高中英语 Module 2 My New Teachers Section 4课时作业 外研版必修1

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Module 2 My New Teachers Section 4.单句语法填空1Have you considered _(take) the job as a teacher?Yes.I like it because a teacher is often considered_(be) a gardener.答案:taking;to be2Rather than_(drive) his car,some people prefer_(take) the bus to protect the environment.答案:drive;to take3Our bodies are strengthened by taking exercise._(similar),our minds are developed by learning.答案:Similarly4The streets become more and more crowded since most families own cars in my city.It is true_my hometown.答案:of5You neednt wear your new dress,because we are just going to attend an_(formal) party.答案:informal6Do you feel like_(walk) there or shall we take a bus?Id like to walk,but since there isnt much time left,Id rather we_(take) a taxi.答案:walking;took7The parents suggested_(sleep) in the hotel room but their kids were anxious to camp out during the trip.答案:sleeping8The_(revise) of the notes you have taken before an exam is quite necessary and helpful.答案:revision9We had a_(relax) trip along the Three Gorges last week,and we feel_(relax) now.答案:relaxing;relaxed10We had no_(choose) but to wait another two hours for the next train to Shanghai.答案:choice.单词拼写1She wants to wear something _(正式的) to attend the special party.答案:formal2Whats the _(关系) between the two speakers over there?Teacher and student.答案:relationship3Tom,we will have an exam tomorrow?Please _(温习) your lessons.OK.答案:revise4Both of them are_(同样地) successful in their chosen careers.答案:similarly5He appeared_(轻松的) and confident before the match.答案:relaxed.选词填空at present;think about;would like to;write down;would rather;take a look;wait for;for example;pay for;each other 1The manager asked his secretary to_what he had said at the meeting.答案:write down2Great men never_opportunities.On the contrary,they create them.答案:wait for3_,more and more people are becoming concerned about the problem of food supply.答案:At present4We _go on with the experiment than give it up.Once begun,it must be finished.答案:would rather5We human beings are faced with many great problems,_,the protection and use of natural resources.答案:for example6There is a special collection of the famous painters works in the museum.Lets go and_.答案:take a look7We should keep it in mind that being friends means learning from_.答案:each other8I_going to Tibet for vacation,but decided on Beijing later.答案:had thought about9To_their houses,cars and other costs of living,the couple work hard day by day.答案:pay for10I was asked whether I_have lunch with him.答案:would like to.阅读理解Dear Mrs Beattie,I was so terrified the first time I met you.It was not just that you were really fat and shouted so loudly.Everything about you was scary.All the teachers were afraid of you,too.But you were outstanding and very kind.You would shout at us if wed done something wrong in someone elses lesson,and then you would go to apologize (道歉) to that teacher for what we had done.You made us believe we were able to do anything if we put our heart into it.I hated art,and was ashamed of being unable to draw anything well.So,of course,I wandered about in art lessons.You took me aside and said I could do it.You told me to concentrate on the lines,and if it was of no use,I should start again.Do you remember how you made me draw and paint that photograph of the tennis player Nastase,and it was a bit too bad at first but in the end I was so unbelievably proud of it?You could even see the veins (血管) in his legs.“Mind over matter,”you said,or something like thatand you were right.We thought you were an ogre (魔鬼),but you turned out to be the fairest person on the earth.There was a time when I did really well in everything but geography,and you said,“Simon has done quite well this year,but I was only let down by his geography where he didnt work hard enough.” I said I had worked hard but was too weak at it,and asked if you would change my report,and you rewrote it,saying,“Simon has done quite well except for geography,which hes not very good at.” Thanks,Mrs Beattie.Hope youre still teaching there.Lots of love,Simon Smith语篇解读光阴冉冉,韶华已逝。回顾往事,作者想起了旧日的老师,写下了一封情深意长的信,表达了对老师的怀念和敬意。1The first impression of Mrs Beattie was that_.Ashe was very strict with her studentsBshe was fat and shouted loudlyCshe was not good at educatingDshe didnt know how to paint解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知答案为B。答案:B2The author didnt focus on his art lessons mainly because_.Ahe didnt draw wellBthe art teacher didnt teach wellCthe art teacher was unkindDhe was always laughed at by the teacher解析:细节理解题。根据第一段I hated art,and was ashamed of being unable to draw anything well.可知作者在课堂上不认真听讲的原因是害怕画得不好。答案:A3Which of the authors subjects was Mrs Beattie not satisfied with?AArt. BMaths.CGeography. DScience.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“I was only let down by his geography”可知老师对于作者的地理成绩不是很满意。答案:C4What is the relationship between Beattie and Simon?AClassmates. BMother and son.CFriends. DTeacher and student.解析:推理判断题。通读全文,我们可以看出,Mrs Beattie是作者过去的老师。由此,我们可以推测Mrs Beattie和作者是师生关系。答案:D.任务型阅读However difficult you find it to arrange your time,it will pay off in the long run if you set aside a certain part of the day for studyingand stick to it._1_ But dont forget to make sure that you have enough left for recreational activities or simply to be “with” yourself:reading a novel or watching a television programme.As part of your weekly schedule,it is also advisable to consider exactly what you have to do in that week,and make sure that you handle the most significant tasks first._2_On a physical level,make sure you have an area or space for studying._3_If you always study in the same place,preferably a room of your own,you will find it easier to adjust mentally to the activity when you enter that area.You should have everything that you might need at hand.Make sure that all the physical equipment that you use,such as a desk,chair etc.is at good height for you.If you use a personal computer,there are plenty of guidelines available from the movement on angles,lighting and the like._4_If you are working on topic your teacher has set,but finding it hard to concentrate,it may be that you actually need to take your mind right off it for a period of time._5_After a period away from the test,having not thought about it at all,you may return to it refreshed and full of ideas.AIts wise to leave the easier or less urgent areas of your work until later.BIts all too easy to read something and then forget where it came from.CConsult these and avoid the typical student aches and pains.D“Airing the mind” can work wonders sometimes.EMake use of equipment that is available to you.FIt is best to make a weekly schedule.GDont do it just anywhere.答案:1.F2.A3.G4.C5.D.短文改错Yang Li,a fiveyearold girl living next door to me,very clever.Because she is not old enough to go to the school,she often asks me to teach herself to read,write and draw.She studies hardly and soon she learns a lot.One evening last month I was doing my English homeworks when she came to my house.She asked me how I learned English.“You would find English a bridge for so much knowledge,” I said.She then wanted to learn English,either.She has learned many English words so far but her parents are very grateful to me.答案:第一句:very前加is第二句:去掉the;herselfher第三句:hardlyhard第四句:homeworkshomework第五句:howwhy第六句:wouldwill;forto第七句:eithertoo第八句:butand

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