写作园地描写旅游景点描写旅游景点属于描写性说明文,所以它首先具备说明文的特点,即要按照一定的顺序(时间顺序、空间顺序、逻辑顺序等)和模式(先总后分、由整体到局部、由概述到细节等)来展开描写。其次,要重点突出,详略得当。写作时不能面面俱到,应重点描写旅游景点的特别之处,突出其独特的风景特色、历史典故、地理风貌、风土人情、传说故事、民族习俗或古迹名胜等,这样才能给读者留下深刻的印象。最后,语言要生动,富有感染力,使读者有身临其境之感且能激起其强烈的旅游欲望。一、写作指导此类写作一般分为三部分:第一部分:整体介绍。交代清楚自己要介绍的对象是什么。第二部分:按照一定的顺序具体描写景观,着重展示其最具有代表性的地方,使读者如睹其物,如临其境。第三部分:总结景观魅力,希望读者能亲身体验该景观。另外,在写作过程中我们还要注意:1. 合理安排说明顺序。在介绍方位时,最好按空间顺序来写,这样会使读者一目了然,在脑海中有一个清晰的方位图。2. 时态相对较为统一,多用一般现在时,如涉及到历史事件的描述,则用一般过去时。3. 自然景观与人文景观的有机结合:不同的风景区有不同的特点,要对每个地方的自然风景进行描述,同时结合景观的历史及当地的风土人情、生态、环境保护等知识,以达到自然景观和人文景观的和谐统一。4. 抒发感情,融情于景。景点介绍不同于一般的说明文,在描写景物时可抒发个人情感,也可对景物进行生动细致的描写。二、写作模板.lie(s) in/on/to the east/west/north/south of.Located in.,.covers an area of.is located/lies in/to/on., covering an area of.has become one of the most popular tourist attractions for.be known/famous for/as.It has a population/ an area of., with a history of. The weather here gets neither too cold nor too hot all the year round. If you come to.for a visit, you will have a chance to enjoy., known as., attracts visitors from all over the world.A walk around. is a feast for your eyes.三、实战演练英语课堂上,老师要求介绍一处旅游景点。请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇短文描写济南的趵突泉。1位于趵突泉公园中心;2拥有3000多年的历史;3喷泉喷射时,声音洪亮、景象壮观;4品茶赏景,身心愉悦。注意:1词数120左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。One possible version:Have you ever thought of visiting Baotu Spring in Jinan? You should because it has special attractions.Baotu Spring is located in the centre of Baotu Spring Park and regarded as one of the three major places of interest in Jinan. Its a symbol of the city. The spring has a history of over 3,000 years. Spring water fountains all day, which creates great sounds and sights. Whats more, enjoying the beautiful scenery of the spring with a cup of tea in hand can make us happy and relaxed. If you are lucky enough to visit Baotu Spring, dont forget to drink tea beside the spring. Its really a great thing to do.