高中英语 Unit 4 Cyberspace单元综合测评 北师大版必修2

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Unit 4 Cyberspace.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)A(2016江西鹰潭第一中学高一月考)Learning English well is a great challenge,but with the help from technology(技术) it can be as easy as a piece of cake.As well as the classroom,teachers and textbooks,the Internet,TV and radio programs can play an active role in helping learn English.The Internet is full of rich and uptodate information.English learners might wish to try http:/www.in2english.com.cn.It provides cultural information about Britain.Another useful website for middle school students and teachers is: Besides reading 21st Century School Edition online,students are also invited to put their views on different topics up on the website.Compared with the Internet,TV programs have their own advantages(优点): one does not have to sit at a computer and one can hear and watch the programs much better.One popular Englishlearning program is called “Modern English”This focuses on spoken English in practical situations such as taking photos and shopping.If you watch Beijing Television Channel 8,you might see a program titled “Study Abroad”Cartoons are used to explain how to use the word in daily life.Listening to the radio may not be a new way to learn English but it is easy.China Radio International airs a program called “Studio Classroom” at 6:30 am.every day.This 25minute program is aimed at middle school students and covers subjects from current news to travel and history,all in simple language.【语篇解读】文章通过介绍网站、电台、电视频道等方式来学习英语,以表明学习英语在科学技术的帮助下可以是小菜一碟。1The author wants the readers to know that learning English Ais very difficult for usBis very easy for usCis neither easy nor difficultDcan be much easier with the help of technology【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“Learning English well is a great challenge,but with the help from technology(技术) it can be as easy as a piece of cake.”学好英语是一个巨大的挑战,但是在科学技术的帮助下,也可以是小菜一碟。故选D。【答案】D2One can practise spoken English in everyday situations in AStudio ClassroomB21st Century School EditionCStudy AbroadDModern English【解析】细节理解题。根据题目中的“practise spoken English in everyday situations”每天都有练习口语的情况,可在文中倒数第三段找到相应的语段“This focuses on spoken English in practical situations such as taking photos and shopping.”这是个专注于在实际情况中练习口语的节目比如拍照逛街等。故选D。【答案】D3According to the author,TV programs are better than programs on the Internet because they Acan let you hear and watch the programs much betterBcost you nothingChave more English passagesDhave English courses whenever you need them【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的“one does not have to sit at a computer and one can hear and watch the programs much better.”电视节目的好处,一是不用坐在一台电脑面前,二是能够更好的听和看节目。故选A。【答案】A4Whats the main idea of this passage?AIt introduces some websites of learning English.BIt introduces some TV and radio programs of learning English.CIt gives suggestions on learning English in modern ways.DIt explains different English courses.【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章第一段即可知,作者想通过介绍网站、电台、电视频道等方式来学习英语,以表明学习英语在科学技术的帮助下可以是小菜一碟。故选C。【答案】CBThe Internet doesnt only help students with their everyday school work,but can also help them find useful material to prepare for college.One of the largest and best search engines online can be found at www.google.com.When you get to the home page,type a key word or phrase into the search box,you will receive a list of websites that are connected with your search.A great site to start with is www.educationworld.com.It offers links to websites about science,history,math,and other subjects.In order to interact with some sites,you will need to download Shockwave.Shockwave is a plugin that you can download from a site.There will be a link to download it from,if the site requires it.You will find that some of the sites charge users some money to get their services and information.One such site is www.homeworkhelp.com.They offer some free study aids,but charge a fee for using their lessons and quizzes in middle school and high school subjects.At www.howstuffworks.com,you can learn how things work,It covers car engines to tornadoes,Children may be unable to control themselves when they are chatting online.So parents will need to set a time limit for childrens visits to chat rooms.At www.acrontech.com,they have software that offers parental control (what sites your children view) and an Internet timer.The Internet timer is a great tool.When the users time is up,they will be logged out.This site can give parents a 30dayfree trial(试用) to see if its right for their children and family.