高中英语 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Period Two课时作业 新人教版必修2

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Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Period Two Period TwoLearning about Language.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to work productively at homeThe opportunity to work from home can be a dreaming:no time spent commuting, no sitting in traffic, and the flexibility to work wherever and maybe even whenever you want._1_ The following tips are proven to help people who work from home maintain their happiness and their productivity.Get up and get dressed.It might seem like fun to work in your pajamas(睡衣), but the reality is that people are more productive and have higher self-esteem when they wear professional clothing._2_ In addition, you will likely feel better and ready to face your day if you rise, shower, and dress in the morning._3_ Students are often advised not to study in bed, because we associate bed with sleep.Therefore, when we are in bed studying, our minds think we should go to sleep.This causes some students to get less done if they study in bed.To be productive while working at home, it is best to have a dedicated office or office space.If it is not a separate room, it could be the corner or area of a bigger room._4_When you are not in your work area, you are doing something else.Create a schedule.When you have flexibility, you can set your own schedule.This is different than having the flexibility to do things whenever you want._5_ You will find you are more productive when you set up a structure for yourself.It may help you to keep track of what you do all day for a couple of weeks.In the end, focusing on work during work time and play during play time will keep you healthy.Sounds easier than it is, but worth all the effort.AHave a separate office space.BIt is putting confidence in yourself.CLearn to really trust yourself instead of others.DWhen you are in your work area, you are working.EWhatever schedule works for you, do your best to stick to it.FDressing for work increases your attention to the tasks at hand.GHowever, some people find it difficult to maintain a high level of productivity.答案1.G空格前面的句子说明在家工作的一些好处,空格处内容应该是说明一些人认为在家工作的一些不利之处。G选项正是这些人的观点。故选G。2F本段标题为Get up and get dressed.(起床并穿好衣服),选项F意为“穿戴整齐去工作会增加你对于手头工作的注意力”,正是说明穿好衣服工作的重要性。故选F。3A本段内容是说明在家工作要有一个分离的空间,这样可以提高工作效率。选项A意为“把办公的地方分离出来”,这是对本段的内容概括。故选A。4D空格处以及空格后面的句子说明,在工作区域工作,你会专注去做你的工作,而不再工作区域工作,你就会做其他事情。两个句子句式一样,内容相反。故选D。5E本段标题为“做一个日程表”,选项E意为“不管制定了什么计划,都要坚持执行”,与标题内容相符。故选E。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Alice:Hey Carl,did you see the News Special on TV yesterday?Carl:I sure _1_(do);do you think that well really run out of oil in twenty years?Alice:Not quite.But _2_(obvious) oil companies are not finding new oil quickly enough.Carl:Yeah.What did they say? Four new barrels(桶) _3_(find) for every ten barrels sold?Alice:Thats right.That could cause _4_ to increase from 30 dollars to 100 dollars _5_ barrel!Carl:That would lead _6_ a global crisis!Especially,oil provides ninety percent of the world s transportation fuel.Alice:Whoa!The world _7_ better find a solution soon.Carl:I agree.Hey,maybe we can invent a new fuel!Alice:A new fuel can be made from wind or sea water.Carl:Sounds good!If so,much material and resources could be saved and the environment will get better and better.Alice:That will be great!We will have a bluer sky and greener hills.Carl:Lets drive to _8_ library and do some research,_9_ we?Alice:OK,but it will be a better idea _10_ we walk there.