homeless man in to eat Christmas dinner with his family, I was deeply touched.My roommate taught me a huge lesson: Let go of your fear; always leave the door of compassion (同情) open and you can never go wrong.【语篇解读】本文讲述了室友非常热心地领着一个陌生人住在我们宿舍,陌生人第二天表示了感谢。这让我懂得:放下恐惧,把心打开,你就不会迷失。1From the first paragraph we can infer that _Athe writer came back from a club earlierBthe writers roommate was kindheartedCthe writers roommate often came back lateDthe man wanted to find a job at the Laundromat【解析】细节理解题。由第一段“Please let him in,”she told me,“He has been locked out of his apartment.”She had seen him,cold and shivering(it had snowed the previous night)and immediately asked him to sleep at our place.”可知作者的室友非常热心,故选B项。【答案】B2When the writer knew the man would stay in their house for the night, at first _Ashe felt nervousBshe was angryCshe felt excitedDshe was disappointed【解析】细节理解题。由第二段“I have never had a strange man sleep in my house before.My roommate and I are both less than 5 feet and we have been asked not to speak to strangers since we were kids.Not to mention that were in a new city that we have lived in for less than a month.”可知,作者看到室友领回来一个陌生人很紧张,故选A项。【答案】A3The next day the man went back to the writers house to _Atell them he was OKBgive them nice cardsCshow his thanks to themDshow he was really lucky【解析】细节理解题。由第三段内容得知第二天那个被帮助的人前来致谢,感谢因为她们的收留而没有被冻坏,还留下一张感谢卡片,故选C项。【答案】C4What can we learn from the passage?AThe writers roommate worked in a club.BThe man had helped others before.CThe man was a complete failure in his life.DThe two women have lived in this city since they were young.【解析】推理判断题。由第四段末句“As he talked about how once he brought a homeless man in to eat Christmas dinner with his family, I was deeply touched.”推断出他曾经带过一个无家可归的陌生人到自己家里度过圣诞节,故选B项。【答案】BBAnybody whos noticed so many sweaty Sundaymorning photos on the Internet must think that marathons have recently regained popularity. According to Running USA, an organization that tracks the sports growth, 52 percent of runners today track themselves with some sort of GPSenabled device, like a smartphone or a fitness tracker. This statistic has likely played a role in runnings growing appealthe easily available tracking information has attracted people to the sport,and kept them going, for its possible for anyone to see in real time how its affecting their bodies.Today, free smartphone apps can give runners information on things like the number and length of their steps, their heart rate, even the estimated volume of oxygen they consume per minute. All this information can act as a reward and a motivator for the runner. “Its one thing to hear encouragement from a coach.” Bryan Boyle, editor of Runners World magazine, explains. “Its quite another, however, to appreciateat a glanceprogress made during weeks and months of running.”But runtracking technology doesnt just help runners train harder. It also gives them the power to train more intelligently. Recreational runners today no longer have to guess how far or how fast theyve run, or what their body is doing. If they can monitor their heart rate, they can make sure theyre hitting the most strategic pace on each run, which can signiticantly increase their chances of having a positive experience on the course during race day.No matter how much technology can promote the experience of running, though, many runners argue that the biggest benefit of the sport remains the chance to get outdoors,away from the computer, for an hour. “Theres so much more to experience,” adds Boyle. “fresh air, travel, shoot, just overall feeling better. Theres no app for that.”【语篇解读】文章主要讲解了现在跑步者运用跑步追踪技术来告诉他们步数和长度信息、他们的心率,甚至估计每分钟的氧消耗,这些都给了跑步者鼓励和刺激。5We can infer from the first paragraph that _Apeople enjoy posting sports pictures on the InternetBRunning USA plays a key role in the growth of runningCtracking technology is drawing more people on the roadDruntracking devices help people run faster than before【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“This statistic has likely played a role in runnings growing appealthe easily available tracking information has attracted people to the sport,and kept them going”可知追踪信息正吸引越来越多的人,故选C。【答案】C6Which of the following questions are the second and third paragraphs intended to answer?AWhat information can runtracking devices provide for the runners?BHow is the runtracking technology popularizing running?CIn what way is runtracking technology developed?DWhy do people have to rely on wearable devices in modern society?