【语篇解读】本文主要介绍了几个可以帮助学生搜索资料的网站。5This passage mainly Ainforms us that the Internet sometimes can be very usefulBteaches parents how to help their children use the Internet properlyCexplains why students need to search information on the InternetDintroduces some useful websites to middle school students【解析】主旨大意题。通读全文,可知文章主要介绍了几个可以帮助中学生搜索资料的网站。故选D项。【答案】D6According to Paragraph 2,if you want to find a website about health,what procedure should you follow?Click the website link that you think is right for you.Get to the home page of www.google.com.A list of websites connected with health will show up.Type the key word “health” into the search box.ABCD【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段的描述,可知应先打开google的主页,然后在搜索框里输入关键字,接着会有很多网站的链接跳出来,最后点击相关链接进入页面,故选C项。【答案】C7By saying that children may be unable to control themselves when they are chatting online,the writer means that Achildren may talk about something improper onlineBchildren may talk about something that has nothing to do with their studiesCchildren may spend too much time chatting online with othersDchildren may go out and meet people with whom they have chatted on the Internet【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“So parents will need to set a time limit for childrens visits to chat rooms.”可知是说孩子们在聊天室聊天的时候可能会忘了时间。【答案】C8We can infer that the Internet timer is most popular with AdoctorsBparentsCstudentsDbusinessmen【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段的“The Internet timer is a great tool.When the users time is up,they will be logged out.”可知因特网定时器可以很好地控制小孩上网的时间,从而可以防止小孩长时间地上网聊天而影响学习,故可推断父母们应当最喜欢因特网定时器。【答案】BC The Internet will open up new vistas (前景 ),create the global villageyou can make new friends all around the world.That,at least,is what it promised us.The difficulty is that it did not take the human mind into account.The reality is that we cannot keep relationships with more than a limited number of people.No matter how hard the Internet tries to put you in communication,its best efforts will be defeated human mind.The problem is twofold(双重的)First,there is a limit on the number of people we can hold in mind and have a meaningful relationship with.That number is about 150 and is set by the size of our brain.Second,the quality of your relationships depends on the amount of time you invest(投入)in them.We invest a lot in a small number of people and then distribute whats left among as many others as we can.The problem is that if we invest little time in a person,our engagement with that person will decline (减弱)until eventually it dies into“someone I once knew”This is not,of course,to say that the Internet doesnt serve a socially valuable function.Of course it does.But the question is not that it allows you to increase the size of your social circle to include the rest of the world,but that you can keep your relationships with your existing friends going even though you have to move to the other side of the world.In one sense,thats a good thing.But it also has a disadvantage.If you continue to invest in your old friends even though you can no longer see them,then certainly you arent using your time to make new friends where you now live.And I suspect that probably isnt the best use of your time.Meaningful relationships are about being able to communicate with each other,face to face.The Internet will slow down the rate with which relationships end,but it wont stop that happening eventually.【语篇解读】因特网让我们的距离拉近了,不用面对面就可以随时交流,真可谓是“地球村”。作者赞同吗?其依据又在哪里?9What is stressed in the first paragraph? AThe present situation of the Internet.BThe difficulty in communication on the Internet.CThe socially valuable function of the Internet.D. The role of the human mind in the Internet communication.【解析】 从第一段的“human mind”不难得出答案为D。【答案】D10. The underlined word “engagement” in the second paragraph probably means“ ”Aappointment BconnectionCinterview Dagreement【解析】 根据第二段中的“relationships”可以推知答案为B。【答案】B11Whats the authors attitude towards the use of the Internet to strengthen relationship?AHes uncertain about it.BHes hopeful of it.CHe approves of it.DHe doubts it.【解析】 由第一段综合考虑可以推知作者对此持怀疑态度,故选D。【答案】DD For many adolescents(青少年),“screen time”is almost a fulltime job that could lead to obesity(肥胖),diabetes and other health issues,a Canadian researcher says.Adolescents now spend an average of six hours a day in front of some type of screen,whether its a television or computer screen or one of the many portable devices now popular with young people,studies done by Dr.Ian Michael Janssen show.