【语篇解读】本文是一组对话,谈论的是现在我们所面临的“石油危机”问题。1did考查时态。根据前面的Did you see.yesterday?可知,这里谈论的昨天的事,故要用过去时。 2obviously考查副词。修饰后面的整个句子要用副词形式。 3found考查非谓语动词。卖掉十桶原油时只找到四桶新原油?介词for前后为对称结构,four new barrels与动词find之间为动宾关系,再结合后面的ten barrels sold可知,此处要用过去分词形式。4prices根据后面的30 dollars to 100 dollars可知,原油越来越少,当然价格要上涨。这里指不同的价格,故要用复数形式。5per/every/each考查形容词。根据前面的from 30 dollars to 100 dollars可知,这里说的是每桶的价格。 6to考查动词短语。这将会导致全球石油危机。lead to导致。 7had考查固定表达。世人最好很快找到解决的办法。had better最好。8the考查冠词。根据语境可知,这个图书馆是对话双方都知道的图书馆,故要用定冠词。 9shall考查反意疑问句。对lets.的反问要用shall we。 10if考查连词。如果我们走着去那里就最好不过了。根据语境可知,这里应是条件状语从句。.阅读理解At 80 years old,scientist Jane Goodall continues to enjoy the joy of discovery.“Trees can communicate with each other,” she said during her Nov.16, 2014 China visit to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the China establishment of her youth organization Roots & Shoots, which has grown to more than 600 branches in the country among 150,000 active groups globally.Jane Goodall still travels 300 days a year in all around the world and says she absorbs energy from the inspired people she meets in each country.The elderly activist and the youth take inspiration from each other.On Nov.16, 2014, she visited the project of Roots & Shoots which was set up in Beijing.“She thought our project was great,” says 16yearold Beijing Experimental High School student Qi Zhengyang, whose group help protect a wetlands in the suburbs of Beijing.“She said were doing a good job.She paid attention to us.”Jane Goodall plans to continue to set up Roots & Shoots branches as many as possible throughout the world.“Ill go on as long as I can,” she says.“I hope I maintain physical health as long as possible because theres so much to do.” Her aspiration for the organization in China is to expand in rural areas.Most branches are in big cities as Beijing and Shanghai.It was publishing her findings about chimpanzees (My Friends the Wild Chimpanzees) more than half a century ago that made Jane Goodall a household name in the world.She was named United_Nations_Messenger_of_Peace in 2002. Some of the members in Roots & Shoots realize Goodall is 80 and has already considered wholl lead the movement once shes gone.“It can be all of us,” she says.“A group is stronger than one person.We can do more working together.”1Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AJane Goodall is still active in her workBThe brief introduction to Jane GoodallCThe great discoveries of Jane GoodallDThe influence of Jane Goodalls works答案A主旨大意题。本文介绍了80高龄的生物学家Jane Goodall依然积极工作。短文第一句At 80 years old,scientist Jane Goodall continues to enjoy the joy of discovery.以及Jane Goodall still travels 300 days a year in all around the world揭示了文章的主题。故选项A可作文章标题。2Jane Goodall came to China in Nov.2014 mainly for _Atravelling Blanguage learningCforeign affairs Dattending a celebration 答案D细节理解题。根据she said during her Nov.16, 2014 China visit to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the China establishment of her youth organization Roots & Shoots可知,Jane Goodall在2014年11月份来中国是参加一项庆祝活动的。3What did Jane Goodall think of the project of Roots & Shoots in Beijing?AShe was unsatisfied with it. BShe thought highly of it.CShe planned to give it up. DShe took inspiration from it.答案B细节理解题。根据“She thought our project was great,”以及She said were doing a good job.可知,Jane Goodall对北京的Roots & Shoots项目评价很高。