高中英语 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains知识对点检测 牛津译林版

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高中英语 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains知识对点检测 牛津译林版_第1页
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高中英语 模块一 Unit 2 Growing pains知识对点检测 牛津译林版_第3页
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Unit 2 Growing pains一、用所给单词的正确形式填空或根据提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.To tell you the truth, everyone, including me, wont _your _ and _. (tolerance selfish, rude)【答案与句意】tolerate, selfishness, rudeness。句意:说实话,每个人也包括我不会容忍你的自私和粗鲁。2. In the past, many people died of _(starve). 【答案与句意】starvation。句意:在过去,有许多人死于饥饿。3.I couldnt believe these people were _(behavior)in this way【答案与句意】behaving。句意:我难以相信这些人竟然会有这样的举动。5.My _(argue)is founded on fact.【答案与句意】argument。句意:我的论据是建立在事实基础上的。6.Only when one loses _(free) does he _know its value. 【答案与句意】freedom。句意:只有一个人失去自由时,他才能知道它的价值。7.How _ he is! He is really a _, I mean.(foolishly)【答案与句意】foolish, fool。句意:他是多么的愚蠢。我的意思是说,他这是个傻子。8.He is a _ teacher, and he explains every problem to his students with great _. (patiently)【答案与句意】patient, patience。句意:他是个耐心的老师,对学生所提的每个问题都耐心地给予解释。9.Judging from his _ look, I can say Mr. Li is _ at our arrival at this time. (annoy)【答案与句意】annoyed, annoyed。从他生气的样子看,我可以说李先生对我们这个时候来很恼火。10. _ yourself and otherwise you will be able to face such a _ position. (challenge)【答案与句意】Challenge, challenging。句意:挑战自我。否则,你就不能面对这样具有挑战性的岗位。11.The _ news made all the people at the party _ . (frighten)【答案与句意】frightening; frightened。句意:令人害怕的消息使得聚会上所有的人害怕了。12.Her _ (解释)to the question made all of us confused.【答案与句意】explanation。句意:他对问题的解释让我所有人迷惑不解。13.Under the _ (指导)of the teacher, he worked out the difficult maths problem. 【答案与句意】guidance。句意:在老师的指导下,他把那道数学难题解出来了。14.Do keep calm when facing something _ (危急).【答案与句意】emergent。句意:面临危急情况,务必保持镇定。15.She felt herself _(被误解) by her friends.【答案与句意】misunderstood。句意:他感觉自己被朋友误会了。16.My home is two miles d_ from here.【答案与句意】distant。句意:我家离这儿两英里远。17.He is not such a fool as he looks like. Instead, hes a man of great w_.【答案与句意】wisdom。句意:他并不是像看起来的那种笨蛋。相反,实际上他却很睿智。18.The parents were unsettled for the first few days, w about their sons safety.【答案与句意】worried。句意:父母前几天很不安,为儿子的安全担心。19.I b over and kissed her cheek【答案与句意】bent。句意:我俯身亲吻了她的面颊。20.Our teachers are really h_. They often work in their office far into the night.【答案与句意】hardworking。句意:我们的老师真是很勤劳。他们经常在办公室工作到深夜。二、句型转换(每空一词)1.The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of students.The teacher entered the classroom, _ a group of students_ him【答案】withfollowing 2.Now that all the things she needed had been bought, she left the shop happily. all the things she needed , she left the shop happily. 【答案】With, bought3.Youve got two film tickets, so you may as well invite Mary to go with you tonight. youve got two film tickets, you may as well invite Mary to go with you tonight.【答案】Now that4.He seems to have heard of the story. It seems_ _ he has heard of the story.