“They spend more hours daily in front of a screen than they do in a classroom in a given year,” says Janssen, a researcher at Queens University in Kingston,Canada.The result is a rise in obesity rates among adolescents. Unfortunately,fixing the problem isnt as easy as simply cutting down screen time,Janssen cautions. “Decreasing screen time will not automatically (自动地) increase physical activity levels,” says Janssen.“Some active kids also spend a lot of time in front of television and computer screens, and some kids who have low screen times also have low levels of physical activity,” he points out.“As well,screen time is not necessarily bad,” Janssen says.“The tricky part is that children today need to be using computers,” he says.Computers are required for schoolwork, and technological skills are important for future job prospects. The quality of screen time matters too,along with the quantityconsider the negative health messages found in food advertising during childrens shows,he says.Ideally,children should aim for no more than two hours of recreational screen time a day.Janssens real worry about the rise in childhood obesity rates is not that there are now rare cases of type 2 diabetes in kids,where once there were none,but the health problems these children are likely to face in the future as adults,including high blood pressure,high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.【语篇解读】本文叙述了青少年过多的接触屏幕,如看电视,上网等可能导致肥胖,糖尿病和其他健康问题。12Which one doesnt belong to “screen time” according to the passage?AWatching TV.BSurfing the Internet.CSeeing a film on an MP4.DListening to music on an MP3.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段首句的“whether its a television or computer screen or one of the many portable devices”可知答案为D项。【答案】D13In Janssens opinion, kids had better to keep healthy.Alose weightBdecrease screen timeCtake physical activitiesDgo on a diet【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段最后两句的意思:减少看电视或上网时间不一定就会增加体育锻炼的时间很少看电视或上网的孩子也很少锻炼可知Janssen希望孩子们多参加体育锻炼。【答案】C14Whats the researchers attitude towards “screen time of adolescents”?AWorried.BPassive.CPositive.DFrightened.【解析】推理判断题。根据全文内容及最后一段首句可推断出答案。【答案】A15We can most probably read the passage in .Aa childrens storyBa health reportCa science reportDentertainment news【解析】推理判断题。根据文章大意“青少年过多的接触屏幕,如看电视、上网等可能导致肥胖,糖尿病和其他健康问题”可知B项“健康报道”符合。【答案】B.阅读填句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2016辽宁师大附中高一上学期月考)Taking good notes is a timesaving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways. 16 Second,your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test.Third,notetaking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 17 Whenever or however you take notes,keep in mind that notetaking is a selective process. 18 The following methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.Write your notes in your own words. 19 Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.As you take notes,you may want to use your own shorthand(速记)When you do,be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. 20 AUse words,not complete sentences.BThere are three practical notetaking methods.CYou must write your notes on separate paper.DOtherwise,you may not be able to read your notes later.EYou will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.FThat means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.GFirst,the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.【答案】1620GEFAD.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Have you ever had to decide whether to go shopping or stay home and watch TV on a weekend?Now you 21 do both at the same time.Home shopping television networks(网络)have become a 22 for many people to shop without 23 having to leave their homes.Some shoppers are 24 of department stores and supermarkets 25 the crowds,waiting in long lines,and sometimes 26 of finding anything they want to buy.Theyd rather sit quietly at home in front of the TV set and 27 a friendly announcer describe a product 28 a model shows it.And they can 29 around the clock,buying something 30 by making a phone call.Department stores and even mailunder companies are 31 to join in the success of home shopping.Large department stores are busy 32 their own TV channels(频道)to encourage TV shopping in the future. 33 can ask questions about products and place 34 ,all through their TV sets.Will shopping by television 35 take the place of shopping in stores?Some industry managers think so. 36 many people find shopping at a 37 store a great enjoyment.And for many shoppers,it is still important to 38 or try on dresses they want to buy.Thats 39 specialists say that in the future,home shopping will 40 together with store shopping but will never entirely replace(取代) it.