高中英语 Unit 3 Computers导学案2新人教版必修2

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Unit 3 ComputersPeriod 1重要单词:1. anyhow (anyway)翻译句子,体会anyhow的用法:. Im afraid we cant go, but thanks for the invitation anyhow.Anyway, Id better go now- Ill see you tomorrow. She works in a bank. She did when I last saw her, anyhow. Its too expensive and anyhow the color doesnt suit you. She piled the papers in a heap on her desk, just anyhow.2. arise选用arise、rise、raise的适当形式填空:. A great idea _ in her mind. The river has _ by several meters. He is accustomed to _ early. Its too easy for him to _ such a heavy box. We keep them informed off any changes as they _. A storm _ during the night. They were both _ in the south. Smoke _ from the chimney. We are _ money for charity. I like seeing the sun _. A new crisis has _. Im going to ask for a _. They are talking about the problems _ out of a lack of communication.重要短语:1. after all翻译句子,体会at all的用法:. Its so difficult, but you finish it on time at all. He doesnt believe you at all. What are you doing at all?. Do you like him at all?. If you do it at all, do it well.2. 用本单元的短语造句:. 他工作努力,因此受到大家表扬。(as a result). 由于飞行员罢工,所有的航班都被迫取消。(as a result of). 因此,我完全改变了体型。(as a result). 由于战争的原因,石油价格急剧上升。(as a result of). 那场事故导致两名乘客死亡。(result in). 他的失败是由于他的懒惰造成的。(result from). 就某种意义上说,我同意你在会上的发言。(in a way). 一场大雨要来了。(on the way). 你挡路了。(in the way). 我决不会屈服于他。(in no way). The next flight doesnt go direct to Rome; it goes by way of Paris. (by way of). 约翰和我无共同之处。.(havein common). 我的意见和他们的有许多共同之处。.(havein common). 同其他许多男孩一样,他沉迷于电脑游戏。(in common with). 你怎样对付喝醉酒的丈夫?(deal with). 我游泳时你能帮我照看一下衣服吗?(watch over). 要求乘客们提防扒手。(watch out for)重要句型:1. 他给我们讲了一个好笑的故事,以至于我们都笑了。2. 剩下的时间不多了,我以后再告诉你这件事。3. 今天天气不错,我想去野炊。4. 他们对野生动物很好奇,以至于想去北非做进一步的研究。(用倒装句式)短文改错:Im glad to know that you had an interest in Chinese food. Here Id like to tell you something about them. Chinese food is famous with its wide variety. The food in one area can be easy told from that in another. For example, Shanghai food, a little bit sweet, differ from Sichuan food that is rather hot. However, every kind of the Chinese food is worth trying, because each has a delicious taste and good for health. Since the restaurant in China usually serves special dish of different areas, you can enjoy various Chinese foods whenever you are. Im looking forward to meet you here so that I can tell you more about Chinese food at table.

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