【答案】as if 5.You should have paid a visit to your teacher. You _ _ _ _ _ a visit to your teacher.【答案】are supposed to have paid6.Your suggestion on the reform deserves to be considered.Your suggestion on the reform is _ _.Your suggestion on the reform _ _【答案】worth considering/deserves considering(consideration)7.I will be in charge of the company next week. The manager will retire(退休) next week.I will be in charge of the company the manager will retire.【答案】next week when8.She told me the reason. For this reason she wouldnt hate him anymore.She told me she wouldnt hate him anymore. 【答案】the reason why9.Please put a mark at the places. You have made mistakes at the places.Please put a mark you have made mistakes.【答案】at the places where10.I cant understand the way. You have solved the problem in the way.I cant understand ( / )you have solved the problem.【答案】the way (that/in which)三、词组选择填空题 从下面方框中的选择恰当的词组填在相应的句子空格处,使句子的意义完成正确(每个词组仅可用一次)。注意动词词组的形式变化。in this regard, at present tradefor along with be thought ofasbe gone be hard on make decisions givea chance have difficulty in1.Along with Mother sent me some money _ her letter. 【答案与句意】along with。母亲随信给我寄来了一些钱。2.My deskmate wanted _ his pen _ this book of mine.【答案与句意】to tradefor。我的同桌想用他的钢笔换我的这本书。3. _, I promise not to disappoint you!【答案与句意】In this regard。在这点上,我保证不会让你们失望。4.The days _ when Chinese people were looked down upon. 【答案与句意】are gone。中国人民被欺负的日子已经一去不复返了5.Take it easy! Dont _ so _ yourself. Havent you beard “Failure is the mother of success”? 【答案与句意】behard on。句意:别着急!不要对自己那么苛刻。难道你没有听说过“失败是成功之母吗”?6.I _ in learning English, but I dont know whom to turn to _.【答案与句意】have difficulty。句意:我学英语时遇到了一些困难,但是我不知道我该求助于谁。7._ we have no evidence_ of life on other planets. 【答案与句意】At present。句意:目前,我们还没有证据表明其它星球有生命。8.I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to _ of my own.【答案与句意】make decisions。句意:我现在到了人生中的关键时刻,我得自己拿主意了。9.As far as I am concerned, English can _ a useful tool rather than just a language.【答案与句意】be thought of as。句意:英语可以看成是一种有用的工具,而不仪仪是一门语言。10.Reading can _ students _ to explore their interests. 【答案与句意】givea chance。句意:阅读可以给学生一个探究他们兴趣的机会。四、单选选择题1.Why cant you and Bill go to the movies tonight? We are _ a history test tomorrow. A. supposed to haveB. supposed to havingC. thought to haveD. allowed to have【答案】A【解析】句意:“你和比尔今晚为什么不能去看电影? ”“我们明天应该有历史考试。”be supposed to do sth. 理应做某事,符合语境。2.As the housing price goes up rapidly, many young couples dont know what to _ it.A. do withB. deal withC. get rid ofD. handle with【答案】A【解析】what to do with sth=how to deal with sth如何处理某事;get rid of消除,清除;handle(处理)是及物动词,不接介词with。句意:随着房价的迅速升高,很多年轻的夫妻都不知道该怎么做。因为原句里有what,故A正确。3.I broke my relationship with John because he always found _ with whatever I did.A. error B. mistake C. fault D. failure【答案】C【解析】find fault with 挑剔,找的岔子。句意:我和约翰的关系破裂了,因为无论我做什么他总是从中找岔。4.The parents couldnt tolerate _ the messy _ in the room.A. seeing, scene B. to see, sign C. seeing, view D. to see, scenery【答案】A【解析】tolerate“容许、忍受、容忍”,它是一个及物动词,可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。但一般不能接动词不定式。scene指展现在眼前的情景。