高中英语 Unit 3 Computers Period Ⅲ Language Points练习 新人教版必修2

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高中英语 Unit 3 Computers Period Ⅲ Language Points练习 新人教版必修2_第1页
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高中英语 Unit 3 Computers Period Ⅲ Language Points练习 新人教版必修2_第3页
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Period Language Points.语境填词1A_,I will never give up.2The flowers look true,but they are a_ in fact.3High science and t_ leads to fast development of economy.4Many new a_ have been found for computers since the 1970s.5Our team won the game by two g_ to one.6This dictionary tries to _(简化)the meanings of words.7The employees must pass an _(智力)test before being hired by the boss.8Youd better hand your paper to him _(亲自)9A _(完全地) blind man can see nothing.10One day,Ill _(探测) the surface of the moon.完成句子1时间一年年过去,老人越来越孤独。As the years _,the old man became _ lonely.2司机的粗心驾驶导致了这次车祸。The drivers carelessness _ the accident.3在老师的帮助下,他的英语学习取得了很大的进步。_ his teacher,he made great progress in his English study.4从现在起你可以独立工作了。_ you can work on your own.5我能够通过万维网跟其他人分享我的知识。I was able to _ through the World Wide Web.6你知道如今电脑被使用在哪些方面吗?Do you know _ computers are used today?.句型转换1The first calculating machine was the size of a house.The first calculating machine was _ _ _ a house.2With time going by,he made more and more progress._ time _ by,he made more and more progress.3We have improved our living conditions over the last twenty years.Our living conditions _ _ _ over the last twenty years.4The child is not only clever but also very hardworking.The child is clever _ _ _ very hardworking.5If you compare this one with that one,youll find which one is better._ _ _ _ that one,and youll find which one is better.6I like a lot of what she likes.We have a lot _ _.单项填空1Tom studied harder this term._he is a boy who can follow his teachers advice.AAfter all BAs a resultCBy the way DIn the way2Three months _ before we knew the truth.Apassed by BwentCwent by Dpast3Take the map.It will be _ when you are in London.Aof very importanceBof great helpCof much priceDof much value4_,American was experiencing a rapid development in economy.AIn the later 1960s BIn late 1960sCIn the late 1960 DIn the late 1960s5Are you tired,boys?You can _.Atake turn Btake turnsCmake turn Dby turns6They _ the boss came back.Anot worked until Bdont work untilCdidnt work until Dworked until7It has been fifteen years _ they last met.Asince BbeforeCafter Dwhen8Summer comes after it is getting _.Ahot and hot Bhot and hotterChotter after hotter Dhotter and hotter9_ you turn off the light when you leave.AMake sure BAre sureCFor sure DIn sure10Our history teacher is _teacher that every student in our class loves and respects her.Aso good a Bso goodCsuch good a Dsuch good.完形填空Computers have done us a lot since they turned up.In the future they will play a more important part in many _1_,such as education,transport,personal lives,scientific research and _2_ .Nowadays computers are being _3_ in agriculture and industry _4_ can help the farmers to _5_ the conditions of the plants.More and more computers will come into our daily life with the_6_ of science and technology.If you want to change money or pay your electricity bills,you wont have to go to the _7_.A computer and a telephone will help you.It can also help you to do the housework and it can even _8_ human voices and carry out the instructions.It is _9_ _10_ the majority of the labour force will work at home.People will be able to use the videophone _11_ conferences.This can help us to save a lot of energy and _12_.It is said that trains in Japan will have _13_,because theyll be well _14_ by computers,which can also tell the best _15_ between trains.Computer programmes for _16_ whole texts are already well developed.You can _17_ the name of a certain subject and a _18_ list of book titles will _19_ on your screen.You may choose _20_ you want.1A.familiesBfieldsCfactoriesDplaces2A.orsoBsoasCsothatDsoon3A.usedBputCshownDgiven4A.whichBthatCandDso5A.formBgrowCcontrolDmanage6A.increaseBprogressCproductionDdevelopment7A.officeBbankCshopDpost office8A.understandBcarry outChearDrecognize9A.importantBnecessaryCpossibleDcomplete10A.whenBwhyCwhichDthat11A.atBforCwithDin12A.materialBtimeCplaceDmoney13A.driverBsome driversCfewer driversDno drivers14A.operatedBdoneCmadeDrun15A.positionBdirectionCdistanceDway16A.storingBwritingCremainingDrecording17A.giveBputCtypeDwrite18A.firstrateBworldfamousC/Dworldwide19A.showBappearCofferDcome up20A.whateverBwhatCwhicheverDwhichPeriod Language Points.1.Anyhow/Anyway2.artificial3.technology4applications5.goals6.simplify7.intelligence8.personally9.totally10.explore.1.went by;more and more2.resulted in3With the help of4.From now on5share my knowledge with others6.in what ways.1.as;big;as2.As;went3.have;been;improved4as;well;as5.Compare;this;one;with6in;common.1.Aafter all 用于句首,表示“别忘了”、“毕竟”;as a result结果;by the way顺便提一下,引起另外的话题;in the way碍事。根据句意可知选A项。2C表示“时间的逝去”用go by 或者 pass。past是介词,意思是“经过”。3B“of抽象名词”,用作表语,相当于形容词作表语。of great help相当于helpful,符合句意。4Din the late 1960s 或in the late 1960s都意为“在20世纪60年代”。5Btake turns轮流,用作谓语。6Dwork是延续性动词,不需要用否定结构。7A本句表示“从上次见面到现在为止”,四个选项中只有since可以表达此意。8D比较级重叠,表示“越来越”。9A本句为祈使句,make sure确保。10Aso.that如此以致于,so后加形容词或副词。在此题中teacher为单数,所以so good 后加a。若用such,应为such a good。.1.Bfield “领域”。2Dand so on“等等”。3Aare being used“正在被使用”。4Cand连接两个并列谓语。5Chelp sb. (to) do sth.“帮助某人做某事”;control the conditions of the plants“控制植物的生长状况”。6Dwith the development of.“随着的发展”。7B换钱、交电费都要去银行。8Drecognize“认出,辨认”。9CIt is possible that.“可能”。10D见上一题。11Buse sth. for sth.“用某物做某事”。12B根据常识可以找出答案。13Dhave no drivers“没有司机”。14Aoperate“操纵,控制”。15Cthe best distance between trains“火车之间的最佳距离”。16Astore在这里是“存储”之意。17Ctype在这里指往电脑里输入信息。18Da worldwide list of book titles“一份世界范围内的书名单”。19Bappear on your screen“出现在你的电脑屏幕上”。20Cwhichever 在此处指书单上的任何一本书。

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