【解析】推理判断题。总结文章二、三段内容可知这两段主要讲了runtracking是怎样推广跑步的,故选B。【答案】B7As for the experienced runners, what attracts them most is _Athe exciting experience technology brings themBa chance to enjoy nature outdoorsCbecoming popular on social mediaDbeing cool with a new wearable device on the road【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段“many runners argue that the biggest benefit of the sport remains the chance to get outdoors,away from the computer,for an hour.”可知许多跑步者觉得最大的好处是可以去户外运动,故选B。【答案】BCAs we enter into this new age of cities in which more than half the worlds population will live in an urban area, we must also take a hard look at how we will care for the significant increase in our elderly population. While many will be living longer, they will be doing so with agerelated health issues and disease. Of special concern, the number of people living with dementia (痴呆) worldwide is set to treble by 2050.Alzheimers Disease International reports that 44 million people live with the disease now but that figure will increase to 135 million by 2050. With this added pressure to health systems, technology is the critical factor to success.In Oslo, Norway, a retired engineer, Mr. Helge Farsund cares for his wife, Kari. Kari, who had been an intensivecare nurse who served with the Red Cross in Rwanda, was diagnosed with Alzheimers three years ago. Looking to live as normal a life as possible as Karis condition progressed, they are participating in a pilot project studying how a smart home powered by sensors enables people with Alzheimers Disease to stay in their home.The system is created by Abilia. At the center of the system is an iPadlike device. The screen has Skype, which allows carets to regularly check in with patients.Some 1,000 people now have the system installed in their homes, and 25 of them, including the Farsunds, are testing the latest version, which combines the screen with wirelessly connected sensors around the house to detect motion. If a door is opened or left open, or if the stove is left on, the system alerts patients and caretakers of danger. The planner also provides spoken reminders about daily tasks, such as when they need to take medicine and events like birthdays as well as enabling caretakers and family members to check in remotely via Skype.“With this kind of system, it allows people to take care of themselves, which is the most important thing,” says vice president Oystein Johnsen. For him, any move to improve city life needs to begin with people. “Smart cities are coming and they need to start with individuals in their own home,” he says.“It also saves the government money. In Norway it cost one million Norwegian krone (100,000) per year to have someone in a home, while this system costs 15,000. That is a lot of money to save.”【语篇解读】本文谈论的是未来影响健康的关键因素。8. Which section of BBC news is most likely to include this passage?AHealth.BEntertainment.CTechnology.DBusiness.【解析】推理判断题。第一段最后一句话“With this added pressure to health systems,technology is the critical factor to success.”表明了写作目的,据此判断文章主要谈的是科技对健康的影响。故答案选C。【答案】C9The case of Helge and Kari Farsund in the second paragraph serves to _Aexpose a social problemBintroduce the main topicCshow sympathy to the elderlyDarouse medical workers interest【解析】细节理解题。第二段通过Helge and Kari Farsund的例子导入了文章的主题一款新产品。故答案选B。【答案】B10Which of the following functions can all be performed by the system?To warn people of possible dangers.To help check in with patients.To offer people some medicine.To cure people of Alzheimers.To remind people of daily tasks.To play movies like an iPad.ABCD【解析】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“If a door is opened or left open,or if the stove is left on,the system alerts patients and caretakers of danger.The planner also provides spoken reminders about daily tasks.enabling caretakers and family members to check in remotely via Skype.”可判断答案选A。【答案】A11According to the last paragraph, Oystein Johnsen will approve that _Asmart cities should be humanbasedBthe system should reduce its costCmass production is still impossibleDindividuals are responsible for future【解析】细节理解题。根据段中句子“For him,any move to improve city life needs to begin with people.”可知答案。