句意:看到房间里乱糟糟的场面父母亲忍受不了了。5.She refused to offer any help, which quite _ all the people present.A. defended B. settled C. upset D. recovered【答案】C【解析】动词辨析。defend保卫,辩护;settle解决;upset使难受;recover恢复。句意:她拒绝提供任何帮助,这让在场所有的人都很难受。6.Dont _ him any more. Its obvious that he deliberately(故意)destroyed the fence of the garden even without apology.A. guard B. protect C. defend D. prevent【答案】C【解析】defend为辩护。句意:不要再为他辩护了。很明显,他故意破坏花园的围墙甚至也不肯道歉。7.We all agree that the young boys brave act _ the highest praise. A. approves B. deservesC. donates D. serves【答案】B【解析】句意:我们都认为这个年轻男孩的英勇行为该受到高度赞扬。approve批准,通过;赞成,同意;deserve应得,应受;donate 捐赠;serve服务。8.Chinese football fans often _ late to watch live matches of the World Cup. A. stay upB. get upC. put upD. mix up【答案】A【解析】句意:中国的足球球迷经常熬夜到很晚看世界杯比赛的直播。stay up熬夜,不睡觉;get up起床, 站起来;put up建立,竖起,张贴;mix up混合,分不清。9.People may have different opinion about Karen, but I admire her. _, she is a great musician. A .In all B. Not at all C. In other words D. After all 【答案】D 【解析】in all总共;not at all别客气,没什么,不谢;in other words换句话说;after all毕竟。句意:人们对Karen可能会有不同的观点,但是我钦佩她。毕竟她是一位伟大的音乐家。10.The airline staff _ my luggage up with yours.A. joined B. put C. comparedD. mixed【答案与解析】D。mix up with把和搞混了。句意:航班服务员把我的行李和你的混淆了。11.All the citizens here strongly insist those who _ “harmful” advertisements in the streets _ punished strictly.A. putting up; will be B. to put up; should be C: being put up; shall be D. put up; be 【答案】D 【解析】句意:这儿的所有市民都强烈要求那些在街上张贴“有害”广告的人应受到严厉惩罚。当insist(坚决要求)后接that 从句时,从句的谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形”形式,其中should 可以省略。由此排除AC,句中who_ “harmful” advertisements in the streets 是是修饰those的定语从句,所以第一空填谓语动词,选D。12.We are often warned that smoking _ great harm to our health.A. does B. leaves C. makes D. gives【答案】A【解析】do harm to对有伤害/有害。句意:我们经常被警告抽烟有害于健康。13.What did the librarian _ out of the library?A. permit to takeB. forbid to be takenC. allow to takeD. insist being taken【答案】B【解析】forbid sb. to do sth.禁止某人做某事;forbid sth. to be done禁止某人做某事。此句中forbid 的宾语为what。句意:图书馆员禁止将什么带出图书馆?14.With his wife talking endlessly about his this and that, it is quite _ for him to lose his temper.A. common B. normal C. ordinary D. usual【答案】B【解析】句意:因为他的妻子经常无休止地谈论这事那事,所以他发脾气是很正常的事。normal形容人或物“符合常态或常规”。15.What the doctor said was so _ that we were all very _. A. confusing; confusingB. confused; confusedC. confusing; confusedD. confused; confusing【答案】C【解析】句意:医生说的话太令人不解了, 我们都很困惑。confusing令人不解的,指事情所具有的特征; confused不解的,困惑的,指人的心理感受。由语境可知C项正确。16.There is a limit _ peoples life, but no limit _ the knowledge.A. on; to learn B. to; to learnC. on; learning D. to; to learning【答案】D【解析】句意:人生有涯,学无涯。a limit to sth/doing sth. to为介词,后跟名词或动名词作宾语。选D17.It is not easy for a woman to _ her career and family.A. balance B. separate C. match D. divide【答案】A【解析】本题考查动词。句意:对妇女来说平衡事业和家庭是不容易的。balance 平衡;separate 分开;match 相配;divide分开。18. According to the police, the man called “Tuhao”_ to be a professional cheat in business.A. turned up B. turned downC. turned off D. turned out【答案】D【解析】句意:根据警方的说法,那个被称作“土豪”的人结果证明是商业中的专业骗子。