高中英语 Unit 2 Poems SectionⅠWarming Up & Reading课后演练提能 新人教版选修61

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Unit 2 Poems SectionWarming Up & Reading 夯实基础知识. 单词拼写1. No words can_(传达) my thanks to you at the moment.答案:convey2. We need a foreign policy that is more_ (灵活的)答案:flexible3. There was an_ (无止境的) argument at the meeting.答案:endless4. He worked so hard that_ (终于) he made himself ill.答案:eventually5. A caterpillar (毛毛虫) is_(转换) into a butterfly.答案:transformed6. Real good friends should share happiness and_ (悲伤)as well.答案:sorrow.介副词填空1. Mary loves most classical music,_ particular Bach and Vivaldi.答案:in2. By 2100, we may have run_ all our supplies of natural gas.答案:out of3. I want to convey_ children that reading is important.答案:to4. She was looking at me_a very strange way.答案:in5. It is known to us all that the United States is made _fifty states.答案:up of6. That famous novel is said to have been translated_many languages.答案:into7. Look, the theatre is _ fire. Lets go and help.答案:on8. _ his hair cut, he looked much younger.答案:With. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. They loaded the trucks_boxes of food and sent the goods to the disaster area.答案:with句意:他们把装满食物的箱子装上了卡车然后送往了受灾地。load.with把装到上。2. The good service at the hotel made_for the poor food to some degree.答案:up考查动词短语。句意:宾馆的优质服务在一定程度上弥补了食物的不足。make up for“弥补”。3. The temple on the hill is difficult_(get) to.答案:to get动词不定式修饰作表语的形容词,用主动表示被动,动词不定式与主语有逻辑上的动宾关系。句意:小山上的寺庙很难到达。4. With the couple_(work) in a nearby town, the house seems pretty empty most of the time.答案:working考查with的复合结构。句意:这对夫妻在附近镇上上班,(他们的)房子大部分时间都是空荡荡的。work和其逻辑主语the couple是主谓关系,表示现在的状况,所以用现在分词表主动。5. Nothing shall hold_me from accomplishing my purpose.答案:up句意:没什么可以阻挡我实现我的计划。hold up阻挡,符合句意。6. 2013杭州高二检测Parachute kids(小留学生) are children sent to a new country to live alone or with a caregiver, _their parents remain in their home country.答案:while考查连词词义。句意:小留学生是指被送往国外单独生活或有人陪伴的孩子,他们的父母却留在自己的国家。根据语境上下文题线处是表“然而”,故用while, 表对比转折。7. The company has launched several types of cars this year, and one_particular appeals to the young.答案:in考查介词短语辨析。句意:这家公司今年有多款车下线,有一款尤其吸引年轻人。in particular尤其,特别。8. 2013南昌高二检测Can you speed it up a little? Ill be late for my flight.Take_easy. Im taking a short cut. Well make it on time.答案:it考查交际用语。句意:你能速度快点吗?我要赶不上航班了。放心吧,我走捷径,我们会准时到达。take it easy “放心好了,别着急,”符合语境。提升实战能力. 完形填空It was my first day at school in the United States, so I felt nervous and scared . I went to all my classes with no friends_1_it felt like no one cared about me. I listened_2_ to all the lessons and waited for the lunch break at_3_. Then finally the bell rang. It was time to talk and_4_ fun.In the lunch line I_5_ a new friend who wore a hijab on her head, and though I am Jewish (犹太人的), we got along_6_ with each other, and I was so relieved when she said, “_7_with us at our table.” She pointed to the one next to the door.So I_8_. I took my food and was about to walk with her_9_ the floor, when suddenly I felt a_10_ at my arm. “Hey I saw you on the bus,” said a tall girl in a long skirt. “I see your Jewish star necklace . You_11_ sit with us.”At that moment I looked_12_, and thats when I noticed, to my_13_, the nations of the world_14_ themselves. Thats what I saw through my own eyes. The_15_only sat with the Spanish, the Hindus_16_with the Hindus, the Russians always with the Russians, and never the Arabs with the Jews.I saw the reason why_17_ gets started. Everyone sticks to their own kind. The lunchroom was a_18_ of the world. Why was everyone so _19_?And so I turned down this girl, and went with the first. I built a bridge between two worlds when I sat with those_20_ me. Hope you will do the same.在学校的餐厅里,作者发现都是来自同一个国家的人坐在一起。她认为这就是人们彼此隔阂,甚至导致战争的原因,所以她选择和外国人坐在一起,架起一座沟通的桥梁。1. A. but B. so C. or D. and答案:D没有朋友陪伴,“我”独自去上所有的课,感觉好像没有人关心“我”。前后为顺承关系,因此用and。2. A. attentively B. quietlyC. anxiously D. differently答案:C因作者盼望着午餐休息时间,所以她焦急地(anxiously)听课。3. A. one B. three C. five D. seven答案:A此处指午餐休息时间,比较四个选项,A项合适。4. A. make B. take C. bring D. have答案:D have fun意为“过得愉快”,为固定搭配。5. A. spied B. met C. caught D. passed答案:B排队买午餐的时候,“我”遇到(met)了一个新朋友。6. A. far B. much C. hard D. well答案:D get along well表示“相处得好”。7. A. Come B. Sit C. Join D. Talk答案:B根据7空后的“She pointed to the one next to the door.”