【答案】ADThere is little doubt that humans used herbs (药草) for healing well before anything could be written about them.Many authorities recognize Hippocrates as the “father of medicine” for the European tradition.The treatment of the Hippocratic physician reflected his fundamental approach. It was the treatment of an individual, not a disease, and the treatment of the whole body, not any part of it. Treatment was based on the fundamental idea that nature had a strong healing force of its own, and that the main role of the physician was to assist nature in this healing process, rather than to direct it.The main ally of the physician in assisting nature in this process was diet. Only if diet failed were drugs used, and surgery was a last resort.The great philosopher Aristotle was the son of a medical man and a medical man himself, but his main influence on the development of European medicine was through his student,Theophrastus, called the“father of botany (植物学)”. He was the first known author in Europe of a classification system for plants with accompanying comments about their medicinal value.He described about 450 different medicinal plants. However, this text has not come down through history, and is only noted in later commentaries.The first document of herbal medicine that is regarded as a medical classic in the European tradition was De Materia Medica by Dioscorides. Dioscorides was a surgeon accompanying the army. He travelled far, collected much information, and gained considerable medical experience. Dioscorides had recorded herb knowledge for 600 plants. The books pictures were considered the only authoritative ones for European medicinal plants for over 1,000 years. The work was translated into English in 1655, and continued to be the primary reference on European herbs.Greek medicine continued to improve for several decades after Dioscorides, but it eventually began to stagnate【语篇解读】草药的使用在欧洲也有很长的历史。本文介绍了希腊医学史上的一些重要人物及著作。12The treatment of the Hippocratic physician _Ausually didnt function wellBwas based on the healing power of natureCtended to replace diet with drugsDrelied heavily on surgery【解析】细节理解题。从第二段的“Treatment was based on the fundamental idea that nature had a strong healing force of its own,and that the main role of the physician was to assist nature in this healing process.”可知B项正确。【答案】B13What can we learn about Theophrastus from the passage?AHe was a student of Hippocrates.BHe is known as the “father of medicine”CHe used a system to classify plants.DHe wrote a text that was proved wrong by later generations.【解析】细节理解题。从第三段的“He was the first known author in Europe of a classification system for plants.”可知C项正确。【答案】C14According to the passage, De Materia Medica by Dioscorides _Ahas not come down through historyBrecorded about 450 different medicinal plantsCwas originally written in EnglishDpromoted the development of European medicine【解析】推理判断题。从第四段的“The first document of herbal medicine that is regarded as a medical classic in the European tradition was De Materia Medica by Dioscorides.”可知D项正确。【答案】D15The underlined word “stagnate”in the last paragraph probably means“_”Astop developingBkeep growingCenjoy fameDreduce expenses【解析】词义猜测题。从转折连词but和eventually可知事情向前一分句所描述的相反的方向发展了,前一分句说古希腊的医学持续发展,此处应该是表示“终止、停滞”之类的词语。【答案】A.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)The benefits of keeping a journal (日志)If you want to grow, one important thing you should do is keeping a journal. It may seem simple, but it can make a big difference in your life. I have been keeping journals for years.Writing all the lessons I learn and all the ideas I get has become a habit for me._16_ Here are some benefits you will get by keeping a journal.It prevents you from losing an idea. Have you ever gotten an idea only to lose it later because you didnt write it down?_17_ But then I developed the habit of writing down every idea that came into my mind as soon as possible. If Im away from my computer, I usually write it down on a piece of paper that I bring wherever I go. I will then transfer the idea to the journal in my computer.It helps you review all the lessons youve learned. By reviewing your journal, you can quickly see the lessons youve learned and the ideas youve gotten._18_ You can use the ideas to propel (鞭策) yourself forward._19_ After keeping a journal for years, you can look back at it and see how far youve gone. Things that were big problems in the past might seem small today. The raw ideas you had in the past might have been realized today.It helps you expand your ideas. When you try to come up with a sentence to express an idea, you are thinking actively about it._20_ In the end, you will expand your ideas.AI often experienced that myself.BIt trains you to express your thoughts.CIt allows you to see your progress over time.DJust use whatever tool you feel comfortable with.EThinking actively helps you connect your idea to another idea.FAnd to be honest, I cant imagine what my life would be like without it.GThen you can do whatever necessary to avoid repeating the same mistakes.