turn up开大,出现;turn down关小,拒绝;turn off关掉;turn out结果是,生产。根据句意选D。19.We invited her to dinner but she didnt bother to _.A. turn onB. turn awayC. turn upD. turn out【答案】C【解析】句意:我们请她吃饭她都不露面。turn up“来到,露面”,符合句意。turn on打开;turn away不许某人进入;turn out结果是,证明是。20.All present were shocked by what the little girl _ when she was cheated and sold to the mountain village. A. went over B. went through C. got along with D. got away【答案】B【解析】go over复习,仔细检查;go through经历,通过,完成,检查;get along with和相处;get away逃离。句意:所有在场的人都被小女孩被欺骗并卖入山村的经历震惊了。21.Timmy, it is raining hard. Shall we stop here? _, we must finish this work today. A. However B. ThereforeC. Anyhow D. Besides【答案】C【解析】句意:“蒂米,下大雨了。咱们就到这儿吧? ”“无论如何我们今天都要完成这项工作。”however然而;therefore因此;anyhow无论如何,不管怎样;besides除此之外。22.Youd better have your room _. Its _.A. clean; in mess B. clean; in a messC. cleaned; in mess D. cleaned; a mess【答案】D【解析】句意:你最好把房间打扫一下,你的房间太乱了。have sb do sth让某人做某事,相当于make/let sb do sth;have sth done让某事被(他人)做,例如,have my hair cut理发,排除A、B;mess指脏或乱的状态,是可数名词,但通常用作单数,例如,The kitchen is a mess.厨房里太脏了。C项应该改为in a mess,故选D。23.I havent been home to see my parents for two weeks; I _ them.A. cant wait see B. cant wait to see C. can wait for D. couldnt wait for【答案】B【解析】cant wait to do sth “迫不及待地去做某事”。句意:已经有两周没有见到父母了,我迫不及待的想见到他们。 24.I am going to Shanghai on a free trip this weekend._A. Have fun!B. It is none of my business.C. You must have been cheated.D. So what?【答案】A【解析】句意:“这周末我将免费去上海旅游。”“祝你玩得高兴!”Have fun“玩得高兴”,符合句意。25.The woman asked for a weeks leave and stayed at home to _ her very sick child. A. tend B. educate C. guide D. respect【答案】A 【解析】tend照顾;educate教育;guide指导;respect 尊敬,尊重。句意:那个妇女请了一个星期的假待在家里照顾生病的孩子。故A正确。26.I11 never forget the days _ I would sit in front of the house, listening to him telling stories.A. on which B. at whichC. that D. in which【答案】D【解析】句意:我永远也忘不了我坐在房子前面听他讲故事的那些日子。将先行词the days带入定语从句中为I would sit in front of the house, listening to him telling stories in those days. 故选D。27.Nobody believed that the reason _ I was late was _ my bicycle broke down on the way to school.A. why; becauseB. why; thatC. that; thatD. that; because【答案】B【解析】I was late为定语从句,修饰先行词the reason,根据从句的内容和补全部分在定语从句中所作的成分,选择关系副词why来引导;“原因是”,在英语中习惯用The reason is that,故选B。句意:没有人相信我迟到的原因是因为在上学的路上我的自行车坏了。28.When you read the book, you d better make a mark _ you have any questions.A. at which B. at whereC. the place D. where【答案】D【解析】句意:看这本书的时候,你最好在有疑问的地方做上标记。从句“you have any questions”不是限定mark的,因此不是定语从句,排除A;C项缺少介词at,且需要加上关系副词where,排除C;介词不与where连用,排除B,where引导地点状语从句,故选D。29.Spielberg, _ mother was a musical teacher, was born in 1964 in a small town in America. A. whose B. who C. that D. whom 【答案】A 【解析】句意:斯皮尔伯格,他的母亲是位音乐老师,1964年出生在美国的一个小镇。_ mother was a musical teacher是Spielberg的定语从句,他的母亲是音乐老师,故选A项。30.In our class there are 50 students, _ half wear glasses. A. in whom B. in them C. of whom D. of them 【答案】C【解析】先行词是50 students,half of表示其中的一半,of表从属,跟在介词of后面应该用宾格,而且先行词是人,可知选C项。of whom half =half of whom =and half of them。句意:我们班有50个学生,其中一半人带眼镜。

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