可知,作者的新朋友邀请作者坐(Sit)在一起吃饭。注意:join sb.表示“和某人一起”,不与with搭配。8. A. agreed B. offered C. meant D. suggested答案:A根据8空后的“I took my food and was about to walk with her”可知,作者同意(agreed)了。9. A. through B. along C. onto D. across答案:D此处指走过地板,表示“横过”,所以用across。注意through表示“穿过”;along表示“沿着”;onto表示“到之上”。10. A. press B. pull C. blow D. scratch答案:B作者感觉到有人拉(pull)了一下她的胳膊。11. A. can B. may C. should D. need答案:C作者戴的犹太星项链使对方认为作者应该(should)和她们坐在一起。12. A. up B. down C. over D. around答案:D此处指那时候作者环顾四周,才发现都是同一个国家的人坐在一起。look around“环顾”,符合语境。13. A. disappointment B. surpriseC. terror D. sorrow答案:B作者对这一发现感到吃惊。to ones surprise“令某人吃惊的是”。14. A. separating B. helpingC. supporting D. organizing答案:A根据下文可知,这里表示“(在吃饭的时候)不同国家的人都自动分开坐了”。separate“(使)分离,分散”,符合语境。15. A. Americans B. ChineseC. Spanish D. Indians答案:C根据下文可知,同一国家的人坐在一起,因此是西班牙人(Spanish)同西班牙人坐在一起。16. A. only B. seldom C. often D. never答案:A根据15空后的“only”及16空后的“always”可知,应选A。17. A. war B. life C. distance D. friendship答案:A作者明白了战争(war)开始的原因。18. A. bridge B. product C. map D. university答案:C因为不同国家的人坐在一起吃饭,这个餐厅就像是一个世界地图(map)。19. A. confident B. blind C. shy D. proud答案:B作者奇怪为什么每个人都没有看到这一点。blind“视而不见的,未察觉的”,符合语境。20. A. different from B. concerned aboutC. thankful for D. familiar with答案:A作者选择了和不同国籍的人坐在一起,建立起了两个世界之间的桥梁。different from“与不同”,符合语境。. 阅读理解 Youve probably heard your parents talk about the importance of making a good first impression on a job interview. Here are five suggestions you should keep in mind:Dress the part. The way you dress for an interview tells your future employer that you take the job seriously . If youre a guy, wear a nice pair of pants and a shirt (a tie usually isnt necessary for a summer job, although it doesnt hurt to wear one). Sneakers, sandals, shorts, Tshirts, sweatshirts, and jeans dont make good interview clothes. The same goes for girlswear something simple and avoid short skirts.Appear confident. Look at your future employer in the eye, shake his or her hand, and remember another parental mantra: good manners. Of course, appearing confident is easiest when you know what youre talking about, and that brings us to the next point.Be prepared. Find out what you can do about the position or company in advance and show your knowledge during the interview. Researching the company shows the interviewer that youre smart and eager to learn. Doing your research also lets you learn what inspires you about the company so you can share your interest with the interviewer.Answer (and ask) questions. Youll no doubt be asked typical interview questions, such as why youre interested in the position, what types of skills you offer, and the hours youre available to work. Prepare your answers before the interview.Dont be afraid to ask questions. Questions dont make you look stupid. Asking good questions shows the interviewer youre thoughtful and that youre not afraid to deal with other people. Follow up. Send the interviewer a brief email or letter thanking him or her for spending time with you. Say how interested you are in the position. Your future employer will be impressed by your determination.求职面试是我们每个人必须经历的人生环节,本文给出了五条应对面试的切实可行的策略。1. What is this passage mainly about?A. Suggestions on job hunting.B. Tips on having an interview.C. Ways to prepare for a job interview.D. The importance of the first impression.答案:B主旨大意题。本文围绕如何应对面试展开,给出了五条切实可行的策略,因此B项正确。2. When going for an interview, you dress carefully to show that_.A. you are confidentB. you are goodlookingC. you take the job seriouslyD. you have got a good education答案:C细节理解题。根据第一条建议中的“The way you dress for an interview tells your future employer that you take the job seriously.”可知,注重穿着是为了让未来的雇主感受到你重视这份工作。3. We are advised to do the following EXCEPT_.A. wearing a Tshirt for an interviewB. shaking the interviewers hand during an interviewC. looking the interviewer in the eye during an interviewD. sending the interviewer an email after an interview答案:A细节理解题。根据第一条建议可知,面试时不宜穿T恤。B、C两项在第二条建议中提到;D项在第五条建议中提到。4. Asking good questions during an interview shows that_.A. you are eager to learnB. you have much curiosityC. you have much knowledgeD. you are good at communicating答案:D推理判断题。根据第四条建议可推知,在面试中提出一些好问题可以给对方留下你善于与人打交道的印象,因此D项正确。

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