4We can know from the passage that _AJane Goodall will soon retire after her visiting to ChinaBonly Jane Goodall can lead the organization Roots & Shoots Cmore Roots & Shoots branches will be set up in rural areasDJane Goodall was famous to the world when she was eighty答案C推理判断题。根据Jane Goodall plans to continue to set up Roots & Shoots branches as many as possible throughout the world.以及Her aspiration for the organization in China is to expand in rural areas可知,Jane Goodall的志向是将Roots & Shoots的分支机构扩大到农村,由此可知,农村将会设立更多的Roots & Shoots的分支机构。.完形填空I believe in my mother.My _1_began when I was just a kid.I dreamed of becoming a doctor.My mother was a domestic(佣人)Through her work, she observed that _2_ people spent a lot more time reading than they did watching television.She_3_that my brother and I could only watch two TV programs during the week.We had to read two books each every week and _4_ our written book reports to her.She would mark them up with check marks.Years later we _5_ her marks were a trick.My mother was illiterate(文盲)When I entered high school I was an A-student.But I wanted the fancy _6_I wanted to hang _7_ with the guys.I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student.One night my mother came home from work and I _8_ about not having an Italian shirt.She said, “Ill give you all the money I _9_ this week, and you can buy the family food and _10_ the bills.With the money left, you can have all you want.” I was very _11_ with that arrangement but once I allocated(分配) money, there was _12_ left.I realized my mother was a financial _13_ to be able to keep a roof over our heads.I also realized that immediate _14_ wasnt going to get me anywhere.I went back to my _15_ and became an A-student again, and eventually I _16_ my dream and I became a _17_My mother is a woman with _18_ education who used her position as a parent to _19_the lives of us.There is no job more _20_ than parenting.This is what I believe.1A.work Beducation Cbelief Dpromise答案C文章第一句说“我信任我的妈妈”,接着就应该说这种“信任”是从“我”是个孩子时开始的。2A.successful Breliable Ceasy-going Dlazy答案A从语境来看,应该是妈妈认为“成功人士”都喜欢读书。3A.supported Bapplied Cbenefited Dannounced 答案D根据妈妈的认识,妈妈“宣布”也让“我们”像成功人士一样每个星期看两个电视节目,并要读两本书。4A.read Bpresent Cteach Dexplain答案Bpresent作动词,意为“呈递”,即妈妈让我们将读书报告给她看。5A.realized Bpretended Crecognized Darranged答案A通过后面一句话My mother was illiterate可知,我们“意识”到妈妈对我们读书报告的批改是个“诡计”,因为妈妈是文盲。6A.gifts Bcookies Cclothes Dpictures答案C由下文.not having an Italian shirt可知,“我”想要的是好衣服。7A.in Bout Coff Dover答案Bhang out为固定短语,意为“闲逛;溜达”。8A.worried Bcared Cthought Dcomplained 答案D根据下面的.not having an Italian shirt可知“我”在抱怨妈妈。9A.make Bborrow Cowe Dfind答案Amake money“赚钱”。10A.spend Bcost Cpay Dtake答案Cpay the bill“付账”,指一家人生活需要支出的费用。 11A.angry Bpleased Cdisappointed Dbored 答案B听到妈妈将这一星期挣的钱都交给“我”支配,开始时“我”非常高兴。12A.anything Bnone Csomething Dnothing答案D根据下面的be able to keep a roof over our heads可知,作者一家生活艰难,作者将所有的钱支付了一家人的生活费用后,就再也没有剩余的钱了。13A.genius Bworker Cexpert Dminister 答案A作者认识到,妈妈真是一位理家的“天才”。其他选项不符合语境。14A.chance Bability Csatisfaction Dexplanation 答案C由这个事件,作者认识到,一时的满足不能起什么作用。15A.home Bstudies Chometown Dcountry答案B作者通过这件事,提高了自己的认识,心思又回到了学习上。后面的and became an Astudent again给出了提示。16A.fulfilled Bforgot Ctried Dbroke答案Afulfill“完成;履行;实现”,可与dream搭配,意为“实现了自己的梦想”。17A.teacher Bbusinessman Cengineer Ddoctor答案D文章第一段I dreamed of becoming a doctor对该空给出了提示。18A.small Blittle Chigh Dmuch答案B上文My mother was illiterate(文盲)提示妈妈受到的教育很少。19A.judge Bdiscover Cchange Dsettle 答案C作者感悟到是妈妈改变了自己的生活。20A.interesting Bimportant Cannoying Danxious 答案B根据上面作者的认识:妈妈改变了我们的生活可知,作者认为妈妈这一角色是非常重要的。

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