高中英语 Unit3 Science and nature reading导学案牛津译林版必修5

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高中英语 Unit3 Science and nature reading导学案牛津译林版必修5_第3页
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Science and nature(Reading)Learning aims:To get a general idea about the textTo master reading strategyTo participate in a discussion to find out different attitudes to cloning.Part 1 : Answer the following questions.1. What is cloning? _ 2. What was the name of the first cloned mammal? _3. Is Pauline Carter for or against human cloning?_Part 2: Match each paragraph with its correct main idea. Para 1 The first cloned mammal was Dolly.Para 2 Ian Wilmut is shocked that some scientists are considering cloning human beings.Para 3 An announcement about the first cloned human embryo caused much debate.Para 4 Chinese scientists continue to research ways in which cloning can benefit mankind.Para 5 A woman wants to have a cloned baby.Para 6 Cloning human embryos is illegal in many countries, but some scientists still want to clone human beings.For human cloningAgainst human cloning1. produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives1. human life becomes like a crop to be harvested or a product for sale2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 5. Part3 :Complete the table belowPart 4 :WritingM5Unit3 Science and nature话题作文:克隆Recently, _(进行了一项调查) about whether we should clone human beings. _.(结果如下)_(一些人赞同) because they think that_.(克隆生产出能拯救人类生命的组织和器官) On the other hand, the new tissues and organs _.(治疗癌症等疾病) In addition, human cloning_.(对无法生育的人来说是好消息)_(然而,其他人反对) According to these people , _.(克隆干涉自然,违背自然) At the same time, _.(带来更多的疾病) They also argue that _(少生孩子,减少地球上的人口数量)On a personal note, _. (克隆不合理,因为这是在挑战道德问题) _(此外,对生命也不尊重)M5 U3 Science and nature (Reading 2)Language points【重点突破】1. Scientists have announced that they have cloned the first human embryo.(P42L1)announce vt. 宣布,宣告,名词为 announcement【辨析】announce 侧重宣告人们所关心或感兴趣的事,尤指新闻之类的消息。declare 侧重正式明确向公众“宣布,宣告,声明,”常用于宣战。Eg. Though theyve announced that they can clone humans, they are always declaring seriously that they wont do that .【选一选】Please remain seated . The winner of the prize will be _ soon .A. said B .announced C. spoken D. voiced 2. On the one hand ,some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo ,you can produce valuable human tissues-such as .(P42L2,L5) on (the) one hand on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 【短语拓展】for one thing for another 首先,其次。【短语拓展】1) point to 指向 2)point at 指着3)Theres no point (in) doing sth.做某事无意义4)make a point 提出观点5)come to the point 说到点子上 ,直接说 6)to the point 切题 ,切中要害 7)off the point 离题 8)on the point of doing sth 正要做某事3. She was born in 1996 and died in early 2003, at a much younger age than normal (P42L11)normal作名词,意为“正常”;还可用作形容词,意为“正常的,常规的,标准的”【辨析】1)normal temperature 常温 2) ordinary people 普通人 3) at the usual time 在往常时间 4)a man of average abilities 一个能力一般的人5) a regular flight 固定航班 6)common sense 常识4.When she was born, many people were worried that cloning would lead to more diseases in the animal world .(P42L12) lead to 意为“导致,通向”to 为介词lead to 带领。到。【译一译】All roads lead to Rome . 条条大路通罗马/殊途同归 .【选一选】The news shocked the public , _ to great concern about students safety at school. A. having led B. led C. leading D. to lead 5. However, in general the scientists were praised for their wonderful scientific advance .(P42L12,L13) in general 一般说来,大体上,通常 ,相当于generally (speaking) praise vt. & n. 表扬,赞扬,表彰 1) in praise of 赞美 2)sing the praise of 赞扬 3)praise sb. for sth 因某事赞扬某人6. Although he researches cloning ,his intention has never been to create copies of humans .(P42L16) intention n. 意图,目的 ,其动词形式为intend,想要,打算 intend to do sth / intend sb to do sth /intend for 【译译看】1)好的行动胜与好的意图。Good action is better than good intention . 2)他打算让儿子经营那家公司。He intended his son to manage the company . 3)那栋房子是为他女儿准备的。The house is intended for his daughter .【短语拓展】1)with the intention of 带着。的意图 2) by intention 故意地 3)without intention 不是故意地,无意中7.Instead , he thinks research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that can be used to cure diseases like cancer .(P42L17)【短语拓展】“专心于”同义词组: put ones heart into ; fix ones mind on ; be occupied in ; be buried in ; be absorbed in ; devote oneself to ; 【译一译】1) Nothing is difficult ,if you put your heart into it .世上无难事,只怕有心人。2) He is buried in his books . 他在埋头看书。8. However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life .(P42L20)respect 在此句中作名词,意为“尊重,尊敬”。也可用作动词,意为“尊重,尊敬”。其形容词为respectful 恭敬的,尊敬的 ;而respectable 则为“可敬的,体面的”意思。【短语拓展】1)show/have respect for 对。表示敬意2) out of respect for 出于对。