【答案】1620FAGCE.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)I always walk to my husbands office after work, wait for him and then we drive home together every day.One day, while I was waiting for him, a beautiful Cadillac (凯迪拉克轿车)_21_ near me. I was busy _22_ the car when I noticed the driver._23_, she was probably the most _24_ woman I had ever seen outside of a movie screen.Her eyes were as blue as the sea, and she had teeth like pearls. Minutes later, a man walked over and they drove off.Sitting there, dressed in jeans and a Tshirt, I wanted to _25_“Why is it so _26_ that some people have it all?” I thought.The next week I saw her again, and after that it almost became my _27_ to see her. I would _28_ if she and her husband ate out a lot and where they went. I wanted her to get out of the car so that I could see her in _29_ length.A few weeks later, this question was _30_ for me. I was waiting at my usual spot and the ladys husband came over to their car. He opened the door. The pretty woman _31_ walked around to the passenger sideleaning on a walking cane. She _32_ one leg with her hands and then the other.She had an artificial limb (假肢) on her left leg and a brace on her right one.As they drove away, I began to cry. When my husband arrived, I told him about what had _33_. He said that he knew her husband and that, when the lady was twelve years old,she had been _34_ in a car that got stuck on the railroad tracks. Unfortunately, both her parents were killed. The rail company made a large _35_ with her because the crossing had no _36_. Thats _37_ she owns such a nice car now.For weeks I have _38_ this woman and her way of life,but now I realize how _39_ I am. When you meet a person who seems to be much better off than you, dont be fooled by _40_【语篇解读】本文讲述了“我”在办公室外等丈夫一起开车回家时,遇见一位开着豪车的美丽妇女,“我”对这位妇女拥有的财富、美貌、伴侣感到不公平。后来发现原来妇女身有残疾,“我”才意识到“我”拥有健康的身体是多幸运。21A.drove in Bpulled upCsped byDturned away【解析】pull up停下来。故选B。【答案】B22A.cleaningBtakingCexpectingDadmiring【解析】根据前文可知,我很羡慕这位妇女拥有的财富、美貌、伴侣,admire羡慕。故选D。【答案】D23A.HonestlyBSincerelyCSurprisinglyDObviously【解析】说实话我很羡慕她当我看到她开的这辆豪车时。故选A。【答案】A24A.peacefulBtypicalCbeautifulDpatient【解析】她是我见过的最漂亮的女人。故选C。【答案】C25A.cryBargueCescapeDask【解析】根据句意,我想要哭泣,为什么世界这么不公平。故选A。【答案】A26A.unbearableBunusualCunfairDunbelievable【解析】根据前文可知,“我”因为看到那个妇女从而觉得世界不公平。故选C。【答案】C27A.chanceBwonderCregretDroutine【解析】根据句意可知这之后每天见她变成了我的日常。故选D。【答案】D28A.imagineBwonderCguessDdoubt【解析】我想要知道是否她跟她的丈夫经常在外面吃饭。故选B。【答案】B29A.greatBequalCfullDstandard【解析】我想要她走出车这样我可以看见她的全身。故选C。【答案】C30A.raisedBansweredCpresentedDchecked【解析】过了一会儿我的问题得到了回答。故选B。【答案】B31A.slowlyBfirmlyCquicklyDhurriedly【解析】那个漂亮的女人拄着拐杖慢慢走下来。故选A。【答案】A32A.bentBspreadCcrossedDlifted【解析】她用手举起了她的一条腿。故选D。【答案】D33A.changedBhappenedCpassedDhidden【解析】我告诉了他发生了什么。故选B。【答案】B34A.discoveredBprotectedCleftDtrapped【解析】她被困在了一辆车里。trap诱惑,设陷。故选D。【答案】D35A.settlementBexchangeCpromiseDarrangement【解析】那家高速公司给她了很大的赔偿,也就是做了很大的处理。settlement处理。故选A。【答案】A36A.stopsBnoticesCsignalsDlights【解析】根据句意,因为转弯角没有信号灯。故选C。【答案】C37A.whyBwhenCbecauseDwhere【解析】这就是为什么她现在拥有这么漂亮的车了。故选A。【答案】A38A.respectedBobservedCacceptedDenvied【解析】根据句意,我嫉妒了那个女人好几个星期。故选D。【答案】D39A.boringBmatureCluckyDconfident【解析】根据句意可知,我认识到自己是多么的幸运。故选C。【答案】C40A.collectionsBappearancesCbackgroundsDdescriptions【解析】根据句意,如果你看到一个长的比你好看的人,不要被外貌所愚弄。故选B。【答案】B.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 【导学号:73450041】In my last semester of college, my favorite professor made an 41._ (announce)that he would be teaching a studyabroad course over the winter break in Cambodia. The more he talked about the opportunity, the more 42._ (interest)I became. I left class thinking I might 43._ (actual)do it.My immediate excitement gave in to excuses 44._ the weeks passed. The trip would be expensive, I would have less time to spend with my family over the break and so on. In short, I was 45._ (terrify)of taking the risk.On the day I made my 46._ (decide), I suddenly felt as if I had seen myself clearly. Why was I so scared to take this chance? How could I let fear get 47._ the way of a onceinalifetime opportunity

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