【语篇解读】现在,你可以在家里看着电视就能购物。电视购物已成为很多人购物的一种方式。将来,在家中购物与在商店购物同时并存。21A.mustBshouldCshallDcan【解析】can表示能力,此处指可以边在家看电视边购物。【答案】D22A.programmeBwayCreasonDpurpose【解析】电视购物是购物的一种“方式”,用way符合题意。【答案】B23A.everBneverCstillDonce【解析】ever用于表示强调。【答案】A24A.proudBfondCtiredDcareful【解析】根据下文提供的情景“the crowds,waiting in long lines”可判断出有些购物者对百货公司和超市感到厌倦。【答案】C25A.fightingBstrikingCtreatingDstopping【解析】顾客需要排长队等候,和拥挤的人群奋战。【答案】A26A.senseBdoubtChopeDfeeling【解析】购物者有时抱着找到他们想要的东西的“希望”。【答案】C27A.seeBwatchCletDnotice【解析】在电视里“观看”播音员对产品的描述。【答案】B28A.untilBsinceCifDwhile【解析】购物者一边看模特表演,一边听播音员对产品的介绍。【答案】D29A.shopBwaitCturnDdeliver【解析】根据上下文可知,人们一边看电视,一边购物。【答案】A30A.suitablyBcheaplyCsimplyDhardly【解析】通过打电话就可以购买到东西。【答案】C31A.nervousBluckyCequalDeager【解析】eager to do sth.表示“渴望做某事”,电视购物拥有极大的市场,因此百货商场和邮政公司都想介入其中。【答案】D32A.putting upBmaking upCsetting upDlooking up【解析】大的百货公司“开设”自己的电视频道来鼓励电视购物。【答案】C33A.GuestsBAssistantsCManagersDCustomers【解析】本文讲的是电视购物,因此是顾客可以询问有关产品的问题。【答案】D34A.ordersBgoodsCbooksDanswers【解析】place orders意为“订货”,此处表示通过电视订购货物。【答案】A35A.lastlyBfinallyCespeciallyDfortunately【解析】finally意为“最终”,表示按一系列事物或论点的顺序居最后。此处表示电视购物是否最终将会代替在商店购物。【答案】B36A.ThenBYetCHoweverDTherefore【解析】yet是连接副词,表示两个分句之间是转折关系;however也表示“然而”,但其后需要加“,”。此处表示一些工业经理认为电视购物最终会代替商店购物,而许多人不那么认为。【答案】B37A.generalBpopularCrealDtrue【解析】real意为“真实的,真正的”,此处与shopping by television进行对比。【答案】C38A.designBmakeCwearDtouch【解析】人们在购买衣服时,往往会用手触摸衣服的面料或者试穿。【答案】D39A.howBwhyCwhatDwhen【解析】有些人从商店购物中能体验到极大的快乐,这可以用于解释为什么将来人们在家中购物与在商店购物同时并存。【答案】B40A.existBpractiseCfollowDappear【解析】参见上题解析。【答案】A.语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2016湖北襄阳市四校高一上学期期中考试)O.Henry was a pen name used 41. an American writer of short stories.His real name was William Sydney Porter.He was born in North Carolina in 1862.As a young boy he lived 42. exciting life.He did not go to school for very long,but he managed 43. (teach) himself everything that he needed to know.When he was about 20 years old,Henry went to Texas,44. he tried different jobs.He first worked on a newspaper,and then had a job in a bank.When some money was 45. (miss) from the bank,O.Henry was believed to have stolen it.Because of that,he was 46. (sentence) to prison.During the three years in prison,he learned to write short stories.After 47. (go) out of prison,he went to New York 48. continued writing.He 49. (write) mostly about New York and the life of the poor there.People liked his stories,because simple as the tales were,they would finish with a 50. (suddenly) change at the end to the readers surprise.【答案】41.by42.an43.to teach44.where45.missing46.sentenced47.going48.and49.wrote50.sudden【导学号:08220052】.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(2016辽宁师大附中高一上学期12月月考)Dear Sally,Now Id like to tell you something about my parttime job this summer vacation,of which I worked like a guide in a travel agency.The work was interesting but tired.I think it was helpful to work this holiday.It was the first time that I have earned money on my own.Ive come to understand how hard my parents work to support for the family.I used to keep on ask them for money,but now Ill never waste money and learn to share worry with my parent.Ive learnt how to get along well with others.Whats worse,Ive gained some working and social experience and I have learnt something cant be learnt from textbooks.All these will be good for my future.In a word,I had the wonderful and valuable summer vacation.Yours,Li Bing【答案】Dear Sally,Now Id like to tell you something about my parttime job this summer vacation, which I worked a guide in a travel agency.The work was interesting but .I think it was helpful to work this holiday.It was the first time that I earned money on my own.Ive come to understand how hard my parents work to support the family.I used to keep on them for money,but now Ill never waste money and learn to share worry with my .Ive learnt how to get along well with others.Whats ,Ive gained some working and social experience and I have learnt something cant be learnt from textbooks.All these good for my future.In a word,I had wonderful and valuable summer vacation.Yours,Li Bing.书面表达(满分25分)根据下面所给的信息,写一篇关于圣弗朗西斯科(San Francisco)的网页。地理位置:太平洋西邻与圣弗朗西斯科半岛(Peninsula)北端,属地中海气候,人口大约810万。300多年前由欧洲人移入,建立于1776年。著名的旅游胜地,景点有金门大桥、唐人街等,有200多个公园和世界著名的艺术中心。要求:1.词数100左右;2尽量用本单元所学词汇;3可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:地中海气候Mediterranean Climate;金门大桥the Golden Gate bridge 【参考范文】San FranciscoSan Francisco is located at the norther

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