的敬意3)respect sb/sth for sth 因。尊敬某人 4) respect oneself 自尊【译译看】如果你不尊重自己怎么能指望别人尊重你呢If you dont respect yourself , how can you expect others to respect you1)in some respects 在某些方面 2)with respect to关于9. Im anxious to have a child of my own ,she says . (P42L22) anxious adj 焦急的,焦虑的 ,渴望。的,其名词为“anxiety” 【短语拓展】 1)be anxious about sb/sth 对。焦虑 2)be anxious for sth 渴望,非常希望得到 3)be anxious to do sth 渴望,非常希望做某事 【译一译】她担心即将到来的考试。She is anxious about the coming exam .10. While cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries ,some scientists are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby.(P42L25)while 表示对比,意为“而,然而”;表示让步,意为“虽然,尽管;还可引导时间状语从句,意为“当。的时候” While crossing the street , you can never be too careful .【短语拓展】 1)after a while 过了一会儿(过去)2)all the while 一直3) once in a while 偶尔4) in a short while过了一会(将来)push ahead with 意为“义无反顾地进行,努力推进”11. In China , scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals .(P42L29) focuson 集中。于。focus 还可用作名词,意为“中心点,重点,焦点”【短语拓展】类似短语:concentrate on ; centre on ; fix ones attention on ; pay attention to 【译一译】你应该专心于正在做的事情上。You should be focused on what you are doing .12.China has succeeded in cloning and continues to in which cloning can benefit mankind .(P42L30) succeed in doing sth = be successful in doing sth成功地做了某事 benefit vt. 对。有益 benefit sb = be beneficial to sb =be of benefit to sb benefit vi. (sb) benefit from sth 其它短语:for the benefit of 为了。的利益13.After all,scientists have been challenging moral ideas for centuries.(P43L46)现在完成进行时兼有完成时和进行时的特点,可以表示某一动作对现在的影响或结果,也可表示某一动作的延续性,重复性等。 【译一译】1)他在这所学校教英语20年了。He has been teaching English for 20 years in this school . 2)这种事故最近一直发生。 Such accidents have been happening these days .14.If I had the chance , I would clone her immediately so that I could be with her again .(P50 L50,L51)If 在此句引导虚拟条件句,与现在事实相反,从句用一般过去时,主句用“would/could /might/should +动词原形” 【练一练】如果我是你,我会立刻放弃这份工作。If I were you, I would give up the job at once .1)对过去的虚拟:从句过去完成时,主句would +have done 2)对现在的虚拟:从句一般过去时(be变为were),主句用“would +动词原形”。3)对将来的虚拟:从句用一般过去时或were to/should +动词原形,主句用“would +动词原形”【当堂检测】 I. 短语翻译1. 一方面,另一方面 on the one hand ; on the other hand 2. 指出 point out3. 待售 for sale 4. 摆弄,玩弄 toy with 5. 即将做某事 on ones way to doing sth 6. 死得比正常的(羊)早得多die at a much younger age 7. 一般来说 in general 8. 因。而表扬他们 praise them for 9. (把精力等)集中于做某事 focus on doing sth 10. 怀着的意图 with the intention of11. 对表示敬意 show respect for 12. 完全赞成某人 be in complete agreement with sb13. 渴望/极想做某事 be anxious to do sth 14. 第一个做某事的人the first person to do sth15. 推进 push ahead with 16. 处理,对付 deal with17. 成功地做了某事 succeed in doing sth 18. 对人类有利 benefit mankindII. 单项填空1. We _ on this project for four hours .Lets have a rest .A. are working B. have been working C. worked D. had worked2. -The weather has been very hot and dry . -Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now . And my vegetables _. A. wouldnt die B. didnt die C. hadnt died D. wouldnt have died3. -How is the result , doctor ?- Well, your health is _ good, but you do have a few minor problems. A. normally B. frequently C. generally D. regularly4. Doing eye exercises and morning exercises _ our health and we _ it . A. benefits to; benefit B. benefits ;benefit from C. benefits from; benefit D. benefits; are benefited by5. The headmaster will _ a speech to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon . A. deliver B. claim C. announce D. declare 6. She was so _ on the job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door . A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. concentrated7. The leader spoke _ the man who had given his life for the cause . A. in praise for B. in praise of C. to praise of D. to praise for8. The wife does every bit of the housework the husband just does the dishes now and then . A. since B. when C. while D. as9. Women like to buy these coats;_ they cost little, and _ their colors are popular . A. for one thing; for another B. for one side ; for another C. for one hand ; for the other hand D. on one hand ; else10.My mother always gets a bit _ if we dont arrive when we say we will. A. anxious B. ashamed C. weak D. patient11.The book _ for adults is not suitable for teenagers to read . A. provides B. intended C. providing D. intending12.If you dont know anything about the novel , you shouldnt make _ on it . A. comments B. commend C. command D. no comments14.-Which share is intended _ me ?-You can take _ half .They are exactly the same . A. for; any B. to ;any C. to ; either D. for ; either15.Low-carbon lifestyle is of great _ to improve the world environment . A. strength B. benefit C. technique D. way

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